Wild Cards

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Wild Cards Page 12

by Katalina Leon

  “So you touched the crystal heart?”

  “I don’t know why, but I was drawn to it.” His gaze sparkled and warmed her more than a blast of pure sunshine. “I like you a lot. It’s crazy that it took a day like today for us to finally sit down and talk.”

  She froze. The look on his face was love struck. What had she done? “I need to warn you about something. It’s only fair. You and I might feel, say, or do things we normally wouldn’t say or do because…” This was going to be so hard to say. What if it made him angry or mistrustful? “I accepted a boon from Gisele.”

  Confusion crumpled his brow. “What are you talking about?”

  Her nerves took flight. Was this where it all went wrong? “Things might not be what they seem.”

  “How so?”

  She tensed. It grew harder to speak. The words wanted to hide in her throat and go unsaid. “Um… Feelings might be exaggerated.”

  “What feelings?”

  “Jeez, you know, feelings.”

  He shook his head. “I’m confused. Could you just tell me?”

  Here it comes. This is where he pulls away. “I accepted a Fae’s boon.”

  “What’s a boon? I’m sorry, I’m not playing dumb. I really don’t know.”

  She picked up a crispy slice of sweet yam with her fingers and bit into it. “It’s a gift, but it can be an abstract gift like increased talent, or even an experience. Stuff like that.”

  “Like granting a wish? What did you ask for?”

  God, why did she have to bring this up in the first place? “It’s personal. I don’t know how to say this.”

  He looked serious. “I think you do know. What was your boon?”

  She braced for the worst. “While my empathy skills were AWOL I wanted, to know what others feel minus the clutter.”

  “You wanted to experience a lack of mental clutter? I wouldn’t have spent my one lucky wish on that.”

  “No, I wanted to experience falling in love. You know, just try it on for size and find out what everyone else is so amped up about. It seemed harmless enough when I asked. I wasn’t even expecting it to work, and I certainly wasn’t expecting it to affect anyone else.”

  Kai stilled. “Wait. You’ve never been in love?”

  She shook her head. “Not even close. Well, maybe close. I’ve cared a great deal for others and wished….”

  “Wished for what?”

  “That I could have the full experience, surprises and all, gloves off. I don’t even care if it hurts when it ends.”

  He whistled. “It hurts all right. You can bet on that.”

  Picking up the iced tea, she sipped. “You’ve been in love? You’re so lucky.”

  He held up his hand like a stop sign. “Six months ago, I thought I was in love. Holy shit, when it ended, I didn’t feel so lucky. I felt wretched.”

  “You really loved her?”

  He set down his pork rib and gazed at the table. “I’m not sure. In hindsight, I didn’t even know the real woman behind my fantasy. Once she showed her true nature, I realized I’d been ignoring all the clues, but that was my fault. Hell, I should have known better.” Kai lapsed into silence.

  Dying to know more but scared to hear it, she blurted, “If this is difficult, you don’t have to talk about it.”

  “I probably shouldn’t.” A nervous laugh escaped him. “It won’t cast me in a very flattering light. Everybody has the right to fuck up on a massive scale at least once. Hopefully, I’m finished with mine.” He stabbed at his food with a fork, brooding.

  “You can’t say something like that and then get quiet. Now you have to tell me. Start with the facts. What was her name?”

  He hesitated then answered. “Odine, from French Polynesia.”

  “I’m not even going to ask if she was beautiful; I’m sure she was. Human?”

  “Sea siren, but not how most people think of mermaids. Odine could walk the beach on two shapely legs whenever she wanted and had a commanding voice. Looking back, her black eyes were as harsh as a shark’s. They had none of the warmth yours do.”

  “I’ve never met a sea siren. What are they like?”

  “They’re everything legend says about them. Sirens have an uncanny way of saying exactly what a man wants to hear, but it’s not real. It’s all a façade. At least it was with Odine. She just wanted to draw me out, find out what I really wanted, promise it to me then take it away.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Odine couldn’t help it. She was a cold fish, and that’s what temptresses do. Sometimes I think she was sent to test me. I thought we were a couple. I was looking ahead to all we might have together. I practically named our children, and then, like a fool, I started building us a house with a huge veranda facing the ocean. I got pretty far into the project too.”

