Silent Love

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Silent Love Page 6

by Casey Clipper

  "Hi," she said softly.

  "Coffee?" he asked.

  She nodded.

  Watching Ryan move stealthily around the kitchen was liking watching Sean. If she didn't know better, she would have thought they were twins.

  Ryan poured her a cup of hot brew then turned and handed her the mug. "Do you take cream or sugar?"

  "Both," she quietly answered.

  His knowing grin lit up his features. Annnnd there was the obvious difference. Clearly Ryan was playful. A flirt. Probably a heartbreaker. Her Sean had a far more serious nature.

  He pulled out creamer and handed her the sugar jar, then watched her prepare her coffee. When she took a sip, she knew she moaned aloud, but the taste hit the spot. Opening her eyes, she found Ryan smiling indulgently at her.

  "My brother's head over heels for you," he bluntly said.

  She felt her face flush.

  "Don't be embarrassed," he said. "It's true. I'm thrilled he's happy."

  "Are you dating anyone?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

  She watched him chuckle. "I date a lot of women, Beth. Just a warning."

  She tilted her head slightly. "Why?"

  He shrugged but didn't answer.

  "So what are your plans for the day?" he asked while he refilled his cup.

  "Sean works later, so nothing really," she said.

  "I'm off today, how about if I take you to dinner? We can get to know each other better," he said.

  For some reason, she got the feeling no wasn't an option.

  "I don't know," she said doubtful. Wouldn't that feel weird?

  She jumped when a hand wrapped around her waist. Sean leaned down and kissed the side of her neck then pecked her lips.

  "Morning," he said. His eyes shined brightly while he looked her over. When he realized she wore his oxford, those blues widened. She visibly watched him inhale.

  Reaching up he tugged at the collar, leaned down and kissed her bare skin then followed that up with a nip and a lick. Immediately her body went wet.

  He pulled back, stepped around her, and grabbed a coffee cup Ryan filled for him. “Thanks.”

  “Welcome.” His brother motioned to her. “I’m trying to convince Beth to allow me to take her to dinner this evening since you’ll be working.”

  Sean looked back to her and titled his head. So devastatingly handsome. “You should go.”

  “Really?” she asked surprised.

  His brows knitted together. “Why not?

  How did she explain she was nervous that dinner might feel odd? “Well…I…”

  “Beth, it’s all right. Ryan’s my best friend. He’ll love you as much as I do. I trust him with you and to look out for you while you’re by his side.” He took a step closer and brushed her cheek softly with his fingers. “I need you two to get along.”

  “You know I can take care of myself, right? I’ve been doing it for years now.” She knew her tone had snip to it but didn’t care. She didn’t need a father. She wanted a lover.

  He smiled genuinely. “I know. I admire and love you even more for that independence. But you must realize, Beth, you’re mine now." He pointed to his chest. "My girl. And I will take care of you and watch after you whether you like it or not. All part of the package.”

  Well didn’t that just throw her for a loop? She didn’t know whether to be outraged or fall to his feet and thank god that she finally found a man who cared enough to be concerned about her well being. Someone other than her father. Crap. She hated internal conflicts.

  "Nothing fancy," Ryan said. "Just the two of us relaxing and getting to know one another." He winked. "I can tell you all his dark secrets."

  Sean reached over and punched his brother in the arm. "I have no dark secrets."

  Ryan laughed off the hit. "He's not going to admit to you he has dark secrets."

  She imagined Ryan's tone was that of a playful mad man.

  "You know what," Sean said. "I don't think it's a good idea you go out with my jackass brother."

  Now Ryan really laughed. She couldn't help but to grin at the easy, playful banter between the siblings. A piece of her saddened at the fact she couldn't hear them. Memories of certain sounds assaulted her. Maybe she wouldn't get so depressed if she'd been born without her hearing, but to know what she'd lost was something she couldn't get over. Even years after the loss. If she could just accept what happened to her and move on, maybe she could live a fuller life. But it was too difficult to pull out of that self depression.

