Slide: Rugged Skulls MC

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Slide: Rugged Skulls MC Page 20

by Amy Davies

  “Not a bad word, baby girl. I actually like it,” I explain, and her smile makes everything right in the world again.

  “Good. You will be the baby’s daddy.” She points to Farrah’s stomach and looks back to me. “But I gots a daddy, so you can be my daddio.”

  “I would love to be your daddio, Posey pie. Now come here and give me a snuggle too.” She climbs into my arms, and I settle next to Farrah, my arm around her shoulders. I look at my brothers and Kenny.

  “What have the doctors said?” Kenny asks.

  “Me and the baby are great.” Farrah smiles at him. “They did a quick ultrasound and checked me over just to make sure, but it’s all good.”

  “That’s good, sweetheart. I’m glad. I’ve phoned your parents; they will call you later tonight when you get home from here. Do you want me to take the little miss so you can rest up?” he adds. Farrah shakes her head and twirls a strand of Posey’s hair around her finger.

  “I want her close, Grandad.” The second she calls him grandad, his eyes soften, and I swear I hear his heart melt. That man’s world revolves round Posey and Farrah, and to be fair, I understand why, because they are my world too.

  “Damn it, Farrah, you know I can’t handle when you call me that,” Kenny chokes out. He coughs and clears his throat.

  “Call you what?” comes a smokey voice. All our gazes stop in the direction of the door, and there stands a young female doc about my age, maybe a little older, with deep red hair. She’s a fucking looker, I can tell you that, and from the look on Kenny’s face, I can see that he sees it too.

  “Are you causing trouble again, Farrah?” I frown and look at Farrah before looking back at the doctor. My girl giggles and again strokes Posey’s hair.

  “No, no trouble here, but I can’t say that about these guys. Rugged Skulls, I’d like you to meet Doctor Frances, my lady doctor.” Farrah blushes as she explains.

  “I take it you’re her man.” She points to me, and I nod, introducing myself.

  “Slide, Doc. These are my brothers, Magnum, Opal, Edge, Sarge, Rookie and Slade. This guy here is Kenny, Farrah’s grandfather.” I wink at Kenny, and his head snaps in my direction.

  “Grandfather? You don’t look old enough to be a grandparent of someone Farrah’s age.” Doc Frances’s eyes are wide with shock and question. Kenny smirks at her, and her cheeks tint pink, but I can see in her narrowed eyes that she’s a feisty one.

  “Oh, sweetheart, I may be older, but I have enough experience with women to put these guys to shame.” His voice is teasing, and Doc Frances smiles.

  “Oh, is that so?” She quirks a perfectly shaped eyebrow at him, and Kenny closes the distance between them. I don’t think anyone could miss the way her chest rises and falls with each breath.

  Everyone in the room is watching them like some reality dating show, but this is way fucking hotter, which is fucking creepy since the guy is my future grandfather-in-law. I shiver, and Farrah frowns at me, but I give her a smile and kiss the tip of her nose.

  “Try me, Miss Frances,” Kenny edges, and the doc squares off with him, a saucy smile kicking up one side of her mouth.

  “Maybe I will.” Her phone rings from her pocket. She reaches for it, and the smile that once graced her face, falls. “Excuse me.” She doesn’t wait for anyone’s reply as she leaves.

  “What the fuck was that?” Rookie asks the room.

  “What? If you don’t know what flirting is, Rookie, I think you’ve been doing it wrong all these years, son,” Kenny jokes, and Rookie flips him off.

  “I know how to handle a woman, man. Don’t you worry about my dick, just worry about your own. She may be a lady doctor, but I bet she knows her way around a man.”

  “I fu—freaking hope so.” Kenny winks at Rookie, and we laugh.

  Farrah dries her eyes after cry-laughing. It’s nice to see a bright smile back on her face. I know she’s worried about the baby, but she doesn’t need to. He’s as strong as she is, and she will be on bedrest for as long as I can keep her there.

  “Daddio?” I look down at Posey, and she rubs her eyes, an international tell of a tired toddler. “I’m tired,” she says with a yawn.

