For Her Protection: An Alpha Romance

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For Her Protection: An Alpha Romance Page 16

by Amber Bardan

  His muscles hardened under her touch. “What have you done?”

  “I need to know how full your disclosure has been to Frank.” She drew in a breath and held it there. “How much do you report to him?”

  “Not as much as he’d like. He’s not my priority.” He squinted. “Whatever you’ve attempted to hide, it’s time for that honesty.”

  “I hired an investigator, Andrew Montgomery.” She watched his expression flatten. “Our tender agreements were tampered with, and now he’s looking at our production costs, as well as connections between board members and our offshore manufacturer.”

  His mouth shifted once, then twice. “How many people know about this?”

  “Only you and me.”

  His jaw smoothed. “Good, we will keep it that way.” He hauled her in tight again. “From now on everything’s going to be me and you.”

  She let herself sink into him. Into his steady heat. Into the warm spicy comfort of his scent.

  “Yeah, it will.”


  “Thanks for understanding about this.” She unbuckled her seatbelt and touched Connor’s hand. It’s a little awkward when your boyfriend is your bodyguard, one whose job it is to literally follow you everywhere, to ask for a private moment—especially since she’d shared everything with him.

  All her intentions and plans.

  “Go talk to your dad.” His brow furrowed. “I’ll be right here.”

  If you need me.

  Except this was something she needed to do on her own. Or mostly on her own…

  She kissed him, then got out and went up to her dad’s apartment, letting herself in.

  Dad glanced up from his chair, bright eyes glittering in a way that told her someone had already shared the news. “I hope it’s champagne you have in that bag.”

  She couldn’t quite laugh given that she was about to tear that sparkle right away. “Nope, I bought you some of that tea you like.”

  “On a day like today?” He set down his book. “Can’t an old man enjoy his victory?”

  Her heart sunk. Frank’s civil case against her had been officially dismissed today, meaning she was now undisputed majority shareholder of Halifax. Dad did win one victory today, just not the way he wanted it.

  She sat on the couch opposite. “So, I wanted to chat to you about what happens now.”

  “You appoint yourself CEO, and we get things back how they’re supposed to be.” He went for raised brows, but that old lay-down-the-law expression didn’t have the effect it used to, with only one side raising all the way.

  “That’s what we have to talk about.” She wiggled in her seat. “Dad, I’m not going to be CEO. That’s just not what I want.”

  His mouth opened but she raised her hand.

  “But that doesn’t mean things won’t change.”

  A wave of redness moved up his face. “You’re just going to let that bastard win?”

  “It’s not about winning or losing it’s about what’s best for Halifax.” A knock sounded on the door. “But no, we’re not letting him win.”

  “I won’t stand for this, Charlie.”

  She got up and went to the door, letting in her secret weapon.

  “Bob…” Dad’s whole demeanor changed. He slipped back into his executive skin—shoulders back, chin high.

  Bob and her father exchanged greetings.

  “I asked Bob to come today because I want to offer him the position of CEO.”

  Bob froze half lowered to the seat, then seemed to fall the rest of the way. “You do?”

  “Yes.” She glanced at her father. “Bob has been with us nearly as long as you and Frank. He understands the business, our relationships, and brand better than anyone.”

  Bob’s features continued to still.

  “All he needs is the opportunity, and I have no doubt he’ll turn things around. No one else knows the ins and outs of Halifax the way he does.”

  Dad leaned back. He glanced from Bob to her. “I built this company with hopes for my family—for my child.”

  “Is that why we’ve been fighting so hard?” She reached for his hand. “Because you want me to fulfill your dreams for me? Or because you want there to be a legacy left that won’t be there if things go on as they are?”

  “Both,” he said, but his eyes took on that wondering look. “Frank had no right to sell off assets, close factories I built—”

  “Dad.” She squeezed his hand, bring his attention back to focus. “That wasn’t Frank alone, the board made that decision and I have reason to believe there’s more to it than we know. But I’m getting to the bottom of that.”

