Daddy's Princess

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Daddy's Princess Page 6

by Nikki Wild

  “Oh God, Daddy,” I gasped in ecstasy.

  He was murmuring something, but I couldn’t understand him. I hoped it didn’t matter, because every nerve across my body was screaming for him to keep coming, to let me have this release that I so desperately needed…

  “Daddy… oh, fuck!”

  My body was tense with restraint.

  The final defenses against this climax were crumbling down, unable to hold out any longer. Damian had edged me closer and closer to the precipice, and I held on with every last ounce of slipping willpower left inside me.

  He started to say something, but my thighs involuntarily squeezed around his face, locking his lips around my clit.

  “Daddy…?” I barely squeaked.

  “I said,” he gasped for air, pushing his finger back into my soaked pussy again, “you can come now, Princess.”

  With those magical goddamn words, I let go of every last drop of tension in my body. His mouth encapsulated my clit again, sucking the bead of my passion as his finger brushed across my inner bundle of nerves…

  It must have only been seconds.

  Before I knew it, I was crashing hard.

  I exploded with intense release. All of my fingers tightly wound into his hair, as if gripping him by the reins. As I rode Damian’s face against my sex, I was pelted with wave after amazing fucking wave of mind-crippling orgasm.

  Every muscle in my anatomy shook.

  Every nerve in my body screamed.

  My mind was wiped clean of troublesome, pesky thought, lost to the passion. As I slowly became aware of my trembling legs, I realized I had been screaming near the top of my lungs:

  “Daddy… Daddy… Fuck, Daddy! Daddy, that’s so fucking good… Holy shit, Daddy!”

  I was too satisfied to be embarrassed.

  Damian lifted his face from between my thighs, wiping his pleased grin clean with the back of his wrist.

  “I told you,” he replied confidently.

  As he rose onto his feet, I didn’t have to ask what he meant. Instead, I found myself blissfully wondering: how does this man know my body better than I do?

  “That was incredible,” I whispered in a daze, before quickly remembering to add, “Daddy." Behind him, the eagle eye view of the Philadelphia downtown nightlife shimmered, drawing an unreal magic to his silhouette. I couldn’t take my eyes off of this extraordinary angel in my life.

  His triumphant smirk said it all.


  By the fourth weekend, I felt that I could handle my paid companionship with Damian Clarke.

  He remained mostly silent during daylight; I suspected it stemmed from his own busy work routine, mixed with concern for my grades.

  Speaking of my grades…

  With the notable exception of my history course and its near-constant barrage of five-point pop quizzes, none of my classes had any grades beyond the three exams and the final.

  That put all the pressure on the tests.

  If I was going to get through these courses with my scholarship and my high GPA intact, I had to stay vigilant, and the first round of exams was already on the horizon. In preparation, my already intense burden of homework was picking up momentum. Hopefully, the exams themselves would be a breeze after all this studying.

  I just had to pick the really hard classes…

  There wasn’t much time to regret designing a college semester that was meant to kick my ass. Instead, I really buckled down during the week, which meant spending less time with Christa.

  God bless her.

  My dorm mate didn’t take any offense to my neglect. Most of my other friendships had already suffered from the sheer complexity of my semester picks, although I tried to fleetingly keep up with people through Facebook.

  Normally, we would probably have spent our Saturday nights bonding, but since those were filled with a certain businessman…

  Still, I tried to make it up to her in small ways.

  The few times we went out, I did my best to bankroll it (unless she snuck in her debit card). From the get-go, I had kept our little mini-fridge stocked with delicious goodies, especially her favorites, no matter how much my best friend would half-irritatingly stick out her tongue at me whenever she noticed.

  But how could I not?

  She had always been so good to me.

  This was a real chance for me to prove to her how I appreciated her loyalty and friendship in our many years together. Especially since I knew that she was running off of credit cards, trying to squeeze out every last ounce from her federal aid – just like I had been, up until that fateful night.

  “Doll,” Christa told me in exasperation as I beat her credit card to the cashier yet again. “If you try to cover my shit one more time…”

  “Whatcha gonna do?” I chuckled.

  She put her hand on her hip and grumbled, shaking her head. “You know I’m a strong, independent woman who don’t need no man.”

  I took back my card. “I’m not your man!”

  “You wish you were my man,” Christa told me with a laugh. “I’d treat you so right, girl. I’d make you forget all about your little arrangement with Mr. Power Suit…”

  The cashier gave us a funny look.

  “Wouldn’t that make you a dude?” I asked as we took our trays and started looking for an empty table. “Unless this is the part where you tell me you’re getting an operation…”

  “Why do I need the operation?”

  “Aren’t you the one replacing Mr. Power Suit?”

  “Unless,” she noted thoughtfully, “your little adventures convinced you that you needed to be the dude, so you could vicariously live his life.”

  “Christa, are you picturing me with a dick right now?” I asked jokingly, spotting the perfect table a few rows over. “How the hell would that even work?”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” she looked me over briefly. “You couldn’t pull it off. That would have to be my sword to carry… in the pants.”

