Hell To Pay (Hellscourge Book 5)

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Hell To Pay (Hellscourge Book 5) Page 1

by Diem, J. C.

  Hell To Pay

  Hellscourge: Book Five

  J.C. Diem

  Copyright © 2016 J.C. DIEM


  All rights reserved. Published by Seize The Night Agency.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover by: Ravven


  Cover Photograph (female model) Copyright © 2016 by J.C. Diem

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  Chapter One

  Catching Sam looking at me from the corner of my eye, I tried not to scowl. I’d smothered my face in makeup in an effort to hide the fact that something was very wrong with me. Unfortunately, it hadn’t worked as well as I’d hoped. “Go ahead and say it,” I said.

  “Say what?” Sam asked cautiously. He knew I was in a sour mood. He’d probably heard me tossing and turning when I’d gone to bed last night.

  “I look like crap and we both know it.”

  He turned to examine me openly. “Are you sure it is a good idea to meet with Zach today? I am certain he would understand if you asked him to delay your date for a few days.”

  I was surprised that he’d managed to make it a full block away from our base before voicing his concern. I’d expected it to come sooner. Everyone had tried to talk me out of meeting with my boyfriend. They’d all advised me that I needed to rest since we’d just gotten back from our last jaunt to hell yesterday. I could be pretty stubborn when I wanted and I’d resisted their efforts to coddle me. Besides, telling me not to do something was almost guaranteed to ensure that I’d end up doing it.

  “I haven’t seen him in three weeks,” I reminded him. It hadn’t felt like that much time had passed while we’d been in hell, but time flowed differently there. It ran faster, but actually felt like it was passing more slowly. It was a paradox and I doubted I’d ever be able to truly comprehend it. “Leo gave Zach a good excuse for why I couldn’t see him sooner, but he’ll get suspicious if I put him off any longer.”

  Leo might inhabit the body of a fourteen-year-old teenager, but he was a lot older than that. For an angel, he did a pretty good job of pretending to be human. I’d read the few texts that he’d exchanged with my boyfriend while we’d been gone and they’d passed muster.

  “You need to face the truth,” Sam said solemnly. “You are addicted to your beau.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I said with a laugh. “I am not.”

  “The first step to conquering an addiction is to admit that you have one,” he replied.

  That was exactly what I’d said to him about his fondness for watching television. I grinned at the reminder. “Okay, I’m addicted to Zach. There, I said it.”

  “Good. I am glad that you have the courage to accept it.” He waited for a moment and slid me a sly look. “I only wish you were as strong as me and that you could give up your obsession anytime you wish.”

  “Uh huh,” I said and rolled my eyes. “How many of the shows that you taped while we were gone have you watched so far?” He was an expert on recording his favorite programs.

  “Not that many,” he replied defensively.

  “You stayed up all night with your eyes glued to the TV.”

  “What else am I going to do with my time?” he asked with a shrug. “I am an imp and I do not need to sleep.”

  It was a fair point. “You’ve got me there. You can’t spend all your time training with Leo.”

  “I fear I will never be an accomplished warrior.”

  He made a face and I sent him a sympathetic look. “Your role in this war is different from mine. I don’t need you to fight the demons. I need you to hide me from them.”

  “Hiding is something I am very good at.” We both smirked and stopped at a set of lights to wait for them to change.

  The worst of the cold weather had picked up its skirts and had left while Sam and I had been in hell. It was now the beginning of April and I no longer needed to wear my long black winter coat. Instead, I wore one of my black hoodies, jeans and a plain white t-shirt. My clothes were serviceable rather than stylish. I wished I could update my wardrobe to fit in with my boyfriend’s much more expensive tastes, but that wasn’t likely to happen.

  I’d drawn the hood forward to hide my face and hair. Nearly waist length now, my hair was blond and stood out far too much. Demons used it as a way to identify me, but they kept kidnapping the wrong girls. Speaking of the poor victims, Sophia had informed us that another teen had been murdered while we’d been in the underworld. Just like the other nine girls, her heart had been cut out. It was a chilling reminder that some demons wanted to kill me rather than bring me before their master. I still didn’t know why the victims’ hearts were being removed. I might never find out.

  It was too dangerous for me to meet with Zach somewhere as public as a café now. My picture had been circulated on the news. The last thing I needed was for someone to recognize me and turn me in again. I’d already been arrested once and I hadn’t enjoyed the experience at all. Thankfully, I’d managed to escape before I could be handed over to the new overlord of hell.

