Death Displacement: A time travel romantic thriller

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Death Displacement: A time travel romantic thriller Page 7

by Holly Copella

“Well, you do have an additional five years on her,” Casper informed him.

  “She thinks thirty is old, so that must make me ancient,” he scoffed. He fidgeted and shifted on the bench. “It’s not just the age thing. I don’t know what happened. When we first dated, she was fascinated that I worked in my family’s antique store. I tell her I own a shop and nothing. To make matters worse; every weekend for months, she’d drag me to that comedy club in the city, but now she has no interest in it.” He looked at Casper and shook his head with defeat. “How am I going to win her over if she keeps changing the rules?”

  “You’re being too hard on yourself, dude,” Casper announced and patted his shoulder. “You don’t even meet her for another three years. She probably did a lot of growing. Besides, that’s not what’s important right now.”

  “It’s important to me,” Kane muttered.

  “Then you’ll just have to stick with it,” Casper said and smacked his thigh. “Whatever made her fall in love with you in the future will eventually kick in.”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t have that kind of time.” Kane then muttered, “I wish I told her I was twenty-nine.”

  “Dude, you’re no twenty-nine,” Casper remarked sternly. “I would know; I just saw you ten minutes ago at twenty-nine.” Casper casually glanced across the lobby, saw Riley approaching them, and grinned deviously. “Here comes your girl, Lizzy Borden. God, she is so hot!”

  Kane glanced at Riley as she approached and straightened with some discomfort. He muttered to Casper, “I swear, if you say that one more time, I’ll hit you.”

  Casper wasn’t wrong though. Riley was an undeniably attractive, young woman. If Kane hadn’t wanted to kill her so badly, he’d probably think so too.

  Riley paused before their bench and smiled pleasantly at Kane. “I’m sorry that took so long, Kane,” she announced. “Mr. Dante will be out in a few minutes.”

  Casper grinned at Riley then smacked Kane’s thigh, jolting him out of his death lock stare at the young woman. Kane glared at Casper, who shifted his eyes repeatedly at Riley. Kane rolled his eyes then looked at Riley and attempted to sound polite.

  “Miss Jericho, this is my associate and former friend, Casper,” Kane muttered with disinterest. “Casper, this is Riley Jericho, Hayes Dante’s assistant.”

  Casper stood and politely shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Jericho.”

  “Please, call me Riley.”

  “I certainly will,” Casper replied with a lustful grin across his face.

  “Down boy,” Kane growled.

  “You have to forgive Kane. He’s not himself these days,” Casper said while giving Kane a devious look.

  “There’s a lot of that going around,” Riley replied with a defeated sigh as she glanced across the lobby at Hayes as he approached. She shifted her attention to Casper, who still stood before her. “Did you want to grab some coffee while you wait for your associate?”

  “I never turn down caffeine or pretty ladies.”

  Kane glared his displeasure at Casper. Casper raised his brows suggestively to Kane, linked Riley’s arm to his, and proudly walked away with her. Kane stood as Hayes approached. Both men shook hands.

  “What do I owe today’s visit, Mr. Kane?” Hayes said and appeared more like his old self.

  “Actually, that’s first name Kane,” Kane corrected. “My business associate and I were invited on a dig in New Mexico with Dr. Grant Melbourne--”

  “The Dr. Melbourne?” Hayes suddenly asked then grinned. “I think I’m about to be insanely jealous.”

  “He was my college professor,” Kane informed him. “I’d heard about your benefit this Friday and mentioned it to Dr. Melbourne. His schedule is wide open.”

  Hayes appeared stunned while staring at him. “Dr. Melbourne is willing to come to our benefit?”

  “He said he’d be delighted to attend and is looking forward to meeting you. He’s expecting your call.” Kane removed a card from his pocket and handed it to Hayes.

  “I’m--stunned. This is an amazing honor. Did you know every one of his four siblings have doctorates? His youngest sister wrote this amazing book--” Hayes stopped himself from rambling then grinned. “You must really feel bad about that coffee business yesterday.”

  “Actually, I was interested in attending the benefit but was told it was sold out.”