  I couldn’t hold back my laughter.

  “But seriously, can you imagine me with a dick?” She laughed as we set our trays down. “First thing I would do is helicopter that thing in front of the mirror. Whoosh whoosh whoosh!”

  She even swung her hips to set the scene.

  “You’re too much,” I laughed as we sat down.

  Christa eyed me in mock disdain, biting into a fry. “But this isn’t about who would have the surgical dick in our illicit love affair, doll: this is about you paying for my shit and how much you’re gonna stop that!”

  I took a sip of my drink. “I figured you would have forgotten about that by now.”

  “Nah,” she replied, thinking for a second. “I mean, don’t get me wrong. It’s thoughtful. I know what you’re doing, and I appreciate it. But I’m not a charity case, yeah? Let me handle my own shit.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I grinned.

  Christa eyed me again.

  I could tell that she was being serious.

  “You’re on your goddamn own on the student loans front, though,” I tried to lighten the mood. “That one’s every woman for herself.”

  “Oh my God,” she muttered before taking a bite of her burger. “If you dared try to make any of my loan payments, I swear to whatever deity is listening that I would gut you with a plastic spoon.”

  It felt good to laugh. The conversation quickly turned towards classes, social events, and the cute musician boy who Christa had her eye on.

  But by the time that night rolled around, I had a new notification from my sugar daddy. It served as a reminder that, come Saturday night, I was all his…

  I stood with my back against my car, quietly waiting in his building’s parking garage. Only a few minutes had passed, but I was curious about why he would request I meet him here, where I was alone under the fluorescent lighting.

  My eyes trailed back to the black Mercedes, a few spots over. Shapely and elegant, it emanated power – just like its owner.

p; This time, he hadn’t given any attire rules.

  In fact, he’d gone so far as to specifically say that my clothing this time didn’t matter. I’d first interpreted that as his intention to rip them off of me the second I was in sight. But he had indicated that he would meet me downstairs, and told me where he expected me to park and wait.

  Maybe his next big thrill is having me murdered.

  Footsteps echoed, and I tensed lightly.

  Damian Clarke strolled into view, and I felt my shoulders relax. His eyes were instantly on mine, and I heard his luxury car beep as the interior lighting dimly rose.

  “Get in,” he instructed.

  I let myself into the passenger side, quickly closing the door behind me. The seat lightly vibrated with the power of the engine, already thrumming to life. My growing fascination soon extended to the sporty, stylish interior and wide variety of backlit buttons and dials.

  After a moment, Damian climbed into his driver’s seat. To my surprise, he immediately pulled me into a deep, heavy kiss with a strong palm along my cheek.

  His lips tasted like relief; they had become a drug from which I faced withdrawal six out of seven days a week.

  Damian withdrew, and pulled us out.

  I couldn’t help but glance down at my clothes. He’d been clear that they were of no concern to him, but I’d still wrapped myself nicely in college clothes. It was my hope to give him whatever fetish fuel I could offer as a university student.

  “Are you hungry?” He asked as we descended a floor. “I meant to ask you to skip dinner, but I was tied up with a few meetings tonight…”

  So he DOES have Saturday night clients.

  “Not very,” I confessed. “I grabbed an early dinner tonight before hitting the books again. I fell a little behind in my homework this week, and I’m stressed over the upcoming exams…”

  The second I said that, I regretted it.

  Damian paused the car.

  “I should take you back,” he told me.

  “No!” I quickly cut in. “What I mean is… that’s not necessary. I caught up tonight. We’re good.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “You sure?”


  Damian thought on that a moment, and I was afraid that he didn’t believe me. “Very well then, Princess,” he finally replied. “So long as your grades stay safe.” He briefly shook his head before pulling us back into gear.

  I let out a sigh of relief.

  I have more than enough money for now, I thought to myself. Then why am I so scared at the thought of skipping a week with him?

  We made small talk as he drove us out of the building and into downtown Philadelphia. He asked me about my courses and my friends; I told him about Christa, whom he faintly remembered from back in my youth. I asked him about his company a little, and he told me about a few accounts that were driving his employees crazy.

  Enraptured in his conversation, I wasn’t paying attention to his driving. That’s why it came as a complete surprise, even after passing the toll, when he pulled us into a VIP parking spot at the upscale, monumental King of Prussia Mall, at least a solid half an hour away.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked him.

  “The benefits and arrangements of a sugar daddy come in many forms,” Damian explained nonchalantly as he led me out of the Mercedes. “The lingerie you were wearing before – was that the first pair you’ve owned?”

  I hid my embarrassment. “…Yes.”

  “That’s what I thought,” he confidently smiled as he extended his arm. “That’s why we’re going shopping.”

  It was easy to ignore the conspicuous glances of the weekend mall-goers as Damian Clarke whisked me along into the King of Prussia – the largest mall in the United States.

  Even with my two years of college here, I had only been to this massive complex a grand total of maybe three times. I had only ever come to this place to tag along with friends who counted window-shopping among their hobbies.

