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Insatiable Page 29

by Lauren Dane

  A rush of love nearly knocked her over as he turned, and she shamelessly jumped into his lap for a fierce hug before she leaned away enough to look into his face. “You’re back.”

  “I am.” He hugged her again, bringing her back against his body. “You feel good.”

  “Not nearly as good as you feel. You’re here.” Happiness pooled in her belly, spread outward, until her lips curved into a huge smile.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t contact you the moment I got back. This was so important, and my signal was jammed. I had to get that information to Roman.”

  “I understand.” She sighed happily. “You’re here. I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you, too.”

  “Do you still love me?” she asked.

  “Do you think me so shallow I’d fall out of love with you in just eight days?” He tried not to smile.

  “I shouldn’t tell you this—it’ll only go straight to your head—but you look so dangerous and handsome right now. I’ve missed that. I’ve missed being able to reach out and touch you. To know you’re real and mine.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I’m real and yours.”

  “I can’t wait for you to show me.” She fluttered her lashes, and he laughed.

  “Hold your panties, Carina. I have work to do first. Then there will be showing. Lots and lots of it. You’re not the only one who missed touching the other.”

  “Oh, good! We’ll go to your flat then? After we finish this madness this afternoon?”

  “I don’t know what will happen after Roman makes his speech. As soon as it’s safe, we’ll be together. As for my flat? We’ve gone over that. My flat is too small for us, Carina. The rooms at Abbie’s are what you need. Spacious, safe, luxurious. You need that.”

  She sighed, patting his chest just a bit too hard. “If that’s what I needed, I’d have accepted Alexander Lyons’s repeated social invitations. I need you. I need a place that’s ours. I have a salary now!” She grinned up at him. “We can get a nice place on the vents, with plenty of room. I looked at a flat in Nyna’s building. It’ll suit us just fine. The owner says we can move in any time we like. Abbie put a deposit down. She told me you had credits in savings. I assumed you’d be all right with that. I’ll also have credits soon, once I start my job.”

  That line of his formed between his brows as he scowled for a moment.

  She smoothed it with her thumb. “Such a handsome face to mar with those nasty frown lines.”

  “First let me congratulate you on the job. I heard the news from Roman.”

  She flushed with pleasure. “In the second circle. Vincenz went with us. He says it’s very safe. I start training in the new week. Then I’ll begin teaching once that’s finished up.”

  “I’m proud of you.”

  She blinked back tears she swore to herself she would not shed. “That means so much,” she whispered.

  “You deserve it. Those kids are lucky to have you.”

  The warmth on his face hardened into annoyance again, and she tried hard not to laugh.

  “Now, back to the other thing. You and my sisters have gone flat hunting together?”

  She laughed and hugged him again, only then realizing she’d only thought she missed him a lot. Right then, with his scent in her nose, his arms around her, she realized she’d missed him far more than she’d realized. She missed his steady, calming influence on her, the grumpy but totally sweet way he dealt with her. He filled up the empty spots without pushing everything else out.

  “I really do love your sisters and your mother. Georges is such a lovely man, too! You’re so blessed to have them. They love you so much. I’ve heard so many wonderful stories over the last few days.”

  He growled low in his throat, but she knew he didn’t mean it. “Stop trying to steer the conversation elsewhere.”

  “Pish. It’s a very nice flat. I just wanted us to have a place of our own. I’ve never had that.”

  He groaned, and she ruthlessly held her smile back. He was really was so softhearted. It was a pity so few knew what an adorably sweet man he was. Though she did suppose it was safer for him that his reputation was that of a stone-cold warrior.

  Just not with her.

  “Nyna and Abbie said you’d like it. Abbie even tried to arrange with Wilhelm to have your things moved. Wilhelm got very gruff with her though, said you’d want to handle that yourself. It was only just a short while before you arrived. We were at Roman’s offices to pester Wilhelm, and Abbie wanted to get something from her office. It’s very cute that they have adjoining offices.”

  “Seven hells, Carina! I have weapons in my flat. I don’t want you poking around and getting hurt.”