  “What happened?”

  “You know the old saying, ‘a sailor has a wife in every port’? Well, Odine had a man in every harbor. Greedy girl would start with the yacht clubs and pick the richest man with the biggest boat and make him fall in love with her. She was a serial seductress. I’m not wealthy, and the only reason she was interested in me was my possible connection to my father. I think she was trying to get closer to him all along. When she found out I was unwilling to build any sort of relationship with him, she got pissed off and disappeared.”

  “Is that how it ended?”

  “No.” He glanced away. “I went looking for her, convinced she was worth fighting for. I found Odine in Honolulu living on a hotel-sized yacht with some ugly Russian billionaire. When I confronted her at the dock, she pretended she didn’t know me and sent her new boyfriend’s bulging bodyguards to escort me out of the yacht club. They roughed me up pretty good, so I threw some punches and turned one guy’s face into sashimi.”

  He was playing it light, but she saw so much conflict on his face, her heart ached. “Oh, my God, that sounds awful.”

  Kai took out his phone and typed in a YouTube title. He handed her the phone. “What I did next was worse. Hit Play.”

  She scanned the screen and hit the Play button. The video was titled “Rogue Wave Sinks Monster Yacht.” The first moments of footage were uneventful and showed only a sunny ocean inlet with palm trees and luxury hotels in the background. A sleek three-story yacht was secured in its slip. She guessed the footage was shot from a security camera set high. The water lapped gently against the dock.

  He pointed at the screen. “See that man standing way out on the jetty? That’s me.”

  She squinted at the screen. “Nothing’s happening.”


  Suddenly, the ocean trembled like a bowl of Jell-O. Near the jetty, a wave rose with a crest that looked like a giant fist. The oddly shaped wave with a knobby set of knuckles on its face towered at the same height as the yacht and sped forward with tremendous force. The wave smashed into the hull like a freight train and split the ship in half. The yacht broke apart and tipped onto its side. Several men could be seen leaping from its deck before it sank.

  Kai took the phone from her hands. “That’s all there is. What the camera didn’t capture was Odine jumping over the other side and transforming into the cold fish she really was before swimming away. Her Russian boyfriend wasn’t too pleased to see that. I’m told a colossal freak-out that required a doctor’s attention and heavy-duty sedatives came next. Yuri had no idea he’d been lured in by a sea siren. He didn’t know such creatures even existed. So you see, I had the dual pleasure of exposing Odine to her lover-slash-latest victim and wrecking a big-ass boat at the same time. All in all, a mighty fine day, except the Oceanic Council doesn’t appreciate high-profile shenanigans in public places. I was immediately called in and censured. I didn’t even fight my sentence. I knew I deserved it. And here I am.” He looked worried.

  Despite his bravado, it was obvious he was ashamed of his actions. More than anything, she was sorry for him. “I’m not judging you.”

  “You should. I�
��m possessive, jealous, and an idiot. Even more than that, I had no idea I could do anything like that! I mean, I was just standing on the jetty feeling pissed off, licking my wounds, and bam! A monster wave appears and does exactly what I was wishing I could do with my fists.”

  She paused to taste the fragrant jasmine rice with fiery bits of red pepper and sweet pineapple. “You had no idea you had those powers?”

  Kai bit into the barbeque pork rib like he was angry at it. “No! It came as a total shock.”

  “Did you tell the council you didn’t intend to do that much damage?”

  He set the rib down and cleaned his hands with a wet towelette. “I did, and they believed me. But I got sent to Vegas anyway. Mostly for my own protection, since the Russian dude was looking for me. For everyone’s safety, my uncles wanted to keep me and Odine apart so I wouldn’t wreck anymore oceanfront property. I got sent to a totally alien environment to chill and figure out who and what I really am.”

  She pushed her plate away. “What have you learned these past months?”

