Childhood Sweethearts PT 2

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Childhood Sweethearts PT 2 Page 7

by Jacob Spears

“Be right back, gentlemen,” she said, as she walked away.

  Several minutes later, the server returned with their bottles. As she was leaving, a white dude in a nice suit came in and said, “Mac’s waiting, so please follow me, gentlemen.”

  They followed him up some stairs and to the second door on the left. The white dude knocked twice, opened the door, and then stepped away, allowing Smooth and Ronny to enter the room. Once inside, another white dude behind a desk stood up.

  “Glad you could make it, Ronny.”

  “Hey Mac! This is Smooth. Smooth, this is Mac.”

  “You got the product?”

  “Yep, right here,” Ronny replied, retrieving the bag from Smooth and handing it to Mac.

  “Good, now have a seat. Joe, get the money,” Mac said to the guy at the door.

  They made small talk for the next five minutes until Joe returned with the money. They stood up to leave.

  “Hope you all enjoy your night. I’ll be in touch.”

  They headed back to the V.I.P. section.

  “Let me go put this in the car. I’ll be right back,” Smooth said.

  After putting up the money and coming back inside, Smooth saw a fine-ass redbone chick at the bar all by herself. He walked up to her and asked, “Would you like to dance?”

  “Sure,” she answered.

  As she stood up, Smooth thought she had curves for days. After dancing two songs, he led her to the V.I.P. section where Ronny had some chick grinding on him.

  Sitting down on the leather couch sideways, so he could face Red, he said, “My name’s Smooth.”

  “I’m Jasmine.”

  “Here, want a drink?” he asked her, handing her the bottle of Captain Morgan he left on the table.

  “Sure,” she answered, taking a drink straight from the bottle. She handed it back to him.

  They both talked and drank. Smooth was really feeling the booze.

  * * *

  Stirring from a deep sleep, Smooth tried to open his eyes, but they felt like they weighed 100 pounds. He felt a cool breeze on his skin, as he heard sirens getting closer. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked around. The digital clock read 3:44 a.m.

  “Where the hell am I?” he asked himself.

  “Uhhhhhh,” sounded someone next to him, throwing an arm around him.

  Now it was coming back to him. He met a chick at the club, drank too much, and went home with her. Getting out of bed as quietly as possible, he started to dress.

  “Leaving so soon?” a sleepy voice asked.

  “Yeah. Sorry, but I got to get home.”

  “It’s all good. Let yourself out. I’m going back to bed.”

  After getting back to his place, he lay down and went right to sleep until the phone woke him up. Looking at the display, he saw it was Ronny . . . and it was 1:00 p.m.

  “Yeah!” Smooth answered.

  “Hey Smooth. Just wanted to make sure you made it home.”

  “Yeah, I made it home. I’ll holla at ya later. I got to get up and handle some business.”

  “Alright, hit me up later.”

  Chapter 9

  Standing at the counter making a sandwich and thinking about China, Smooth’s thoughts were interrupted when his phone rang. Looking at the screen, he saw it was Banga.

  “Waz up, nigga?” he answered.

  “Not much, just cooling. What’s good?”

  “Can’t call it.”

  “Look, I’m out of product. I need to re-up.”

  “Well, I’m going to visit China tomorrow. I’ll swing by and drop some off. How much you need?”

  “Give me like two or three of them things. I got your money for the other two.”

  “Expect me about 3:00 p.m. alright?”

  “Yeah, sounds good. Later.”

  After Smooth hung up, he went into the bedroom to get dressed. He put on black True Religion jeans, an Affliction shirt, and Nikes. He decided to check up on Miranda, so he headed to her office to surprise her with some flowers. Arriving at her office, he grabbed the flowers he got on his way over.

  Once inside, he asked the receptionist, “Is she in?”

  “Yeah. I’ll buzz her.”

  “No, let me surprise her.”


  Walking to her door, he slowly opened it and stepped inside.

  Startled, she looked up. Seeing Smooth with flowers made her break into a big smile.

  “Come on in, handsome!”

