His Beauty

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His Beauty Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Releasing her tit, he smiled at her.

  “See, you’ll come to my way of thinking soon enough. Buckle up, darlin’. I’ve got a lot to do tonight.”

  Chapter Two

  Being dragged across the city was not Meghan’s idea of a good time. Even though she was still in her oversized nightshirt, that didn’t seem to bother Damon. From one house to a business, and all over the city, it was the night where he collected bad debts. They had to be bad as she heard so much screaming.

  When it got too much, she’d run outside into the night, covering her ears to stop herself from hearing the pain that others displayed.

  He really didn’t care.

  There were plenty of women who threw themselves at him and even husbands offering him a night with their wife or girlfriend. It was fucked up, and here she was, handed to him at her sister’s request.

  If they had taken Rose with them, she wouldn’t have stopped them. That probably made her a bitch, but she was long past caring right now. Her sister had taken money she couldn’t pay back.

  Meghan rubbed at her temple. It explained why the landlord wanted a word with her. Rick was a good guy, and he’d given her a lot of chances since moving in with her sister. That had to do with the fact she paid up as much of the rent as she could in advance. Her biggest mistake was trusting her sister to keep on giving him the money she left for the rent. Now they were going to be homeless, and her body was now owned by this … bastard.

  On the last run of the night, he’d been dropped off at an apartment complex with so much security it was unreal. The man on the front desk didn’t even look her way as Damon herded her toward the elevator.

  Once inside, he didn’t let her go even as she tugged on her arm. She couldn’t help it. Even as she scolded herself, his grip was a little tight, and her nerves were starting to get the better of her.

  “You can fight all you want. It’s not going to help you. You’ve got no chance of escape.”

  Staring straight ahead didn’t help her either. His reflection stared right back at her, and it made her sick.

  Don’t think.

  Don’t think.

  “Would you have left your sister to pay her debt?”

  “I should have,” she said.

  “Ah, so you’re questioning what you’re doing right now?”

  “I questioned it the moment I heard you banging on the door. Why lend someone money you know they couldn’t pay back?”

  “I’m not about rules. They ask for the money, I give it to them, and then I make collections. I don’t even demand it straight away. Rose had been given three warnings, and I did tell her I’d be coming to collect.”

  “You think it’s good what you do?” she asked. “You mentioned earlier about helping people buy a new car or a luxury vacation. The people I saw tonight were gamblers, drug dealers, and desperate. Does it help you sleep easier pretending that you’re doing a good service?”

  The elevator doors pinged open, and she let out a gasp as he dragged her along the dark corridor. He didn’t let her go as he pushed in his key, typing in a code, and then they were in his apartment.

  He closed the door, keyed in the code, and she growled. “Just let me go.”


  He let go of her arm and lifted her up, putting her over his shoulder. She let out a scream as he slapped her ass.

  “Put me down.”


  Her face was bright red as she glared at his butt. She couldn’t resist landing a swat of her own, but he wouldn’t allow her to get away with that.

  He hit her again, and she growled.

  “Stop hitting me.”

  Damon slapped her ass with a chuckle. “This body is mine, remember. You don’t get to tell me what to do with it.”

  “It’s my body!”

  “Not anymore. You signed that right away the moment you became mine.”

  He kicked a door open, and within seconds she was thrown onto a bed. Lifting up, she glared at him.

  Damon was already removing his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt.

  Her eyes went wide; she knew they did.

  This wasn’t happening.



  “Are you kidding me? I’m not stripping.”

  “A deal’s a deal.” He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. “I make the call and your sister is dealing with a broken leg to go with the arm.”

  “How can she even earn you money back if you injure her?”

  “Last time I checked a woman could still spread her legs or at the least, offer up her asshole or mouth.”

  “You’re disgusting.”

  “And five … four …”

  She wanted to throw something at him. To curse. To spit. To do anything but instead, she didn’t want to test him, so she grabbed her shirt, lifting it up over her head and tossing it in his face. He didn’t catch it in time.

  In the next second, she pushed down her shorts so she stood before him naked. She’d already dropped her sneakers after he threw her over his shoulder on the way to his bedroom.

  She stood tall, refusing to back down.

  Damon lowered the shirt, and he had that smirk which she related to him more and more. His gaze went from her face down her body, then back up again, lingering on her tits.

  “Damn, I knew you were going to be fucking fantastic, but I didn’t realize how much.” He licked his lips.

  The brush of his tongue had her body tightening, and she didn’t like it.

  She didn’t want to be attracted to this asshole, and that was exactly what he was. She’d been curvy for some time. Ever since her … accident.

  Her parents were convinced it was an accident whereas she never had been. It was one of the reasons why, even though she loved her sister, she couldn’t help but think Rose had hurt her on purpose.

  Still, that was for another time and another place.

  She observed the man in front of her, waiting to see what he’d do.

