Claiming Her Heart

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Claiming Her Heart Page 7

by Ellis Leigh

  A few more days. One job. A chance to start a business that could support us and allow him to go back to school while I took care of the money. He was the only thing keeping me moving forward, the only person I truly needed in my life. The last twenty-four hours with him so upset at me had been hellish, but we’d been through worse. This too would pass. I just had to finish this job.

  In the alley behind the Federal Bank building, I found a deep pit of shadows and shifted human. Once I pulled my clothes on, I tied my hair back, tucked the bag I’d brought under a dumpster for safekeeping, and headed for the fire escape. Of the building next door.

  The bear—whom I’d begun calling Red in my thoughts—had emailed me everything he knew about the location of the idol along with pictures and size. I’d studied building plans, permit histories, and rental agreements for hours, learning everything I could about the place I needed to access. Including that the easiest way in would actually be from the top.

  See, the Federal Bank building still had an actual bank on the bottom floor. The rest of the floors? All broken up into office rentals. The lower floors had the tightest security, so to the roof I would go. But the Federal Bank building didn’t have accessible fire escapes. The building next door did.

  Up the rickety stairs, across the flat roof, and over to the edge joining the building I really wanted into, I moved with stealth. Keeping to the shadows. Slipping across the littered roof to get to the HVAC units. Both buildings had similar setups—tall, silver boxes with vents hanging off one side. Both vents pointed toward the shared alley between them. That left me about an eight-foot gap from one building to the next. An easy jump for a wolf shifter for sure. No problem.

  “You got this,” I whispered as I found my balance on top of the first unit. I hadn’t expected the metal to be so slippery, but I could deal with that. I pulled off my shoes and tossed them across the divide, bending my toes to cup my feet against the metal. Ready.

  With a deep breath, I let my wolf push forward enough for her strength to infuse my muscles and raced for the edge. The metal held stronger than I’d thought it would, though the noise of me landing on the neighboring building was quite louder than I’d hoped. Okay…next time, aim for the roof itself.

  Once I had my shoes back on, I slipped through the darkness for the roof access door. It took me barely more than a minute to pick the flimsy lock and head into the hall. The stairs started almost immediately, and I gave myself a few seconds to let my eyes adjust. No light, no sound, no strong scent of humans on the air—nothing in my way. No evidence of a security system either. Still, I kept the hood of my sweatshirt jacket pulled up. Better safe than sorry.

  Down one flight and through an access door I raced. The top floor seemed empty when I arrived, every office door closed. Every light turned out except for one at each corner. This part would be the most dangerous. If someone remained on the floor, there was no place for me to hide if they happened past. I had to hurry. Use my senses. Hope and pray. Move silently down the long-ass hall until I reached the door I needed, picked the lock, disabled any alarms, and snuck inside.

  Yeah, that was all.

  With a deep breath and a long, low growl from my inner wolf, I took off. One step after another, silently eating up the space between me and my destination while letting my enhanced senses monitor the area around me. No people, no sounds, nothing that seemed like a threat. So far, so good.

  When I reached my destination—the office of Morgan and Fisher, LLC—I paused, checking my surroundings again. Still quiet—still dark. On to the next step. Actually getting inside.

  That’s when I ran into my first problem. The lock on the door looked different from all the others I’d passed. Tougher and more professional. There was even a small, green pin light shining from the bottom. Some sort of electronic monitoring that hadn’t been on the plans, the permits, or the notes.

  “Shit,” I hissed. Determined, I headed to the unit next door. No pin light, no crazy lock setup. Just a standard handle set—I could manage that. I picked the simple tumbler lock and slipped inside, the door making no noise as I closed it gently behind me. Then I scoped out my options. Ceiling? No, it wasn’t a drop one, so there’d be no access. The vents weren’t big enough for me to crawl through either. The window on the other side of the room called to me, though, so I hurried across the carpeted space and looked outside. There wasn’t really a ledge—the building wasn’t that old—but there was enough of a decorative lip on the sill for me to get a toehold. Balancing on it would be hell, but there weren’t a lot of other options, so…

  “Outside, I go.”