  She released his hand and turned to Bob. “So what do you say, will you take the position?”

  Bob’s expression reanimated, but she caught a flash of something like anger as it did. It probably wasn’t easy for him to hear her father argue her suggestion…

  “Of course.” He cleared his throat. “Of course I will.”

  “Great then, it’s settled. Isn’t it, Dad?”

  Dad took a deep breath, his gaze fell from her. “It’s settled.”

  Her heart seemed to slip from her chest at his crestfallen look. She knew he’d be disappointed. But she’d be back in a few days once she’d sorted a few things out, once he’d had a chance for it to sink in, and she’d explain things in a way she knew he’d understand.

  She stood. “Well, I better get going, tomorrow will be big day.” She kissed her father’s cheek, and lowered her voice to a whisper. “Love you, Dad.”

  He placed his hand over the one she’d set on his shoulder, and her heart regained its regular position. That was Dad’s version of “I love you too.”

  “I best be off as well.” Bob stood. “But I can’t thank you both enough for the opportunity. “

  Dad shook Bob’s hand with his strong arm. “I have utter confidence in you.”

  She walked Bob out. The door clicked behind them and they crossed to the stairwell.

  “I see that bodyguard of yours has been dismissed?”

  Bob punched in the security code she’d given him and opened the secure door to the stairs.

  No surprise he thought that. Connor had “quit” a week ago after their talk. Oh, he still had her back, but even more covertly than before.

  Especially now he’d begun working with Andy on her case.

  “Is that what you referred to earlier?”

  She blinked. Oh, her comment about the board and getting to the bottom of things. Bob probably thought Connor was Frank’s spy, just as she had. In fact he’d suggested as much at one time hadn’t he?

  “No, I wasn’t talking about Connor.” They entered the stairwell. “Since you’re going to be in charge, I should probably share that I’ve hired a private auditor.” She took the first step down. “He’s investigating links between Halifax board member’s and—” She glanced back.

  Bob hadn’t stepped down yet.

  Her throat closed.

  Oh, shit.

  The realization came too late—the blow caught her off balance sending her hurtling down the stairs.


  The vibration of his phone jerked his thumb from its rhythmic tap on the steering wheel.

  He kept his gaze pinned on the building. “Yes?”

  “I haven’t been able to get through to Charlie, but I have something to share.”

  He straightened at the excited tenor of Andrew’s voice. “She’s in a meeting. What do you have for us?”

  He stared at the yellow glow seeping from beneath the blinds of her father’s apartment. Her father. He’d be upset, at least resistant. Most likely angry.

  With Charlie.

  He’d be up there having her back. Doing this together, him and her, just like they’d promised.

  If she didn’t need to do this part by herself.

  “Falzier Manufacturing is a subsidiary of Lentworth holdings—owned by Neil Stout and Robert Garden.”

  Robert Gard

  He threw open the car door. Charlie. He ran to the building, ready to rip out the damned stupid keypads holding him up at every entrance until he punched in the codes.

  He jerked open the door to the stairs.

  Bang. The door snapped closed behind him, jerking through his chest. A prone figure sprawled at the bottom of the stairs. Long dark hair obscured her face. Her limbs curled, almost peacefully.


  His blood seemed to slow—thickening in his veins. No. He fell down beside her and shoved the hair off her face. His guts clenched.

  Her lips parted with breath.

  The pain spreading his ribs slowed its hostile takeover, yet still clutched hard at his heart.

  Blood trickled from her forehead.

  “Charlie.” Her name rang through the stairwell before he knew he’d yelled it.

  Her eyelids fluttered, revealing the warm brown of her eyes.

  He scooped her up. “Charlie?”

  She frowned than winced. Thank fuck. It took everything in him not to crush his injured woman. To rock her and comfort her.

  “You okay?”

