Connection Terminated

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Connection Terminated Page 11

by Edward Hancock II

  “Ya think?”

  “Well, just go on a date with the gal first. She seemed nice. Enjoy time with a nice girl and take it from there. It’s not up to you or me what happens, but you know what they say. God works in mysterious ways.”

  Eric laughed.

  “I guess. Maybe. Good grief! How am I gonna call this girl? I can’t even talk to her!”

  “You’re talking to me, aren’t you?”

  Eric nodded.

  “Yeah, but that’s different. I know you have a man. So, it’s not like there’ any chance of anything happening.”

  “What you mean is I’m not a threat.”


  “Well, honestly, neither is she. And whether you realized it or not, she’s just as nervous as you are. So, just man up. Be you. If she doesn’t like you, you’ve had a date with a girl that isn’t right for you. If she does like you, you’ve had your first date with the future. Either way, it’s in God’s hands. Go, have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “You wanna come?” Eric said, his voice cracking as if regressing into puberty. Clearing his throat, Eric continued. “I mean, you and your boyfriend. We could double. I know y’all are a little older than us, but—“

  “Tell you what,” Alyson said, “I’ll talk to Josh next chance I get. Give her a call tomorrow. You don’t want to seem too eager. Have a couple conversations with her before the movie. That way you’ll be more at ease. Meantime, I’ll see if I can talk Josh into it. He probably won’t mind. He likes you. It’s getting him to sit still for a movie that will be the hard part.

  As she grabbed her purse, Jason Carlson approached.

  “You get the word out online?”

  “As best I could, Jase. Internet’s a lot like high school. If you know who to tell, the story will be all over town by dinner. I put feelers out and warned a few online chats where I knew some gals hang out. Where the past vics were known to frequent.”

  “Just got a call from the police.”

  “Yeah? What’d they say?”

  “There was a break in the case. We may have a survivor. Well, a witness anyway. Turns out this little precautionary measure we’re undertaking may be the very thing that breaks the case. Put another way, Alyson, we’ve suddenly become very important to the Longview P.D.”

  “We were always important, Jase. But if we can help catch the guy who did it, this will sure add a new edge to the organization huh? I’m betting we’ll be turning away volunteers left and right.”

  “Think it’ll be too much to expect some kind of award from the city?”

  “Jase, I tell you what, when the police catch this guy, I’ll buy you a happy meal, and ask for two toys!”

  “Chicken nuggets, please. I’m not much on beef right now.”

  “Duly noted. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go home, rest my eyes and wait for Josh to take me out for a lovely dinner and dancing.”

  “Ah! Jealous! I’ll be thinking of you when I am curled up with my top ramen staring at this screen all night.”

  Patting Eric Reid on the shoulder, Alyson said, “Well, look on the bright side. You got the E-man to keep you company.”

  Winking, she noticed a slight blush crawling up Eric’s neck.

  “Watch out for this one, E. And remember, wait a day before ya call her!”

  Without waiting for a reply, Alyson exited the building, slightly unprepared for the cloudless sky’s scorching beams.

  Batting her watery eyes, Alyson almost bumped into a rather large man in a tremendously expensive suit.

  “Excuse me, Sir.” She said, smiling.

  Nodding, he continued on.

  Walking to her car, Alyson made a mental note to tell Jason to add more lighting inside.

  Chapter 21

  Friday, October 14

  4:53 p.m.

  The end-of-shift briefing went better than Alex had anticipated. He’d done a few since Danny had been sidelined, but mostly he’d relied on Chief Steelman to step in and perform this particular task. In the wake of this new crime wave, Alex decided he needed to display strength. Even if he was a ball of uncertain nerves inside, he had to exude courage if he was to expect those around him to be effective in the discharge of their duties.

  Kellan had arrived just in time, making the briefing more of a shift change briefing than a true “end-of-shift” briefing.

  “Okay, Alex. You go home. I’ll get things going from here. Steelman said he’d come by around 10:00.” Kellan said.