  I slipped off my shoes and headed out, clinging to the top of the window for support. My muscles screamed with every step, my balance in question with every inch crossed. But I was crossing them. Not an ideal situation, but workable.

  The window to the office next door shared the same lip, which was actually not a sill but a continuing piece of brickwork spanning the length of the building. The designers probably sold it on the architectural interest and depth it offered. I doubted they had any idea a wolf shifter could use it to access any office from the outside. Of course, I still had to not fall to make that true.

  Eight terrorizing feet and a whole lot of sweating later, I stood against the window of the office I needed access to. I pressed my face to the glass, hoping for some sign of…something. Sadly, there was nothing obvious. No wires, no panels, no sign of how strong the security could be. There was just a panel next to the door with a keypad on it. Totally generic. Could be a good sign…or not.

  I also couldn’t see the idol, though Red had mentioned it would likely be stored on a bookshelf. That would be facing the door, not the window. Of course.

  Disappointed but not defeated, I inched my way back to the other office, cursing that fucking sill the entire way. Once inside, I took a few seconds to stretch out my screaming calves before heading for the door. Not the most informative recon mission, but it was something. I could make a plan off of what I’d learned. A little calmer than my first trip through them, I slipped down the halls and up the stairs to the roof. This time, I made the jump to the neighboring building from the metal HVAC unit to the rooftop. The stones bit into my hands as I landed, scraping across my skin as I rolled. Silent, though. Better choice. Besides, the pain didn’t stop me from jumping to my feet and running for the fire escape.

  Back on firm ground, I grabbed my bag from under the dumpster and headed down the alley for the main street. I’d just made the turn into the space between the two buildings—the same space I’d jumped over earlier—when something made me stop. A scent I’d know anywhere, a tug inside my chest that normally brought me such happiness but tonight infused me with only dread.


  “Julian?” I inched closer to where I knew he had to be, my heart suddenly wanting to pound straight out of my chest. “What are you doing here?”

  He appeared from the shadows. “I was going to ask you the same question.” His voice sounded darker than I’d ever heard it, filled with something that made my heart drop into my shoes. Anger.

  I took a deep breath, stopping a mere two feet in front of him. “How did you get here?”

  “I’m not helpless.”

  Yep. Definitely anger. And if I knew Julian—which I did—more than a little hurt.

  “I know you’re not helpless,” I said, keeping my voice low and controlled. Not wanting to poke the bear…or human in a bear-like mood. “I would never say you were helpless, Julian. You know that. I just—”

  “You just thought you could lie to me and do something stupid and dangerous like break in to the Federal Bank building. What the hell, Angelita? What if you’d been caught?”

  The use of my full name hurt. He hadn’t called me Angelita when we were alone together since I’d shifted human after my wolf freeze year. At least, not until I’d started lying to him because of this plan of mine. That name, that single word once again used against me f
or the second time in a week broke my resolve to keep my plan a secret. “I’m trying to keep us together.”

  “By going to jail?”

  “By starting a business.”

  His brow came down, and he visibly recoiled in what had to be shock. “What?”

  Time for the truth. “Remember the shifter who came to the house? Who wanted the Feral Breed to help him with something?”

  “The bear shifter?”

  “Yeah. He was looking for an idol to secure his pride’s matings.”

  Julian released a deep breath, the sound of frustration loud in the otherwise silent alley. “So you thought you’d break in to a building and get it back for him.”

  “Not really.” Calm, cool, logical. I had to focus on those three things. And making sure my mate knew what I did was for him. For us. “I went to meet the guy the other day.”

  “When you were supposed to be at the bookstore.”

  “Yeah. Right. The day I went to the bookstore. I tracked the bear down and offered my services as a bounty hunter to bring back his idol.”