  "Hey," Sean said, his hand gripping her chin to focus on him. "Where'd you go?"

  "Sorry," she said softly.

  He wiped an escaped tear off her cheek.

  "What is it, baby?" he asked. "Tell me."

  Her eyes swung to Ryan, whose matching blue eyes to his brother looked at her concerned.

  She shook her head, not wanting to answer.

  "Beth," he said.

  "I'm fine, Sean," she tried to assure him.

  His eyes narrowed. "I know you're not telling me something, and I don't appreciate you shutting me out."

  She felt herself harden, then smacked his hand away. "I never said‒"

  "Before you say something you'll regret, stop, Beth," Sean said. His jaw flexed.

  Jumping off the stool, she spun and stormed out of the kitchen. Time to leave. She wouldn't be pushed by him, even if his intentions were out of concern and love.

  Quickly she made her way up the stairs, but when she hit the top landing, Sean's firm grasp spun her around. He pinned her against the wall.

  "Don't," he said.

  She went to argue, but his mouth assaulted hers in a scorching kiss. He demanded that she open up to him. He plastered his body against hers, his rock hard erection ground against her stomach. Her kiss was full of anger and pain, his desperate and pleading. She dug her hands into his hair and yanked. Sean lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Their fused mouths never broke. Reaching down he lifted the shirt, stuck his thumb through her lace panties, tore them off her body, and tossed them aside. He shoved down his boxers and without checking her, slammed into her core. Thank goodness she was wet and ready for him or else he would have hurt them both. Pulling back from the kiss, she screamed out, her head falling back against the wall. This is what she needed. She needed the roughness and demands that she not distance herself from him. She needed his onslaught to show her he wasn't going to put up with her instinct to retreat inward. There was no slow making love. Sean fucked her. Hard. His body thrust into hers, pounding her off the wall. His head fell to the crook of her neck, and his lips sucked and bit her sensitive skin. The feel of his hard, large length sliding in and out of her threw her body into overdrive. She met him thrust for thrust, wanting it harder. She dug her fingernails into his firm ass and pulled him closer with each impale. She was positive she was loud and certain the sounds leaving her mouth echoed throughout the house. At the moment, she couldn't care less if Ryan heard them.

  Sean let go of her, and his hand found her tiny nub that protruded out. All it took was a single touch, and Beth flew into an orgasm that wrenched her body. She convulsed around him and felt her body suck him in deeper. His groan against her neck vibrated against her sensitive skin. The sensation of him going stiff, then emptying into her, was something she'd crave without end. She felt her greedy body milk every last drop out of him.

  Their breathing was labored while they tried to fill their lungs with air. Sean pulled back and pegged her with a hard stare. "I won't let you push me away, Beth. Don't fucking do it. I love you. You can tell me anything that upsets you and I'll accept it, whatever the hell it is. I want honesty. I want to know what bothers you."

  Tears filled her eyes and spilled over. How had this good man found her?

  Their moment was interrupted by their mixture of fluids flowing down their legs.

  "Eww," she said softly.

  Sean grinned and kissed the tip of her nose. "I think it's hot."<
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  She smiled as he pulled out of her. The empty feeling of his body not linked with hers, she hated. Sean led her to the bathroom and cleaned them both. He was gentle as he took a warm washcloth and wiped the apex of her thighs, taking care to thoroughly cleanse her. It was such an intimate gesture. Even more so than making love to him.

  After he finished, he picked her up and set her on the double sink. Placing his hands on either side of her, he trapped her from moving.

  "Now tell me what upset you," he said.

  She imagined that tone was hard, probably some military bite to it. And there was the issue. She couldn't hear his tone and wanted to immensely. Once again tears formed in her eyes.

  "I want to hear you," she quietly admitted. "I wanted to hear you and Ryan and the fun you were having with each other. It kills me knowing what I lost." The large tears escaped down her cheeks. She let them go. With a gentle touch she caressed his cheek, the rough stubble scratched her palm, but she relished it. "I want to hear your voice, to know your sound, to hear you say the words 'I love you.'"

