Slide: Rugged Skulls MC

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Slide: Rugged Skulls MC Page 2

by Amy Davies

  I’m a fine one to talk. I haven’t been on a date in over three years. Time is hard to find with no family around and a five-year-old daughter to take care of. My last date wanted me to put Posey in a boarding school so he could take me to his dinner parties where I would ‘look pretty on his arm’. Yeah, let’s just say the date ended very soon.

  I get busy making Posey’s pancakes and slice up the banana for the topping. Posey loves food, and I mean all foods. She creeps me out sometimes when she asks for some weird concoctions, again something she gets from Chris—I’m a vegan. When she was born, we came to the decision that she wouldn’t be vegan unless she decided she wanted to be when she was older.

  “Here you go, baby.” I place the plate in front of her, and her face lights up as she digs in.

  I sit and drink my orange juice while she eats. Today is a go to work with Mommy day. She loves coming to work with me and Kenny because she gets to smile and talk to the customers and gorge herself on her favorite cupcakes, which Marjorie, the baker at Coffee Cove, makes.

  Oh, she makes some yummy vegan delights too. Baked goods I should stay away from.

  “Gramps Kenny!” Posey yells as soon as I push the door open to Coffee Cove.

  The scent of coffee hits my senses and I inhale it, loving the smell. One thing people find strange about me is that I work in a coffee shop, and I love the smell of coffee, but I don’t drink it.

  “There’s my chicken,” Kenny says, as he scoops her up and hugs her tight. They talk and jabber on while I dump my purse out the back in the cozy staff break room.

  I look in the mirror and add some more lip gloss before tying half my hair up. Looking down at my dark red, green and cream patterned maxi skirt and maroon crotchet top, I smile to myself, remembering the process of dressing Posey this morning. She was full of fire, and she wanted to wear the same as me, but I won again by distracting her with her favorite thing in the whole world: pandas.

  She’s now wearing cute, red harem pants and a cami with thick straps that has a panda face on the front. Her curly, wild, sun-kissed hair is up in pigtails with some panda hair ties.

  Leaving the back room, I head out to see what trouble Posey and Kenny have gotten into and am surprised when I see Jodie, Opal and Tucker.

  “Hey, how was the week away?” I ask them. They got married last week, and I was given the privilege of seeing them say their vows to each other in front of family and friends at Opal’s MC clubhouse.

  Did anyone tell me how sexy those biker boys are? Hell no. Damn, I swear my panties were wet by the time I left, especially after watching Slide most of the day. He caught me looking a few times, and he would wink at me then go back to talking to his brothers. Estelle warned me that he was a huge man-whore, and that I should stay away, but a woman needs to get laid once in a while. And it has definitely been a while for me.

  My trusty purple vibrator keeps me company when I need him, but it can never substitute a real man; touching you, licking you and nibbling at your skin.

  “It was amazing. We went up to Orlando for a week. Took Tuck to Disney World and went on rides until we were ready to throw up. But it was worth it. It was nice to get away and relax.”

  “Did you see any princesses? Did you see Vanellope?” Posey asks excitedly from her seat on the counter. Jodie smiles at her and pulls something out of her large purse.

  “I did. They are really pretty, just like you, Miss Posey. Here, Tucker wanted to get you these.” Posey’s face lights up when she’s given a fully sparkled out Mini Mouse ears headband and a big, rainbow-colored candy lollypop with a picture of Vanellope von Schweetz on the packet.

  “Oh my dod!” Posey screams, clapping her hands. Jodie, Opal and Tucker smile at her as Tucker helps her put the ears on.

  I giggle when she says ‘dod’ instead of God. She has never managed to get the ‘G’ right in that word. There are a few words she has trouble with, but like the smart cookie she is, she changes it up, thinking she’s being cute.

  Kenny helps Posey off the counter and both her and Tucker go over to Gavin, who’s brought out a new batch of vegan almond and apricot flapjacks. Posey loves those things.

  “So, when do you two go away, just the two of you?” I ask, leaning against the counter.

