Auctioned to the Gentle Dom [The Spectrum Auctions 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Auctioned to the Gentle Dom [The Spectrum Auctions 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 18

by Doris O'Connor

  Logan smiled down on his girl, unwrapped the towel around her hair, and having grabbed her brush from the bathroom, he sat to slowly untangle the knots in her damp hair. By the time that was done to his satisfaction, her ass was ready for another coat. She moaned in her sleep, but she didn’t wake up, and Logan was satisfied to see that her skin looked a lot less angry and red already. There would be bruises for sure, but not half as many as there would have been otherwise, he reckoned.

  Adding Pedro to his mental list of fellow Doms he now owed a drink to, he tucked her under the covers, and having relieved himself in the bathroom and brushed his teeth, he climbed into bed with her. He had the foresight to set his alarm, as he had to go into his surgery come morning, and then sleep claimed him, too.

  * * * *

  The urgent need to pee woke Lindsey, and she mentally rolled her eyes. She didn’t want to leave the warm cozy cocoon of Sir’s arms around her, but her bladder paid no heed to what she wanted and demanded she move now.

  “Dammit.” Lindsey uttered that exclamation under her breath, and carefully extricated herself out from under Sir. Her sore ass protested every move she made, but she was surprised to find it didn’t hurt nearly half as much as she thought it would have.

  Logan grunted, turned on his back, and flung his arm over his eyes. She froze, expecting him to wake up, but after some muttering under his breath he fell back into a deep sleep. He looked younger, all relaxed in sleep, his hair delightfully mussed. The sheet had slipped, barely covering his hips, and her throat went dry as she followed that enticing trail of hair down to where the sheet lovingly outlined his bulge.

  Lord, she wanted him, and if she didn’t think she would earn herself another punishment, she would have been sorely tempted to wake him up by sucking his dick.

  With a grin at that thought, she hobbled toward the bathroom, took care of business, and, having brushed her teeth, made her way back to the bed. It was still dark out, so it had to be early. Picking up her phone brought her no closer to an answer to what time it might be, because it was dead. That explained why Mama hadn’t rung her then, at least.

  The bed looked tempting. However, going back to sleep was out of the question. The persistent dull ache in her butt made sure of that for starters. Spying the packet of painkillers and the glass of water leftover on the nightstand, she pushed two of them out of their foil surround and swallowed them down. Sir’s phone showed the time to be six a.m. That surely meant he would wake up soon. It was a weekday, after all, and Logan had a busy surgery to run. Breakfast. Yeah, he would need breakfast, and she could wake him up with that.

  Not being able to bear the thought of anything touching her skin, she opted to wear one of his shirts out of the wardrobe. Even freshly laundered, it held his unique scent, and inhaling deeply, she shrugged into it and instantly felt better. It was almost as though she was being hugged by him. Lindsey had to laugh at her fanciful thought, but right now, she didn’t care. With that horrible punishment over, she was free to truly get to know him, and she was going to make damn sure that he didn’t have cause to regret his decision to marry her.

  Lindsey popped her phone on the docking station to charge it, and set the coffee machine to brew. She wasn’t entirely surprised to hear her phone beep the minute it was charged enough to come back to life. A quick glance across showed every message to be from Mama, and pouring herself a much-needed cuppa, Lindsey sighed when the phone rang. Her mother’s face flashed up on the screen requesting a FaceTime conversation and she reluctantly swiped the screen to answer. Mama’s worried face appeared and Lindsey raised her coffee cup in silent greeting.

  “Finally, why have you not been answering your phone? I’ve been going around the bend with worry here. I mean, I didn’t know what to think when that Peyton showed up, all but demanding your clothes and saying you were moving in with Logan. I mean, you’re not married yet. What will people say?

  And then there’s Peyton. She was covered in bruises. Bruises I say, right”—Mama gestured to her bosom and, much to Lindsey’s amusement, colored slightly—“right there. Oh, she tried to hide them when she saw I noticed them, but, goodness me. She belongs to that club, right, and I know Logan does, too, so I’ve been doing some research, and…this is not funny, Honoraria.”