  Meghan didn’t have to wait long as he was naked within a few minutes. She tried not to admire him as he peeled away his clothing to reveal his naked body, but that was so hard to do. He was incredible, all hard, inked muscles. From the first glance they all looked like tribal tattoos that graced down his arms and across his chest.

  He moved toward her, and she’d been so busy staring at him, she didn’t take a step back or think to let up. His hands gripped her hips, pulling her closer, and before she knew what was happening, his lips were on hers.

  She expected to be repulsed by his touch, to not want him anywhere near her, and yet, the kiss seemed to set something off within her brain. She didn’t want him to stop, and as she moaned against his lips, hunger filled her.

  It wasn’t like she’d never been kissed before; she had.

  This wasn’t just a couple of teenagers kissing though or a quick peck on the lips after a decent date. This was so much more.

  One of his hands trailed up her back sinking into her hair as the other went to her ass, pulling her even closer. His cock smashed against her stomach.

  The sheer size and length of him startled her out of her pleasured haze.

  She didn’t want this.

  Then why are you so wet?

  She wanted to fight him, to push him away and to let him know she wasn’t here of her own free will. She wasn’t here because she wanted to be.

  Her sister had forced her hand, and in turn so had he.

  Then as he gripped her ass, squeezing the cheek, she gasped and his tongue plundered her mouth. She lost all thought with the deepening kiss, and much to her shame, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he moved her back against the bed.

  “I knew you were going to be so fucking sexy the moment I saw you,” he said, breaking the kiss. He nudged her down, and she stared up at him.

  She’d never had sex before.

  He didn’t know that.

  Her first time would be with a man she d

  And it will finally get your body and your feelings back on track. Let him have you.

  Gritting her teeth, she watched as he took a condom out of his pants, tore into the packet, and rolled the condom on with expert ease. There was no struggle from him as he worked the latex over his dick.

  For her first time, his cock was huge, no doubt about that.

  His knee landed on the bed, and part of her screamed at her to run while the other part demanded she stay.

  To see his reaction when he found out she was a virgin.

  She was playing with fire here, and she only hoped that once he realized it, any chance of being his whore for a couple of weeks would disappear.


  Meghan’s body was so curvy and her tits more than a handful. Damon’s cock was harder than it had ever been before, and it was driving him crazy. He needed to be inside her. It had been a couple of months since he was last with a woman, and right now, it was really starting to fucking show.

  He put the condom on his dick himself, and he always bagged his shit up. There was no chance of a woman coming at him a month later threatening to take him for every single cent he earned if he bagged his dick. If a condom ever broke, he took care of it.

  He took them to the clinic and watched them take the morning-after pill. After which time, he made them stay with him for a full twenty-four hours before he got rid of them. Not that it happened often, but once, many, many years ago.

  The weird thing was, staring at Meghan and imagining her swollen with his kid, her tits ripe and full of milk, didn’t disgust him and have him wanting to run for the hills or to get rid of her.

  He wanted to flood her cunt with his cum, fill her up so she would get pregnant. This was crazy talk and thinking from him. There’s no way he wanted kids, and especially not with a stranger. He didn’t know the first thing about her, a matter which would be rectified tomorrow.

  With her hair fanned across his pillow, he stared down at her body. Spreading her thighs wide, he stroked the tips of his fingers across her chest, going over each hardened nipple. The buds were so incredibly tight as he ran down across them.

  Her arousal was so clear to see.

  He glided down, circling her belly button until he reached between her thighs. She had a light dusting of curls across her lips, and he spread them apart.

  She let out a whimper, a moan spilled from her lips, and as he teased her clit, he watched the shock cross her face.

  There was no denying how wet she was now. Rubbing his thumb back and forth across her clit, he watched her body as she quivered, her tits shaking with those hardened points begging for his lips.

  She was already so wet, and he wanted to feel her come all over his cock, to drench him with her release.

  Taking his cock in hand, he placed the tip at her entrance and couldn’t resist, slamming forward and thrusting in deep.

  He felt something give, and Meghan screamed out. Her hands went to his chest, trying to push him away.

  Her pussy was so incredibly tight. He fought against her pushing hands, and with one thrust, slammed himself to the hilt.

  Meghan released his chest, and he watched as she covered her face.

  It all started to click into place, and he didn’t like it one bit. He was so fucking pissed off.

  “You’re a virgin?” he asked.

  Pulling away from her pussy, he stared down at the evidence on his dick, and he couldn’t believe it. There were spots of blood mixed with her cream, and fuck, it twisted his gut.

  He’d never fucked a virgin before, and he was in a state of shock.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said with a sniffle.

  Shit, she was crying.

  They were not fake tears.

  You just tore through that pussy to make it your own and now look. She’s crying.

  He’d never known a virgin before.

  Well, he probably had, years ago when he was in school, but by the time he got to high school, most of them were giving it away.

  “This was your first time.”

  “Please, don’t make a big deal about it.”