  “I’ll go and find out when Farrah can go home,” Kenny says, and leaves the room. Posey snuggles deeper into my chest. I rub her back, soothing her enough to help her sleep.

  “I called Quincey, explained things. He said he’s taking Tommy back to his. He said that he doesn’t want any more shit brought to our door, but Kenny told him that Tommy is staying,” Opal explains.

  “Of course he is. He wanted a better life. They can’t blame him for that,” Farrah jumps in.

  “He will, baby. We’ll make sure of it,” I tell her.

  We sit and talk about Risky’s rescue center that will be opening soon. The surrounding land needs clearing and made safe for the animals to roam, and they need their respective pens and runs.

  The Junction Bar is pretty much complete, and we will be opening that as soon as we get the place finished and all staff and licenses in order. We’ve been interviewing people to work there, and so far, we’ve got people in place. Risky had fun sorting their uniform out. She has decided to put the guys in black jeans and a black t-shirt with the name of the bar in red font across the chest. The girls will be in a V-neck or camisole, matched with black shorts.

  Kenny strolls back into the room with a nurse behind him. She looks at my brothers, her cheeks turning a shade of pink, before her gaze settles on Farrah.

  “I have your paperwork here. You’re free to go but you must reduce any stress you have. Like I said earlier, rest up and make your man do all the work.” She nods down at Posey in my arms, and they instinctively tighten around her.

  “I will,” my woman answers cheerfully, making the nurse smile.

  “That’s good. So, you are free to go. Good luck with the pregnancy.” With that, she leaves. Edge comes into the room with a wheelchair. I didn’t even see him step out.

  “You have to be wheeled out, Madam.” He bows, and Farrah giggles. I climb off the bed, adjusting a sleeping Posey over my shoulder. Edge and Rookie help Farrah out of the bed and into the chair, while Kenny grips the handles to push her out to the waiting cage to take us home.

  Today could have ended so fucking differently, but as I walk out of the hospital with my stepdaughter over my shoulder and my woman at my side, I know that I will treasure every fucking second I can with them.

  My brothers surround us, a true brotherhood at its finest. They will do anything for my family, and I will do the same for them. Farrah settles into the back seat, and I slide in next to her with Posey still passed out sleeping.

  Taking Farrah’s hand in mine, I bring it to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. She gives me a blinding smile and my heart fucking soars.

  “Home?” she says, and I nod.




  “There you go. Go and grab your hat. We will be leaving soon,” I tell Posey as I set her on the floor so she can run to her new bedroom, her crochet panda tightly in her hand.

  When I got Farrah home from the hospital after the little fuckers took her, I told her that both her and Posey were moving into my house at the back of the Tower’s property. She readily agreed, and we moved her in over the next week.

  The old ladies took Posey shopping to buy her bedroom furniture because I had never prepped the rooms for a feisty little girl. So now her room has two pink walls and two white ones. One wall has a rather large panda and a jungle painted on it, thank to Jase.

  She’s happy, and that’s all that matters. She loves her new bed that I had built specially for her. It’s two tiers with a double bed underneath that she put all her cuddly toys on. She has a small set of steps that lead up to her main bed. It’s all white and baby pink and fairy lights, which she loves.

  Making my two girls happy is my number one priority at the moment, and when the new baby arrives, I will do ev
erything in my power to make them happy and feel safe too.

  “Hey good-looking.” I look up at the sound of Farrah’s voice and smile.

  My heart fucking stutters every time I see her. Her belly is round and proud. Today we find out the sex of the baby. The last few months have flown by. Things with us have been going from strength to strength. We just seem to fit together in every aspect of our lives.

  “Hey, baby.” She sits on my lap, and as usual my hand goes to the baby bump and I rub it. Farrah is wearing a dress that has a white top that molds to her ever growing tits, which I love to suck up because she’s extra sensitive these days. The bottom of the dress is a blue floral. She slipped on her white sandals.

  “Are you excited?” she asks, moving her mouth to my neck and laying kisses she knows drives me fucking crazy.

  “I am, but, baby, you need to stop, before I take you over this couch and our baby girl comes in and catches us and needs intense therapy for the rest of her life.” She giggles before pulling her head back to look me in the eyes.

