The Dark God's Bride : Book 2

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The Dark God's Bride : Book 2 Page 3

by Dahlia Lu

  “Can you handle it, Amara?”

  “Ha!” She forced a laugh even though her heart was hammering inside her chest. “Who do you think you’re talking to? I got this under control. You just do your part. I can take care of myself. I’m only here to warn you…” her voice became a mumble, “just in case I couldn’t withstand the torture and blurted something out.”

  “This is no time to pretend to be brave, Amara,” Chevalier advised. “This is a very serious situation. If you need help, we are here for you.”

  There was nothing they could do to help her… and besides, she didn’t want to trouble them. “I can handle this. Really!”

  Trent and Chevalier exchanged worried looks.

  The three of them turned to the front door when they heard a knocking.

  “I’ll get it,” Chevalier volunteered and went to answer the front door. He turned back and asked, “Did you guys order something to be delivered to this address?”

  Amara shook her head.

  Chevalier pushed the door wide open to reveal a huge box wrapped in pink ribbons on the other side of the door. “The delivery guy just left it here. I’d assume they’ll make me sign for something this big.”

  Chevalier picked up the massive box with ease and brought it to the living room.

  “Well, open it,” Amara excitedly urged him. “When I see something wrapped in ribbons, I just can’t help it! It’s like Christmas morning!”

  Trent eyed the box. “Something’s moving inside.”

  “You can tell?” Amara turned to Chevalier. “Open it! Open it! Maybe it’s a puppy crate!”

  Chevalier pulled on the ribbon to unravel the pretty bow. He opened the box with caution, and when he caught a glimpse of what was inside, he cursed. He quickly opened the box. Inside was a young girl being tied and gagged. Her large brown eyes were looking at the three strangers in fright and bewilderment. The tear stains were wet on her cheeks.

  “My god!” Amara gasped. “What in the world! Get her out of there, quickly!”

  Trent’s brows burrowed when he saw the girl. “Raya?”

  “You know her, Trent?” Chevalier asked as he removed the piece of fabric from her mouth.

  “I met her last night and walked her home.”

  Chevalier sighed. “You know better than to be seen around with another woman!” He scolded. “This is Nala’s warning! She’ll do it for real next time.”

  “Nala did this?” Amara asked, alarmed.

  “Who are you people?” The girl cried. Her eyes darted to Trent. “Oh god, you really are a psychopathic killer!”

  “No,” Trent assured her, helping to untie her. “There has been a misunderstanding.”

  “This not a misunderstanding! What did I ever do to you except for offering you my umbrella?!” The girl shouted at him. Then she sobbed in desperation. “Please don’t kill me…”

  She was clearly distressed.

  “We’re not going to kill you,” Chevalier said to the girl. “Just calm down for a minute and let us explain.”

  “Yeah!” Amara added. “We’re not bad people… I don’t think.”

  “You’re not?” The girl asked in a shaky voice. Amara could tell she was still skeptical of her situation. She stepped out from the box after Trent freed her. “You’re not… going to kill me to cover this up? I mean… I saw your faces…”

  “You’re fine,” Amara wrapped an arm around the girl. “You poor thing. You need something to drink? Coffee? A cup of hot chocolate? Milk?” She turned to Chevalier. “Get the girl a glass of milk, Chevy!”

  He stared back at her. “I don’t have any.”

  “Go buy some! The girl has just been through a horrible ordeal.”

  The girl shook her head.

  “Never mind,” Amara said, and then returned her attention to the girl. “So tell me what happened and how you got here.”

  “Well…” The girl gulped. “I stepped out of my home to get the newspaper this morning when I saw this beautiful girl standing in front of the gate. Everything that happened after was like a blur. The next thing I knew, I ended up here…”

  Chevalier stepped forward and folded his hands together. “I am so sorry to get you caught up in all of this. I’ll make you a special drink and you’ll forget everything that transpired today so you can get back to your life. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds horrible!” Amara glowered at Chevalier. “You’re going to erase her memories?”

