Naughty and Nice: A Menage Holiday Romance (Double the Fun Book 4)

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Naughty and Nice: A Menage Holiday Romance (Double the Fun Book 4) Page 3

by Marie Carnay

  “Then you’ll have to come to Vegas more often.”

  “With Willa’s wedding coming up, I’m here through Christmas. Is that enough?”

  Walker grinned. “It’s a start. Come, let me take you on a spin.”

  He dragged her away from Wyatt, speeding backward on his skates. “I’ve missed you, Bree.”

  Air caught in her lungs, but she forced herself to look him in the eye. God, he was handsome. Warm hazel eyes, and hair sticking up in all directions from the countless times he ran his hands through it.

  “I like the haircut. It suits you.”

  He smiled. “You don’t think it makes me look old?”

  “Not a day over forty.”

  He spun her around for that, whipping her so fast her hair flew behind her like a sail. “I’m sorry we were such jerks in college. We never should have stayed away from you.”

  “Why did you?”

  Walker slowed. “It’s complicated.”

  “And this isn’t?”

  “No. This is the most natural thing in the world.” Walker pulled her close, his arms wrapping around the small of her back as they spun in a circle on the ice.

  Their faces came within an inch of each other, close enough for Bree to make out the flecks of green in Walker’s eyes and the faint scar he sported above his eyebrow. She reached up and traced the mark. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “Don’t think. Just try.” With one arm holding her tight, Walker pumped his legs and sent them spinning faster, a whirlwind of bodies on the ice.

  As his lips landed on hers, Bree closed her eyes. They could have been flying.


  One kiss. One touch of her lips against his and Walker was sunk. The ice could have melted right there and the pair of them fallen through to some imaginary lake in the middle of the desert and he wouldn’t have cared.

  Bree was in his arms, giving herself up to him, and he was never going to let her go again. Round and round they spun on the ice, slowing down as he took her deeper. His tongue brushed across her lips and Bree opened for him, drawing him inside her mouth with hungry mewls and sighs of need.

  Her fingers found their way beneath his jacket and over his chest and Walker wished they were anywhere but the middle of a crowed ice rink, slowing to stop. He wanted so much more than a kiss.

  All he could see was Bree on his king-sized bed, naked and waiting. He’d worship every inch of her from the tips of her little toes to the swell of her hips to the bountiful plenty of breasts he couldn’t wait to smother himself in.

  His dick strained against his jeans and Walker fought the urge to drag his hands down her body.

  “You have room in this party for one more?”

  His brother’s voice jolted him into reality and Walker slid back on the ice. Wyatt stood behind Bree, an eyebrow raised in question.

  Walker wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. They’d agreed to share; he just didn’t think it would happen this way. He glanced down at Bree. Her brown eyes were saucer-wide and her cheeks as pink as her gloves.

  “Of course.” He ran his fingers over Bree’s cheek. “I’m going to grab us something to drink.” He pushed past her and took his brother by the arm. He lowered his voice so only Wyatt could hear. “Next time, don’t be an ass.”


  Oh my God. There was something empowering about having two men fight over her. She watched Walker skate away with a scowl on his face and part of her puffed with pride. It was vain and terrible, but for a fleeting second Bree was proud. I did that.

  Wyatt took a gliding step and skated in front of her. “Ready for some more?”

  She smiled. “To be honest, I’m exhausted. Can we take a break?”

  “My pleasure.” Wyatt held out his arm and Bree latched onto it, letting him steer her to the side of the rink and the exit.

  “Have you and Walker ever fought over a woman?”

  Wyatt stilled, waiting at the edge of the rink until she looked up. His brows were knitted but his eyes were bright. “Only you, Bree.”

  She snorted. “You mean just now? Don’t be silly. There have to have been others.”

  He pushed past her, speaking so softly she almost missed it. “I didn’t mean just now.”

  Bree grabbed his arm as he tried to leave the ice. “You fought over me? Back in college?”