  Mama looked down her nose at her when Lindsey couldn’t help but smile at her horrified expression. “I was—I am worried about you, and then, when you didn’t answer…I don’t like to think of you at the receiving end of any of that treatment, and—”

  “Mama, breathe, you’re going to turn blue.” Lindsey interrupted her mother, and took another sip of her coffee. “I’m fine, honestly. I just forgot to charge my phone, that’s all. I’m sorry if you got worried.”

  “Well then.” Her mother frowned, peered closer at the screen and her eyebrows rose to her hairline again. “What on earth are you wearing?”

  Lindsey glanced down at herself and smiled.

  “One of Logan’s shirts. Don’t worry, it’s clean.”

  “Why? I packed you perfectly good night wear.”

  Mama looked so affronted that Lindsey had to giggle. Entirely the wrong response, as her mother instantly gave her the look, the one perfected by mums the world over to put the fear of god into their offspring, and Lindsey was no exception.

  “I haven’t unpacked my suitcases yet, that’s all, Mama.”

  “Why ever not? What have you been doing all this time?”

  The suspicion in her mother’s voice was confirmed by her next words.

  “He took you to that club, didn’t he? I swear…”

  Lindsey sighed, and her mother’s eyes narrowed in silent disapproval.

  “Mama, I work there. I was due on shift.”

  She should have known that wasn’t a good enough explanation for her mother, because she shook her head.

  “You don’t need to work there anymore, you know that. It’s not fitting for you, and I’m surprised Logan allows it.”

  The way she said that grated on Lindsey’s nerves, and her reply came out rather more forcefully than she would have liked.

  “He does not run my life for me, just because we’re engaged now, Mama.”

  A huff was her answer.

  “I thought that’s exactly what they do. I know he did with Elena.”

  The mention of Logan’s wife made a well of misery rise up in her throat, and she gulped down the rest of the coffee to hide her reaction. The burning pain as the hot liquid slipped along her gullet served to ground her.

  “That’s all well and good, I wouldn’t know, and besides, Elena was happy, wasn’t she?”

  Mama made a rough sound at the back of her throat, but she did nod.

  “Yes, she was, but you’re not her. You’re my only daughter and I worry over you. If he hurts you, I—”

  “He wouldn’t.” Logan’s gravelly voice held the deep growl that told Lindsey how annoyed he was and she jumped when he appeared behind her. Hands on her hips, he pulled her into his frame, and Lindsey bit her lip as her sore ass made contact with him. Logan nuzzled into her neck, and his heavier morning scruff left delightful tingles of awareness behind. His lips on her skin curved into a smile as she automatically angled her head to give him better access, and peace descended upon her at his words in her ear.

  “Good morning, little bird.”

  Lifting his head away, he addressed her mother.

  “It’s rather early to be making phone calls, is it not, let alone accusatory ones. I do not appreciate your tone, Georgina, nor do I appreciate you haranguing Lindsey.”

  Her mother opened her mouth as though to say something, but the expression on his face must have stopped her.

  “I told you, Lindsey is my responsibility now and that’s why she is living with me. As for her work at the club, she cannot just leave. She has responsibilities there. Once she’s fulfilled them, she can of course stop working there, if she so wishes.”

  Lindsey shook her head, and
his fingers tightened on her hips.

  “I don’t want to,” she said, and her mother made an exasperated sound.

  “You heard her, Georgina. For the record, I would never force your daughter into something she didn’t want, unlike some people I can think of.” A faint blush appeared on her mother’s cheeks at his words and she dropped her gaze, clearly uncomfortable with the turn the conversation was taking.

  “As to what Elena and I had…” Again, he squeezed Lindsey’s hips, and she relaxed further into his hold. “I explained back then that we were in a Dom/sub relationship. Elena needed that full-time. Time will tell what Lindsey needs from me in that regard.” He held his hand up when her mother looked set to interrupt him. “But, yes, I am her Dom. She is my submissive. You will just have to deal with that, Georgina. As to what exactly that relationship entails, that is none of your business.”