  He stepped in, closing the door behind him.

  “How you doing?”

  “Good, now that you stopped by.”

  “I thought I’d drop in and surprise you.”

  “Well, I’m glad you did.”

  “So, are you busy or can you take a lunch break?”

  “Where we going?”

  “I figure the Olive Garden. Haven’t eaten there in a while.”

  “Okay, let’s go!”

  In the waiting area, Miranda tells the receptionist that she’s taking an early lunch.

  “Let’s take my car,” Smooth suggests, heading for this Audi A4.

  After opening the passenger side door for Miranda, Smooth ran around to the driver’s side and climbed in.

  “You can pick out a CD to listen to.”

  “Oh, shit. You got a lot of CDs.”

  “Yeah, every time I turn around, I’m buying another new CD.”

  A few minutes later, Usher’s voice comes through the speakers, “You got it! You got it bad, when you’re all alone . . .”

  “I love this song,” Miranda said.

  “Me, too.”

  Arriving at the Olive Garden, Smooth headed around to the passenger side to open Miranda’s door, but she had already opened it and stepped out of the car. So he headed to the front of the restaurant to open that door instead. He was trying to be the perfect gentleman. Once inside, the hostess showed them to their table.

  “What can I get you two to drink?”

  “Coke, no ice,” Smooth said.

  “I’ll take a Diet Coke, please.”

  “Be right back with your drinks,” the server replied.

  They both picked up their menus and started to figure out what to get. The waitress came back with their drinks.

  “Are you ready to order?”

  “Sure. I’ll take a small pepperoni pizza with bread sticks,” Miranda said.

  “Guess I’ll have the same.”

  After the waitress left, they started to chat.

  “Well, I went by the apartments. I want numbers five and six for myself. I already had new locks put on them. Not sure what I’m gonna use them for, but I’ll think of something.”

  “I’ll put the other four up for rent,” Miranda suggested.

  “Oh, before I forget, I’m going out of town for a few days. Can you watch Zorro again?”

  “Sure can. I enjoy his company. Might have to get a dog of my own soon.”

  “Zorro is a good dog. And he’s getting so big!”

  “I know. He is growing fast,” Miranda agreed.

  The waitress returned, interrupting their conversation.

  “Here’s your food,” she said, as she set down the pizza. Miranda started eating as soon as the food hit the table.

  “I missed breakfast this morning.”

  “I can tell,” Smooth joked.

  “Shut up and eat!”

  After they both finished their meals, Smooth got the check. On the way out, Smooth held open the door for Miranda, as well as the passenger door of his car.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  Once back in the car, Miranda announced, “I’m still hungry.”

  “Why didn’t you get more food?”

  “‘Cause that’s not what I want to eat.”

  “Well then, what do you want to eat?”

  “This!” she said, reaching over and grabbing his dick.

  Even though the windows were dark tinted, Miranda still looked around. She then turned in her seat so she could u
ndo Smooth’s pants. Reaching in his pants, she pulled out his still soft dick. She leaned over and took his penis into her mouth, sucking on the head of his dick while rolling her tongue over it. Slowly but surely, his dick got hard. Once it was fully erect, she began sucking his cock while slowly massaging his balls. Miranda was making sexy moans while she was sucking his cock. She was really deep throating him.

  “Baby, that feels so good. I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop soon.”

  “Mmmmm . . .” she moaned, picking up speed.

  Not being able to hold back any longer, Smooth started to cum in her mouth. She kept going, swallowing everything. Once done, she sat up.

  “I’m full now!” she said, laughing.

  “My turn,” he replied.

  “Oh, I gotta get back to work. You can repay the favor tonight.”

  “I’m gonna be out of town, remember?”

  “I’ll still be here when you get back.”

  Starting up the car and putting it into gear, he headed back to drop off Miranda. He then went back to his apartment to pack and get ready.

  * * *

  After showering and dressing, Smooth grabbed two keys and put them in a bag for Banga. He figured since he was going out of town, he’d drop by, see Banga, and drop off some product. Since he was going to Ocala to see China, he figured that might as well head to New York while he was out of town. So he picked up his phone and dialed.


