The Dark God's Bride : Book 2

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The Dark God's Bride : Book 2 Page 5

by Dahlia Lu

  She hated herself for finding pleasure in his touch and his kisses, because pleasure shouldn’t be a part of their little bargain. It somehow seemed more morally right if she didn’t enjoy it. It would soothe her wounded pride if she were reviled by it.

  Ah, but his touch burns.

  He was an immaculate male specimen, she rationalized. Any female would have had the same reaction to him. It has nothing to do with like or dislike. It was pure, raw, biological chemistry. Her body was only playing its assigned role.

  Chapter Five

  Amara felt like dirt.

  Her self-esteem was drowning in a pool of humiliation. Even as she was trembling from the lingering ecstasy, she’d never felt so low.

  Amara was a firm believer that sex was supposed to be something shared between lovers. And yet, she’d shamelessly used it as a bargaining tool. It wasn’t love making. It was a transaction between a dealer and a buyer. What do you call that? Amara mocked herself.

  It didn’t matter that she had a legitimate reason. She could never be proud of what she had done. To make matters worse, she may even need to reuse the tactic again in the future.

  Amara buried her head in the pillow when she remembered what had happened earlier. After a series of literally breathtaking orgasms, her world began to glue itself together again. Her mind returned her to the spacious, echoing bedroom.

  He rose from the bed, turning his back to her. In a few brief words, he’d ordered her to stay in bed.

  She didn’t even want to speak to him, but it was a matter of grave urgency. “Promise me you’ll spare Camden.”

  He replied, “I will promise no such thing.”

  “You will promise me,” she said sternly. “If you hurt Camden or the people close to me, I swear on my life I will never speak to you again.”

  He sneered at her. “Are you threatening me, mortal?”

  “Take it as you will. If you were to harm them in anyway, I would sooner crawl into my own grave than say another word to you.”

  Her weary grey eyes met his blue ones, internally battling it out. The corner of his lips twitched with agitation.

  “Use that same threat against me once more and we will see what will happen, mortal.”

  After that, he went to take a shower, leaving her alone in the dark room. She listened to the running water for ten minutes and then waited for him to come out. Half an hour went by and Amara realized that he had already teleported to some other place.

  Amara dragged her exhausted body to the bathroom. As she was waiting for the bathtub to fill, Amara took a good look at herself in the mirror. The smeared coral lipstick made her look more clown than woman. She grabbed a piece of tissue and wiped her lips clean. Coral was definitely not her color.

  She reached for the pink toothbrush and mint toothpaste sitting on the side of the sink and began her morning routine.

  Amara soaked in the tub until her fingers turned prune-looking. After her bath, she picked out a comfortable pair of grey sweat pants and a diamond studded tank top. It was still dark outside, so Amara decided to head back to bed. She curled up into a comfortable position and fell back to sleep.

  Amara got up around noon. She washed up again before heading down to the dining room. Noctis was already waiting for her at the dining table, even though he wouldn’t eat anything. It was also part of routine, and she was used to it. She pulled back the chair and seated herself at the table.

  Usually, she would greet him with a witty remark or jab a hurtful comment at him, but for some reason, she didn’t feel like it. She needed to be a good little captive and quietly eat her meal. It was what he had always demanded of her. He must be overwhelmed with joy now that he finally got what he wanted. What is more pleasant than the sound of silverware clanging against fine china in a deathly still room?

  She didn’t know, but Noctis had always claimed to enjoy the quietness. Apparently, it allowed him to think.

  Amara attempted to read him. There was a dark expression on his face that seemed to grow darker by the minute. His fingers were impatiently drumming on the mahogany table, as if he was waiting for her to do something. She couldn’t figure out what he was waiting for. Was she supposed to do something?

  After the meal, a beautiful blonde, who could easily pass for a model, served up dessert. Amara had never seen this particular maid before. It didn’t even take a minute for Amara to see that she had a thing for Noctis. Her eyes had been fixed on him like glue since she entered the room. Amara could have sworn the girl was casting a judgmental look at her.

  Foolish choice, Amara thought, but feel free to take him off my hands.

  On second thoughts, Amara retracted the offer. He was far too dangerous and impatient to have as company. A wrong comment was the same as signing a death warrant.

  If that is the case, then why am I still alive?

  He’d kept her alive before because of his vengeance plot. What about now? What is the reason for him to tolerate her insulting words? She knew for a fact that another person wouldn’t be able to get away with it.

  For the briefest moment, she almost felt special.

  Then she remembered the answer: he’s keeping me alive for sex.

  Her pride and self-esteem came crashing down again. Amara picked up a clean spoon and savagely attacked the dessert. She began stuffing her face with chocolate cake. Sweets have healing abilities on her soul.

  The maid was looking at her as if she was crazy.

  Judge me, I don’t care!

  Amara asphyxiated halfway through the second slice. She beat at her chest and coughed onto the napkin. The blockage had cleared.