  “About me? A lot of things. The most important was I realized I wasn’t in love with Odine. That was a biggie. I was in love with what I wanted to share with her. Once I faced that, everything was okay.”

  Before she could censor herself, she said, “You can have a house on the ocean and children with somebody else.”

  “Exactly.” His gaze burned right through her. The moment lingered.

  Her breath caught. “You look a little dreamy-eyed. Don’t forget Gisele’s boon might be affecting us.”

  “I don’t give a damn about the boon. When was it activated?”

  “Late this afternoon.”

  “I’ve had my eye on you for far longer than that. I didn’t dare approach you. I had nothing to offer. On top of all that, I thought you were human—”

  “What are you saying?”

  He looked at her like she was some great secret that had just revealed itself. “I should probably stop talking. I’m sure I sound like a fool.”

  A beautiful piece of music played over speakers. A man with a pure falsetto voice sang a Hawaiian love song, accompanied by a steel guitar.

  Kai slid across the booth and stood with an outstretched hand. “Dance with me.”

  She shook her head. “Here?” Her face warmed. “Now?”

  “No one cares. This is Vegas. You’re supposed to go a little crazy.”

  A glance confirmed there were few people around. The only ones looking their way were an elderly couple.

  “Please,” he coaxed.

  She slid across the seat. “Okay, but be warned. I’m not much of a dancer.”

  He wrapped his arm around her waist. His broad hand clasped hers. “I’ll lead.”

  Adara allowed herself to be drawn against his chest. They swayed slowly, getting used to the sensations of being close. Tall, strong, and carrying a faint whiff of exotic cologne, Kai was irresistible. The raw silk on his lapels provided a sensuous texture to brush her cheek against. She willed herself to relax and enjoy the beautiful music, but all she could concentrate on was the blissful sensation of his strong arms holding her close.

  The brush of Kai’s lips tickled her ear. “Your hands are hot,” he whispered.

  She cringed. “It’s just nerves. The firebrand in me gets a little out of control.”

  “You are literally the hottest girl I’ve ever danced with.” He laughed, then brought her hand to his lips and kissed each finger. “Maybe we should take a swim and cool down?”

  “Ah.” The old woman seated in the booth sighed. “Look at them. What a handsome young couple.”

  The old man rose from the booth and offered his hand. “Elizabeth, you’re still my beauty. I’ll prove it. Let’s dance.” A moment later, they too were slowly turning in circles and smiling.

  A breeze blew the front door of the restaurant open, causing a string of bells to jiggle.

  Adara rocked back and forth against Kai, reveling in the solid reassurance of being held against his chest. Tipping her face upward, she gazed at him. “I’m having fun.”

  Mischief lit his face. “I know how to have even more fun.”

  “I’ll bet you do.” She looked at him thinking, he had the thickest, most beautiful black lashes she’d ever seen on a man.

  “I meant we should go swimming. It would give me a chance to show off in front of you. But I’m open to anything you’d like to do.”

  His thigh brushed between her legs and she felt his firm bulge pressing against her. “We’re on the clock. Roy could call at any time.”

  “Don’t remind me. I’m enjoying myself too much.” He stroked the side of her arm. “Adara, you are so soft.”

  “Are you trying to charm me?” She touched a fingertip to the rough stubble on his jaw. “Don’t, I’m already too distracted.”

  “If someone had told me when I woke up that the day was going to end with me slow dancing with you, I would have said they were crazy.”

  “Everything about today has been crazy.” She laughed. “And the day’s not over.”

  Something sharp struck the side of her neck. A sting like a wasp’s scorched her skin. She clamped her hand around her throat. “Ouch!”

  Kai yanked his hand away. “What’s wrong?”

  The sting burned. The harder she rubbed the skin, the more it hurt. “Something stung me.”

  He brushed her hair aside and examined her throat. All the tension on his face turned to shock. “Oh, no.” With a grim expression, he picked something off her collarbone and held it in front of her. A tiny white pellet, no larger than the head of a pin, balanced on his fingertip. “It looks like a bone bead.”

  Her heart pounded.

