Strike (Alien Breed Series 3.1 - English Edition)

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Strike (Alien Breed Series 3.1 - English Edition) Page 4

by Melody Adams

  The blonde bound my hands with zip ties and the son of a bitch pulled them really tight. No chance of getting out. I hoped only that they didn’t intend to do something to Alex.

  "Okay! Let's go," the bald guy finally said satisfied.


  I could see, that Strike hated being tied up. It made him helpless and it had to be pretty hard on him, especially because he felt responsible for me and had promised to protect me. I assumed, however, that we wouldn’t be harmed. Someone obviously needed my help and dead I would be of no use to anyone. So as long as I hadn’t done my duty, they would let me live. And Strike? If they had wanted him dead, he would have been shot together with my friends. The suit guy had realized that Strike was an Alien Breed and surely he saw an advantage in having Strike with him. Maybe he wanted to sell him or extort ransom from the government.

  We were led into a room across the hall. It was an office. The man in the suit was sitting at a round table with another older man. Both looked up from their drinks as we were led inside.

  "Ah, our guests," the suit guy said, as if we were here voluntarily.

  Strike snorted disparagingly.

  "Is it really necessary to tie him up," the suit guy asked our two guards.

  "We didn't want to risk him doing something stupid," said the bald guy.

  "You're armed and he certainly doesn't want anything to happen to the girl," the suit guy replied. Then he turned to Strike. "You'll behave yourself if we untie you, won't you?"

  "Yes! I have no intention of putting Alex in danger. If it weren't for her, though – I'd take you all out."

  The older man laughed.

  "I like that boy! Maybe I should keep him? He could work for me. He’s a fighter, but he knows when to stand down." He turned to Strike. "Can you handle a gun, boy?"

  "I can handle all conventional weapons. I'm a good shot," Strike replied.

  "You see? He's perfect," the older man exclaimed with excitement.

  "But I'm not working for you," Strike growled darkly.

  "Oh, you will, when I have your little one as leverage. You like her, don't you? She's a pretty thing. I'm sure my men would like to spend some time with her."

  Strike growled. This time loud and threatening.

  "Whoever touches her dies," he promised darkly.

  "Well, we'll find a way to talk to each other in a civilized way," the suit guy interfered again. "But first of all – to our actual business." He turned to the blonde one. "Untie him! Come on!"

  The blonde seemed anything but enthusiastic, but he carried out the order and cut the zip ties with a knife hanging from his belt in a sheath.

  "Please sit down," said the suit guy.

  Strike took my hand and the bald guy wanted to interfere, but Strike growled and showed his sharp canines this time. The bald man receded. This point clearly went to Strike and I could not deny myself a grin.

  We sat across from the two men at the table.

  "Brandy," asked the older man.

  "No," Strike replied briefly.

  "Yes, please," I said.

  I could use a drink to calm me down.

  The suit guy poured me a glass and pushed it over the table.

  "Thank you," I mumbled and carefully put the glass on my lips to take a little sip.

  The alcohol burned in my throat. Normally I drank at most a glass of wine or a beer, but rarely something harder.

  "Well," said Strike. "What do you want from us?"

  "You are direct. And you want answers. I can accept that," said the man in the suit. "My name is Lewis and this is Alfons. We know who the girl is. How may we address you?"


  "Good! Strike!" Lewis said satisfied. "We recently asked Miss Alex for an appointment because we need her services. But Miss Alex preferred to – ignore us."

  "I don't work for criminals," I pushed out before I could think about the consequences.

  "The times when I politely asked for your help are over, young lady," Alfons interfered. "You will do what is asked of you if you want to keep yourself and your precious Alien Breed alive. We always try to go the more civilized way first, but that doesn't mean we’re not prepared to use force if needed!"

  "So, what should she do for you?" Strike redirected the conversation back to the essentials.

  "We have a very unpleasant competitor. I want her to crack both, his email accounts, and his bank accounts. I want to know what kind of e-mails go in and out and I want, not now but later, that his money is transferred to my account without there being any traces."

  "Can you do that?" Asked Strike and looked at me.

  "Yes, but ..."

  "No but! Do what they want you to do."


  We'd been here two days. My gunshot wound had been treated. Alex did what she was told, but she seemed to withdraw into herself more and more. At night I listened to her breathing and as soon as I felt that she became restless in her sleep, I took her into my arms. It seemed to calm her down and I fell asleep with her in my arms. It was hard for me to suppress my growing desire for her when I held her in my arms like now, but I didn't want to force myself on her. She was already confused enough because of this whole thing.

  Alex moaned quietly in her sleep and my cock hardened at the erotic sound. I had already been half hard, because of the closeness to the woman, whom I desired more than anything else in the world, but now the erection was almost painfully hard. When she started rubbing against me, I could no longer suppress a growl.


  Had I only imagined it or had she just whispered my name quietly? I suppressed the curse that wanted to spill from my lips. My damned cock throbbed like crazy and my arms pulled her involuntarily closer to me. She moaned again and the enticing scent of her arousal teased my senses.

  "Fuck," I growled.

