His Beauty

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His Beauty Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  She was even more startled as he sat down. She saw the evidence of his arousal pressing against the front of his pants.

  “I want you to strip for me. I don’t need a sexy dance. Just remove your clothes, slowly. I want to watch you reveal yourself to me.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because I like it when a woman does as she’s told, and seeing you don’t have any other choice, do it.”

  She gritted her teeth, but did as he asked, taking her time as she removed his sweatpants and his shirt.

  The bra she wore was old, and Rex had made her go into the lingerie store while he’d remained outside. She had an entirely new wardrobe, and she couldn’t recall the last time she’d splurged on herself.

  Once she stood before him naked, she wanted to cover herself but knew he wouldn’t like that.

  “I love your tits,” he said. “Lift them up for me. Cup them.”

  With him watching, she ran her hands beneath her breasts, lifting them up. Moisture pooled between her thighs as he continued to watch, occasionally sipping at his whiskey.

  “So pretty. Let them go.”

  She did so.

  “Sit on the coffee table,” he said.

  She gave a little gasp as her ass hit the cold glass. He let out a chuckle.

  “It does take your breath away. Spread your legs open. Let me see that pussy I own.”

  There’s no way she should be turned on with the cruel way he spoke to her. How bluntly he told her that she belonged to him, or at least, her body did. He didn’t own her, just her body that he could do what he wanted with.

  Licking her dry lips, she waited.

  “Touch yourself.”

  She hesitated.

  “Now, Meghan.”

  Resting a hand on her knee, she slowly brought it up until she cupped her pussy.

  “Open your lips, let me see your wet cunt. That’s it, baby. That’s it. Now, push a finger inside yourself.”

  She did so, with a moan.

  “Show me how wet you are. Lift your fingers up. I want to see.”

  When she did so, she saw, much to her shame, just how wet she was.

  “Oh, Meghan, we’re only getting started. By the time I finish with you, that coffee table is going to be fucking soaked with our cum.”

  Why did she find that so arousing?


  Meghan’s nipples grew harder as he spoke. She may not like him, but her body craved him and that was all he needed. Damon smiled as she held her fingers up, showing just how wet she was.

  Standing up, he put his glass of whiskey down, and dealt with his belt buckle, releasing it. Within a matter of seconds, he was naked, his hand wrapped around his cock as he watched her.

  “Add a second finger,” he said. “Stretch that cunt open.” He watched her open her cunt to him, and her two fingers weren’t even as big as his cock. “Now touch your clit. Stroke it.”

  He watched as she glided her fingers over her sweet little nub. It was one of the sexiest things he’d seen in his life. He was forty years old, and there wasn’t anything he’d not done before. Watching Meghan play with her sweet virgin pussy was the most erotic thing he’d ever witnessed.

  Her nipples were rock-hard, and she released a gasp, which was so sexy to hear. Seeing her discover her body, the way she touched herself in certain ways that shocked her, would stay with him forever.

  He’d never known being with a virgin could be so … hot.

  She teased her clit with both fingers that had been playing with her hole, and he knelt down so that he was close to her pussy. He ran his hands up the insides of her thighs, keeping them open.

  Her fingers were slow as she teased her swollen clit. Using two of his, he slid them into her tight cunt.

  Meghan cried out, and he held her down, keeping her in place so she couldn’t move. Pulling his fingers out of her, he brought them to his lips to take a taste. She was so fucking sweet.

  Knowing no other dick had been inside her, he felt an overwhelming, possessive need to keep her all to himself. There was no way he’d want another man knowing how sweet she was. From the look in her eye and the way she teased her pussy, she had a dirty side to her that had remained untapped.

  Why hadn’t she had a boyfriend?

  A lover?

  He’d get to all of these questions in time, but for now, he wanted her to come by his hand.

  Pushing his fingers inside her, he added a third finger. She gave a little cry.

  “You’re so tight, baby. Take it all. Ride my hand. You know you want my cock, come on. Let me feel you come.”

  He thrust inside her, fucking her with his fingers as she worked her clit to an orgasm. When she came, she did so with a cry, her cum drenching his fingers as she tightened around him. It was the best thing he’d ever felt.

  He couldn’t get enough.

  When she couldn’t take anymore, he pulled his fingers from her cunt and licked them clean.

  With both of his hands on her knees, he spread them wide, leaning in close to kiss her stomach. Trailing his lips down, he pressed them against her clit, and she cried out, arching up.

  He didn’t let go though, flicking his tongue back and forth across her clit.

  “I can’t take it.”

  “You will.”

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, tasting her. Holding her down on the coffee table, he made her take the pleasure. After a couple of seconds, she stopped fighting him, and her cries turned to moans as she shook beneath his touch.

  Damon brought her to a second orgasm.

  She was so wet that her cum was leaking on the table, just how he wanted it. Drawing her to the edge of the coffee table, he moved over her.

  The angle was a bit awkward, but as he placed the tip of his cock at her entrance and slid in deep, it was worth it.

  Her pussy tightened around him, each ripple sending pleasure straight to his balls.

