His Beauty

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His Beauty Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  It hadn’t.

  He’d stayed with her, watching romance flicks and eating stupid amounts of ice cream. What he had discovered was he hated to see her in pain, especially if he couldn’t give her pleasure afterward, and Meghan had bad monthlies. She was in constant pain, and he hated that.

  Still, he didn’t want to think about what that meant.

  Women with emotions were not his thing. Meghan ended up crying at a couple of the sad movies, and rather than be annoyed, he’d comforted her. He wanted her to lean on him, to crave him, to give him a chance to show her that he could be there for her. That she didn’t have to hide.

  Again, what the fuck was going on with him?

  He loved being near her. Meghan wasn’t just a hole to enjoy or three holes to pick from. He loved hearing her laugh and would often tell her jokes just to hear the sound.

  Fingering her pussy, he watched the men on stage. One of them was poised at the woman’s entrance, and as he slammed to the hilt and her pleasure echoed around the room, the only woman Damon cared about was in his arms, her wet pussy gripping his finger as he finger-fucked her.

  “Please, Damon,” Meghan said.

  “Tell me what you need?”

  “I need you to make me come. Please. Please.”

  This woman is mine. She’s my little virgin. No other man can ever touch her. Can ever hear her scream her pleasure.

  All mine.

  No one else’s.

  He nibbled on her neck, drawing his fingers up from her pussy as he stroked over her clit. Back and forth, he teased her, relishing every single sound as she started to rock her hips onto his hand, needing him, hungry for his fingers.

  When she was at the peak, he didn’t postpone her pleasure. He sent her over the edge, keeping an arm around her waist as she found her release. She cried out his name, and it was so fucking beautiful, he didn’t let her go but held her.

  He couldn’t give her up.

  Which was why she could finish her degree but he wouldn’t let her go.

  He couldn’t.

  Chapter Nine

  Something burst open within Meghan. It was like a door had been opened. Sitting in the sex club, watching the woman suck one man and getting fucked by another, feeling Damon’s hands. All of it. She couldn’t take the overwhelming hit on the senses.

  Even as he brought her to a screaming orgasm, and she had let go, giving him everything, it wasn’t enough. She needed more.

  Damon released her body, but she didn’t stop there. Going to her knees within the booth, she turned toward him.

  Seeing the woman sucking on the man’s cock, she’d wanted Damon, his dick in her mouth, sliding to the back of her throat, filling her with his cum.

  Attacking his belt, she didn’t give him the chance to argue. There was no way he was going to escape this.

  With his cock in her hand, she ran her hands up and down the length. His pre-cum already pooled at the tip. Running her fingers through it, she massaged it into his head. She’d sucked his cock a couple of times, but whenever they were in a room, it tended to end in sex or with him licking her pussy.

  He reached out, wrapping her hair around his fist. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he asked.

  “I want to suck your cock, Damon. I want you to fill my mouth with your cum.” She saw she’d surprised him, but she liked that.

  Flicking the tip, she stared into his eyes, watching the glint within them, and it was so fucking sexy. She wanted to drive him crazy. To show him that she could give him just as much pleasure as he gave her. That they were both equals.

  Her virginity aside, she hoped he craved her. Thought about her all the time.

  Why do you want this?

  She ignored the question running through her head and instead focused on taking his cock. She took the mushroomed head between her lips, sucking hard. More of his pre-cum erupted on her tongue, but she wanted even more.

  Bobbing her head up and down his length, she let out a moan as he tugged on the strands of her hair. He took control, making her take more of him in her mouth, and she loved it. Staring into his eyes as he hit the back of her throat, she fought against her gag reflex as she took as much of him as she could.

  She may have practiced with a few bananas during the month she’d been kept in his apartment. After the first time had gone horribly—at least she thought it had—she’d wanted to get better.

  Pulling up off his cock, she left a trail of saliva.

  “You’re such a dirty bitch, aren’t you, Meghan? I knew it. I knew you were like this. So fucking horny. So fucking right for me.”

  He thrust his hips up against her face, and she took him. Every few thrusts he’d go deeper than expected and she’d gag, but was able to keep her spit within her mouth.

  “Oh, fuck, babe, that feels so good,” Damon said. “I’m going to come. I want to see it filling your mouth. Don’t you dare swallow it.”

  He pulled his cock so only the tip remained, and she felt his cum spurt in her mouth. She didn’t swallow, even though she wanted to. Instead, she kept her mouth closed over his cock. When he was done, she waited as he sat back, putting himself away. She stayed perfectly still.

  “Show me.”

  Opening her mouth, she let him see all the cum in her mouth, every single drop.

  “Now, swallow it.”

  She did so, licking her lips after and showing him her mouth was clean.

  “I need you alone.”

  He moved the table out of the way, and before she knew what was happening, he had her over his shoulder, carrying her out of the main room.

  She lifted up, trying to see where they were going. He gave her ass a couple of swats, which made her growl.

  “Let me down.”

  They were not heading toward the door.