  The severity of his frown spoiled the moment. “I think you’ve been attacked by the skinwalker.”

  Chapter Seven

  Kai stared at the bit of bone with disgust. The woman he was falling in love with had been attacked in his arms. He wasn’t doing his job. The bone bead was proof the skinwalker held the high cards.

  Glaring at the offensive thing, he grew angrier by the second. Should he dash it to the floor and grind it to powder beneath his boot heel, or save it for evidence? On sheer impulse, as if a scorpion had leaped at his face, he tossed it on the floor and stomped on it, hissing with rage.

  “Wait!” Adara grabbed his arm. “We should have shown that to Roy.”

  “Why? We know what it is.” He scanned the restaurant, counting heads. The elderly couple and the startled waitress were the only people in view. “Who’s working in the kitchen?” he shouted. “Bring them out. Show their faces.” He confronted the old man. “Did you see anyone leave? Tell me. A serious crime has been committed against this woman. Don’t just stand there with your mouth hanging open. Say something!”

  The waitress cowered. “The door opened, but I didn’t see anyone.”

  The old couple seemed scared and moved away. The man’s voice cracked. “I don’t know what’s wrong, young man, but you might want to calm down before you accuse others.”

  Adara clasped his hand. “It’s okay. They don’t need to know what’s going on. We just need to do our job. The bead didn’t break the skin. Let’s pay the bill and go.”

  He reached for his wallet and blindly tossed a handful of twenties onto the table, far more than was required. “I’m sorry.” His nodded toward the couple. “Your dinner is on me.”

  She reached for the shopping bag with the grimoire inside. “Thank you,” she mumbled to no one in particular. “The meal was delicious.” With quick strides, she made a beeline for the exit.

  Feeling sheepish for his outburst, he hung his head and caught up to her. “Adara, wait.” He grabbed her arm and walked her into the courtyard. “What do we do? Is there anything in that book about counteracting a skinwalker’s attack?”

  “I don’t remember. I suppose it’s worth a second look.”

  He stood close to her with his back to a crowd waiting outside a club.
With his greater size, he was a human shield protecting her from anyone intent on malice. An attacker bold enough to try would have to go through him. He reached for his phone. “I’m calling Roy.” He punched the speed dial.

  Roy picked up immediately. “Where are you?”

  “Across the street. We’re standing in front of a club on Restaurant Row.”

  “Damn you, Kai. You’re supposed to be getting some shut-eye. It’s going to be an all-nighter.”

  “We were getting dinner away from the hotel. I didn’t think we should risk enchantment poisoning.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Good idea.”

  He scanned randomly looking for anything suspicious. “There’s been a disturbing development. Adara was attacked by a skinwalker. Struck by a bone bead. Has forensics gotten back to you with any information?”

  “Hold on.” Roy’s tone became dour. “Is Adara okay?”

  She leaned close. “I’m fine, Roy! The bead didn’t puncture the skin.”

  Roy grumbled an unintelligible comment. “But we don’t fully know how this stuff works. Be careful. Kai, keep an eye on her.”

  “I will.” Kai turned away. “Everything seems fine, but who really knows? We never even saw who did it.”

  “Sam called back.” The tension in Roy’s voice heightened. “Marvin Appledore is under arrest. Aside from chemical wizardry, he’s involved in identity theft as well. At least we can hold him on that charge. The guys downtown are nervous as hell. No one will even dare to drink the coffee.”

  “Any info on sushi guy?”

  “Yes. Viktor Petrova, aged forty-seven, Ukrainian. Business ties to Moscow Mafia. Specialized in computer fraud. Money laundering. Called himself a ‘Grand Hacker and White Russian Wizard.’ Quite a bragger with a long criminal record.”

  “What’s he doing dead on a buffet cart?”

  “Who knows? He was last seen alive, passing in front of a hotel camera near the continental breakfast bar.”

  “The breakfast bar gets broken down at eleven.”

  “It sure does. Viktor was the latest victim found, but likely the first to die. At a glance, the coroner said he’d been buried beneath the ice for at least seven hours, putting his time of death at 10:00 a.m.”


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