  “Later, I promise. My pussy is wet for you to slide right into me, handsome.”

  “Little shit,” I groan. She pushes her ass down on my cock, and I hiss, gripping her hips. “Baby…”

  “I’m ready,” Posey cries, as she runs into the room. I lean my head on Farrah’s shoulder, and she chuckles.

  “Okay, my ladies. Let’s get this show on the road and see if we’re having another princess or a prince.” Tapping Farrah’s thigh, she climbs off my lap and walks over to Posey, adjusting the hat on her head.

  “Yep, Daddio. Let’s go.” Posey marches over to the front door and stands and waits for us. She knows not to open the door unless we tell her it’s okay. Not that strangers come to the house. They have to get onto the club’s property to get to us, and that won’t happen. Around the back of our homes is a very tall and well secured fence.

  I help my girls into the car, and we are on our way. My excitement is worse than Posey’s. We sing and call out animals we see on the way. We also play the color game, as Posey likes to call it. She likes to yell out objects of a certain color, like a yellow tractor, or a green donut at the donut shop. She finds it hilarious, plus it helps with her learning the colors.

  We arrive at the hospital and I help them out of the car, then we head inside. I can feel the excitement oozing out of Posey, but I can say that I feel the same way. We joke around a lot that I want a boy, but fuck me, a beautiful baby girl that looks like her mom and sister would make me a very happy man. As long as the baby is healthy, I don’t give a fuck.

  It isn’t long until we’re called back to the room where they do that scan. Posey is holding my hand until we get in the room and I sit her on my lap as Farrah lays down on the bed and the nurse starts the scan.

  To say I’m holding my breath is an understatement. I can feel my lungs fight for air, but I can’t find it in me to take a deep breath.

  “Okay, let’s see, shall we?”

  “Yes, please,” Posey replies, and her breaking the tension in my body has me letting go. My lungs are happy for it. I suck in a few deep breaths, and the tightness in my chest lessens.

  “Two arms, two legs, two hands and two feet. Oh, and a head,” the nurse jokes with Posey, who is giggling like a hyena in my lap.

  “Am I having a brother or a sister?” is Posey’s question as she claps her hands.

  “Well let’s see if they want us to know.” I hold my breath again, and I feel a hand touch my arm. I look at Farrah and she mouths ‘I love you’. I return her sentiment and smile.

  “Well there, big sister, it looks like you will be having a baby sister,” we are told, and my heart explodes with happiness, as girly as that sounds.

  “Yes!” Posey screams, and I think dogs everywhere heard her. I look at Farrah and see her crying, a huge smile on her face. She brings her gaze to me, and she lets out a loud burst of laughter at the look on my face.

  My mouth opens and closes a few times before I’m able to speak. The smile that breaks across my face is wide, and no doubt will hurt my cheeks later when I actually stop smiling.

  “Shit, baby, you made me so fucking happy, but we are stopping by the gun shop on the way home. I need to stock up.” I stand, keeping Posey in my arms, then sit her on the bed. I pull my wallet out of my pocket and hand her a ten dollar bill before she can even speak.

  Farrah laughs and Posey yelps in happiness. I lean in and kiss Farrah, while Posey talks to the nurse, which is comical.

  “I love you, Farrah Daniels,” I say against her lips.

  “I love you, too, Ryan Stern.”

  “And I love you too, Mommy and Daddio, and my baby sister. Can I name her?”

  “We’ll see, okay, Posey pie.” Farrah taps her nose as she says this.

  Fuck me, I love my girls, and we just added another girl to the mix. God fucking help me. We leave the clinic and go straight to the clubhouse, where we know that everyone is waiting for us to reveal the sex of the baby.

  Once we’re parked, I help Posey out, who runs to Sarge, just as he ends the heated phone call he was just on. I help Farrah out.

  I will find out what that conversation was about soon, but first we need to let the club know about the new baby and watch as the fussing starts.

  “IT’S A GIRL!” Posey doesn’t give us a chance to tell the club and instead does it for us, but I can honestly say it was the best way for us to tell them, because she’s just as excited as we are about the new addition.