  “Would you want to remember being kidnapped and trapped inside a box?”

  “I say you give her the choice,” Amara argued.

  “Fine,” Chevalier turned to the girl. “It’s up to you.”

  “So… you’re really not… bad people?”

  Amara shook her head.

  The girl’s eyes became fixed on Trent. “Really?”

  Trent nodded. “You are safe.”

  “I can… leave?”

  “Anytime.” Chevalier pointed at the door. “I’ll drive you home. If you don’t trust me then I can always call for a taxi.”

  “I-I need an explanation,” the girl demanded. “Who are you people and what am I doing here?”

  Amara jumped at the opportunity at an introduction. “I’m Amara. That rugged guy there is Chevalier. He’s kind of like an uncle to me. That guy with the face colder than the ice age is my foster brother, Trent.”

  The girl’s eyes became fixed on her brother. “Trent…” The nervousness melted away and was replaced with a shy smile. “So that’s your name?”

  Amara leaned over and whispered to Chevalier, “Can you see the sparks?”

  Chevalier rolled his eyes. “Trent, don’t you have somewhere you’re supposed to be?”

  Her brother nodded and turned to the door.

  Nala was safe.

  That was all he needed to know to put his mind to rest. In the three months that he hadn’t been able to sense her, he feared something had happened to her. At three thousand three hundred years old, Nala was merely a hatchling. By comparison, she was the youngest and weakest among their kind. There was no telling if her core had reached maturity, and that worried him every minute of the day.

  If something had happened to Nala…

  Trent released the clenched fists at his sides. She was safe, he reminded himself. She was safe and well enough to express her jealousy.

  He finally found solace in knowing she was safe. As for the compulsive urge to see her, he’d just ignore it, as always. Knowing she was safe was enough.

  Taking a deep breath, he materialized back into Chevalier’s apartment and headed to his own room within the apartment. Instantly, he knew something was out of the ordinary.

  Someone was in his bed.

  “Shh!” Amara shushed him as she was walking back from the kitchen with a mug of soymilk. “She’s sleeping.”

  “The girl is still here?” He frowned immediately. “Why hasn’t Chevalier taken her home yet?”

  He followed Amara out to the living room.

  “Well,” Amara began to explain. “Raya was intimidated by Chevalier, so I volunteered to drive her home. When we got there, we were locked out. Raya didn’t have her keys and her housemate goes home for the weekends and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. I thought about bringing her to a hotel but…I’ve been running low on cash.”

  “So you decided to let her stay here?”

  Amara nodded. “Just for tonight. You don’t need sleep, anyway, so I let her borrow your room. Oh, did you know she is a nursing student at my university?”

  “Take her to your place. If Nala found her here…”

  “I’m also hiding out here for tonight. I need a little bit of time to think.” Then she added. “Relax, will you? If Nala comes here, I’ll just explain to her. I’m sure she’s a reasonable person.”

  “That is where you are wrong.” He sighed. “Where is Chevalier?”

  “I have no idea. I sent him to do some grocery shopping, but he didn’t come back,
so I had to do it myself. An empty refrigerator is no way to treat a guest. Well, goodnight.”

  Amara disappeared into the room in the far left and closed the door.

  Trent went over to the built-in bar and poured himself a glass of brandy.

  The bedroom door squeaked open. Trent turned his attention to the girl coming out to the living room in one of his black shirts. Once the girl leaves, he will need to destroy it, along with his beddings and everything she’d come in contact with. If Nala detected another woman’s scent among his things, the girl’s life will be forfeited.

  “I’m sorry I accused you of those things earlier,” she began, and slowly walked up to the bar. “I was frightened and I couldn’t think clearly. I know now that you’re not a bad person.”

  “You were right,” Trent replied. “I was responsible for you being abducted.”