  “You’re not a bounty hunter.”

  “I’m going to be.” I reached for Julian, unable to resist. Needing to feel his hand in mine. Thankfully, he acquiesced. “I’m good at this. I’ve been sneaking out of Bez’s compound for years. I’ve broken in to local businesses to use their Wi-Fi, hacked in to records offices and private companies just to prove I could, and managed to figure out the basic security systems I’ve come across. I can do small jobs like this.”

  “And if you get found out? If the police catch you?”

  “I don’t exist, remember?”

  He was silent for a long time. Too long.

  “I did this for us,” I whispered, tugging on his fingers. “I started Feral Breed Bounty Hunting so we can stay together. If I make enough money, no one can tell us we can’t do what we want. We can live together, you can go to school, everything will be perfect.”

  Julian sighed, pulling me close. Running his hands up and down my arms as if I was cold. “Leelee, I love you, but this is crazy.”

  I dropped my head against his chest. “I just want us together.”

  “I do too, but this is dangerous. And you didn’t tell me. How can I keep you safe when you won’t tell me what’s going on?”

  “Maybe I don’t need you to keep me safe.”

  His hands stopped, and his words grew harder. Angry again. “I’m not fucking helpless.”

  I kept myself pressed against him, knowing he needed to feel me. Knowing there was no way to impart my feelings on this without words and physicality. “You could get hurt. You could get arrested, and you do exist in their system. You’re human.”

  “Say it,” he said, his body not responding to mine.

  “Say what?”

  “Say the words. Tell me the real reason you didn’t want me to know was because I’m blind and useless to you.”

  I gasped, unable not to. Julian had never said such things before, had never even seemed as if his lack of sight affected him much. He was fiercely independent and strong—

  I couldn’t even finish my thought. As soon as the word independent rolled through my head, I knew I’d screwed up. By not involving him, I’d taken away his choice to participate or not. I’d underestimated him.

  “You’re wrong,” I said, scrambling internally to pull words together to fix what I’d broken.

  “Don’t lie to me.” Julian grabbed my arms, his hands tighter than usual. Rougher. He spun me around and pressed me against the wall, boxing me in. Looming over me in a way he never had before. His breathing ragged, his lips turned down in what I could only describe as a sneer. And though the timing was all wrong, though we were literally arguing in a dark alley, the beast inside of me awoke with a need so strong, I whimpered.

  Julian cocked his head, suddenly looking more wolflike than I could handle. Fuck, why was that so hot?

  “Julian,” I whispered, arching into his body. My plea must have ignited something in him. He lunged, slamming his lips onto mine in a way that hurt. In a way that ached. In a way I loved. My hands flew up into his hair, my one leg sliding up his thigh to pull his hips into mine. He didn’t kiss me gently or softly—no, he fucking raided my mouth. His tongue demanded mine dance with it, his teeth reprimanded my lips when I didn’t respond the way he wanted. Completely aggressive and in control.

  With a groan that sounded way too close to a growl, he grabbed my ass and squeezed, yanking me tight against him. The brick wall bit into my back and the noise of the street at the end of the alley filtered through, but I didn’t care. Let Julian scrape my skin. Let those people look down and see us. All I cared about—the only thing that mattered—was Julian and his need. And mine.

  “I don’t need you to protect me,” Julian said on a gasp as he pulled away from me. He didn’t give me time to respond. He gripped my hips and spun me, pressing his body against my back. My hands hit the rough wall as he reached up and grabbed my breast. Squeezing it. Kneading it in a way that almost crossed the line from pleasure to pain.

  So close.


  “Don’t shut me out.” He slid his hand into the front of my pants, his long fingers finding my clit with practiced ease.