  “Yes, this is Smooth. I need to talk to Jefe.”

  “One minute, please.”


  “Hey, Jefe. It’s Smooth.”

  “Hello, my friend. How are you?”

  “I’m good. Look, I’m gonna need another 30.”

  “Okay, when will you be here?”

  “Sunday, about lunch time.”

  “See you then, my friend.”

  Disconnecting the call, he decided to hit up Ronny.


  “Ronny, what’s good?”

  “Nothing. Just making that money.”

  “Well, look, I’m going out of town to visit China and the re-up. Are you all gonna be straight?”

  “Yeah, we’ll be good.”

  Smooth sat down on the couch for a few minutes. The next thing he knew, he was being awakened up by someone knocking on his front door. Getting up, he went over to answer the door. When he opened it, he saw Miranda standing there.

  “Figured I’d stop by and grab Zorro to save you a trip upstairs.”

  “Thanks,” Smooth said, as he headed to the kitchen where Zorro was lying beside his water bowl. Grabbing the leash, Zorro jumped up with excitement. “Here!” Smooth said, handing the leash to Miranda.

  After connecting the leash, she headed for the door.

  “See you when you get back.”


  After Miranda left, Smooth grabbed his bag and headed downstairs to his car. Once inside, he pulled out his phone and dialed Banga.


  “I’m on my way.”

  “Good. Call me when you get here, and I’ll give you directions.”

  “You got it.”

  * * *

  Upon entering Stuart, Florida, Smooth dialed Banga.


  “I’m in Stuart on 5th Street.”

  “Good. Keep going until you get to a place on the right called, The Pool Room. I’ll be outside waiting for you.”

  “Okay,” Smooth responded, as he hung up.

  A few minutes later, he almost missed it, but he spotted Banga leaning against a wall with two others. Pulling into the parking lot, Smooth noticed that the two people with Banga were a cute girl and a short, skinny guy. They each walked over and got in Smooth’s car. Banga was up front in the passenger side, the girl was in the back behind Banga, and the guy sat behind Smooth.

  “What’s up, nigga?” Banga said.

  “How you doing? Got a court date yet?”

  “I’m good, but no court date. Smooth, these are my cousins, Ham and Meka. Ham . . . Meka . . . this is my dawg, Smooth.”

  “Nice to meet you all,” Smooth replied.

  “Did you bring that work?” Banga asked.

  “Yeah, it’s in the trunk. You got that money?”

  “Yep. Let’s go get it. Pull out of here and go right.”

  A few minutes later, they pulled up to an apartment complex.

  “Come on in,” Banga said.

  Smooth grabbed the bag with the two keys and followed them inside. Once inside, Banga reached behind a couch and pulled out a book bag.

  “Here is your money,” Banga said, handing him the bag. Smooth handed him the bag in return with the two keys.

  “You in a rush or you got time to hang out?”

  “Nah ain’t no rush. Why, what’s up?”

  “Let’s all go to the Cotton Club.”

  * * *

  At the Cotton Club, drinks in hand, Banga and Ham were chatting up two hotties. He and Meka were talking at the bar.

  “So where you from?” Meka asked.

  “Born and raised in Miami.”

  “You like it there?”

  “Yeah. Ain’t ever gonna leave. What about you?”

  “Born and raised right now in Stuart. But unlike you, I want to get away from here. I hate Stuart.”

  “Where would you like to go?”

  “I don’t know. Probably somewhere up north out of Florida. Maybe Atlanta.”

  “I’ve passed through Atlanta, but I’m not sure I’d want to live there.”

  “You’ve passed through? Do you travel a lot?”

  “Nah, not a lot, but I go up to New York every month or two.”

  “Every month or two? That’s a lot,” she laughed.

  She had a real sexy laugh. She was cute, but not his type. She was too dark and her hair was too short. But after a few drinks, she was looking better and better.

  “Well, it’s time for me to leave. Need a ride somewhere?”