  She didn’t try to wriggle away as he started walking upstairs and she didn’t want to die. Holding onto the cheeks of his ass, she couldn’t believe how easily he lifted her up and moved her around.

  Finally, he kicked open a door, and then she was dumped onto the bed. She watched Damon close the door and flick the lock into place.

  Next, she noticed the screens in the room.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “We can decide if we watch to watch one of the rooms around the house, or each other.” He picked up a remote, pointed it at the wall, and then she saw herself on the bed. “Our own personal sex tape.”

  He didn’t change it back.

  Staring at him, she tilted her head to the side. “Have you brought a lot of women here?”



  “I’ve no reason to lie to you.”

  “You’ve never lied to me.”

  “I’d tell you if I did.”

  She found that hard to believe.

  Her curls were all a mess from where he’d grabbed them. Her lips were red and swollen.

  She looked fucked. Her nipples ached for some attention, and she pressed her thighs together, wanting more there as well.

  Damon removed his jacket.

  She watched as he took his shirt off next, followed by his shoes. His pants were still on, but the belt and zipper open.

  He moved up toward the bed. She stayed seated.

  He reached out, cupping her cheek, his thumb running across her bottom lip. “Lie back.”

  She lowered herself down but stayed on her elbows, waiting, acutely aware of the camera on her, of her face on the screen. Different angles showed her body.

  Damon slid his fingers up and opened wide the dress she wore. She let out a yelp as he tore the dress in two. The fabric opened up, leaving her exposed. He stroked across the tips of her breasts before moving down, spreading the lips of her pussy open. “Already so wet.”

  He released her, removing her shoes before he took care of his pants.

  They were both naked, and she couldn’t help but admire him before turning toward the cameras.


is body was a complete handsome specimen with his inked, muscular arms and chest. Not a part of him wasn’t rock-hard. She knew he worked out tirelessly. In his kill-or-be-killed world, he was on top, and no one could take that from him.

  “I knew you’d like it here.”

  Damon nudged her up the bed so she had no choice but to move backward as he climbed on.

  He ran his hands up her thighs, and when he got to her hips, he flipped her over so that she was on her knees. No matter where she looked, the television screens were like mirrors, showing her every angle.

  “Such a nice, pretty ass.” He slapped her ass, and she let out a yelp at the sudden burst of pain.

  He spread her ass wide, and she saw him staring at her, watching her.

  “So fucking pretty.”

  She tensed up as he ran a finger over her anus, stroking her there. Turning her head left, she let out a breath as there had to be a camera above them at just the right angle because she saw him touching her. His cock stood out, so close to her entrance but not touching.

  With his other hand, he started to tease her pussy, filling her and pulling out to tease her clit. He did this over and over, driving her crazy with need.

  There was no way she was ever going to be able to say no to him. She was surrounded by more pleasure than she could stand to take.

  He pressed against her asshole, and she gasped.

  She couldn’t help her body tightening as he tried to get his finger inside her.


  Pinching her clit, Damon pressed his finger into her ass, going past the tight ring of muscles that was determined to keep him out.

  He knew how to bring her off, and she wasn’t going to stop him.

  Damon knew how to make her ache, to make her want this. As he soothed her wet slit, he pushed his finger inside. She started to take him, and he added a second finger, stretching her asshole.

  With his fingers still inside her, he gripped his cock with his other hand and placed the tip at her entrance. Slowly, he started to fill her, feeling her tighten around his dick and his digits.

  She wanted this.

  He just had to get her used to the feel of him.

  When he was balls deep inside her, he started to spread her ass wide, using both of his fingers to stretch her. She opened up, and he worked three fingers in her anus. Riding her pussy for a couple of more thrusts, he couldn’t take anymore, and he wanted in her virgin ass.

  Pulling out of her slick channel, he placed the tip of his cock at her asshole, removing his fingers as he started to press inside.

  She tensed up, but he held her hip, keeping her in place as he worked inside her. Pushing his cock past those muscles again, he held her close, seating himself to the hilt. She had nowhere to go, and his balls hit her pussy.

  “It’s in, baby. I’m inside your ass.”

  He owned every single part of her. Her pussy was now his, and there was no way he was giving her up. He fucking loved the feel of her beneath him. Staring at the cameras, he’d be taking the footage home with him so they could watch together.

  With his gaze on the screen, he started to ease out of her, his cock appearing. Staring down at the woman, he saw her asshole open up for him. With only the tip back inside, he rocked within her, letting her get used to the feel of his cock deep.

  After a few seconds or maybe minutes, she started to rock back against him. He held her hips and thrust all the way in. She took him with a moan, and spread open for him.

  “Hold your ass, baby,” he said, putting her hands on her cheeks, and she did as he said. He watched his cock and her ass spreading wide.

  It was so sexy. Even though he’d come in her mouth minutes before, he knew it was only a matter of time before he exploded again.