  The sympathy in his eyes she loathed. She didn't want anyone to feel sorry for her. She just wanted her hearing and her life back to normal.

  "I wish I could say that I understood, Beth, but that would be trivializing your pain and I won't do that. You may not be able to hear me, but understand that when I say the words, I say them with every ounce of meaning and being behind them." He stood upright, took her hand and placed it against his throat. "My tone is deep with a hint of rasp to it. I tend to be sharp when I speak with people, but with you I lose that and soften and gush like a fool." He grinned. "You're the only woman who's ever done that to me."

  She stared at him for a long time, absorbing his empathic declaration. Flinging her arms around his neck, she sobbed into his bare, hard chest. His protective arms wrapped around her tiny body and held her for as long as she needed. Never had a man given her the gift Sean just had or had been willing to break through to her.

  "I love you," she said softly. There was no question, she was in love with him.

  Sean pulled her tighter against him and kissed the top of her head. Without hearing him, she knew he returned the sentiment.


  A crowded Friday night restaurant was not a place Beth frequented. Patrons bumping into her without apologizing, a forty-five minute wait, and zero seating at the bar. But that didn't stop Ryan from muscling his way through the crowd and more or less kicking a group of early twenty-something year olds out of their way. Well the guys grumbled, the girls swooned. All that managed to do was open up one bar stool, and Ryan insisted that she sit while he hovered protectively beside her, one arm wrapped around the back of her chair with his right leg propped up on the rim.

  Immediately the female bartender was all over him.

  "What do you want to drink, Beth?" he asked.

  "What are you having?"

  "I'll take a Guinness draft," he ordered with a flirtatious wink. He refocused on Beth. "Go ahead, sweetheart."


  "I'll take a margarita on the rocks," she said.

  "Do you want an appetizer," Ryan asked while the bartender rushed off to make her drink.

  "I should probably eat something. I'm a bit of a lightweight," she admitted.

  He grinned. "That's a good thing. Nothing worse than a drunk girl."

  Snatching a menu off a passing hostess, Ryan handed it to Beth.

  "Is there anything you want?" she asked.

  "I'll eat anything, honey."

  The bartender set his draft down in front of him. A minute later, her drink sat in front of her. Ryan picked up his beer and clinked her glass. "To the most beautiful woman my brother has had the fortune of snagging."

  She felt her face flush but sipped to his toast.

  "You're adorable when you blush," he said.

  "I hate it," Beth admitted. She'd always turned beet red when embarrassed. There was never a time in her life when she was able to play it cool. Her face, neck, and chest always lit up like Rudolf's nose.

  They ordered two appetizers and while they waited they made small, comfortable conversation. The entire time Beth had to keep a close eye on Ryan's mouth because he was difficult to read. Unlike Sean who apparently enunciated every word he spoke, Ryan tended to rush his words together. She found herself asking "what" often and felt mortified.

  "You're having a hard time reading my lips," he said.

  She shook her head. "It's not you. Everyone speaks differently. Some I can read perfectly, some I have a hard time."

  "I took a sign language course in high school. I should brush up on it," he said.

  "I'm terrible at it. I just can't grasp it."

  "That's because you have no one to practice with. Tell you what, why don't we take a course together," he said. His eyes lit up with what he clearly perceived as a great plan. But that would entail her relationship with Sean taking on an entirely different vibe. A family vibe. Was she ready for that type of commitment? "Hey," he interrupted her panicked thoughts with a grasp of her chin. Apparently Ryan read her as well as his brother did. "Don't over think. It's just a class that you're taking with someone who needs to brush up on his sign language. I'm a friend who's helping you, and you're keeping me company from getting hit on by the women in the class."

  She burst out laughing. God, it must be nice to live in his egomaniac mind.

  He leaned over and kissed her on top of the head. "It's settled. I'll look for a class for us to take together."