  Mama pulled in a sharp breath, and Logan continued. “Lindsey and I are still working out the finer details on that. Now, if that is all, I would suggest you say your good-bye. I’m sure Lindsey will come and visit you when she is able to. Oh, and one more thing. I couldn’t give a rat’s ass what other people think.” Again with that sharp intake of breath from her mother. “As far as I’m concerned, that part of Lindsey’s life is over.”

  “You can’t make that decision for her.” Mama looked all outraged again, and Logan stepped away from her. Lindsey instantly missed his warm strength, but she knew he was making a point.

  “He’s not, Mama. You don’t need me for that. You never did. I’m not prepared to hold onto antiquated ideas of how you and Papa think I ought to behave. This is the 21st century, after all, and I have a life to lead that doesn’t revolve around a title that brought me nothing but misery over the years. I’m sorry, Mama. I’m not doing it anymore.”

  Lindsey’s heart broke a little at seeing her mother’s shoulders slump, but she had to be true to herself. Logan had given her a chance to break free, and she was going to take that chance with both hands and run for it. Just as soon as her butt was healed enough for that, of course. Her lips curved into a grin she couldn’t hold in, and her mother sighed.

  “Very well, but I had to try. I promised your father I would, before he left.”

  “How is he doing, Mama?” Lindsey had to ask, and her mother looked very old and sad.

  “He’s still in rehab. That’s something, right? That’s all I know. They won’t let me talk to him. This big house is lonely without you.”

  Logan murmured something under his breath, and Lindsey blinked away tears at the wistful note in her mother’s voice.

  “I’ll visit soon, Mama, I promise. How’s Millie?”

  Her mother brightened up considerably.

  “Jenkins looks after her well. I reinstated him after your father left. Of course, he can’t stay, because your father will be outraged if he finds him here when he returns, but I’m hoping Jenkins will have found other employ by then. He’s been with us too long to simply turf him out in the street like that.”

  Lindsey nodded her agreement, and her mother smiled.

  “Anyway, I shall go and sleep now. I tossed and turned all night worrying over you. Please don’t be a stranger.”

  “I won’t be, Mama, and I’m sorry you got worried.”

  Her mother responded with a tired smile and then ended the call.

  Lindsey sighed and threw a glance toward Logan, who stood leaning on the door frame to the kitchen with a scowl on his face, and her heart beat faster. Back in the low-slung joggers he seemed to like wearing around the house, he looked utterly edible, and she squeezed her thighs together as her body responded to his brooding dominance like a puppet on a string.

  “Coffee, Sir?” she asked and his stern expression relaxed slightly.

  “Please, baby.”

  The way that endearment rolled off his tongue made her clit do a veritable samba. She turned toward the coffee pot, feeling his gaze on her the whole time, and her fingers shook when she poured him his coffee. His scent, that delicious blend of leftover cologne, sweat, and pure male musk, warned her of his approach seconds before his warmth enveloped her and his large fingers closed over hers on the mug.

  “I should paddle your ass for leaving me sleeping alone in my bed.” He chuckled softly into her neck when she tensed, and bit down lightly on her earlobe. “Relax, little bird, I won’t. For the record, though, I didn’t like it. Wake me when you get up.” He stepped away from her and Lindsey breathed slightly easier when he leaned against the work top and lifted his mug up to his lips for a taste. The smile of approval that followed made her grin back at him.

  “Thank you for the coffee. I normally don’t bother with anything but instant in the mornings.”

  “I was intending to make you breakfast, too, Sir, if you have time, that is.”

  Logan’s grin deepened and he glanced at the clock on the wall.

  “What sort of breakfast?”

  “Full English?”

  Logan closed his eyes and moaned as though that was the best thing she could have said.

  “For that, I’ll go in late.”