  “Don’t worry, Kel.” Alex said. “I just needed to do this. I sent Reg home this morning because he’d worked his tail off through the night. He’ll be in tomorrow morning. I’m gonna go home, catch a few hours’ sleep. I’ll be back around 11:00 p.m. and we’ll finish this bad boy together, okay? If anything happens before then, call me at home.”

  “And wake you up? I ain’t stupid, Alex!” Kellan joked.

  Acknowledging Kellan’s joke with a slight smile, Alex assured him, “I’ll make sure Lisa answers the phone. I don’t mind waking up to my beautiful wife.”

  “We need to catch this guy quick, Alex. Before he kills again. You really think that picture is a fake?”

  “I do.” Alex said, uncharacteristically blunt.

  “What makes you so sure?”

  “Common sense, I think.” When Kellan raised an eyebrow, he continued. “If you were killing people, would you send your real picture around so flippantly? Especially when you might be sending it to a cop posing as a prostitute?”

  “Yeah, but why are these girls getting in the car with somebody that doesn’t match the picture?”

  Alex chuckled to himself. “Son, you and I are a product of a different era. This is the internet age. You can be anyone you want. You got people out there making fake website pages pretending to be every rock star, actor and athlete. I saw one profile the other day that was a fake cop. Turned out to belong to some author guy that writes detective novels. In an effort to create a sense of realism, he created a profile for the lead character. Dude interacts with it and everything. Actually quite comical. Some folks don’t get that it’s fake. Sent Stephens and Simms out there a couple weeks ago. They said the guy looked like he was gonna wet himself.”

  “Yeah but,”

  Suddenly serious, Alex interrupted, “Kellan, I know what you’re going to say. Nothing about this is funny. My point is that people are more trusting. People don’t care if your picture matches. Heck, you have every fat, jobless dude in America sending pictures of cheerleaders to random strangers just to see if they can get away with it. This is why child predators are a dime a dozen. Kids don’t think anymore. If the picture doesn’t match, they think, ‘oh well, mine didn’t either.’ And bam! They’re never seen again. The victims here are prostitutes and strippers and the likes. They’re trying to make money. Doesn’t matter what the john looks like. The Benjamins spend just the same. These days, it’s almost a given that somebody out there has gotten your picture, or mine, and are living under a fake profile with that as their default picture. It just happens.”

  “Okay, so it’s goin’ on 5:00 now. You’ll be back around 11:00?”

  “That’s the plan. If I’m not here by 11:15, I’ll call. That reminds me. Do me a favor I need you to get Karen Mason in on this. She’s a good techie person and has experience chasing predators online. Send her over to talk to that kid, Jason something at…What’s the name of that place? You know. The internet guys helping us on this thing.”

  “Yeah, I got ya. I’m on it, Alex. Go home. Get some sleep. You know Steelman doesn’t want you on nights till Monday, right? Don’t look at me like that. I just don’t want you getting in trouble with Daddy Tom again. You know, you stay in trouble with that man more than a redheaded stepchild.”

  “Well, we need to get this done. I’ll sleep when it’s over. Just leave Steelman to me. He loves me. He’ll let it go. Get folks organized so you and I can tackle this night shift together, Bud.” />
  “You can’t work 24/7, Alex. We got capable folks on this. And the feds are sending down two forensics experts to help Tabby at the lab. They’re sending down a profiler that worked up a profile on this guy like two or three years ago.”

  “How’d you find out something I didn’t know?”

  “Oh, well, I was talking to Cade a while ago and he happened to mention it. I didn’t want to say anything in the briefing. Figured I’d let you decide what the fellas need to know. That’s your call, not mine.”

  “Well I appreciate you throwin’ me a bone, dawg!” Alex winked.

  Laughing, Kellan said, “Don’t be that way, man. You know me. I just didn’t want to step on no toes. If I’d announced that during the meeting, you’d have felt stepped on, right? Alex, I know this is uncomfortable for you right now. I don’t say much, because I got your back, but I know you’re feeling out of place or whatever. Overwhelmed. Man, you’re doing a great job. But I need you to know I’m with ya. And the boys need to unite behind you. The lines form behind me, Brother. I run things by you. You tell the team when you think it’s all good. I’m just letting you know that I have faith in you Alex. Danny once told me he envied you. Did you know that?”