  “Amara explained everything and…” She seated herself on the stool. “You are so handsome, so I can understand why women are crazy about you. You’re the best looking guy I’ve ever met.”

  Trent placed the glass down on the counter.

  “I mean, I’m partly to blame because, you see…” She lowered her eyes for a moment and then looked up again. Her earthy brown eyes gazed into his. “I was trying to…what I mean was…”

  “Please stop right there.”

  “I was trying to get to know you,” she confessed nervously. “You asked me if I usually come up to strangers… I don’t. I saw you, and I felt this instant connection with you, and I couldn’t pass up the chance of getting to know you.”

  Trent averted his gaze to the brandy glass in his hand.

  “I was hoping, maybe… we can start something together.”

  “Did you not learn from today’s lesson?” Trent asked straightforwardly. “The next time, you will not be delivered to me in one piece.”

  “You’re exaggerating,” she said, and then smiled. “It was just a bad prank. Girls do that. I’ve been through high school, you know.”

  He caught himself staring and lowered his eyes. There was something very familiar about her smile. “I assure you, I do not exaggerate.”

  “Yes, you do,” she said playfully. “If I’d known better, I’d say I’ve been rejected. Can we at least be friends?”


  He leaned forward and said, “If you value your life, then you’ll stay away from me.”

  “What is up with you and these threats?”

  “They’re not threats.”

  “Why can’t you just give me an honest ‘no’? I’m a big girl. I can handle it.” She snatched the glass of brandy from the counter and drained it. “See? I’m also old enough to drink.” She let the taste sink in. “Oh wow… that’s good. Let me see that bottle.”

  He slid the bottle over to her. She picked it up and read the label. “Oh wow…you got to be kidding me. This brandy is over a hundred years old! This thing is worth a fortune! Are you sure I can drink it?”

  “Help yourself.”

  “Oh!” she gasped excitedly.

  He watched her pour herself a glass and drain it. Then another. And another.

  “You might want to slow down,” he advised her fifteen minutes later.

  “Oh no,” she laughed. “I have very high alcohol for tolerance.”

  “You mean tolerance for alcohol.”

  “That’s what I said.”

  He stopped her from drinking another and set the glass aside. “I think that is enough for tonight. You can take a few with you when you leave.”

  “Really?” She asked. “You’ll give them to me?”

  “Yes, but right now you should get some rest.”

  She nodded and got up from the stool. “Alright, but I could totally drink another half a bottle.”

  She staggered her way toward the bedroom and passed out half-way there. Trent shifted to the other side of the bar and caught her head before it hit the hardwood floor.

  “Another half a bottle?” Trent asked, clearly amused by her claim.

  He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. She opened her eyes and smiled up at him. “This is kind of romantic…” She wrapped her arms around his neck when he lay her down on the linen. “This works out perfectly.”

  “What does?” he asked curiously.

  “Get a little drunk so you can carry me to bed.”

  “You planned this?”

  She smiled up at him. “Naughty, no?”

  “Yes, it worked,” he admitted while trying to free himself from her. “But I think this has gone far enough.”

  “Nuh-uh,” she shook her head. “My plan included a goodnight kiss.”

  Not possible.

  “I can’t,” he said, removing a hand from his neck. He attempted to remove the other but her hands were climbing like vines, one grabbing on if he tried to move the other. She lifted her head and slanted her lips against his. The way she kissed him felt… complete. There can only be one explanation for it.


  He pulled back and stared angrily at her. Her eyes slid back into her lids and she was rendered unconscious. It was one of her schemes again!

  Something else caught his attention. Nala’s presence drew his eyes to the door. His other self was standing at the threshold with the intention to kill. His eyes darted to the woman beneath him, and then to Nala standing by the door.

  Had he been wrong?

  “This is not what it looks like!” He tried to explain, but Nala had already drawn her own conclusion. He tore himself from Raya and rushed to Nala. Her pale green eyes were fixed on the girl.