  Since cafés were out, I was going to meet Zach at a library. We’d used this ruse the last time we’d seen each other. I hoped it would work for us again. Zach was studying two ancient languages and he sometimes needed to use obscure books from the library. It was an excellent cover story and it gave us a chance to see each other without his bodyguard, Giles, being aware. The downside was that I’d have to remain out of sight, so we wouldn’t get a chance to make out as often as we’d like.

  Considering how uncontrollable my hormones had become lately, that was probably a good thing. The legion who resided inside me had unleashed my lust a
nd it was becoming harder and harder to deny my urges. Only the promise that I’d made to Nathan was keeping me from getting naked with Zach. I’d given him my word that I wouldn’t consummate my relationship with his rival yet. When I was in the heat of the moment, it was hard to remember that I’d made the vow.

  Heaving an internal sigh as the lights changed and we resumed walking, I wished my life was less complicated. I’d left any chance of a normal life behind the night demons had killed my mother. I was now at war with the denizens of hell and Zach was my only point of stability. Or he had been before his father had interfered. Our relationship had become more complicated when Candice Weller had come along. To please his overbearing father, Zach had to pretend to date her. His dad erroneously believed that I was safely locked away in jail and out of the picture.

  My thoughts dwelled on Candice, or Candy as she preferred to be called. She was determined to date Zach and she wouldn’t let anything stand in her way. While a small part of me couldn’t help but admire her ambition, I wish she’d chosen someone else to fixate on.

  My relationship with Zach was under a lot of strain. Every time I went to hell, it took longer to accomplish my goals. During my absence, Candy had time to worm her way into his heart and I wasn’t there to defend my territory, so to speak. I realized that I should be focusing on saving the world from being overrun by demons, but I cared about Zach too much to just give him up without a fight.

  Reaching the library, we loitered across the street to look for cops, demons and Giles. “It looks clear,” Sam said after we’d both searched the area. “Wait here while I check inside.” It only took him a couple of minutes to enter the building and take a look around. When he appeared in the doorway and gestured for me to join him, I crossed the road and walked up the stairs. “I will keep watch for anyone suspicious,” he said when I reached his side. “I will do my best to alert you if danger approaches if you get carried away while kissing your beau again.”

  I wanted to roll my eyes, but I couldn’t deny that there was a very real possibility that Zach and I might become lost in each other. “If you’re going to throw another book at us, aim for me this time,” I told him. He smirked and nodded then faded into the background.

  No one seemed to be paying any attention to me as I headed into the stacks to wait. I was a few minutes early and kept watch on the entrance. Zach entered the building right on time and my heartrate kicked into a higher gear. His eyes swept across the room until he found me. We stared at each other for a long moment and his smile warmed me to my bones. Then he gestured towards the table where he’d sat the last time and I nodded in response.

  Watching him walk away, I was struck by how tall he’d grown. He had to be almost Nathan’s height of six foot one by now. His shoulders had broadened as well, but they still weren’t a match for my guardian. Zach was only seventeen and he still had some growing to do. The main difference between them was their hair and eyes. Zach was blond with brown eyes and Nathan had black hair and dark blue eyes. Both were handsome and charismatic. My traitorous heart had decided to love both of them and there was nothing I could do about it.

  My attention was drawn back to the door when Zach’s bodyguard entered. Giles was tall and had an average build. His hair was white blond and his eyes were icy blue. As always, he wore a black suit that made him stand out from the rest of the far more casually dressed people in the library.

  I faded into the shadows before he could see me. Glancing around, he checked that Zach was heading towards the area where he did his assignments then took a seat near the door. He picked up a newspaper and lifted it high enough so he could peek over the top.

  Sam hadn’t camouflaged himself against the wall yet. He looked at me and shook his head at Giles’ unsubtle attempt to blend in. Before anyone could see that my best friend wasn’t quite normal, he blended in with the wall. Now someone would have to walk into him before they’d know he was there.

  No one else suspicious entered the library, so I headed towards the rendezvous point where Zach would be waiting for me.


  Chapter Two

  Zach was arranging his books on the table when I approached him between two of the rows of books. He sent me a sideways glance that spoke volumes. I knew he wanted to rush over to me, but he had to keep up appearances. No one else tended to use this section of the library. The books were old and had been written in foreign languages. It was the perfect cover. We couldn’t touch as often as we’d like while we were here, but at least we could still spend some quality time together.