  He bolted up from his seat and shoved a glass of water at her. Her face reddened from a number of different reasons. She felt angry. She felt humiliated. She felt like dirt. She snatched the glass of water from his hand, but instead of drinking it, she poured it over her head so that he wouldn’t be able to tell apart the tears from water trickling down her face.

  She wished she was stronger. She wished she was half as brave as she made herself out to be.

  Amara felt like she was having a nervous break-down of epic proportions.

  She picked up the spoon and shoved more cake into her mouth.

  “That’s enough!” He roared, yanking the spoon out of her hand and tossed it aside. He turned to the maid and dismissed her. The girl complied.

  “Anything you say,” Amara replied submissively.

  His eyes widened in bewilderment as if she’d just slap him.

  She wearily looked up at him. “What is it that you want me to do?”

  He clenched his jaw tightly before he ordered, “Wipe yourself dry.”

  Amara gathered a handful of napkin from the table and began to wipe the water off of her hair, her face, and neck area. “Did I do well?”

  He was staring at her. “Yes.”

  “Your wish is my command,” she added. Is this submissive enough for you? Must I get on my knees and bow?

  “Are you saying that you will follow my orders from now on?”

  She replied without blinking, “Yes.”

  “You will do anything I ask?”

  Again, she replied, “Yes.”

  His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I order you to kill yourself.”

  He’s testing me? Amara faintly smiled. I call your bluff.

  Without delay, she picked up the butter knife and thrust it at her throat. As she’d predicted, he snatched the knife back before the dull blade reached its destination.

  His body was trembling with anger. He was gripping so tightly on the dull blade that a line of blood trickled from his palm down the length of the silverware.

  “Shall I continue?” She asked.

  He growled at her. “What are you trying to do?”

  “I’m only doing what you asked of me.”

  “This is not you!”

  That’s funny. You hated everything about me. “I am what you say I am.”

  “This is what you’ve been aiming to achieve, right?” she asked bitterly, “an obedient slave who follows your orders without question? Congratulations, you’ve succeeded. I can’t fight you anymore.”

  His hands gripped her shoulders, violently shaking her. “Stop this!”

  “What exactly is it that you want from me?!” She screamed at him. “Tell me! Tell me exactly what you want and I’ll do it! What will make you happy? You want me to die? I’ll jump off the nearest, steepest cliff! You want me to sleep with you? I’ll spread my legs and whore for you! I have nothing honorable left to my name anyway! I will be exactly what you want me to be!” She bit back a sob. “I’ll be your slave, your toy, your whore, or all of the above!”

  “I want you! You!”

  She pulled the tank top over her head and dropped it at her side. “You have me.”

  Noctis couldn’t think of a worse insult. If he wanted a woman, he only needed to say the word. He could have a different female in his bed every night. If he just wanted a woman, then it didn’t necessary have to be her.

  Instead of being pleased at her submissiveness, as he should be, he felt anything but. He knew the taste of victory, and this was not it.

  He detested the defeated look in her daunting grey eyes. They were trying to make him feel guilty about what happened last night.

  It was her own damn fault! He didn’t even plan on staying. In fact, he was going to disappear to some forsaken wasteland to vent. If she got hurt, then it was her own damn fault!

  “Stop,” he commanded before she reached for the bra hooks.

  She paused.

  “Get out.”

  Her hands dropped to her sides. She turned and headed toward the door.

  He massaged the bridge of his nose. “Dress yourself first.”

  She did as he bade without a single protest.

  This is what you wanted, Noctis reminded himself as he watched her back exiting the dining room, another soul obeying your every order.

  Noctis reseated himself at the table and rested his forehead on his hands. It wasn’t long before he sensed someone entering the room. He lifted his head, hoping that the mortal would come charging at him with some kind of weapon she found on her way back to their bedroom. His head sank again when the young maid entered.

  He waved a hand to dismiss her.

  He sensed her coming closer still. She came behind him and rested her soft hands on his shoulders. They slowly slid down his chest. She leaned forward, pressing her voluptuous breasts against his back. Slowly, her moist, warm tongue traced the outline of his ear.

  The mortal’s voice was replaying in his head. I hate you.

  The muscles in his body froze with tensions.

  Let go of me! If you knew that I hate you then why are you still stalking me? If you’re going to kill me for deceiving you, then just do it! If you already decided to spare me, then leave me the hell alone! I hate you! I hate being around you! I hate everything about you!

  “I cannot,” he repeated.

  Why the hell not? Find some other poor soul to torture! I’ve had enough of you!

  “Is that what you want?”

  “What?” the woman asked.

  Noctis stood. He hauled the temptress from behind the chair and deposited her on the table.

  “Oh!” she cried out and then excitedly gasped when he leaned toward her. She wrapped her slender arms around his neck, inviting him to kiss her. He didn’t want to. He went for her neck instead. He could take her on the table right now, and the wench would have no objection.

  Women adored him – why not her?

  But I don’t want to be yours! I want to be with someone who actually treats me like a human being! I want to be with someone who isn’t insane! I want to be with someone who wouldn’t hurt the people I love!

  “Mine!” he growled aggressively.