  Wyatt nodded. “But that’s a conversation for another time.” All at once he brightened, a devilish smile spreading across his face as he scooped her up and carried her over the threshold. “Now I want to warm you up and ply you with liquor so you’ll go out with us tomorrow night.”

  Bree laughed. The Daniels brothers had certainly changed over the years. “You don’t have to get me drunk to do that.”

  He set her down and held her, his strong hands keeping her upright on her skates. “Then say yes. Say you’ll go out with us again tomorrow.”

  She smiled. That one was easy. “Yes.”

  Chapter 5


  I should have asked for some details.

  Bree tugged at the neckline of her simple black dress and wished she’d worn something a million times more glamorous. The tiny party Walker and Wyatt had invited her to was anything but. Women teetered past her in five-inch heels, bedecked in more sparkles and sequins than the contestants at the last Miss America pageant.

  Their glasses of champagne fizzed and popped as they laughed at jokes that probably weren’t funny. Men with watches as big as their heads and custom tailored suits leaned in, smiling and checking out the fake boobs.

  Bree typically avoided parties like this back home. Los Angeles had its fair share of glitz, but Bree was always more comfortable in a pair of yoga pants and an oversized sweatshirt.

  She glanced down at her dress and plain black pumps. Compared to the beautiful women all around her, she didn’t stand a chance. Why had Walker and Wyatt invited her?

  Maybe it wasn’t too late to pretend to be sick or have a headache. There had to be something Willa needed her for. A disaster with the invitations? A mishap with the wedding favors?

  Anything would be better than this. Bree turned to flee when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind.

  “Going somewhere?” Walker’s voice slipped into her ear over the sound of the band and Bree couldn’t help but smile.

  “You should have told me this party would be so fancy. I’m underdressed.”

  Walker pulled back and took her by the hand, spinning her around until her dress flared out like a bell. “Nonsense. You’re gorgeous.”

  He motioned at all the people milling about. “You think I want one of those overdone, plastic women?”

  “They’re beautiful.”

  “There’s more Botox and filler underneath those flashy dresses than curves. Half of them haven’t had a sandwich since 1994.”

  “They’ve got more willpower than I do.”

  Walker shook his head and pulled Bree closer. His hands drifted down to the swell of her hips. “You’ve got hips to die for.” He leaned down and stole an eyeful of cleavage. “And better boobs.”

  His hands snaked around to the rise of her ass, but she swatted him away.

  “You don’t need to grab my ass to tell me how big it is. I already know.”

  He grinned. “All I was going to say is that it’s spectacular. I’d never want one of those women when I could have you.”

  Bree stood a little taller. “I’d still have worn a different dress.”

  “Pfft.” Walker let her go with a clap of his hands. “Tell me what you’d like to drink. I’ll make it happen.”

  “Vodka tonic, extra ice.”

  “Consider it done.” Walker shot her one last smile and headed toward the bar, his tux jacket billowing out behind him as he turned. God, the Daniels twins defined handsome.

  Broad shoulders, trim waists, strong arms that could wrap her up and keep her safe. Bree wanted to believe they were into more than rekind
ling old memories, but she still didn’t know.

  The way they fought over her on the ice rink made her frown. If they couldn’t handle a single date, then they weren’t looking for a relationship like Willa’s. And if that was the case, what was she doing with them other than wasting time?

  Bree exhaled in a huff.

  “Don’t tell me Christmas has gotten you down already. We’ve still got a whole week to celebrate.” A man walked up to her, amber-colored drink in his hand.

  “I’m sorry, I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.” Bree gave him a polite smile and scanned the bar for Walker. She didn’t see him.

  “Oh, no mistake.” He held out a tanned, manicured hand. “I’m Hampton. And you are?”

  She frowned at his waiting palm, reluctantly sliding her hand into his for a brief shake. “Bree. Nice to meet you.”