  Opal’s face brightens and he wraps an arm around Jodie’s shoulders, kissing her temple. She looks up at him with pure adoration in her eyes. I can see the love between these two. It pours out of them.

  “We’re going to Sarge’s cabin for a few days soon, just the two of us. Tucker is staying with his grandparents, it is all planned out,” Opal explains.

  It is bad that I go weak at the knees at the sound of his voice?

  “Well make sure you pop in here before you leave. I’ll have a treat box ready for you. You’re going to need some sustenance during all that alone time,” Kenny adds, winking at Opal.

  “Men,” I say, and walk over to Posey and Tucker.

  Looking back at my friend and her new husband, a pang of jealousy hits my stomach. I want that one day. I want a man that will see me and want me, but also take Posey on as his own; not as her father but as another dad-figure.



  My ass is dragging today. I was up most of the night over at the club’s porn studio, dealing with some leaky fucking pipes. The plumber wouldn’t come out, so me and Rookie had to deal with it. Fucking asshole.

  I stretch, causing my back to click. I groan and make my way into my bathroom to take a shower that doesn’t have any leaky fucking pipes.

  Turning the shower on, I drop my boxers and climb in, just as the water turns hot. I moan as the hot water hits my aching shoulders, then rest my hands on the shower wall.

  Images from Opal and Jodie’s wedding flash in my head, that alluring woman who held my attention all night coming into focus.

  Farrah Daniels.

  Damn, that woman has been the lead in my very sex-induced dreams since the wedding. The way her wavy blond hair moved when she danced had me wanting to wrap it around my hand and pull on it while fucking her from behind.

  My cock hardens at the thought of fucking her tight body. She looked like a sex goddess in her yellow strapless dress that had patterns cut out along the midriff and from her thighs down.

  She was dancing with some of the old ladies, lifting the dress to her thighs, displaying her smooth, tanned skin. What I wouldn’t give to have those thighs wrapped around me.

  My dick aches as I think of Farrah. I need to get rid of this hard-on before facing the boys today because they will give me shit for not having one of the girls deal with it.

  Since Magnum and Opal found their old ladies, the Regs have been keeping their distance. Me and the boys thought they would get clingy and aim their attention at us single brothers, but they seem to be backing off, out of respect. I know Blake has decided not to come around anymore out of fear of liking the old lady that a brother settles down with and then having to face her.

  I can understand and respect that. Nadia has been spending more time at the clubhouse, and I know Magnum lets her stay in one of the back rooms more often than not because of some shit at home.

  I spit on my hand and pump my dick, adding a tight squeeze. I groan, and my head falls back against the pillows. With my eyes closed, I imagine Farrah on her knees between my thighs, flat on her stomach on the bed and me peering down her delectable body while her lips are wrapped around my cock, sucking me as she cups my balls.

  I moan into the room as my balls tighten. That familiar tingle starts and hits my cock like a bolt of lightning, just as I shoot cum out of my dick. Panting, I let the feeling of my orgasm wash over me, and it’s as satisfying as if I were with a woman.

  I haven’t fucked anyone in over a week, since that crazy chick threw her shoe at me. My hand and dick have become fucking besties, and that tells me I need to pull my head out of my ass and get Farrah into my bed, or over my bike—hell, anywhere she will let me take her.
I need to have her.

  When I called ‘dibs’ at Opal’s wedding, it was my way of letting my brothers know she’s off limits. We had members of the club from other charters attending, and I didn’t want any of those horny fuckers touching what I wanted. Not touching her that night was hard as hell, but I knew that Farrah isn’t the quick fuck kind of woman, I had plans to get to know her.

  With Farrah in mind, I climb in shower to wash up, then dry off before getting dressed in my usual jeans and t-shirt under my club cut. My pride and joy. Picking up my wallet, keys and phone, I head downstairs to get some food and much needed coffee.

  The boys are all sitting around the dining table Magnum added when we got the club up and running. They’re all talking in between filling their faces with the food Risky made and sucking back coffee.

  “Morning, bitches,” I greet, before kissing Risky’s cheek and picking up a plate.