  What should I do? She was obviously aroused and since she had whispered my name, she seemed to dream of me. That meant she wanted me too, didn't it? Undecided what to do, I let a little time pass, trying to ignore my throbbing cock.

  "Strike," she moaned again, this time almost imploringly.

  "Damn!" That woman killed me. "That's enough!"

  I let my hand slide between her thighs and slipped under the damp silk of her panties. She was so wet. I groaned. My fingers began to play with her soaked pussy. She moaned again and started rubbing against me. I found her little pleasure button and teased it with gently circling movements.

  "Yes," she moaned and I increased the pressure a little.

  Her breathing became heavy and irregular. The smell of her need was heavy in the air and threatened to rob me of my sanity. I had to have her. Now! I pushed the panties aside. It needed only a small correction of my pelvic to bring my dick into position. The head of my cock slipped into her slippery heat and I slowly pushed deeper into her. A growl came over my lips. She felt so damn good. So hot and tight.

  "Strike! What ... ohhhh," she whimpered, this time loudly and clearly.

  She had awoken from her dream and I became aware of how wrong this was. I had forced myself on her when she was defenseless.

  "Sorry," I mumbled and withdrew from her. "I don't know what came over me ..."

  "Don't stop! Please," she pleaded and pushed her sweet backside towards me.

  "Alex," I growled and thrust my shaft into her again. She screamed quietly and her fingers dug into my arm.

  "Strike ... yes!"

  I grabbed her harder and thrust again and again hard into her tight channel. Her soft moans cheered me on. I was so close, but I didn't want to come without her. I started rubbing her clit again and her moaning became more frantic. She was also close now. I bit my lips, held back my orgasm with iron will, and then I felt her narrow channel contract around me. She screamed my name. Her contractions were my final downfall. My seed came in powerfully jets and I groaned.



  My heart was racing. On the one hand I felt deeply sati
sfied, on the other hand I felt deeply disturbed. What had just happened between us? What kind of consequences would it have? I wasn't actually ready for a relationship and thought myself too damaged to ever try again.

  It was just sex, I tried to tell myself.

  Nonsense, a different voice inside me replied. You feel something for this guy. Be on your guard!

  "Everything all right, baby?" Strike whispered into my ear. "I should not have attacked you like that. I completely lost control."

  "I wanted it too, Strike. Stop blaming yourself," I replied.

  "Then what is it? I feel that something is not leaving you alone. Does it have something to do with your ex again?"

  "In a sense it is," I answered truthfully. "I ... I am not capable of having a relationship. I am too broken. I can no longer love. And I can’t ... enjoy the closeness of a man ... any longer."

  "Then ... then you didn't enjoy what ... we just did?" He asked, hurt.

  I turned around in his arms and stared at him. I shook my head confused.

  "Yes, I did ... I really enjoyed it," I replied in amazement.

  Only now did I really realize that, for the first time in my life, I had slept with a man and it hadn't been unpleasant or painful. Quite the opposite! The feelings that Strike had given me ... they had been simply overwhelming.

  Strike put a large hand to my cheek and looked at me so tenderly, that I felt warm and tingly everywhere. Could I dare? Could I chance a relationship with this Alien Breed?

  "You are afraid," he stated calmly.

  I nodded.

  "I would never do anything to hurt you, Alex," he whispered harshly.

  "I know," I replied.

  "Try to sleep. I won't force myself on you again. I’ll sleep on the floor."

  "No," I protested. "No. Please stay," I added more quietly. "I need you, Strike. Hold me tight in your arms. Please!"

  Chapter 4


  I was working on hacking the bank account of a certain Roberto Hernandez, when a sudden noise made me pause. I threw a worried look in Strikes direction. He stood in front of the window and stared out. I could hear him swearing softly.

  Jacko, our guard, also cursed. He looked from me to Strike and then to the door. Shots were heard and even a small explosion.

  Jacko hissed at us, and disappeared from the room. I heard the lock engage on the outside.

  "What's going on?" I wanted to know.

  Strike had meanwhile changed his position and was now standing to the side of the window to offer no target.

  "The house is under attack. Wouldn't surprise me if it were that Roberto guy with his people. Surely he can imagine who is behind the sabotage of his mail accounts and the money that has disappeared from his bank account."

  "Oh my God! They will kill us," I exclaimed.

  "No! This is our chance, Alex. We're getting out of here. Now that everyone's busy defending the house, nobody's looking after us anymore."

  "So, what do we do now?"

  I trusted Strike to lead us out of here. He had promised and I knew if anyone could do it, then it was the Alien Breed.

  We walked crouched, close to the house. Large bushes shielded us from the eyes of the attackers, and the people in the house also couldn't see us because we were running too close to the building. They would have to lean out of the window and look down to do so. We reached the end of the house and Strike stopped. He turned to me.

  "Stay down here and wait. I'll be right back."

  "Where are you going?" I whispered. I felt fear rise up in me again. What if something happened to him?

  "I have to take out some of them," he whispered back. "Trust me. We will never get past them. I have to get them out of the way!"