  The man sipped his drink with a grin, his gray eyes lighting up over the edge of the glass. “Tell me you’re here alone.”

  “Sorry to disappoint.” Bree clasped her hands in front of her. She’d be a million times more comfortable with a drink in her hand. Where was Walker?

  “Well, I don’t see a ring, so it can’t be that serious. Any man who doesn’t put a rock on your finger isn’t a threat to me.” Hampton stepped closer and the musk of his overpriced cologne assaulted Bree’s nose. “How about we go somewhere a little more cozy? I’ve got a room upstairs.”

  Ugh. Bree put up her hands. “I’m sorry, but no. If you’ll excuse me, I need to find my date.”

  He reached for her as she stepped away, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her arm.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Walker’s voice had an unmistakable edge of aggression as he walked up to the man.

  “Walker.” Hampton dropped his arm and smoothed down the front of his dark blue jacket. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize she was with you.”

  “Now you know.” Walker held out a clear drink brimming with ice for Bree. “Sorry it took me so long. I wasn’t satisfied with the ice set up at the bar. Had to go the kitchen and make things right.”

  He leaned in as she took the drink and planted a kiss on her cheek. “He’s a devilish cad, this one, but he’s harmless.”

  “If you say so.”

  Walker straightened up with a grin. “Didn’t bring a date tonight, Hampton?”

  “You know I never do to one of your parties. You and your brother always manage to provide plenty of options.” Hampton glanced around. “Where is Wyatt, anyway?”

  “He’s around. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ve got to be going.”

  Hampton nodded. “Nice to meet you, Bree.”

  She didn’t even bother to respond. As soon as he left earshot, she leaned into Walker. “That guy’s a jerk. He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “He’s used to women taking one look at that Rolex and his Gucci loafers and falling all over their silicone for a chance to go to bed with him.”

  Bree turned and glanced at Hampton’s receding back. “What did he mean, ‘one of your parties’?”

  Walker smiled. “Didn’t Wyatt tell you? We’re in the event-planning business now. Exclusive parties, private concerts, that sort of thing.”

  Bree glanced around at the ballroom dripping with Christmas lights and green swag. “So this is your party?”

  He nodded. “What do you think?”

  “That you need to work on your guest list.”

  Walker laughed. “I have. I invited you. Come on, there’s something I want to show you.” He led her through the crowd and out a curtained door. A tiny balcony opened up before them, the rail covered in silver strings of lights and ornaments.

  “You even decorated the balcony?”

  “It wouldn’t be a Daniels party unless we did it right.” He tugged Bree toward the railing and she glanced down at the city spread out before them.

  Walker pointed past the lights to the edge of the horizon. “It’s not the city I want to show you. It’s that.”

  “I can’t see anything but darkness.”

  “Exactly. How about we get away from all of this? The people. The lights. Vegas. Let me take you away from everything, Bree. We can backpack for miles. The mountains here have some of the best views. It’ll be just me and you and the desert.”

  It sounded perfect, but Bree couldn’t help but wonder how Wyatt would react.

  Walker took the drink from her hand and set it on the table tucked into the corner. “Stop worrying about what Wyatt will think and just kiss me, Bree.”

  He leaned in and claimed her mouth without another word. She didn’t know how he knew what was going on inside her head, but the more Walker kissed her, the less she cared. He wrapped his arms around her middle and drew her close.

  Bree’s chest bumped against his and Walker deepened the kiss, one hand coming up to cradle her head as he twirled his tongue around hers. It had been years since Bree had been kissed like that. She ran her hands up his chest, fingers bumping over the rock-hard muscles beneath his tux shirt.

  If only they were somewhere else. Anywhere else.

  Walker broke their kiss to trail his lips down her neck and across her collarbone.

  “Shouldn’t you be getting back to the party?”

  “Screw the party. I’ve got everything I want right here.” He practically growled into her shoulder, his teeth nipping at the edge of her dress as his hands roved underneath the hem. Walker plumped her bare ass, his fingers running over the scrap of Bree’s thong.