  He pulled out of her only to slam back inside, and she cried out his name, the sound echoing off the walls. Each time he withdrew, she’d grip him tightly as if her pussy knew what she wanted before even she understood.

  Damon gave it to her though without argument, driving in hard, fucking her, taking what belonged to him.

  He wasn’t wearing a condom, but he didn’t give a shit. The feel of her wet heat surrounding him was too damn good to stop now to put on a rubber. He’d never been inside a woman without a condom before, and it was so fucking good.

  Deep down in his soul he knew this wasn’t just because he was getting his dick wet. It was Meghan. Knowing what she’d been through and how she’d gotten through it. He admired her, and he wanted to make her sister pay.

  All of her life, she’d paid for her sister, but not when it came to him.

  He reached down between them and started to stroke her clit once again.

  “I can’t take much more,” she said, whimpering his name.

  “You’ll take this, and you’ll fucking love it. I promise. I’ll never hurt you, Meghan. Trust me to make you feel good. Give me your body, and you’ll never regret it. All the pleasure you could wish and hope for. It’s all yours. Just give me this.”

  She gasped as he drove his cock in deep at the same time he worked her clit. The combined pleasure set her off, and she came all over his cock.

  It felt so good that it sparked his own arousal.

  At the last minute, he gained his senses and pulled out of her. His cum covered her stomach and pussy as he milked his cock for every last bit of it. When he was finished, she looked so fucking sexy, and the coffee table was indeed coated in their combined release.

  “We made a mess,” she said, her fingers teasing through his cream.

  “Taste it,” he said.


  “Put your fingers in your mouth and lick them clean.” He watched her as she followed his instruction, and fuck, the sight of her licking her fingers had him hard, wanting her again. His cock twitched as if
he was ready for round two.

  She licked her fingers clean, and he couldn’t help but take a kiss from her lips. She’d been in his life a matter of twenty-four hours, and he truly didn’t see himself not wanting her, not ever.

  Chapter Six

  One month with Damon

  Meghan couldn’t remember ever having this much time on her hands. At the beginning of the month when Damon took her, she’d been willing to fight for a great deal of things, the first being her ability to head back to campus. She didn’t have much left to finish her degree in business. She was behind by a year because of all the trouble Rose had caused in her life, but she was determined to earn her education. She wanted to succeed in whatever she set out in life.

  Her path was supposed to go another direction, but it hadn’t turned out that way, and she couldn’t really complain, not really. Damon made sure her every need was dealt with. If she wanted a certain ingredient, he brought it home with him or it was delivered in some way or another. He constantly brought her flowers and new lingerie. He noticed her love of books, and the next thing she knew, at least a hundred paperbacks arrived in the mail, all of the latest releases that she’d been wanting to read.

  Not to mention the sex, which was mind-blowing.

  She was also never alone. If Damon wasn’t with her, he had either Rex, Dan, or someone who wouldn’t even talk to her, which she found really rude.

  Meghan wished he’d treat her like crap so she could have a reason to hate him. He wouldn’t let her have her own room. Whenever he was home, he’d make her go with him, but right now, she was going stir-crazy.

  She’d not been out of the house in over a month other than to go to his gym that one time; oh, and shopping. Since then, she’d spent all of her time here. She wanted to head back to her apartment block, not just to see her old place for herself but to find Alex.

  After a month, there was no telling what he’d be like. His mother didn’t give a shit about him. She lost count of the number of times she saw him looking lost, alone, and it pissed her off. She’d even called child protection services, but they’d deemed his mother to be a safe parent.

  Running fingers through her long blonde hair, she felt at the end of her rope. Rex was on his cell phone, and she saw his keys on the table. She already had on a pair of sneakers, and as she watched him walk down the long corridor toward the bathroom, she waited for that telltale sign of the door to close. Biting her lip, she couldn’t help but smile as he closed the door.

  Grabbing his keys, she rushed out of the apartment but made sure to close the door carefully.

  No one was waiting, and she rushed toward the elevator. When it seemed to be taking too damn long to open, she took the stairs.

  Her heart pounded as she made a dash for the ground floor. She’d seen his car once, and she clicked the button, letting out a victory chuckle as she saw the lights flash.

  Without waiting another second, she climbed behind the wheel, ignoring the pleasure she got from the scent and feel of the car. Since Rose had pretty much destroyed her life, she’d not been able to afford a car.

  Turning over the ignition, she pulled out of the parking lot, and didn’t give herself time to think. Damon could punish her for this.

  She wasn’t running away though or getting out of her deal. She just wanted to go and see her old place and to check on a kid that she’d kind of adopted, even though she was only seven years older than he was.

  Every car she passed, she wondered if it was Damon or one of his goons. His life hadn’t touched her yet, but she’d seen it. He’d come home three times in the past month covered in blood.

  At first, she’d been so scared because the look in his eye was that of a killer, not the man who brought her to a screaming orgasm.

  She did notice that every time his work was hard or something went wrong, the passion he showed in the bedroom was rough. He was never gentle. He took and gave, making her burn and ache with equal measure.

