Following the Footsteps of the Lost Tribes

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Following the Footsteps of the Lost Tribes Page 6

by Yossi Soika

  After a short pause, Da Costa resumed telling his story about the Ten Tribes.

  “From here we dispatch mitzvah emissaries of to the world, with the sole aim of helping the needy people of the world. Ever since the Destruction of the Second Temple we have followed what befell our own brothers. We stood witness to the humiliation, and dreadful persecutions that became the cup of sorrow of our dispersed brothers in the Diaspora around the world. Not even a single nation stood by the side of the miserable, desolate nation to aid them. And thus the Land of Israel was left desolate and ruined until the 1880s. We were anguished to witness the desolation and forsaken Land of Israel until our people began to return to their land and began to rebuild it. We have an excellent custom – once a year we gather in our houses of worship and pray to be granted atonement from any person we have intentionally, or unintentionally, hurt. We also learned from Darwinism that the ape is the ancestor of humankind. Well, why did Darwin decide to relate himself to the primate family? Why not to the dolphins?”

  Everyone knows that dolphins are smarter,” Da Costa concluded and broke into laughter.

  “Well, my distinguished guests, I see that I need to tell you the Story of Eden. I know it will take a long time until you are taught that the ancestor of mankind does not come from the monkey family.”

  The Planet of the Garden of Eden

  “What you are going to hear now may not be disclosed to any other person. Any person who wears the black ring will not be able to disclose it. You too, my esteemed lady, will have to wear a black ring on the day you leave the Land of the Ten Tribes. And now my honorable friends listen up! You, my pal, Dan, are already familiar with the story about the Son of the Planets and how he was captured by the Sons of the Ten Tribes, but still, you are not familiar with all of his extremely fascinating and heroic narrative. So, I’m going to be very succinct about this marvelous creature in my story.

  “Somewhere in the infinite universe there is life similar to ours, but it was developed in a location known by the name The Light Triangle. The Sons of the Light Triangle demonstrated an enhanced pace of development and after years of research and development they excelled in building uniquely advanced spacecraft which were called Minderons, and are almost human in their performance during all flight operations. Its huge brain can simultaneously perform many operations with only one short command. In contrast to many other spacecraft that swarm in space, the Minderon demonstrates an independent capacity of thinking, and more than once it has expressed its opinion in meetings with the chief executives of the spacecraft.”

  “That sounds like a tall tale, is it?” Melanie asked with restraint, “Do you mean that the development in The Light Triangle is so astoundingly advanced?”

  “My lovely, learned friend, the Minderon has many more fascinating things in it, but I will tell you about them on another occasion. Your friend, Dan, already knows this story, and I’m sure that he hasn’t told you anything at all about what he knows. Perhaps now he can tell you and complete my story. And now, with your permission, I shall tell you some more details about the Minderon. You may be surprised but the Minderon navigators communicate with each other only by telepathy, with no auditory communication. With the aid of these state-of-the-art Minderons the Sons of the Light Triangle ventured to extremely faraway worlds. On one of such expedition the Sons of the Light Triangle passed not far from an area that had been thus far unoccupied by Earth; they bore witness to the birth of the planet by a massive explosion of the sun, which was enormous then, and it departed from it. A great many stars that you can see in the Milky Way result from the Big Bang. The Son of the Planets, whose Minderon was in the rearguard, stopped to watch the amazing occurrence. The intensity of the explosion of the sun was incredible and unexpected and thus the Minderon that was anchored about one million miles afar was severely damaged. From that day forward the last spaceship failed to cross the galaxies. So the Son of the Planets remained suspended in the Milky Way, unable to return to the Triangle of Light. When the Son of the Planets realized that he could not go back to the Triangle of Light he evacuated his staff and relocated them to the leading spacecraft and was the only one to remain in the damaged space -craft. Soon he began to investigate the development of the formation of the new stars created by the enormous explosion of the sun. And thus he started to follow the pace of development on Earth which became more captivating for him. The Son of the Planets is neither a human nor an angel, but a fusion of both new and old human beings, and he is called the Elidor. I have also discovered that the Son of the Planets does not need food or water but rather sustains on sunrays as his source of energy. Ever since then the Son of the Planets has been wandering around in the Milky Way system with his Minderon, following the development of life. In addition, he tracks the development of man on Planet Earth very closely.

  “And now I will tell you a strange story that happened many, many years ago. The Son of the Planets was floating above a monastery on the Karakoram Range, which I mentioned a short while ago, and now I will only add that it’s not like any other monastery. This one is the most refined observatory in the world and it enables us to observe the infinite celestial bodies of the sky. The Son of the Planets could easily see the sophisticated observatory, although it is camouflaged to look like a monastery. Then he descended and glided above it in order to survey the area surrounding the monastery. He also noticed and pursued the journey of the Sons of the Ten Tribes, until he was unable to see them on the screens of his Minderon, when they were swallowed in a big cavern in the Black Mountains. He didn’t imagine that the observatory was the fruit of the Sons of the Ten Tribes’ work who had entered the cave. It didn’t occur to him that theirs was such a distinctive, fast and inexplicable development. The surprise awaiting him was enormous. He didn’t anticipate a thing ….but he was injured by a light-cannon that was deployed on the head of the observatory.”