  When he was satisfied that his books had been staged correctly, he turned towards me. I peeked through the books to see Giles glance up then return to reading the newspaper. I turned back to Zach to see he was striding towards me with purpose. I managed to brace myself before he took me into his arms and kissed me. The moment our lips touched, heat exploded inside me. My hands roamed up and down his body and his did the same to mine. It had only been three weeks since we’d seen each other, but it felt more like three months.

  He broke off the kiss too soon and we took a step back, fighting to catch our breath. “I missed you,” he said when he had himself under control.

  “I noticed,” I replied dryly. His eyebrows rose, waiting for the correct response. “Okay, I missed you, too.”

  He grinned and a dimple appeared in his left cheek. “I know. I could tell by the way you were grabbing my butt.”

  I flushed at how bold I was becoming. My growing desire was making it harder to remember that we weren’t really alone in here. Someone could stumble across us at any time, which would be utterly mortifying. “I’ll try to keep my hands to myself in the future,” I said.

  He was instantly alarmed. “That wasn’t a complaint.” His expression turned wistful. “I only wish we could spend more time alone together.”

  We both knew what would happen then. “I care about you a lot, but I’m still not ready for that.”

  A normal teenage boy might have thrown a tantrum at being denied sex, but he merely took my hands in his. “I know. I want you, but I’m not going to pressure you into doing anything you’re not ready for.”

  Before my mom had been killed, Zach had been frustrated that I wouldn’t even let him see me without my shirt. After the trauma that I’d gone through, he’d backed off. He seemed to be more patient now. Little did he know that I’d only resisted because of the horrible scar on my left breast. I now knew that my mother had removed my essence, leaving me without a soul. I’d seen similar wounds on harvested angels. They’d also had an ugly scar as evidence of their traumatic experience. No amount of healing could erase the marks. They were a permanent reminder of what we’d lost.

  “Giles is getting suspicious,” I said and nodded towards his chauffeur who was more like a stalker. Giles was craning his head, searching for his charge. He became suspicious whenever Zach left his seat for more than a couple of minutes.

  Zach bent to peer between the books and let out a sigh. “I wish he’d get a life of his own and stop following me around everywhere.”

  “Your Dad hired the guy to protect you,” I said lamely. In truth, his father was doing everything he could to split us up. As far as he knew, he’d accomplished that goal. It was a puzzle why Giles was still being so diligent after I’d supposedly been locked up.

  “I know,” Zach said and leaned down to give me a quick kiss. “But it’s still annoying.” He chose a book at random and returned to his seat.

  We talked for an hour about inconsequential things. I couldn’t tell him anything about my life or what I’d been doing since I’d seen him last. I lied and told him I spent most of my time reading or watching TV.

  “Are you feeling okay?” he asked me after a lull in conversation. He watched me from the corner of his eye. “You still look like you’re getting over your illness.”

  Leo had texted him to say I’d fallen sick with a virus. It was the same excuse he’d used the last tim
e I’d been absent. Unfortunately, it wasn’t untrue. I did have an illness, but it wasn’t a virus. The toxin that the Wraith Warrior had infected me with was to blame for my growing weakness.

  “I have my good days and my bad days,” I hedged.

  His brow furrowed in concern. “I wish I could take you to my doctor. He might be able to do something for you.”

  We both knew that wasn’t going to be possible. His doctor would inform his dad about me and we’d both be in serious trouble. “I’ll be fine,” I said. “I just need to get some more rest.” I’d slept fitfully last night. My dreams had been troubling, not that I remembered much about them. I’d woken up feeling exhausted. Sophia had watched me as I’d forced my cereal down during breakfast. I’d sensed her concern for my health.

  “You should think about taking a nap when you get home,” he told me solemnly.

  “I’m seventeen, not seventy.”

  He grinned at my snarky tone. He was well used to the fact that I wasn’t meek and mild and never would be. “You know best, Your Majesty.”

  I let out a loud sigh. “I’m more of a peasant than royalty. You’re the one who lives like a king.”

  He looked away guiltily at the reminder of his father’s vast amounts of wealth. “I’d give it all up in an instant if it meant I could be with you,” he said almost too softly for me to hear him.

  Tears welled in my eyes at his heartfelt words. My emotions were wonky due to my tiredness and I was having a hard time controlling myself. “Being poor and on the run isn’t as glamourous as it sounds,” I joked.

  “At least you don’t have to spend your weekends doing lame assignments anymore.”

  “That’s true. Giving up school wasn’t exactly a hardship.” I’d never planned to go to college, so I wasn’t upset that my education had screeched to a halt. I had far more important things to worry about than landing a nine-to-five job.

  He looked envious for a moment then shook it off. “Do you need anything?”


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