  “Yes, all yours,” the woman beneath him breathed, thinking that he was talking to her.

  “Shut up,” he bit out.

  She smiled up at him and wetted her lips with her tongue.

  He stared back at her with revulsion.

  Noctis decided that he couldn’t stomach it. He wanted nothing from this woman who obviously wanted him. He didn’t want another substitution. He wanted the real thing. Everything paled by comparison.

  He tore himself from the female and marched toward the door, leaving behind a very confused woman.

  Noctis halted at the door when his blue eyes met her grey ones. Apparently, the mortal had been standing in the hallway. She’d probably seen and heard. He tried to read her expression for some kind of signs.

  “You did not instruct me where to go,” she said flatly. Her eyes were still, apparently uninterested about what had just happened in the dining room. If he’d taken what was offered on the dining table, he doubted that the mortal would have cared.

  The thought angered him. It seemed to happen far too often when it comes to her.

  He wanted her to care. Even the slightest bit would do.

  He knew he was insane, but he hadn’t realized that he was delusional too. The mortal hated him more than anyone or anything. He’d done nothing but hurt her, insulted her, and humiliated her. Forgiveness could only extend so far.

  She would hate him forever. He could live with that, but he couldn’t live with the atrocity standing before him for another minute. If he wanted another mindless slave, there were millions of people for that. He wanted her to go back to the way she was. He wanted her to go back to her annoying self. Only she could block out his detestable thoughts.

  There was something he could do. He could try to destroy a part of her memories. He could give himself another chance.

  A hand slowly reached out to her head.

  What if I unintentionally destroy all of her memories? What if I destroy everything that made her… her?

  A menacing smile appeared on his face when he realized he’d done that already. Another factor made him hesitate. He had not put his powers to use in a very long time. There was a chance that he could kill her in the process. Would he prefer her to be alive and hating him or dead and buried?

  “Where would you like me to go?”


  Noctis lowered his hand and walked past her. He preferred her to be alive.

  “I leave that up to you.”

  Chapter Six

  When Noctis told her that he left that choice up to her, he had meant it.

  Amara woke up the next morning in her own bed and in her own apartment. It was so out of character of him that she began to ponder his real agenda. But then again, could it be possible that she’d gotten through to him? Had she finally appealed to his sense of decency? Was that the reason why he’d let her go?

  Fat chance, considering he had none. There were ulterior motives behind this. She was sure of it.

  Proof was in that right after he kicked her out of the dining room, he immediately went for that pretty maid. If he wanted privacy, he could have just asked. It would have saved her from the embarrassing scene. She had to admit that it damaged her female self-esteem quite a bit. He’d turned her away, while she was half naked, and went for the hotter chick.

  Typical male.

  After Noctis left her in the hallway, the pretty maid came out of the dining room looking like she’d just won some southern belle pageant. Out of the goodness of her heart, Amara offered a warning.

  “If you value your life, you’ll stay away from him.”

  The pretty maid, whose name was Daisy, misinterpreted the warning as a bitter threat from a jealous lover. It certainly sounded like a threat.

  “Afraid I’ll nab him and take your place?” Daisy asked with a derisive look in her eyes.

  Sometimes, it doesn’t pay to be a good person.

  Amara sighed at the memory and stuffed herself with the first of three tuna sandwiches. She hated having lunch at the Chemistry Building because they only sold cold lunches, with the exception of ‘so
up of the day’. The new Business Building has a café that sold hot Italian cuisine, but it was about twenty minutes away on foot. A forty minute trip to get a hot meal just wasn’t worth it.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Lizzie asked, noting the other two sandwiches on the side.

  “I’m hungry,” Amara replied.

  “No, you’re not. Overeating is a sign that you’re depressed. Out with it.”

  “It’s nothing,” Amara lied. “I’m just feeling a stressed out lately.”

  “It’s the beginning of the semester. What are you stressing about? Save that for finals. By the way, Camden thinks you’ve been kidnapped, so you might want to give him a call. I tried to tell him that you disappear frequently, but that you always turn up in a few days. He didn’t believe me. He was convinced your life was in danger.”

  “Oops! I forgot to call him to tell him that I was okay.”

  Lizzie confiscated the other two sandwiches. “I’ll hold on to these. Your stomach is only so big, Amara. Remember last time you got depressed? You ate so much that you threw up all over the place.”

  “Fine, I’ll find another way to release the stress. Maybe I’ll buy a punch bag.”

  “Or…” Lizzie leaned forward on the table, “…we can join the sorority.”

  “We who?”

  “We! Me and you.”

  Amara gave a short laugh. “What for?”

  “You know, sororities are fun. You get to make new friends – quote, sisters, unquote –and you get to live at the sorority house. Since you told me that we have to sell the apartment, I have put some thought into it.”

  “A sorority house? As in living with a group of girls?” While a crazy deity is on my back? Not a good idea.

  “I’ll just look for a regular apartment near campus.”

  “Did you say a sorority?” A familiar female voice asked.

  Amara looked up.

  Raya was smiling down at her. “May I join you guys?”


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