  “Envied me? Why?”

  “Because he said that every man and woman on this force would follow you through the bowels of Hell just to find a lost pen. He’s right. I got nothin’ but love for Danny. You know that. But he knows and I know. You are The One, Dude.”

  “Danny’s said that to me before. Something similar anyway. I don’t know why he feels that way. Or you, for that matter. I wish I had your confidence, Kel.”

  “Buddy, the secret to that is easy. You need to see you the way we see you. Look at your wife. Your kids. Look at me, Danny. Heck, look at Daddy Tom. That man thinks the world of you. We all know it. You’re everybody’s favorite, Alex. Because you do what you gotta do. You give a hundred percent. Good enough is not good enough for you, and we all dig that about you.”

  “Well, I hope I’m not the only one that gives 100 percent. But half the men on this force could outdo me if they gave eighty to my hundred.”

  “You believe that garbage?”

  Pulling out his badge, Alex showed it to Kellan.

  “You know why I got this badge? Why I got it instead of you or some other cop?”

  Kellan shook his head, remaining quiet.

  “No reason. Luck. Timing. Right place. Right time. Seniority. Nepotism. Any number of things, Kel. But it has squat to do with qualification.”

  “Alex, do me a favor? Go home before I punch you.”

  Smiling, Alex slapped Kellan on the shoulder.

  “Love you, Kel.”

  “Back at ya, Cap. Now go home. That’s an order.”

  Giving a lazy two-fingered salute, Alex winked and walked out.

  Nearing his car, he caught sight of Agent Cade, walking toward the entrance. Saying nothing, he shot his arm up and waved. Cade reciprocated, silently entering the station.

  Entering the car, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back, simultaneously cranking the engine. Inhaling deep, a phantom scent entered his nostrils. It was a familiar scent, a welcome one. Opening his eyes, he looked in the passenger seat and saw Lisa’s jacket. Smiling, he picked it up and buried his face into it.

  “I don’t know why you believe in me so much,” he whispered, placing the jacket back in the passenger seat, “but I’ll try not to let you down.”

  Closing his eyes again, Alex tilted his head back.

  “God, I don’t know what it is that they see in me. I don’t even know if it’s real. But, please let me be worthy of their adulation. More than that, help me be worthy of Your gift to me. Somehow, someway, let me be worthy of this love with which You have surrounded me. Amen.”

  Sighing, Alex shifted into reverse. He’d almost missed the police cruiser passing out of his blind spot. Quick reflexes saved him what could have been a very interesting phone call to his insurance agent.

  Chapter 22

  Friday, October 14

  10:09 p.m.

  “When I contacted Acting Captain Mendez with an offer my apologies for my part in our previous misunderstanding, he had this to say.”

  The only public that matters wants me to do my job, Mrs. Greyson.

  As Alex’s voice played on the nightly news, his anger became far too heated, even for him. Looking at the graphic backdrop and the words he spoke typing themselves on the screen, he felt buried beneath the growing need to silence the news reporter that, for whatever reason, had singled him out for her own personal vendetta.

  “Clearly, those of us who want to make sure he’s doing his job don’t count as much as those who stay silent and out of the way. I have tried, numerous times, to extend an olive branch to Acting Captain Mendez, but our conversation has made me quite certain as to the character of this man. Later in our conversation, this exchange.”

  I could use your help, Mrs. Greyson. We’re on the same team. How about some team participation here?

  What would you have me do?

  I think you know the answer, Mrs. Greyson.

  “Well, I think it’s rather clear where the mind of Acting Captain Alex Mendez truly is. While there’s a killer on the loose, he seeks to proposition a professional journalist trying to do her job. Sorry, Mr. Mendez, but I am married and, as you can see, pregnant. I suppose I’ll have to remain one of those whose opinion just doesn’t matter.”