  “Ewww. Fuck off, Slidey, I don’t know where those lips have been,” Risky says, crinkling her nose with disgust. I chuckle at her and fill my plate.

  “Fucker, you keep your lips to yourself,” Magnum growls from his seat.

  I wink at him and sit my ass down, before sucking down my first coffee of the day, then filling the mug back up. My mug is my precious. It has the slogan, ‘Wow. You are fucking sexy’, printed on it. A gift from Mama Masters.

  “This is good, Risk, thanks,” I say, stuffing eggs into my mouth and chewing. She gives me a nod before taking her usual seat on Magnum’s lap. She tucks into her food while Prez feasts on her neck, making her giggle.

  “You sort the run out, Sarge?” Magnum asks, pulling his face out of Risky’s neck.

  “Yeah, Prez. Me and the boys leave on Thursday. Also, I talked to Opal last night, and he said the realtor let him know that everything went through okay on the building for the pawn shop, so we can get in there and see what needs to be updated,” Sarge explains.

  He’s talking about Jodie’s best friend, Estelle. She’s a sweet, pregnant girl with a feisty side. I’m not sure how many weeks along she is, but she has a decent-sized bump. I know there’s history there between my brother and her, but fuck knows what it is. He’s keeping quiet about that.

  “Her name is Estelle, brother, which you clearly know,” I say, to rile him up, and in an instant, his anger boils over.

  God, I love fucking with my brothers.

  His chair screeches across the wooden floor and then topples over. His fists clench at his sides, and he’s breathing heavily. See, some dramatic history there.

  “I know what her fucking name is. I just don’t want to fucking say or even hear it. She is fucking nothing to me. You would be the same if some bitch ripped your heart out and minced it in a fucking grinder,” he snarls out.

  A gasp comes from the door and we all spin around to see who made the sound.

  Estelle stands there, one hand on her belly like she’s protecting her baby from the shitty words my brother just said and the other hand covering her mouth as a sob breaks free. Tears streak her face, but her eyes are locked on Sarge, whose shoulders sag for a brief moment before he tenses up again, then sits and resumes eating. Estelle turns on her heels and rushes from the room, her cries trailing after her.

  “Fucking prick. From what I’ve seen and heard about her so far, she’s an amazing woman. You’re a fucking fool, brother,” Edge says, before storming out of the room, running after an upset Estelle.

  The room goes quiet, but I keep eating. This is the most he’s said about her since they came face to face a few weeks ago. If this is the only way he’ll open up, then I will rile the bastard up more.

  Lifting my mug, I take a sip of coffee, washing the food down, before I bring my gaze to his angry one. His expression tells me he wants to put me through a meat grinder.

  “Okay, so she hurt you. Don’t you think you two need to sit down and sort this shit out? Because, brother, from what I remember, she was as white as a ghost when she saw you. Clearly, she was as shocked to see you as you were her,” I tell him, leaning back in my chair and drinking more coffee.

  “Leave it, Slide,” Sarge growls.

  Shaking my head at the broody bastard, I keep at him, but this is my nature. I like to rile people up because I believe that people say the truth when pushed enough.

  Anger is a natural truth serum.

  I want to push further, but I can see the pain in his eyes, softening the anger and hate toward Estelle, so I push in a different way. My brothers are my family, and we help family to the best of our ability no matter what. The club was there for me when I came stateside, so I will always have the club’s back.

  “Listen, brother, I know I’m the joker of the club—and the most handsome—but I know how to get serious when I need to. You’re hurting, that is clear as fuck, but so is Estelle. I know jack shit about pregnant ladies, but all this stress can’t be good for her or the baby. So maybe it would be a good time to have a sit down and get the air cleared, because from where I’m sitting—on my delectable ass—the air around you two is clouded as fuck.”

  With that, I get up and take my dirty dishes to the kitchen, then walk back through the main room. Everyone is still sitting in silence. Giving Magnum a chin lift, I walk out the main door and into the front yard of the Tower.

  Edge is talking to a terribly upset Estelle, so I make my way over to them. Estelle sees me first and wipes her eyes, giving me a small smile. My brother looks at me over his shoulder and gives me a chin lift.