  “Shush, you! I didn’t go. Wilhelm refused, and Roman agreed. Even Vincenz gave me a dirty look. Your precious dirty underpants and scores of blades are untouched by me. But I’m not thick. I can actually see something dangerous and not poke myself in the eye with it.”

  “Hmpf.” But he relaxed a little. “I’ll look at it with you later.”

  She tried to resist but gave in, bouncing around a little, making him laugh. She’d pretend not to notice the way he kept watch on the world outside the conveyance. She knew it was ingrained into him, and she couldn’t complain about being safe. “You’re back, and things all feel better. I just want to be with you, and you’re letting me. Thank you.”

  “Gods above and below, you undo me.” He said it not as a complaint but with wonder, and she threw herself into his arms again.

  She burrowed against him so tightly it was like she tried to get inside his skin. Where if he had the right words he could tell her she already dwelled within him. Holding her like that, so small and totally, utterly resilient, he let himself breathe, truly just let go of his anxiety.

  This was what he had been missing: the sense of return. Not just coming back to Ravena but returning to someone, something bigger than simply himself. She was his place to come home to, the reason to return.

  “I love you.”

  She sniffled. “You said it first. You said it.”

  “Yes. Well, I was gone. You smell good.”

  Tipping her head back, she smiled up into his face. “I do?”

  He leaned down to breathe her in. “Mmm, yes you do.” He stiffened as he suddenly registered what she had said earlier about Alexander. “Wait. What?” He jerked, anger making him jittery for a moment. “Alexander Lyons did what?”

  “Now, Daniel. Do you think I couldn’t put him in his place?”

  “His place is with my fist in his nose,” Daniel all but snarled. She looked very pleased with herself, and amusement at what she would have done to Alexander did temper his anger. But Alex was supposed to be a friend. Daniel had thought Roman’s brother was finally growing up, but this sort of thing was something the old Alexander would have done. And damn it all, he had to go debrief and his cock was hard; he needed to be with her, and this whole thing about Alexander had riled him up.

  “You’re very attractive when you’re jealous, but there’s no need. As if some pretty boy could ever be more attractive and wonderful than you. Anyway, I don’t think he truly meant it.”

  He groaned, shoving a hand though his hair. “Wilhelm will be back in a moment. Please follow my instructions and let me keep you safe. I’ll be right behind your chair. I’m proud of you.” He kissed her, meaning for it to be quick, but there was never quick when his lips touched hers.

  She fitted herself against him, throwing her arms around his neck. Her mouth opened on a soft sigh he greedily took into himself. Her tongue met his boldly, sliding along in a sensual dance, inviting him in, and he followed.

  Sweet. Her taste greeted him, taking hold, rooting, making him crave more. Need roared in his ears as he fought for control. He had to get his head back on keeping them all safe, shouldn’t even have kissed her, but he needed that.

  With a groan and a nip of her bottom lip, he set her away and as an added measure, took a step back. �
�We’ll finish that later.”

  She touched her lips with her fingertips. “I love you, Daniel. I love that you came back to me. Ah, and there’s Wilhelm.”

  “Let’s go. Everything’s in place.” Wilhelm opened the doors, and Daniel stepped out, the soldier first now. Things were going to change. He felt it in the air.

  Chapter 24

  Carina tried not to gape as they strode through the halls of the Grand Council building. It was difficult enough with the inlaid marble work and the columns rising up to soaring ceilings.

  And then she’d gotten a look at Daniel in his uniform. Not sitting in a conveyance speeding through the streets to the meeting. She hadn’t gotten the full effect in the cramped space. But now he stood tall, back straight, eyes inscrutable but missing nothing. He was pressed and crisp and very authoritative. She’d never seen a more breathtaking sight.

  “When we finally have our own flat, you and I are going to play prisoner and the interrogating soldier,” she murmured, leaning into his body.

  Daniel pinked and then bit his lip to keep from laughing. He narrowed his eyes her way, but amusement and interest lit them, not anger.