  “I won’t.” I gasped and spread my legs, giving him room. Wanting him to do more than use his hand. It didn’t take long for him to completely overpower me. He surrounded me—his scent, his heat, his flesh. His hand on my breast continued its assault, pinching and thumbing my nipple every now and again before going back to gripping me hard. But it was the one in my pants that truly brought out the animal in me. Every stroke a revelation, every push a demand. He was going to make me come right there in that alley.

  “Fuck, Leelee. You’re so wet already.” Julian hissed and rocked his hips against mine. So hard already, so needy. I wanted to spin around and take him in my hand, wanted to drop to my knees and let him fuck my mouth. I wanted that hard cock to be mine in any way he’d give it to me, but his fingers stroking my clit were too good. The feelings he gave me too strong. I could only try to grip the brick wall, gasping and sweating and shaking, as he played my body right over the edge of reason.

  “Julian.” It was a simple word, a simple plea. One he understood. As if rehearsed, he pinched my nipple and my clit at the same time, pressing his chest to my back and driving me right into the wall. I came with a muffled yelp, rocking over his hand, bucking and growling and completely losing control of everything. Julian stayed right with me, his hands still working me until I had to push him away. Until I couldn’t take a single second more.

  Until I was utterly, totally sated.

  “Where did that come from?” I asked as soon as I’d turned around to face him once more. Julian wiped his fingers on his jeans, still looking irritated. Looking…aroused.

  “You don’t get to hide things from me,” he said, ignoring my question.

  Guilt pinged inside of me, and I nodded even though he couldn’t see me. “Okay. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “Good.” He looped an arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his side, directing me down the alley toward the street. “Let’s get out of here.”

  But I didn’t want to go home. Every inch of him screamed his need. Every move sharper than normal. I could see the shadow of his hard cock through his jeans, knew he needed relief. And I wanted to give it to him.

  I reached over, running my fingers along the length of him behind his fly. “Or we could stay. I could—”

  “No.” He pushed my hand away, but before I could even register the hurt that move caused, he grabbed my fingers and pulled them to his mouth. One kiss, two…soft touches of his lips against my skin. Soothing the harshness of his actions. “Not here. My friend is waiting to take us home.”

  “Oh,” I said, hearing the sadness in my own voice as if it were someone else’s. “I understand.”

  “No, I don’t think you do.” He dropped one hand
to grab my ass, squeezing hard. Making me jump. “I want to come in your mouth, Leelee. I want you on your knees as I fuck your face, but not in some filthy alley. And not where anyone could see you.”

  My knees had never felt so wobbly. “I want that—”

  “Julian. Over here.” A young guy—dark hair, glasses, with a killer set of dimples—hopped out of a small, totally generic sort of car and hurried over. “Hey. I’m Mason.”

  “Hi,” I whispered, still too strung out on Julian’s words to focus on anything else.

  “Thanks for staying,” Julian said as he let me direct him into the car. “We really need to get home.”

  “Yeah, sure, man. Whatever.”

  I crawled in the back seat after Julian as Mason raced around to the driver’s side. Julian grabbed my thigh and yanked me closer, hanging his arm over my lap in a way that hid the fact that he’d draped his hand down between my legs. He rubbed his pinkie against where I was still so wet for him, so swollen with need. And sensitive. Every swipe made me want to jump, every press almost drew a scream from me. He was such a tease.

  But so was I.

  As Mason prattled on about something to do with some class they’d apparently both taken, I leaned into Julian’s side and placed my hand in his lap. The muscles in his legs clenched as I ran my palm over the length of him, his breath catching as I circled the top before pressing back down.

  “You sure you don’t want me to stop somewhere?” Mason asked suddenly, his eyes meeting mine in the rearview. “Julian said earlier you hadn’t really eaten dinner, Angelita. I can hit a drive-thru.”

  “No thanks, man. We really just want to go home.” Julian didn’t swipe that time. He grabbed. Cupping my pussy in a way that caused a small aftershock of pleasure to ripple up my spine. “In fact, take the pay bridge. I’ve got the money, and it’s faster.”


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