  “Damn, Bree.” He could barely speak, his words coming out short and clipped as he shoved his fingers beneath the lace of her thong to ease between her legs. “Spread your legs. Right now.”

  Oh, God. She couldn’t do this. Shouldn’t do this. Walker waited, his fingers running back and forth above the slit between her legs.

  “We can’t do this here.”

  “Yes we can.” He licked her earlobe into his mouth and sucked.

  Bree groaned, her clit throbbing its demands in rhythm to Walker’s fingers. She squeezed her eyes shut and spread her legs.

  Walker’s fingers slipped into her slick heat. “Jesus, you’re soaked.”

  One stroke of his fingers across her clit and she whimpered. He was too good, too fast. With expert moves, Walker brought her right to the edge of an orgasm, all the time whispering words of encouragement and praise hot in her ear.

  Bree clung to him, shaking as she came. A cry bubbled up her throat before Walker captured her mouth, kissing away her sounds of pleasure.

  Holy hell. Bree moaned as she came down from her high, Walker’s lips feather light against her own.

  A voice carried over the cool night. “Looks like I’m always showing up just a little too late.”

  Chapter 6


  Bree gasped and opened her eyes to see Wyatt standing just behind his brother, his eyes hooded in lust.

  She pushed against Walker, but he wouldn’t let go until she shoved. Bree tried to put herself back together. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough to know your cheeks turn pink when you come.”

  Bree swallowed down the mortification and smoothed her hair back off her face. This was getting to be a common occurrence, and she wasn’t sure she liked it. The fighting was cute and kind of awesome once. But now she could see the future, and it wasn’t all champagne and caviar like the party a door away.

  Walker turned toward his brother. “There better be a good reason for this, Wyatt.”

  “The caterer says there’s a problem with the dessert bar.”

  Walker waved him off. “Tell someone else to handle it.”

  “Apparently there’s a commotion in the kitchen. Ralph asked for you.”

  Walker scrubbed his hand down his face. “Fine.” He turned to Bree. “Hopefully this won’t take very long.”

  She nodded as he brushed past his brother, practically checking Wyatt into the wall.

; “I don’t think this is a good idea.” Bree stepped toward the door, ready to end whatever contest the Daniels had concocted. She wasn’t a prize to be won, no matter how flattering the competition was at first.

  Wyatt reached for her. “Stop. Don’t run away just because Walker’s bent out of shape. He knew I’d be coming to find you both. It’s not my fault he didn’t plan his time better.”

  Bree frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  Wyatt shook his head. “It’s not important. What matters is that you’re having a good time.” He held out his hand, palm up. “Come dance with me.”

  “No, I don’t think I fit in out there, Wyatt.”

  “I didn’t mean at the party.”

  Bree raised an eyebrow.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Should I?”

  Wyatt grinned and his brown eyes brightened. “Probably not.”

  Bree bit her lip. Walker and Wyatt were too much. First one, then the other. Both trying to woo her and make her laugh. She should go back to her hotel and end this silly game, but she couldn’t help herself.

  She wanted more Walker and his sexy lips and eager hands. More Wyatt and his dangerous smiles and sinful promises. Willa had found a way to date a pair of brothers. It wasn’t impossible.

  With a tentative smile, she placed her hand in Wyatt’s. “All right. Let’s go.”


  Bree’s ass shook to the beat of the bass drum and Wyatt couldn’t help but grab her. He wanted everyone in the club to know she was his and to back the fuck off.

  She was the only woman he’d wanted and never had. The one he’d let get away.

  No more.

  He was done holding back and being considerate. He and his brother would coexist. They had to.

  Trenton and Hank managed it with Willa. Wyatt could find a way with Walker. If Bree was willing to walk down the same road… Hell, Wyatt would bend time and space to make it happen.

  She wanted them to switch off? He’d do it.


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