  “I’ll get you special VIP passes,” Hayes announced without hesitation then laughed. “Hell, I’ll even give you Riley for the evening.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Kane muttered.

  Kane’s eyes strayed past Hayes to Selena across the lobby. He stared longer than he should, but he couldn’t help himself. Hayes followed his stare then grinned.

  “Oh, I see,” Hayes said with a chuckle. “You’re the adventurous type, huh?”

  Kane quickly looked at him and appeared surprised. “What? No, you’ve misjudged me--”

  “With all the grants and donations Dr. Melbourne is going to generate, I’ll gladly arrange for Selena to be your escort Friday night,” Hayes announced while grinning. “In a way, I’m actually relieved. Honestly, I’d be lost at these things without Riley by my side.”

  Kane fumbled. He knew he should protest, but Selena as his escort was exactly what he wanted. He hated to sound desperate, but he obviously was.

  “Are you sure she won’t mind?” Kane asked while tensing at the thought of Tucker disapproving.

  “No, not at all,” Hayes insisted then offered a knowing smile. “You do realize ‘escort’ means introducing you to the right people. I’m not pimping out my employees.”

  Kane immediately tensed and felt embarrassed by Hayes’ directness. “Rest assured, the thought never crossed my mind,” he replied. Actually, that was a lie. Thoughts of Selena in sexually compromising situations seemed to be all he was thinking about lately. “What I meant was; doesn’t she have a boyfriend? You know, big burly guy. Kind of intimidating.”

  Hayes chuckled softly. “Yeah, I’ve met him,” he teased. “I assure you, Tucker isn’t invited to Friday’s gala. He’s not exactly gala material. It’s my opinion that some time away from that one will do her a lot of good.”

  A strange smile crossed Kane’s face. Perhaps that was the influencing factor that changed in Selena’s life before he met her. “If that’s the case,” Kane announced, “then I’d be honored if you’d arrange that.”

  “Consider it done,” Hayes announced cheerfully. He grinned and eyed the card in his hand. “Dr. Melbourne at our gala. If you were a woman, I’d kiss you.”

  “I’d rather you didn’t.”

  Hayes sharply raised his brows. “You apparently missed the ‘if’ in that statement.”

  Both exchanged grins and chuckled softly.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was Friday night and the museum gala was already underway. There were limousines parked in front of the museum as lavishly dressed patrons walked the red carpet for the well-publicized gala. It was a huge deal to the museum. The benefit would bring millions in grants for research and upkeep. High society types and anyone of importance from miles around attended the benefit. The crowded lobby contained massive buffet tables and caterers carrying trays of expensive delicacies and crystal glasses of champagne. A small orchestra played classical music, lending elegance to the already high-profile gala. Kane and Casper were among those in attendance and looked equally handsome in their black rented tuxedos. Kane appeared tense awaiting his ‘date’ and looked around while Casper fiddled with his tie.

  “I feel like a penguin trapped in a tuxedo,” Casper muttered. He was obviously out of place, even if he looked the part of some wealthy investor.

  “Just remember to make yourself scarce,” Kane informed him while fidgeting. “I need time alone with Selena.”

  “You’re not exactly alone.”

  “You know what I mean,” Kane muttered. Casper’s lack of female companionship sometimes kept him disengaged from the worl
d of love and relationships. Kane wished he had pushed Casper to date more. “Her burley boyfriend wasn’t invited, so this is my big chance to spend some quality time with her.”

  “By quality time; I’m going to assume that doesn’t entail getting busy in the restrooms,” Casper remarked casually.

  Kane glared at his friend. Casper grinned and laughed. He was obviously joking, but Kane wasn’t amused. Casper was never going to have an adult relationship with a woman.

  “You need to chill, dude,” Casper informed him. “I don’t remember you being this uptight. I obviously went wrong somewhere. I’d better make a mental note on that.”