  Shortly after that was determined, they were escorted to their table where Ryan held out the chair for her to sit just like Sean had done every time they were out together. Their gentlemanly mannerisms astounded her. They held such an old fashion style. Holding car doors open and shutting her in when she was seated, grabbing heavy bags from her grasp, lending her a hand if she was in heels and descended steps, making certain she had enough to eat, and always asking if they could get her anything when they went to the supermarket. She wasn't used to that type of fawning behavior but quickly found herself adapting to Sean's. Clearly Ryan mirrored his brother in those aspects as well.

  Dinner with Ryan turned out to be better than she expected. He was relaxed, light-hearted with a killer smile, and quite amusing. She felt as if she had dinner with a good friend rather than Sean's brother. There was never a time he made it seem as if he were feeling her out. They were two people, who both happened to love Sean, enjoying a night out together.

  Ryan also spilled a lot of stories that Sean would probably never want her to know. Like how they both beat up and hog-tied the boy who took their cousin's virginity in high school. He barely contained his laughter while telling that tale. From the stories he confessed, many of them surrounded their cousin Courtney, who Sean also mentioned frequently. Beth hadn't met the woman yet, but frankly, she was somewhat relieved she hadn't. Her impression of their cousin and her husband was they were a very powerful couple who were extremely important to both brothers. Though she couldn't wait to meet their children that both men were godfathers to.

  After dinner when Ryan drove her back to her house, Beth wholly believed getting close to Sean's brother meant cementing their relationship as a couple. That frightened the hell out of her.

  When Ryan did a walk through of her house, again taking a page from his brother's book, he kissed her goodnight on the cheek. "We'll do dinner again tomorrow," he insisted.

  She went to argue, but he brushed her off with a dismissive wave. "Won't hear the word no from you, Beth. Just like Sean in that way. Get used to it. You'll be my new best buddy."

  "Buddy?" She giggled.

  "Buddy." He nodded then slipped out the front door.

  A half an hour later, she still found herself chuckling over Ryan. She had a feeling his shenanigans would be something worth seeing first hand.


  Sean stood in the kitchen, cup of coffee in
hand, newspaper laid out over the island, and waited for his brother to return home from the date with his girlfriend. He snorted to himself. Never thought there'd be a day when that occurred.

  Ryan was already fifteen minutes later than what Sean calculated his brother should have returned. Unfortunately, Beth wouldn't be with him because he was supposed to work the nightshift.

  The front door opened and closed. A minute later his brother sauntered into the kitchen. "What are you doing home?"

  "Too many on tonight and it was slow. I was first out," Sean answered.

  "Lucky bastard," Ryan mumbled. "Never happens to me." He stepped over to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup.

  "How was dinner?" Sean asked. He hoped his edginess didn't stream through.

  Ryan chuckled. "You mean how was Beth?"

  Damn it. His brother saw right through him. All evening Sean worried his brother and girlfriend might not get along. He needed them to bond. If his relationship with Beth went further, he needed her to accept the idea of moving in with him and his brother as sort of a package deal.

  "Hey," Ryan barked at him to grab his attention. "She's terrific, Sean," he said softly. "No, I take that back. She's perfect." He smiled and shook his head. "She's perfect for you. I'm actually jealous that you got her."

  "You wouldn't know what to do with her." Sean jerked his brother's chain.

  Ryan snorted. "True."

  "Did you get along?"

  "Yes, we did. I even convinced her to take sign language classes with me, and we're going to dinner tomorrow again," Ryan answered.

  "I should take classes too," he said quickly. "Good idea."

  Shrugging, Ryan said, "I took them in high school, remember? I told her I should brush up and that I'd go with her since she's self conscious and has had trouble learning."

  Sean agreed. He should have thought of that a while ago.

  "Do you know how she lost her hearing?" Ryan asked.

  "No. Did she tell you?" he asked shocked.

  "No, no. It's clear that she struggles with it. Do you know how long ago she lost it?" his brother quizzed.


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