  “Nala!” He grabbed her arms and shook her so that she would look at him.

  Nala shifted past him. Her sharp nails aimed at the girl lying on the bed. He caught her hand before she could reach the girl’s neck.

  “It’s not what you think,” Trent quickly said to her. He suddenly realized he was reciting lines that a husband would say when caught having an affair.

  “That whore tried to seduce you. She deserves to die for her crime.”


  “Stay out of my way, Trent! When she came near you she’d already forfeited her life!”

  He quickly glanced at the girl and firmly told her, “No.”

  “You are…” Her brows creased in confusion and then straightened in realization, “You are… protecting her. That girl means something to you.”

  Trent closed his eyes and inhaled. It didn’t matter what he said. There was no persuading Nala in this irrational state.

  Her pale green eyes glared at him, bubbling with anger. “Does she, Trent?” She shoved at his chest and screamed, “Does she?!”

  He was too tired of scenes like these. Centuries after centuries of melodrama. He had had enough of her antics and suspicions. In fact, he was sick of the whole situation.

  He was sick of the way she controlled his life. He was sick of the claim she had on him. But most of all, he was sick of the misguided voice that made him believe that he had a claim on her.

  He was also sick of being alone.

  Can we at least be friends?

  “I won’t let you kill her, Nala.”

  Nala took a step back when she saw the determination in his eyes and lifted her chin proudly. She knew she was no match for him. “You can’t protect her every minute of the day, Trent. And when you turn your back.…”

  With that final statement, Nala vanished from the room.

  Trent’s attention turned to the girl sleeping soundly in his bed and sighed. Nala may not be powerful, but she has the ability to win people over and persuade them to do her bidding. As long as Nala wished it, someone would see it done. Keeping a mortal girl alive when Nala wanted her dead may be his toughest challenge yet.

  Chapter Four

  After a full sleepless night, Amara came to the full realization that she may be endangering the people around her. She’d promised Lizzie that they’d move in together when she rented a new apartmen
t, but she realized that it wasn’t a very good idea. And Camden…

  For some unknown reason, Noctis had developed an interest in her, not as a tool for vengeance, but as a female. The good news was that he had decided that he would spare her for other reasons. The bad news was that if Noctis found out about Camden, things could turn really bad, very fast. Ruthless, bloodthirsty, possessive, and with absolutely no regard for human lives, Noctis would not stand it if another person, heaven forbid, a male, snatched away his toy.

  Degraded to toy, Amara thought grimly.

  She searched her tote for her cellphone and dialed for Camden. He didn’t pick up at first, so she dialed again.

  “Hello?” He answered on the fourth ring. “Hello? Amara? I’m sorry, I was in the shower.”

  “Hi, Camden,” she said in a low and depressed tone.

  Detecting her tone, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “I have bad news.”


  “Uh….” She drawled. Say it, Amara! It’s for his own good. “I’m afraid I can’t see you for a while.”

  The line went quiet for half a minute. “Are you going somewhere?”

  “Uh no, that’s not what I meant.” She breathed in. “Camden, I’m afraid I can’t see you anymore.”

  “Is something a matter? Did I…?”

  “No! No!” She assured him. “It’s not you! It’s just that things are… complicated.”

  “I see…”

  “I didn’t mean to call like this, but…”

  “Now I know something is wrong. You can tell me anything, Amara. Maybe I can help.”

  “It’s complicated,” she repeated. “So, um… I’m so sorry.”

  She should have said a few more comforting words, but her nerves made her hang up. She’d just broke up with someone over the phone. She had a sudden urge to bang her head against the wall or crawl into some burrow and die. Just die!

  At least it wasn’t a text message.

  Amara groaned and tossed her phone on the bed. She followed and flopped onto the pillow.

  “Amara?” Raya knocked on the door. “Do you want some breakfast? I made some eggs and bacon.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute.”


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