  Even now, she thought about his fingers as they sank into the flesh of her hips as he held her in place over the dining room table, pounding away inside her, making her beg and scream for more.

  He didn’t let up until she screamed her release three times, and he erupted inside her.

  That’s another thing he made sure to take care of.

  The doctor had come to her and given her a shot with some instructions. The moment the deadline hit and Damon could take her without a condom, he’d been finishing inside her every chance he got.

  Pulling out of the traffic, she pulled around the rotary before turning off toward the housing estate off the city.

  She made another left and right, and came to a stop in front of the large building.

  This had felt like a mansion when she first caught sight of it. Her and Rose’s income had made it hard to find a suitable accommodation, especially after Rose took all of their inheritance.

  Putting the car into park, she climbed out and was sure to lock it. She didn’t want to give anyone the chance to steal it as it wasn’t her car.

  Running fingers through her hair, she felt like she was breaking all kinds of rules, and rather than be sick, it was fun. So much fun.

  Making her way inside the apartment block, she saw the elevator was once again out of order, and she took the stairs, going to her place. She got to the door and was about to try the handle when Alex told her not to.

  “There’s already someone living there,” Alex said.

  She turned her head to the left and saw Alex. He didn’t look ill, and for her that was a plus.

  “Alex,” she said.

  “You’re not supposed to be here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We both know you belong to Damon Travers now, and he’s going to be so upset when he finds out you left.”

  “I needed to check on a few things.” And she was tired of feeling like she was locked in a tower of her own. “I wanted to see if there was anything left and I wanted to come and see you.” She gave the boy a hug. “How have you been? How is everything at home? Have you been eating? Do you need money?” She tried not to wince at her last question purely because she didn’t have any money to give.

  “I’m doing fine. Damon, he, erm, he actually comes and gives me money.”

  This made her pause. “He does?”

  “Yeah, says it’s from you.”


  “I’m guessing you didn’t know about that?”

  She shook her head. Resting her back against the wall, she slid down it, not even caring if she was getting her new jeans dirty by the floor. Alex took a seat beside her.

  “How are you?” Alex asked.

  “I’m doing okay, you know. I can’t really complain.” Her life was good. More than good, better than good.

  “I was scared for you when I saw Damon. You do know who he is, right?”

  “I’d heard of him.”

  “Your sister is a bitch for getting him involved.”

  “Don’t say things like that.”

  “Come on, Meghan. I know she’s your sister, but you’ve got to see how stupid it all is? She did this.”

  “Alex, you’re too young to feel this way. I know you don’t want to hear that, but you are.”

  “All Rose does is take from you.”

  As he spoke, she knew she should defend her sister, but all she could see was the look in her sister’s eyes the moment she dropped that paving stone. The agony couldn’t hide the glee in her sister’s eyes.

  Alex sat beside her, and rather than argue with him, she rested her head on his shoulder.

  At least he didn’t smell.


  Damon was pissed. Really, seriously pissed. Rex, until further notice, was fired. He didn’t give a shit if the man had to take a dump, he did it on his own time. One moment his eyes were off Meghan, and she ran.

  He wasn’t really surprised.

  She’d been looking outside longingly.

om the moment he took her, he’d not intended to keep her locked up in his apartment block. It had only happened like that because he didn’t want to share her with anyone. If he was being completely honest with himself, he didn’t like sharing her with his men either. They could look at her, and he hated that. He didn’t want anyone to even get a glimpse of the beauty he’d managed to get.

  He also wasn’t under any illusions either. The only reason at this moment Meghan was with him was her sister.

  Rose was a fucking bitch.

  He’d gone to see her into the second week with Meghan and he’d asked her a couple of questions. She admitted to him that she’d done it on purpose, that she hated her sister getting all of the attention, so she made sure her sister could no longer be the perfect little dancer.

  Damon had never wanted to end someone’s life as much as he did hers. So instead, he made sure she didn’t have any of the comforts in life or the luxury. She was there to earn a living, and she didn’t need to be happy doing it.

  He spotted Rex’s car in the parking lot, but he had no doubt Meghan was here. Alex had texted him earlier to say he was with her. He’d been making sure the kid was well looked after because he figured something like this would happen.

  Running a hand down his face, he crossed over toward the building and made his way up the steps.

  She better not put up a fight with him. She’d been in his life a month, and there was no way he was ready to let her go.

  Not yet.

  Not ever.

  He gritted his teeth, and as he got to her floor, he paused. Her head rested on Alex’s shoulder as the young boy told some kind of joke about school. He watched her, listening. She looked relaxed, which he rarely got to see when he was in her company unless he’d given her a dozen orgasms before.

  Once Alex was finished, Damon cleared his throat, and Meghan jumped, getting to her feet.

  “I wasn’t running away,” she said.

  “You weren’t?”

  “No. I was here to … check on things. I wanted to make sure Alex was okay.” She stopped as she looked behind her at her old apartment. “Check on things.” She repeated herself.


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