  “My boys work, fellas. Fuckers just need to know that I want a boy next time,” I joke with them, and everyone laughs as I hand Posey another ten-dollar bill.

  “Thank you,” she chirps, and rushes off, showing the other kids her well-earned cash—her words, not mine.

  “I see you’re learning to keep the women in your life happy.” Lash nods in the direction of Posey, and I grin.

  “Hell yeah, man.”

  We spend a few hours celebrating the news before I take my woman back to my room for some us time.

  “Oh God, yes, right there,” Farrah moans, as I slide in and out of her from behind. She’s lying on her side because her bump gets in the way sometimes, but this way, I can get in deep without causing her discomfort.

  With my hand tucked behind her knee, I hold her in place as I fuck her hard and fast. She likes it dirty, and I love that. Hell, she wants my cock all the fucking time. Lash was right, pregnancy hormones are fucking off the chart.

  “You like that, baby?” I rock in and out of her, bottoming out, and I hiss loudly. “Play with your tits, baby.”

  She does as I say, and I feel her pussy tighten around my cock. She loves playing with her nipples. Since she’s been pregnant, she is overly sensitive and drives me wild with how quick she comes—and the number of times she comes.

  “Yes, yes,” she chants, and my balls draw up, but I bite my lip and try to hold off my impending orgasm. She feels like soft, warm silk wrapped around my shaft.

  Moving my hand from her knees, over the inside of her thigh, I reach her pussy and strum her clit. With that one touch, she clamps down on my cock, strangling the fuck out of him and keeping him hostage like she loves to do.

  She cries out my name, gasping for air as the climax rages through her body, pulling my orgasm from me. I keep my thrusts up, pulling as much pleasure as I can from this.

  Her body goes lax in front of me, mine soon following. I kiss her bare shoulder, and her sigh tells me she’s content. With my dick still inside of her, my hand makes its way to her stomach and cradles her bump, finding the baby kicking like crazy.

  “She knows her daddy,” Farrah sighs with a sleepy voice.

  “Yeah, baby, she does.” Moving my body so I’m completely flush against her, our legs tangled together, I hold her to me. Contentment blankets us, and I thank the fucking Lord that I found her. She has given me everything I have ever wanted, and so much more that I didn’t even know I wanted.

“We need to start looking at names. I know Posey has a few that she likes, but I really don’t fancy naming our daughter Apple or Poppycock,” she jokes.

  “Fuck no. Our girl will have an awesome name, a kick ass name. Maybe we can manipulate Posey’s mind into thinking of a name that we like.”

  “You want to manipulate our five-year-old daughter?” Hearing her call Posey ‘our’ daughter makes my pride swell the size of Rookie’s fat head when he used to brag about fucking twins, or even triplets.

  “Baby, do you want a daughter called Alabama Blue? That’s the name she gave me.” Farrah’s nose crinkles at my question, and I chuckle before shifting her so she’s on her back and I can see her beautiful face.

  “We will find the perfect name for her, whether it’s before she arrives or after. We have time.” I kiss her lips, and the sweet, loving kiss turns heated again, so we go for another round. This time, Farrah rides me until she’s screaming my name and my balls are emptying into her.

  I come so fucking hard I’m pretty sure that if it was possible to get her pregnant while she was already pregnant, I would have. Thank God Edge took Posey home with him and Hendrix, because all Farrah and I do is fuck and eat through the night and the next day.

  This is the fucking life, and I wouldn’t change it for the fucking world. I have my club, my woman and feisty daughter, and a daughter on the way. I have it all, and I know that they will be at my side through the ups and down because I am a Rugged Skull, and no one stand alone.


  Fuck me to high heaven and back with a fucking baseball bat up my ass. I grit my teeth and listen to the voice on the other end of the call. My fists clench at my side, and I swear I hear the device in my hand crack under the pressure of my grip.

  “Are you listening to me, Clint?”

  “Yep,” is all I say.

  “So when can I expect you? I can’t keep doing this,” she asks, and I bring my hand up and pinch the bridge of my nose, the pressure building into a headache.


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