  “It is a big deal, Meghan. This is your first time.” He gritted his teeth. Fuck. Why did he even care? She was just a woman, but the thought of this being her first time, it was driving him crazy. He’d never been with a virgin before. Why was it affecting him so?

  “Do you really care? You just want your money, remember? It doesn’t matter about anything else.” She gave a little sniffle again.

  A woman’s first time was supposed to be precious. He knew of men who paid thousands of dollars to be a woman’s first. College girls or high school girls always gave themselves up online for the pleasure or the money they needed.

  Meghan had given hers to him to help her sister.

  “Please, can we just go back to you not caring? It’s fine. The hard part is over. Isn’t that what they say? The first one is always tough?” She stared up at him from the pillow, and he honestly didn’t have the first clue what to do.

  Make it a good time for her!

  He was used to women knowing what to do, taking his cock, fucking him back, and showing him just how filthy and dirty they liked it.

  Meghan was different. She lay back, and he honestly felt like he’d been punched in the gut. He stared down at her heavy tits, curvy hips and thighs, and generous ass, which he couldn’t see but knew was there, and even as he was shocked, he wanted her. He wanted to pound inside her pussy and fuck her raw so she couldn’t walk for weeks.

  He moved between her thighs, taking hold of his condom-covered dick, and thrust back inside her.

  She let out another gasp.

  The moment he was balls deep within her, he stayed perfectly still.

  He couldn’t completely read Meghan’s expressions, but it wouldn’t take long. She was already so easy to read. The flash of pain that crossed her face as he seated himself to the hilt within her. The fact her cunt was squeezing him like a damn fist. He rested one of his hands beside her head, and he cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her lips.

  Even though she didn’t want this, he was going to make it so fucking epic, she couldn’t see straight.

  Closing the distance between them, he claimed her lips, running his tongue across her bottom one before sliding into her mouth, deepening the kiss, tasting her.

  She cried out, and he loved it as she gripped his shoulders. Her nails sank into his flesh as he kissed her back, tilting her head so that she couldn’t hide from him.

  Running his hand down her body, he reached between them.

  It was an odd angle, but the moment he found her clit and started to stroke her, tease her, she began to quiver once again.

  Her cunt tightened around him, rippling and making him even harder.

  He didn’t let up on his kiss or stroking her body. He waited, drawing her to the edge of orgasm, and slowly brought her off, listening to her gasp, soaking it up as her arousal spilled around his dick.

  In that moment, he wished he didn’t have a condom. She’d not been with anyone else, and until he dumped her, she would belong to him. Her virgin pussy that had only been with him.

  Fuck, just the thought of it was so addictive.

  He took hold of her hands, pressing them to the bed as he pulled out of her tight heat. He watched his cock, wanting nothing more than to tear the condom from his dick.

  Even though he liked the thought of her being pregnant with his kid, he wasn’t ready for that yet. He would toss her aside when he had his fill, and kids complicated everything.

  As he slammed back inside her, their moans echoed around the room.

  He took his time, making each thrust and retreat from her body a single movement so she felt it all. He was in no rush to complete even though his balls felt blue and ready to spill at any minute. He didn’t lose control … yet.

  There was no pain in her eyes as he started to fuck her, taking her even more roughly than before.<
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  When he finally lost control, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he pounded inside her.

  He didn’t want her to forget this moment as he fucked her, making her his own.

  This virgin pussy now belonged to him.

  All his.

  He reached between their bodies, playing with her clit, drawing another orgasm from her. The moment her moan released from her lips, he found his own with several deep thrusts.

  His cum spilled from his dick, filling the condom, and he wished it was in her tight cunt, that the pulses of her sweet pussy were milking his cum right out of him.

  Seconds passed as he felt the pleasure travel up his spine, gripping him with a ferocity he’d never known before.

  He couldn’t help but imagine his cum inside her pussy, getting her pregnant, but the condom protected them both.

  He was going crazy because in that moment, he wanted to bind her to him as his own little virgin trophy.

  Chapter Three

  Meghan woke up in a stranger’s room with an arm banded around her waist, and she couldn’t help the panic that gripped her.

  After a second, everything came back to her like a nightmare.

  The banging on her apartment door.

  Her sister’s broken arm.

  The threat.

  The violence.

  Offering herself.

  Taking Damon’s offer.

  The journey around the city collecting debts.

  Then the brutal way he took her virginity only to make her come screaming his name when he realized it was her first time.

  She didn’t want to think about that, or about any of it.

  Last night her body had betrayed her, and she knew she’d have to be on guard. As much as she hated Damon, her body clearly didn’t, and that was bad. She didn’t want to like a monster, especially with what he was capable of doing.

  Glancing behind her, she saw he lay flush against her back, his arm tightened around her waist.

  After they fucked, he’d dumped her in the shower, and at his order, she had stood still as he tended to her.

  She expected him to fuck her in the shower, but he hadn’t. His dick had been hard the whole time, but he didn’t force her or take her.


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