  She wiggled, then her teeth snapped and she grabbed her left arm below the shoulder. “Sonofabit—”

  A shuffle sounded above them.

  He glanced up. Bob stood halfway down the next flight of stairs, hand on the railing. Frozen there—the cowardly damn snake.

  He lay her down and set his phone beside her.

  “Call an ambulance, baby.”

  Charlie’s gaze followed his up to the stairs, and the way her top lip curled up told him all he needed to know.

  “After that Mark’s number is programmed into my cell.”

  “Got it,” Charlie said, and reached for the phone.

  Bob, glanced back and forth between them. Was the bastard confused by the civility of their tones?

  Connor stepped up.

  Bob sprung to life, turning around to scramble upwards. The old asshole could go ahead and run.

  Maybe the head start would give Connor a chance to calm down.


  Adrenaline burst through his limbs. He took the stairs in twos.

  Very fucking unlikely.


  Frank’s movements slowed when she entered his office.

  “I guess I should congratulate you.”

  Charlie lowered herself onto the chair opposite his desk, her body still wracked with aches and pains from the day before.

  He set a small antique clock into a cardboard box.

  “What are you doing, Uncle Frank?”

  “Going to pretend you’re not going to fire me?” He turned, eyeing her in the chair. “Or would it be more satisfying to demote me to janitor?”

  “Oh, it’d be satisfying alright.” Her brow kicked up. “But like I’ve said before, we’re not, and should never have been, enemies. I only want what’s best for Halifax.”

  He seemed to age all of a sudden, his face scrunching and every wrinkle coming into play.

  “And that isn’t a CEO who’s so focused on staying on top, that he missed what’s happening right under his ignorant nose.” He slipped into his chair. “If I wasn’t so afraid of losing everything, I’d have seen the signs for myself. Questioned more…”

  She frowned. Frank apologetic? It didn’t bring her the vindication she’d craved. “No, they hid it well.”

  She’d seen his face when she’d called the meeting, and Andy had read out his findings. When she’d revealed Bob’s arrest, and told the board about her assault. He’d been devastated. Not the superficial kind you get from defeat. The deep kind that comes from having something you love violated. The way Halifax had been violated by Bob. The color had leached from him, even the silver in his hair seemed more metallic.

  “All this time you were right.” He leaned back. “I never gave you enough credit.”

  “No you didn’t.” She smoothed her skirt. Her bruised shoulder pinched. “But I’m hoping that can change.”

  His frown leveled out. “You want to keep me on?”

  She nodded. “Despite the way you’ve tried to keep me out, I do.”

  “As CEO?” His entire body seemed to still.

  “For now, if we can work together.”

  A query edged into his frown. “And you’re happy to remain as president?”

  “Nope.” She smiled. “You’ll be working with Melanie while she takes on the role of president.”

  “Melanie?” He tapped the arm of the chair.

  “Well she is amazing.” She scanned his expression. Maybe this time she’d given the wrong amount of credit—too much. “She’s also the most educated employee we have, and from a PR perspective the best person to manage repairing out reputation.”

  His gaze narrowed on Charlie. “And you?”

  “I’ll be assisting Melanie with the transition and leading the planning committee for the next three months as we clean up the mess.”

  “And then?”

  “And then we review.” She rocked forward. “You’ve got three months, Uncle, to prove you can do this right or I’ll put Melanie in charge.”

  Frank’s chin drew up, his eyes narrowed in challenge. “I accept.”

  “I’m glad we can finally agree on something.” She rose from the chair. “By the way, we can consider step one achieved. I have Jives Tech back on board.”

  She couldn’t help grinning.

  Frank shook his head, not in denial, and dammit if it didn’t actually look something like pride. “Very good, Charlie.”

  She smiled wider. About freaking time. But belated or not, she’d take the praise. “Thanks.”

  “There’s still one thing I don’t understand, where do you really fit in all this?” His question came softer than was his usual. “Long term?”