  “I am going to throttle that woman!” Alex growled, trying desperately to keep his voice down, so as not to wake the kids.

  “You and me both, Babe.” Lisa said, hugging his arm. Turning his face toward hers, she continued, “You have a job to do, Alex. Get focused and get to work. This woman is going to get hers. Like the saying goes, let go and let God. In this case, let go and let Lisa.”


  “Oh, don’t worry, Babe. I know how to handle women like this. I promise, she won’t get a single bruise.”

  “She’s pregnant, Honey. Don’t do anything we’ll both regret.”

  “What regret? I’m just gonna have a talk with her, woman to woman. And I promise you she’ll be issuing you and apology, tendering her resignation or both. By the time I’m done with her, she won’t have much weight to lose after that baby’s born.”

  “Sweetheart? I know that look. Please don’t—“

  “You just do your job, Babe. I’ll do mine.”

  “Your job, my dear, is to protect our kids from jerks like this.”

  “Exactly. And your job is to get to the station and catch the very bad man killing very lost girls. Weren’t you the one just saying you were going to throttle this woman? Now you’re telling me to just chill out?”

  “I love you, Lisa.”

  “Love you, Babe. I promise you, Mrs. Greyson is going to regret hurting my family.”

  “Am I going to have to arrest you tonight?”

  “Tonight? No.” Lisa winked. “I’m going to bed I’ll wait until tomorrow, I promise.”

  Kissing Lisa’s forehead, Alex smiled. “My little spitfire.”

  When Lisa reached for the phone book, Alex asked, “Who you calling?”

  “No one,” she answered, grinning like a Cheshire cat with a new toy. “I’m just getting the address for the Channel 56 studio.


  “Yes, dear?” she said, feigning a sarcastic innocence.

  “I love you, Brat.”

  “Love you, too. I’m just playing. You go to work. Find this guy, okay? No distractions. You do your job, Babe.”

  “Can I trust you to play nice?” Alex whispered, as he leaned in to hug Lisa.

  “Scout’s honor,” she snickered, holding up the scout salute.

  “Pretty sure you were never a scout.”

  “Brownie,” Lisa said.


  “No, I was asking if you wanted a brownie to take with you.”

  Laughing, Alex rubbed his wif
e’s leg.

  “Okay, I’m out of here. You behave. If you’re good, I’ll buy you something pretty.”

  “Got my eye on a new Browning I saw the other day.”

  “Done. Now behave.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” Lisa quipped.

  Grabbing his coat, Alex passed another glance toward Lisa. She looked like he felt. Like a cat waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting mouse.

  As he reached for the doorknob, the telephone rang.

  “That’s Danny,” Alex said, opening the door. “Tell him I’ve got this.”

  “If that’s Danny,” Lisa answered, “I’m picking him up in 20.”

  Her sly little grin manifested in a playful tone as she answered Danny’s call.

  He knew the drill. He knew the conversation. And he knew what he had to do. Leaving Lisa behind to talk to Danny, Alex closed the door, tested the knob to make sure he’d locked it.

  In his car, Alex dialed the TV station. As expected, the call went to voicemail.

  “Mrs. Greyson, this is Captain Alex Mendez. Your report was full of untruths tonight, so I’ll be coming to see you so we can talk about it. Better yet, you’ll be hearing from my attorney.”

  He wasn’t really going by the station, but he would let her sweat for a while. Then he would call her tomorrow and discuss the matter with her in front of witnesses. One of them might even be his attorney.

  Your time is coming, Greyson, Alex thought to himself. One way or the other, your time is coming.


  Friday, October 14

  10:49 p.m.

  It was a rare moment that Jennifer Greyson actually got to leave right after the newscast. Most nights saw her spending the better part of two hours researching leads for the next day and checking for updates on stories on which she’d just reported. Curious, she had checked her voicemail. She was almost excited that she had received an angry phone call from Alex Mendez. First at her office number, shortly thereafter on her personal cell. Say what you want about Captain Mendez, but add thorough to his list of qualities.


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