  I nodded, even if I wasn't comfortable with the thought. Strike knew better what to do.

  I crouched down and Strike disappeared around the corner. I waited anxious minutes. It was hell. Shots were fired everywhere. Screams and chaos were all around me. But our only chance to get out of here safely was if I did what Strike told me. How long had he been gone? I couldn't say. I had lost all sense of time. What if he hadn't made it? If he was – dead?

  No! I mustn’t think something like that! I advised myself. He will come and he will get us out of here!

  Finally a shadow came around the corner and I realized relieved that it was Strike. He briefly held me in his arms and pressed me tight. I felt something hard. Then I noticed that he had a machine gun around his neck. He had obviously taken it from one the men, he had eliminated.

  "Okay! Come on," he said quietly, reaching out his hand to help me straighten up. "Grab hold of my shirt and follow me. Don't let go. Keep running, no matter what."

  I did what he said and grabbed his shirt. Then, we ran along the garages towards the edge of the forest. Shots whipped around us and Strike also shot while we were running. I prayed in silence. I hadn't prayed since I was a little child, but now I did, fervently.

  "We’ve almost made it," I heard Strike.

  I saw nothing but his back, for I concentrated firmly on not looking around. I didn't want to see what was going on around us. But I noticed the change of environment when we suddenly had forest soil covered with roots and leaves under our feet instead of a well-kept lawn. Strike stopped and shot. I heard a scream; apparently he had hit his target. I was still staring stubbornly at Strike's back.

  He turned to me and took my face between his hands. His searching gaze seemed to penetrate my soul.

  "Everything all right, baby?"

  I nodded.

  "We are not out of danger. We must go on. Come!"

  He took my hand and we run together through the forest.


  "How far can this damn forest stretch," I growled. We had been walking for four hours and there was nothing but trees far and wide.

  "Can we take a short break?" Alex's exhausted voice penetrated the fog of my frustration.

  "Yes, of course," I replied and stopped. "Over there! There is water there!"

  "How do you know that," she asked.

  "I can smell it. And hear!"

  "Extraordinary senses! I forgot, Alien Breeds have extraordinary senses."

  "It's not far anymore. I can carry you if ..."

  "No," she interrupted me. "I'm tired, but I can still manage a few steps."

  I took her hand and guided her. We reached a narrow stream. I knelt down and smelled the water.

  "It's okay," I said and Alex fell next to me.

  We both refreshed ourselves and sat down, leaning against a fallen tree trunk to rest a little.

  "Thank you," Alex said into the silence.

  I turned my head and looked at her.

  "For what?"

  "You promised to get us out of there and you did just that."

  "It was lucky that the house was attacked," I appeased. "I don't know if, or how fast I would have gotten us out of there otherwise."

  "But you did! And that's the main thing!"


  "What are we going to do now?" She asked and looked up at the sky. "It will be dark soon and we have no idea where we are, do we?"

  I nodded.

  "Yeah, that's right. We still walk a bit, if we are still not out of the forest, then we look for a place to spend the night."

  "I feel better again," she said, "Let's go on. To be honest, I don't feel like spending the night in the woods."

  I hummed in agreement. With a critical eye to the sky I decided that we would have perhaps another hour until dawn.

  "Okay! Let’s go!" I said and jumped up.

  I held a hand out towards Alex. She took it and I pulled her up. Our eyes met, as she stood right in front of me. My hands found their way around her narrow waist and I bent down to kiss her. She was really tiny compared to me. But she was far tougher than her petite figure would have suggested. And she had fire. The way she returned my kiss made me hard and I had to summon up all my willpower to stop myself from ta
king her right here on the forest floor like a wild animal.

  "You make me crazy," I gasped breathlessly. "We should go! It will soon be dark!"


  "There's something!" Strike said quietly and stopped.

  "What is it? Is anyone there? Have you seen anyone?"

  "A cabin. I'll check it out. You stay here and don't move. I don't know if anyone is in the cabin and if they are, if we can trust them. Let me check the situation first!"

  "Okay," I agreed.

  Strike disappeared and I looked around a bit nervously. It wasn't dark yet, but it had already begun to get dusky, and under the trees it was already relatively dark. I hoped that the cabin was either empty or there were people in it who would help us. I really didn't feel like staying here in the forest, even though I felt safer with Strike than with anyone else.

  Out of nowhere, Strike suddenly appeared in front of me. I screamed in horror, for I had not expected him to come out of the bushes from anywhere other than where he had disappeared.

  "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," Strike said and embraced me in his arms.

  "It's okay! I just didn't expect you to come from there and I'm a little nervous because it's about to get dark."

  "Well, we have a place to spend the night. The cabin is empty, seems to be a kind of hunting cabin. I found the key under the doormat. Amazing how many people still use this old hiding place!"

  "All the better for us," I replied.

  "Yes, you're right! I would have hated to damage one of the windows or the door lock. It's bad enough that we get in there at all, but we need a place to stay overnight. The nights are quite cold and your sweater isn’t exactly warm. You're already freezing; I can see the goose bumps on your arms. In a few hours the temperature will drop by another few degrees."


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