  I wasn’t much of a shopper, personally.

  But Damian paraded me through one luxury fashion store after another, making me try on all manners of expensive and beautiful clothes.

  I quickly learned that if I didn’t load up my arms with lavish garments, he would do so for me; drawing one of the sales representatives into a wide-eyed spree across the store. He seemed to know my sizes at a glance, and everything that they picked fit my body to a T.

  Damian didn’t take no for an answer, and I felt guilty to take any of these things off of his hands. That was doubly true when I started catching the price tags with my eye.

  “Nonsense,” he smiled. “Either you’re wearing these, or I am… and trust me, blouses aren’t very flattering on my body shape.”

  I was too stunned to match his banter.

  Instead, I merely played along, modeling every outfit for him. His discerning eye traced how the clothes hugged my figure, and more than once I saw the hunger of a wolf cross his features.

  At first, I was trying to ignore that I’d rather just have him dominate me in his office again. But after the second luxury store, I was swiftly falling for the allure of this world. Greater still, he insisted that I couldn’t touch any of the purchases with the funds he had already given me.

  “See?” He told me, walking beside me with a handful of bags tightly in his fists. “You always resist my way, but I know what’s best for you.”

  I was starting to believe him.

  After two more stores, and what must have been a hefty charge on his private account, I finally convinced him to pause our impromptu shopping spree.

  I waited in a bookstore for several minutes as he brought the bags back to his car. I buried myself in an interesting paperback until he returned. Against my protest, he bought the book too, and we were on our way.

  “Are you hungry yet, Princess?” I heard him ask as we strolled along the top floor. I had been scanning the store names in awe, wondering how one building could contain this many stores.

  “Yes, Daddy,” I turned to him happily. “I think I can eat now.”

  Damian gazed forward, his typical smug smirk on his lips. “Dropping a ton of cash really takes it out of you, doesn’t it?”

  He laughed at my downtrodden face.

  “Only a joke, Princess,” he was still chuckling as he slipped his arm around me. “Come along. I know an excellent place up here…”

  Damian led me to a fine dining restaurant, where the menu was devoid of prices and every last dish looked like it was prepared for royalty. Unable to decipher the menu, I asked him to order for me. He chose dishes to share, and I found myself further enamored with every bite.

  I found myself reminded of when we had met again, at the swanky rooftop banquet hall. Has it really only been a few weeks? I wondered to myself.

  That night, he had hired me as arm candy for a sophisticated fundraiser with distinguished members of the Forbes 500. To my surprise, I’d been able to handle my own at his side. Damian had knowingly chosen me, telling me that my selection was due to familiarity. But with gestures like this, I was beginning to suspect otherwise.

  I kept up polite conversation with him, but my mind wandered. This was all so new and lavish to me, and I found myself questioning how someone could get used to the lifestyle.

  I’d only had fleeting glimpses into this world: a world in which you spent a weekday night in the company of CEO millionaires, or a Saturday evening sampling the very best of the country’s largest luxury mall.

  But Damian made it all feel…

  Comfortable, somehow.

  Natural would have broken my suspension of disbelief, but maybe I could get myself onboard with comfortable.

  The King of Prussia was already beginning to close down as we finished our exquisite meals. He tipped our server above the included gratuity and whisked me away. We strolled along the walkways at our leisure, until we finally found ourselves outside and at the parked Mercedes, which he instantly beeped t
o life from the pocket of his suit jacket.

  “Have you enjoyed your night, Princess?”

  He sounded almost nervous as he asked, and I turned to him with surprise. “Of course, Daddy. This is the best time I’ve had on the town since I’ve gotten here.”

  He looked amused. “Have you had many?”

  “Many what, Daddy?”

  “Nights on the town,” he clarified, opening the passenger door for me like a gentleman.

  “No,” I admitted. “Not really.”

  “Well, in that case…” he nodded to himself, holding the door open until I’d pulled my feet inside. “That will certainly have to change.”

  The door promptly closed the door before I could respond. Damian climbed in on the driver’s side, pulling us into reverse. As he drove us down the parking lane, his right hand slid onto the bare skin of my thigh; I felt a small tremor of pleasure at his touch.

  “But next time…”

  He turned to me with a devious grin. “Next time, Babygirl, you will be all mine...”


  Damian Clarke stood by that promise.

  The painfully slow, reluctant passage of time was overly cruel that following week. Every aching hour taunted me as I glanced at the clock. I kept myself focused on my schoolwork, but I was all too aware that I was doomed to burn out if I upheld this pace.

  To make matters work, there were very few notifications from Damian. Fearing the worst, I began to worry that his interest was waning.

  Surely he had his pick of beautiful women…

  What if he’s realized he can do better than me?

  I resisted the urge to message him first; he had always been the first, and that was a streak I felt uncomfortable breaking.

  It was only that Thursday night that I finally found a new notification from Candy Companions.

  Eager for his attention, I read:

  Normal time.

  Come without panties.

  That was it.


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