  “A light canon? What do you mean by that?” Melanie interrogated him in amazement.

  “I really should explain myself. I mean shooting packets of immensely powerful swirling energy from the light canon that turns any matter that may come its way into penetrable matter. The Sons of Israel used the light canon to dig their hiding-places and all the tunnels leading to it. As a consequence of being hit by the light canon, the Son of the Planets fell onto the roof of the observatory, and was immediately taken prisoner. The scientists of the Ten Tribes rushed to investigate the strange being that had fallen into their hands and they concluded, ‘he must be eliminated in an immensely powerful oven since the weird creature is dangerous and can inflict us with unknown diseases.’ So, they quickly put him in an immensely powerful oven and quickly adjusted it to the highest degree.

  “When the oven reached its peak, the Son of the Planets became red like forged iron, but to the great surprise of the scientists, he was unscathed by the oven, and even recovered from his former injury…He awoke, stretched his body, stood on his feet, and floated out the oven. Before they recovered from witnessing such an astonishing spectacle, the Son of the Planets began to transmit to the astonished scientists various strange things about distant worlds and on how Planet Earth was developed.

  “He performed many different and indiscernible activities on different levels.

  “Many people in the world believe that a miracle happened to them, they are not aware that actually it was nothing of the sort, but the work of the Son of the Planets. He continues to examine occurrences and the changes of our planet. Our planet is a source of attraction for many studies conducted by the Sons of the Planets, so our world hosts many visits from beings that are for more advanced and they can pass easily and swiftly between planets and galaxies. When he was captured by the Sons of Israel, the Son of the Planets told them about life in worlds which are faraway and undetectable. Even in the very far future, even if you have the most advanced telescopes, you will not be able to reach many of the areas in deep space. I
n the same way, even with all our sophisticated advancements we are unable to venture into these areas. So any person who wishes to reach these places must do so with the help of a Minderon.”

  He finished speaking, paused briefly, took a deep breath, and resumed, “And now, after a short preface I will continue and tell you some more details about the journeys of the Son of the Planets.” He relaxed, leaned back a little on the chair and continued, “A marvelous and captivating, but odd, story is about an enchanted planet named the Planet of the Garden of Eden. I presume you have learned the stories of the Scriptures about the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, and many similar fascinating stories. Well, you’ll be surprised to know that there is a grain of truth in them. And now the story about the Garden of Eden…

  “Few are the members of the Sons of the Planets who know the exact location of this miraculous star. The planet Garden of Eden is populated with humans whose images diverge greatly from what we consider a humane image. They are named Edenites rather than humans. Though their contours are closely similar to those of human earthling’s bodies, they are not beings of flesh and blood; their bodies are composed of substances which are unknown to humanity, and will never be known because Edenites are not born and neither do they die; they exist and stand for eternity, their bodies are airy and light like clouds and they have enormous learning and memory capabilities. They excel in telepathic perception and can penetrate any substance known to humanity, and they also are skilled and dexterous with transecting incisions at an extremely accurate quality, in every substance and at every depth.

  “The planet, Garden of Eden, is also a zoological and botanical paradise, and a human eye has never rested on it. It has a huge diversity of different splendid and peculiar wildlife and flora, and blossoming meadows that emerge overnight, blink with ever-changing colors and then they blur and vanish into thin air. Trees and evergreens emerge and grow in one day, exuding blasts of odors that would fill the planet with a sweet fragrance, and then on the next day would vanish. Planet Garden of Eden is the foundation of all life in the universe as well as in the Seven Worlds. It’s the birthplace of members of all worlds. You, and the Sons of the Planets too, are included as descendants of this marvelous planet.”

  “What is so special about Planet Garden of Eden?” Melanie, continued with her questioning.

  “Planet Garden of Eden is extraordinary with its spectacular views. Can you imagine – mountains that change color and hue every day, or a sky that sheds a shower of tiny fireworks of light and plays harmonious tunes of music? Planet Garden of Eden has no silver, gold, or diamonds. The Edenites have no need for such glittering metals or stones. They have great created academic centers which have become a beacon of light for the arcane knowledge of the Creation, of the secrets of the tinniest particles, of the foundations of our universe. The Edenites have learned how to form, blend, and rebuild new and unmatched formations from these particles.

  “Planet Garden of Eden has a sea with mountainous waves, but rather than water, the sea is made up of gigantic and constantly swirling waves of cosmic power that generate great storms that cannot drown any one. This is the cleanest place of all the worlds. The Edenites would not damage their planet, unlike man who has exterminated the forests and wildlife of our planet. One day all humans will experience the damage that has been inflicted by their recklessness and it is soon to come: no one will be excused from the horrible aftermath, when the large, beautiful green-washed areas will disappear and turn into an arid desert.