  Hayes approached them with Selena on one arm and Riley on the other. He appeared to be in his glory sandwiched between the two, gorgeous women. Both women wore stunning evening dresses that revealed just enough leg and cleavage to attract attention. Casper eyed Riley and grinned lustfully while raising his brows as he nudged Kane. Kane rolled his eyes at his friend’s infatuation with his girlfriend’s future murderess. He suddenly remembered why he never pushed Casper to date more. His warped sense of humor and childish behavior around the opposite sex was off-putting to most women. Although Kane couldn’t deny Selena looked incredible in her moderately sexy dress, she never actually dressed that way while they dated, particularly to museum fundraisers. Perhaps she dressed a little more provocative prior to their dating or maybe she felt her promotion to assistant curator called for a little less attention to her assets. His eyes strayed to Riley in her moderately sexy dress. Despite being the current assistant curator, she didn’t seem to care if her attire turned heads. Perhaps Hayes liked when she dressed that way.

  “I’m glad you and your associate could join us tonight,” Hayes announced cheerfully.

  “Hi, Riley. You look stunning,” Casper said with a boyish grin plastered on his face.

  Riley smiled at Casper while clinging to Hayes’ arm. “You’re looking rather sharp yourself, Casper,” she announced in a tone that seemed genuine. “Save me a dance?”

  “With pleasure,” he announced in his most suave voice.

  Casper was suddenly reduced to a giddy schoolboy seduced by Riley’s feminine wiles. Kane tried hard not to roll his eyes at how easily his friend was swept away by a little leg and strategically placed cleavage. He’d forgotten how horny his friend had been just a few short years ago. Thankfully, he grew out of that phase. Unfortunately, that hadn’t happened just yet, and Casper ogling Riley was making him nauseous.

  “Selena, this is Kane’s business associate, Casper,” Hayes introduced them.

  Selena smiled and nodded politely at Casper. Casper returned the smile and appeared mentally to undress the attractive woman. Kane wasn’t amused.

  Hayes then focused his attention on Selena. “Make sure you introduce Kane to all the right people,” he informed her. “We want him to make the proper connections.”

  “I’ll be sure to do that,” Selena informed her boss.

  Selena smiled sweetly and linked onto Kane’s arm. Kane stared at Selena longer than he should have. It felt great having her finally touch him. It seemed like a lifetime since he felt her. He had to resist the urge to move too fast. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and make love to her, but he had to stay focused. If he moved too quickly, he’d ruin everything. He’d have to be satisfied with the casual touch.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse us,” Hayes announced cheerfully and affectionately patted Riley’s hand on his arm. “Riley’s going to make me look good in front of some investors.”

  Hayes and Riley walked away like museum royalty. She seemed happy to be on his arm, although not nearly as happy as he was to have her there. Soft murmurs were heard from the crowd, which could only mean one thing. Dr. Melbourne had arrived. Dr. Grant Melbourne crossed the room to a whirlwind of chatter and greetings. He was an oddly handsome man in his early fifties. It wasn’t just physical attributes that made him appealing to women. He had charm, style, and more charisma than any one man should. His reputation as an explorer was legendary, and Kane and Casper had been lucky enough to have him as their professor in college. Melbourne approached them and chuckled while extending his hand. Casper enthusiastically shook his hand.

  “Doc, great to see you again!” Casper said cheerfully.

  “Casper,” he announced then turned to Kane and shook his hand as well, “Kane.” Even men found Dr. Melbourne charming. It was hard to explain his broad appeal. “It’s been nearly seven years, hasn’t it?”

  Kane nodded in response.

  Melbourne eyed Kane and appeared slightly humored. “Well, you’ve certainly put on a few years since college. You’re looking a little old there.”

  Kane frowned at the comment. Now his old college professor was calling him old. Melbourne eyed Selena with a glimmer of lust as he briefly scanned her body. She studied him with equal fascination, although it was doubtful she’d fall for his charm. Selena was smarter than Melbourne’s usual college groupie.

  “Who do we have here?” Melbourne asked while staring at Selena with great interest.

  “This is Selena, the assistant curator,” Kane announced proudly and subconsciously patted her hand on his arm as he’d done so many times at museum functions in the past--or technically the future.

  “Assistant to the assistant,” Selena politely corrected and pulled her hand away from his and offered it to Melbourne.