  She gulped, sneaking peeks at him as they walked. Vincenz caught up with them as they reached the massive double doors to the Council Inner Chambers. Her brother looked handsome and solemn as he took a place behind Daniel, shielding Carina even more.

  Nothing could have prepared her for the sound of that room. Roman hadn’t opted to have his arrival announced, so they entered through a side door, and the moment they did, the noise hit her like a slap. Arguing all around, yelling via vid screen, slamming of a gavel as the sergeant at arms shouted for order.

  Roman slid into a role right before her eyes. He was The Lyon, he was the leader, their leader, and took the highest dais, Abbie at his right. Deimos came in through a side door with a group of younger men who all sat on a lower level.

  “Associate Council: they’re the next in line to House leadership. Deimos is the chair,” Daniel murmured as he held a seat out for her and then stood behind it, his hands clasped at his back.

  Though he hadn’t said a single word yet, the entire room noticed Roman’s arrival. All eyes lay on him, including her own. When he spoke, she was unable to tear her attention away from him. He held the room by sheer force of personality as he told them to be quiet and come to order.

  “I call this extraordinary session of the Full Governance Council to order. Proceedings will not be recorded. Any House without representation at this meeting will lose their vote on any issue that comes up.”

  And then he turned them all upside down.

  “I hereby proclaim House Sessions has been divested of their Rank. Their property will be stripped from them, their coffers claimed. All Sessions members will lose any Rank-held jobs. They will quit their residences on all three ’Verses they hold. Lumina, Kyff and Alia have now returned to control of House Lyons until such time that the Governance Council decides under which House these ’Verses will affiliate.”

  Stunned silence fell over the room as Roman let them fully digest what he’d said before continuing.

  “Henry Sessions is dead after being found a leader in a weapons smuggling scheme he led from Parron. I have a disc filed and available for those House leaders on the Law and Justice Committee. On that disc, you will find photographic and video evidence of Sessions arranging an exchange of tactical small explosives for credits. This exchange took place with a known member of the Imperium. Further review of Sessions’s financial documents has uncovered a trail of credits tied to more than a standard year’s worth of such dealings. Those weapons have been involved in several attacks on Federation citizens.

  “House Turgev will be questioned after this body adjourns, so please stay in this chamber until you are told you may go.” He looked down at a man sitting just a few rows away. “Parron is your ’Verse, and I will know just exactly how this happened under your control.”

  The chamber erupted again with shouted questions and official complaints about Roman’s tactics.

  Roman ignored it, instead cutting the sound amplifiers off and tweaking a button so a piercing wail came from the sound system, and they all quieted again.

  “I’m going to make some things clear to every last one of you. Nearly two standard years ago now, we discovered Families had engaged in treasonous actions against the Federated Universes. As a result, thousands of lives were lost and more risked by the instability it created. We are on the verge of war. This is not a phrase I use to grab more power. I’ve led with a fair hand my entire tenure. This is not business as usual; we are all in peril, and I will use all the powers granted to me to protect my people.”

  He outlined some of the recent skirmishes on the Edge, including the bioagents used.

  “Why do we care about the Edge?” someone shouted out. “If we let the Imperialists have those ’Verses, they’ll leave us alone. Why are we killing our own people and dissolving Houses for a handful of dirt piles?”

  Carina was pleased to hear a number of disgusted murmurs in reaction to such comments.

  “Because, House Moander, we are the Federation. We signed treaties and gave our oath to protect those ’Verses that are ours. Those ’Verses on the Edge are Federation ’Verses, just as Kwen Lun, Ravena, Nondal, Borran, just as each one of our ’Verses is. I will not be a liar and a coward.”

  “And because Ciro Fardelle won’t stop at those ’Verses,” Carina said in a loud, clear voice.

  All eyes turned to her.

  “This is Carina Fardelle. She escaped the Imperium and has sought sanctuary. Her brother, Vincenz, known as Vincent Cuomo, has been in the service of the Federated Universes for seven standard years.” Roman indicated she address the group.