  “How are you feeling, sweetheart?” I ask, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her to me. She comes willingly, and sniffs.

  “I’m okay. His words hurt, but what can I do if the stubborn goat won’t talk to me. There is so much history. I don’t want to get into the details now, that should be for when he’ll talk to me,” Estelle explains.

  “He’s hardheaded, that’s for sure, but he’ll come around, babe. Sarge has had a tough time since he came home, again his story to tell. Give him time to get used to the idea of you being here, yeah?” I tell her.

  “Yeah, okay. It’s not like I have a choice, is it? Anyway, I came here to drop this off to Magnum.” She pulls out a manilla file from her overly large purse and hands it to Edge. “It’s the property Opal wanted for the club’s new bar.”

  She smiles brightly.

  “Is it ready?” I ask.

  “Yep. That’s the final contract. The Rugged Skulls MC now owns a new bar. It needs a little TLC, but I think you guys will make it work,” Estelle says, and moves to open the door to her car.

  I can’t help but notice how tight her pencil skirt is. It enhances her round ass and baby bump, but damn, she is one sexy broad. She climbs into her red Mercedes SUV.

  A slap to my head gets my attention.

  “Ow, fucker,” I hiss at Edge, and rub the back of my head. Estelle sits in her car, smiling at him, but her face soon flushes red when Edge speaks.

  “Brother, she isn’t yours, so stop fucking looking. Sarge would remove your eyes from your head with a toothpick if he caught you.”

  I wink at Estelle as she starts the car, closes the door and winds the window down. She’s smiling but still blushing, which I fucking love on a woman. I also love seeing how far down the blush goes.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Edge. Clint hates me. It will be better now that my business with the club is done, that I stay away. Like you said, he needs time. I have to go. Later, boys,” she says, and slowly pulls away, giving us a wave.

  We stand there and watch her drive out of the Tower compound, Joel opening the gate for her with a wave and closing it behind her.

  I get what Estelle is saying about Sarge feeling that way toward her, but fuck, I think she’s dead wrong, yet I know there is fuck all any of us can do if Sarge doesn’t want to deal with it. Personally, I think there’s something fucked up between them and it was neither of their faults.

  “Keep your eyes to yourself, brother, and do me a favor, ye
ah: stop pissing Sarge off. I don’t want to bury you,” Edge jokes, but I can hear the serious undertone in his voice.

  “It’s so fucking fun getting under his skin, but I hear you. Estelle is off limits. I know something is amiss here, brother. I pray to fuck that he sorts his head out before he loses her again, because, man, he had her before,” I tell him, and he nods.

  “What do you know about the father of the kid?” Edge asks.

  “Out of the picture from what I’ve heard from Opal and Jodie. They were to get married, but then Estelle got pregnant and he didn’t want that, so he bolted. Her parents backed the asshole. I can’t help but feel like they aren’t exactly good parents, ya know, especially to treat their daughter like that.”

  “Yeah, I hear you. Right, I’m off. I have to pick up Drix then head over to Logan’s Ridez to pick up the parts we need for the garage,” Edge explains, and walks over to his truck that he uses when he has Drix.

  “Say hi to the in-laws for me.” I wink, and he laughs, flipping me off.

  I sigh and hope to fuck my two brothers get their happily ever fucking after or some shit, because I can see it coming. I just hope it’s smooth and not as fucked up as some. I think they’ve both waited too long to call dibs on their women. Time to nut up, brothers.



  “Oh, it’s so pretty, Mommy.” Posey gushes over a panda outfit in the Build-A-bear store. It’s a pink tutu with panda faces on it.

  “Yeah, baby, it’s cute. Is that the one you want or this one? You can only have one, remember,” I ask, holding up the tutu and a pair of panda shorts.

  I swear the person who invented these toys was a genius and a tyrant at the same time. There are children running around like banshees, demanding clothes and accessories for their bears. Why? So they can play with the bear until they get home, then the poor bear will sit in the toy box with all the other bears and have a sad life, not being played with.


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