  “It’s a pleasure either way,” Melbourne suavely announced and accepted her hand. He then looked at Kane and grinned without releasing Selena’s hand, allowing his thumb gently to caress the top of her hand. “Is this your lovely girlfriend?”

  Kane had become accustomed to announcing Selena as his fiancé, so it was challenging to backpedal on their relationship. The way Melbourne held Selena’s hand had him slightly distracted, which wasn’t helping, and he found it difficult to respond to the question.

  “Actually, I guess you could say she’s my escort for the evening. You know, introducing me to all the right people.” Kane eyed Melbourne’s hand still holding Selena’s in a sensual manner and tensed at the sight.

  Melbourne grinned at Selena while refusing to release her hand. “Trust me, you can do much better,” he teased.

  Selena giggled. Kane wasn’t humored by the comment or Selena’s giggle. Melbourne touching her was now particularly disturbing to Kane.

  Melbourne looked at Kane and maintained his playful grin. “You don’t mind if I steal your date for a dance, do you?” Melbourne asked although he had already pulled her to his side, prepared to whisk her away at a moment’s notice.

  Kane actually did mind but managed a weak smile regardless. “No, of course not.”

  Selena allowed Melbourne to steal her away to the dance floor. Both men watched with some surprise as Melbourne danced close with Selena to the slow song.

  “Oh, that’s cold,” Casper announced with a firm shake of his head. “Our old professor stealing your girl--”

  “He’s not stealing her,” Kane corrected a little too firmly. “It’s just one dance. Was I supposed to tell him no? Besides, if she thinks I’m old, she must think he’s ancient.”

  Casper stared at the look in Kane’s eyes as he watched Selena dancing with Melbourne. “Okay, breathe,” Casper snorted then shook his head. “I’d better find us some drinks. You need to mellow.”

  As Casper headed for the bar, Kane stared at the dance floor and frowned. Melbourne suavely slow danced with Selena and held her close while they talked. It was a little too romantic in nature for his comfort.

  “Did your escort ditch you too?” Riley’s voice was heard from alongside him.

  Kane suddenly looked at Riley standing next to him. He was so caught up in his petty jealousy; he hadn’t even seen her approach. He immediately tensed and attempted not to look at her. It was hard for him to loathe the woman with her cleavage staring him in the face.

  “I wouldn’t say that,” he remarked then glanced around the
lobby. “What happened to Hayes? I thought he never allowed you from his side at these things.”

  “He usually doesn’t. He saw someone he knew, excused himself, and disappeared without a trace,” she announced almost playfully but something about her ridged stance indicated she was bothered. “He’s been acting really strange lately.” Riley’s seriousness quickly faded as she grinned and took Kane’s arm. “His loss. How about a dance?”

  Being as close as he was to her was emotionally torturing enough. There was absolutely no way he was going to slow dance with the psychopath.

  “I don’t dance--”

  “It’s easy. I’ll show you.”

  Riley flashed a grin, took him by the hand, and pulled him to the dance floor. His first instinct was to pull away from her. Her touch cut through him like a knife, but he realized he had to put on a show if he didn’t want to attract the wrong kind of attention. As he considered how to get out of dancing with her, he watched Selena dancing slowly and close with Melbourne. Maybe he’d be able to hear some of their conversation if he was closer. He couldn’t believe he was actually jealous of Melbourne! Kane turned to Riley on the dance floor not far from Selena, put on his best faux smile, and slow danced with her. She appeared surprised by his dancing style and grinned her pleasure.

  “For someone who said he couldn’t dance, you’re winging it rather nicely,” Riley remarked.

  “I didn’t say I couldn’t--just that I don’t.”

  “I’ll bet you’re a great dipper.”

  Kane appeared surprised by the comment and actually looked at her for the first time. Before he could question it, Riley spun herself in his arms and gracefully dipped herself. He was slightly stunned by her balance and technique. She pulled herself back up into his arms and danced a little closer. Kane found himself staring at her now. She was a bit unpredictable, in his opinion, which was obviously an understatement. She looked into his eyes and smiled. It was hard not to stare back at her. Her face was burned into his mind from the night she killed Selena, yet now she somehow seemed innocent and incapable of such a brutal act.


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