  He tried to keep control of his arousal, but it wasn’t happening. Fucking her ass, feeling her tighten around him, it was all too much, and with one final thrust, he came, filling her ass with his cum as he did. Once she milked every last drop, he stayed perfectly still before slowly easing out

  His cum spilling out of her ass was so fucking sexy, he couldn’t help but watch as it dripped to the bed.

  What the fuck was this woman doing to him?

  Chapter Ten

  Three months with Damon

  Sitting on the window seat, Meghan held a cup of coffee in her hands as she stared out across the city. It was cold. An early frost had settled over the city, and she saw the white crust across the window ledge.

  Summer was gone, fall was here, and winter soon.

  Three months she’d been with Damon now.

  She’d finally graduated college. She had gotten her degree in the mail just the other day.

  Damon had been out doing one of his many jobs, and she’d sat on the edge of the bed, staring at it.

  For all of her hard work, she’d felt empty inside.

  The slip of paper meant nothing.

  Sipping at her coffee, she wrinkled her nose at the bitter taste but refused to even get up off her ass and add more milk.

  Rex was on the phone with someone, and she glanced back at him. He wouldn’t leave her side after her little escape attempt.

  At least Damon now let her visit with Alex. She helped him with homework. The poor kid had been so worried that she would hate him for taking the apartment, he’d been a nervous wreck when she turned up.

  Her life had turned upside down, and it wasn’t even fair.

  “Look, I can’t just drive down there and deal with this,” Rex said. He sounded exasperated with whoever was on the other end. “I’ve got babysitting duty. I can’t just leave. She’s a flight risk.”

  That did make her smirk. She wasn’t any flight risk. She’d been going crazy.

  She wasn’t going anywhere.

  Damon would find her regardless.

  If the past three months had taught her anything, there was no such thing as hiding places.

  Seconds later, Rex sighed, hanging up his phone. “We’ve got to go.”


  “Down to one of the clubs. Someone is being a pain.”

  She frowned. “Why do you look pissed?”

  “I don’t want to take you, but I don’t have a choice. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll do as you’re told and not cause me any trouble.”

  “I have apologized for running off.”

  “The fact Damon didn’t kill me is a good thing. Now move, come on.”

  She rolled her eyes but followed him out of the door. There was a time when it felt weird to her to walk out the door without anything on her other than her clothes. Damon, Rex, Dan, or another of his guards always had whatever she needed.

  Once inside the elevator, she folded her arms across her chest and stared at him.

  “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  He didn’t answer.

  “A boyfriend?”

  Again, no answer.

  “A kid?”

  “Why is my love life suddenly so important to you?” he asked.

  “We spend a lot of time together. It’s only right that I get to know you.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I don’t have a partner of any kind.”

  “You’re lonely.”


  “But if you don’t have anyone?”

  “Look, Meghan, this job comes with a lot of high risks.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “At any point someone could be attacked, get killed, the works. It’s my job to make sure Damon doesn’t get killed and to get the job done.”

  “Why do you do it?” she asked. “If it takes everything from you.”

  “I care about Damon. He’s been a friend of mine and helped me when no one else would.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was out of a job, and I was hungry. No one would help a homeless man, even if he did serve the fucking country, but it didn’t matter. Damon saw me crowded by a fucking drunken mob. He helped me to teach them a lesson. Since t
hat day, I’ve never looked back.”

  “He beat the shit out of you because of me.”

  “Simple, I got too relaxed.”

  “That just makes me feel like a shitty person,” she said.


  “I wasn’t trying to get you hurt.”

  “I know that. You care about that kid. The one that no one cares about and your sister. Do you ever take advice?” he asked.

  “Sometimes.” She forced a smile to her lips. The cakes she baked him were not enough to apologize for the damage she caused.

  They left the elevator, and she followed him to his car. Once inside the back, because he wouldn’t allow her to ride beside him, she made a vow to never hurt him again.

  Tapping her fingers on her thighs, she watched as the city went by, leaving him to deal with whatever work he was doing.

  Several phone calls came in, and she tried not to listen. It wasn’t any of her business anyway.

  She didn’t know how long they were driving for before he pulled up outside a very shifty-looking place.

  The windows looked blacked out, and there was nothing exactly inviting.

  “Shit, I need you to stay calm when we go inside.”

  “Stay calm?” she asked. “Why?”

  “Just, don’t do anything stupid. Please, don’t run off. I’m only just getting over the last lot of bruises.”

  “I’ll be a good girl.”

  He opened the door for her to climb out and she stared up at the building, feeling a little sick. She hoped he didn’t leave her in this place.

  Rex grabbed her arm and they walked up to the door, which opened before he could even knock.

  “Where is she?” Rex asked.

  “In the back. She’s causing a right fuss. Threatening to call the cops, and wanting to see Damon. It’s a … mess. The client, he’s pissed off.”

  She was in a brothel. That’s what it was called.

  Scantily-clad women were everywhere, and as they turned toward Rex, she saw a couple of them with loving smiles on their faces. He was clearly a visitor.

  She quickly scrubbed the idea of trying to find him a woman. There was no way that would ever do if he’s screwing everything in this building.


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