  She smiled. “Someone once suggested I discover my true passions.”

  “Well it’s official, my first day without hate mail.” She set her bag down on the kitchen counter, not wanting to turn to the man behind her. “Now I’ve stepped down as president, I guess I’m off the hook.”

  And out of need of a bodyguard.

  His footsteps thumped behind her, deep and heavy and sending matching beats into her bloodstream.

  “You won’t be protecting me anymore.” She let that rush out. Because he needed to move on from watching her. Needed to get back to his business.

  And she’d gotten so used to the security of having him.

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” His breath warmed the back of her hair. “I always protect my family...”

  The ground seemed to tilt.

  “Family?” She spun around.

  He looked at her. That one expression, eyes storming with emotion beneath scrunched brows, lips pressed together as if he feared what they might say, told her more than his words had.

  Words like love are easy, lazy…she’d heard them before. They can be empty, hollow sounds or mean one thing to one person and something else to another. But that look, that raw, pregnant need that exposed a yearning that seemed to say, “Here, take my heart”. There was no mistaking that kind of look.

  The room filled with the sound of their breathing, growing faster. She had no idea what her expression said back to him, but his body pressed against hers, his arms circled her waist and the heat from his body surrounded her. His mouth slanted over her lips. His tongue lashed and she met its thrusts, letting him lead. She tasted the need on that kiss, felt his desire in his shaking breath and the hands that roamed over her desperately. The kitchen counter knocked against the small of her back. Then his lips left hers. She tried to pull him back but his knees hit the ground with a thud that shook the floor under her heels.

  He drew her dress around her waist with a sweep of his hands—his fingers hooked in her panties and tugged them over the swell of her hips. Her pussy tingled, squeezed tight between her closed legs. His mouth followed the urgent path of his hands, teeth scraping along
one sensitive thigh. She jerked against the counter, trying to spread her legs, widen them to show him what she wanted but her panties held them closed. His thumbs dug into her thighs just below her cheeks, kneading. He tore her panties off.

  Then he was up, against her, and all she could was grab him and hold on. Sharp jolts of desire batted her insides, seized her lungs, flooded her pussy. She tore open his pants. He grabbed her leg, hauling it around his hip, and drove against her slick entrance.

  Air flooded her lungs as he stretched her, filled her with the sweetest sting. He thrust deep, pumped hard. Each thrust stoked the pleasurable fire building in her core. He took her without restraint, using irregular, out-of-control movements. She bucked into him, needing more, needing all of him.

  He leaned over her, pulled her against him. His lips pressed into the curve of her neck. Heat flooded her face, her eyes squeezed close, the pressure built. Slapping thighs, driving cock and the tremble of his breath against the sensitive skin on her throat, a tsunami of sensation.

  “Say it,” he whispered.

  She didn’t think, knew what he needed to hear.

  “I love you, Connor,” she cried.

  His whole body tensed along her. He bucked, squeezing her tight. “I fucking love you, Charlie.”

  He rocked against her. Inside her his shaft tightened and swelled, pushed her so close to ecstasy it burned. He tugged out of her, cumming against her thigh. The breaths against her neck slowed. Her pussy clutched on nothing, needing him back. He released her slowly, giving her a chance to balance on her own feet.

  He unbuttoned her blouse and, tossed it to the ground then trailed his hands over her shoulders. The clasp on her bra snapped and a split-second later he tossed that too. She rubbed her sore nipples—so tight they hurt. He undid the zipper on her skirt letting it fall to the floor. His palms ran over her like salve over a burn. Her skin ached, needed, wanted.

  He knelt once more. His lips pressed against her tummy. His stubble grazed a path over her abdomen. She leaned against the counter and gazed down at him. Connor on his knees in front of her, kissing the swell of her belly as if it was the most beautiful thing on Earth. She hadn’t thought it possible to be more turned on but that sight nearly brought her undone.


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