  “Nope, but I’d like to ride you,” she laughed.

  “Maybe next time, boo!”

  After saying bye to Banga and Ham, Smooth got in his car and took off. Next stop . . . Ocala.

  Damn, I drank too much, Smooth thought out loud.

  Reaching Ocala, Smooth pulled into the first hotel he saw—a Holiday Inn. Going inside, he didn’t see anybody, so he rang the bell. A moment later, an older Spanish woman came out from the back.

  “How can I help you?”

  “I need a room for the night.”

  “Just you?”

  “Yeah, just me.”

  “Okay, that’ll be $68.”

  After paying her, she handed him a key card.

  “Room 112. Enjoy your stay.”

  In the room, he lay down on the bed. As soon as he got comfortable, his phone rang.


  “This is a collect call from China, an inmate at Lowell Correctional Institution. To accept the call, press zero.”

  Smooth pressed zero.

  “This call may be monitored and/or recorded. Thanks for using Securus.”

  “Hey, baby,” China said.

  “Hey, boo. Do you miss me?

  “Hell yeah. I miss you.”

  “Well, I’m in Ocala at a hotel. I’ll be there to visit you tomorrow. Unfortunately, Gaga and Roxy couldn’t make it. They both had to work.”

  “That’s okay. At least I get to see you. How’s Roxy’s coming along?”

  “That place has got the best food I’ve ever eaten and it stays packed.”

  “Shit, it’s count time. I gotta go. I’ll see ya tomorrow, baby.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Bye.”

  After putting his phone on the charger, he turned on the T.V. and watched a movie until he fell asleep.

  * * *

  Returning to her cell, she saw Rebecca standing at the sink in boxers and a sports bra, drinking a cup of water. She was
truly beautiful.

  “How was your phone call?” Rebecca asked.

  “It was good. Smooth is coming to see me tomorrow.”

  “Just wish you could come out to the visiting park with me. I bet you and Smooth would like each other. Tomorrow, I’m gonna tell him all about you needing a place to stay and how I want you there.”

  “Think he’s really gonna let me stay there until I get on my feet?”

  “Yes. He’ll let you stay. Once he sees how beautiful you are, he won’t want you to leave.”

  “China walked over to Rebecca and kissed her on the lips, forcing her tongue into her mouth. Rebecca started to loosen up and kiss back. China slid a hand into Rebecca’s boxers and slid a finger into her tight pussy. She was already soaking wet.

  “Smooth’s gonna love this tight pussy,” China told Rebecca, as she pulled Rebecca’s boxers off.

  China told Rebecca to lie down. As she did so, China got between her legs and started to lick her pussy, spreading open the lips so she could get the tongue inside to tongue-fuck her while rubbing her clit with her thumb. Rebecca’s breath turned shallow and she moaned, while thrusting her hips up to meet China’s face and fingers. Using her other hand, China slid a finger into Rebecca’s ass and started finger fucking her while sucking on her clit. In no time at all, Rebecca exploded all over China’s face.

  * * *

  “Preston! China Preston! You have a visit,” announced the guard over the intercom.

  “I’ll see you when I get back, Rebecca.”

  “Okay, hope you have a good visit.”

  Going downstairs and then outside, China walked toward the visitation park. Once there, she was stripped naked, clothes searched, and then told to get dressed.

  After dressing, China went into the visiting area. Looking around, she saw Smooth sitting at a table with a lot of food piled up in front of him. Once he looked up and saw China, he stood up and gave her a big hug and kiss.

  “God, I love you so much, China.”

  “I love you, too, Smooth.”

  “Well, let’s sit down and eat before it gets too cold. Didn’t know what you wanted, so I got a little of everything . . . pizza, chicken sandwich, barbeque beef sandwich, Doritos, Fritos, Coke.

  “Mmmmm . . . it all sounds good.”

  China opened the chicken sandwich and removed the bottom bun. She then opened up the pizza and set the top bun and chicken patty on top of the pizza, and then she took a bite.

  “Mmmmm . . . Mmmmm. This is so good.”


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