  She decided to stand. She put her mask back on and addressed them all in a cool voice. “You will gain nothing by letting the Edge ’Verses go. You think he cares about the territory? You believe this is why he has shown no hesitation to blow your citizens up? Use viral agents on them to make them ill and kill them?” She sighed, as if they were all silly children. “Ciro Fardelle doesn’t care about those ’Verses. He is not throwing the Imperium into chaos for a number of Edge ’Verses. This is not about territory. He cares about power. If you turn tail and abandon your people, he will see that as weakness, and he will continue forward, toward the Center. Because to abandon those ’Verses will mean you are afraid, and he will punish you for that. He responds to one thing and one thing only: more force than his own. Not the threat of force, not the menace of force, but brute force delivered with swift hands.”

  She sat back down and looked out over the room.

  “How can you be trusted? You’re a filthy Fardelle! You’re not fit to be in this chamber.”

  “House Stander,” Daniel murmured, knowing she could handle the retort on her own.

  “House Stander, isn’t it? Whether you trust me or not, I’m up here. I brought information out, risking my own life and the life of my remaining family and friends back home. I have proven my loyalty, and I’m telling you how my father will respond. You can trust me or not, but the fact is, he’s a man who puts in practice his belief that humans need the lash frequently enough to keep them from having any ideas about getting away alive. Ciro Fardelle doesn’t care about you or anyone else here. He cares not for minimizing loss of life or negotiated peace. He cares to destroy and maim. You are prey, or you are predator.”

  Roman stood. “We are predator. Enough. Let it be known that from this day on, any treason will be met with force. It will be eradicated under my boot heel if those of you who have no honor can’t learn one way . . .” Roman looked to Abbie.

  “If you can’t learn one way, we will destroy you. This treason will end one way or another. How it ends is your choice.” Abbie spoke softly but clearly. She met the eyes of several House leaders.

  “House Walker stands with Lyons. Our recent experience with our members participating in this mess
has underlined the importance of standing unified now.”

  It followed over and over. Each House leader standing up and supporting Roman. Two houses dissented but agreed not to interfere with Roman.

  “Look to your Houses, people. This is our land; these are our citizens to protect. We took an oath. Let us not break those promises.”

  Wilhelm’s people swept in and escorted House Turgev into a side room to be interviewed.

  “You did what was necessary,” Deimos said to his father.

  “All my life I’ve been taught the ideals of fairness and justice. These people helping these bastards, this is about giving more rights to the unranked. But by doing this, they’ll speed up that process, only turn it on its ear, create an angry populace who feels so betrayed and threatened they turn on us. This is bad business. I hate them for making me do this. How else can I handle it?”

  “How you are handling it, Dai. Like a leader. A true leader doesn’t just lead when things are easy and decisions aren’t life-altering.” Deimos shrugged.

  “So let’s do something about that,” Abbie interrupted. “We’ve taken all the House Sessions holdings: land, dwellings, large farms on Lumina. Let’s give it to the unranked. No, not all of it. I understand whatever House takes over will need to pay for services and salaries of employees. If you split it, one ’Verse each to the three most affluent and progressive Houses on the agreement that citizens are offered a certain amount of Sessions-held land to farm. On Earth there was a history of this. Governments encouraged people to move and settle places. To work the earth, build civilization again. They gave them a certificate of ownership to some land and a beast of burden. We can give them that and perhaps a small stipend to build dwellings.”

  “Roman, doing something like that would threaten the Houses.” Vincenz spoke from behind Ellis.

  “Yes. And they should be. I’ve got millions of unranked upset right now. Betrayed by the people who are supposed to protect them. They have no voice, and their protectors have not spoken for them. I’m putting down near riots every quarter now. All across the Federation. They are angry, and they have reason to be.” He paused. “Abbie, if you mean this, have your office look into it. Present me with three versions of a plan to do this. Do it officially as the liaison to the unranked. Your office can benefit from this, and it should. Don’t skimp. I want all financials worked out. Make this thorough.”


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