  “There will be a short period of total destruction but after that everything will regenerate: the flowers and the rare green will return and cover the deserts of the planet after a prolonged spell of aridity. Very rarely, a Son of the Eden may stumble and commit a forbidden deed. In such cases the punishment is swift and immediate, and the culprit is expelled from the Planet Garden of Eden. Even with the strict rules there, the Sons of Eden enjoy their eternal serenity and they are allowed to visit all of the other worlds. The expelled Edenites are deported to a distant world where they are turned into humanoids. They might be born to a human being, and after a short life on Earth, they will be divorced from their temporal earthling body, and return to roam in the endless cosmos. They return as a living body, to our reproduction cycle, for twenty cycles of life. All of us here in this world are descended from the Edenites.”

  “Do our bodies serve as a temporal sheath for the load of the Sons of Eden who have sinned?

  “The human body serves as a temporal facility for the load of the Edenites, and we call it the soul. The Eden is the eternal human soul. It visits a human body and returns to a new body after one’s death. A person who voluntarily contributes his or her time, money, and energy to other people but will not get from it compensation, bonus or publicity will help his or her soul to decrease the distance to the Planet of the Eden and to shorten the time of his or her punishment. Love of humankind is the utmost sort transcending love that surpluses far beyond any sort of donation, prayer or rite which is worth nothing if void of good deeds.”

  “What is Eden’s load?” I interrupted his speech.

  “Well, my learned friend, the breath of man is the seed of the cosmos. Being the spark of the soul and the breath of life, a human breath enables the mass of flesh and blood that we are to perform all the amazing actions that man performs.”

  “Can a creature which is not a flesh and blood being exist?” I wondered aloud.

  “Well my scholastic friend, I’m going to surprise you … Yes, indeed, they do. The substances which these beings are made of have neither been heard of nor seen by a human eye. These beings can reproduce, and think… But they lack the divine spark and love. You might be surprised, but thousands of years ago they penetrated Earth, and today many of them have the appearance of human beings, to the extent that an outstanding number of them have reached very high positions in various regimes around the world. We call these creatures the Seeds of the Satan. Unfortunately these satanic creatures have risen to the highest leading positions in various countries around the world. With their insidious demonic natures they have already led many to terrible suffering and their eventual deaths. I also want to explain who those satanic beings were that succeeded to enter human society and become leaders.

  “Well, in Planet Garden of Eden there are neither police officers nor any courts of law, nor are there rulers. Although the Edenites are allowed to do whatever they desire to do, they wouldn’t dare to transgress any prohibitions, of which the worst is pride: you shouldn’t pride yourself over the fruit of your work. Your success is a gift given to you in return for achievement of an extraordinary result. The talent you were endowed with must be harnessed to serve society. Marvelous plants, wildlife or even the tiniest insect must not be harmed.

  “And now I will tell you about the endless cosmos that envelops us. Earth was not the first planet where human beings emerged. Transgressors from the Sons of Edenites were expelled to distant places in the endless cosmos.

  If you thought that human beings only inhabit planet Earth, then you are greatly mistaken. The infinite cosmos teems with a host of humanoids who look different due to climate and dietary circumstances.”

  “Really,” Melanie uttered in surprise, “is that so? Any person who has learned Darwinism knows that evolution begins with unicellular creatures and continues through to apes and ends up with human beings.”

  “Well, you have just heard that the origin of mankind – rather than being descendants from a long list of tiny insects or from some more advanced apes, mankind descends from one and only one origin – the Planet of the Edens.”

  “You have made a mess out of Darwinism and have torn his teachings apart,” yelled Melanie with indignation.

  “I am sorry but humans are progenies of expelled Edenites who were banished from their planet. Upon their arrival to Earth, one of them changed into a male and the other into a female.
Thus human life began on Earth.

  “Please take heed - the two expelled Edenites came to our planet with nothing. In a short time the descendants of man dominated each place they went; they developed quickly, toiled the earth, built cities, developed and became educated. But one important tenet stood as a failing obstacle – to curb their never-ending lust and avarice. With great speed they became rulers of the entire Earth, they devastated and destroyed everything that stood in their way. Currently, man is the most dangerous creature on earth and it is marching in leaps and bounds toward the total destruction… The natural treasures of the planet are rapidly depleting, and so is the vegetation and wildlife that once had blanketed Earth. Surface water becomes polluted and daily man chooses the highway to the decisive moment at which point the planet will die. The day is not far when the end of all man, beast of the fields, and plants will come. Nothing will survive. The opportunity given to the children of the expelled Edenites to build a new Garden of Eden in their new dwelling place has been gradually wasted away, and the day is not far when Earth will become arid and desolate like the moon that mournfully orbits it.

  In the Gate of the Third World

  For an entire week we toured the Land of the Ten Tribes and we did not tire of the wonderful sights: green fields, fruit orchards, with fruits that we had never seen or tasted before, but grew in strange-looking greenhouses in each and every corner.

  At the end of our incredible visit, Mr. Da Costa approached me and said, “We are going to visit a very special place that only a few of the Sons of the Ten Tribes have ever visited before. This place is called the Home of the Third World. You, sons of Planet Earth, we, Sons of the Ten Tribes and sons of the Second World, and today you are about to see the Sons of the Third World,” Da Costa said in stark seriousness.


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