  Lindsey giggled and he smiled, his eyes full of easy affection she could easily drown in.

  “If you like, I’ll make it for you every morning before work.”

  Logan laughed and shook his head.

  “As tempting as that sounds, little bird, I don’t want to drop dead from a cholesterol-induced heart attack.” He sobered when her face fell and, putting down his mug, pulled her back into his arms.

  “Don’t worry, baby, my doc called me disgustingly healthy at my last check-up.”

  Lindsey snuggled into his embrace, loving the way his chest hair tickled her face, and smiled.

  “Good, I don’t want to lose you, Sir.”

  The arms around her tightened.

  “You won’t, little bird. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me now.”

  As far as Lindsey was concerned, that was the best thing she’d ever heard.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Logan pushed away the empty plate, pleasantly full, and smiled at the woman sitting opposite him. He’d been pleased to see Lindsey polishing off two-thirds of her own breakfast, before she settled for watching him eat. She grinned at him now, and a rush of affection made his chest tight.

  “Thank you for that, it was delicious.”

  Lindsey shrugged her shoulders.

  “It was nothing much. I happen to like cooking. I used to sneak into the kitchen whenever I could when I was little, and Cook was only too happy to teach me. Of course, I was sworn to secrecy, because if my parents had ever found out…” She giggled and glanced at the portrait of Elena on the wall. Some of her happiness evaporated, and Logan frowned as he followed her gaze. “Well, it wouldn’t have been pretty.”

  Reaching across the table separating them, he put his hands over hers and squeezed.

  “I can imagine. Do you want me to take her picture down?”

  Lindsey pulled back, and her startled gaze sought his.

  “No, of course not. She was your wife. I would never presume…I mean, no, it’s fine.”

  The way she dropped her gaze and worried her teeth with her bottom lip told him otherwise, and firming his voice, Logan replied, “I expect honesty from you at all times, girl. I can move her picture elsewhere, where you don’t have to look at it every day, if you need me to do that.”

  Lindsey fidgeted with her fork, and remained stubbornly silent.

  “Girl, look at me and stop fidgeting.”

  Lindsey gasped at the stern command he just issued and dutifully lifted her gaze to his. Her attempt at sitting up straight was somehow thwarted by her wince of pain, and Logan sighed.

  “I’ll put some more cream on that for you before I leave, but I’m not going anywhere until you answer me.”

  “Then you’ll be late, Sir.”

  Lindsey’s unexpected sass was as delightful as it was infuriating, and she blanched when he pu
shed his chair away and stood up. Wrapping his hand in her hair, he pulled her, too, to her feet and, shoving the remains of their breakfast up to the other end of the table, bent his insolent subbie over it.

  A gasp escaped her when he kicked her legs apart, flipped his shirt up, and grasped her ass cheeks. They resembled all the colors of the rainbow this morning, and mindful of that, he gentled his hold on her. Lindsey still whimpered, but she also went limp on top of that table, and when he slid his fingers down her crack, he found her wet.

  “Hmm, such a naughty girl I have.”

  He traced one digit along her slit, took her clit between his thumb and forefinger, and pinched the nub slightly. Lindsey groaned and pushed herself further onto his hand, while she grew even wetter for him.

  “Yes, very naughty indeed. Tell me, how badly do you want my cock this morning?”

  “Please, Sir…I…oooh.”

  Logan grinned to himself, hardening in his pants, as she grew wetter still. Letting go of her clit, he pumped two fingers into her cunt, loving the way her internal muscles instantly clamped down on the digits.

  “Hmm, methinks my naughty subbie wants me rather badly, doesn’t she?” He pulled her up by her hair until he could graze his teeth along the rapidly beating pulse point in her neck, and Lindsey gasped anew as the action meant her mons made contact with the edge of the table. Using his bodyweight, he pushed her further into that edge, and a shiver went through her.

  “Please, Sir.”

  “All in good time, my sweet. I still need an answer to my question about Elena’s picture.”

  He turned her head so that she had no choice to look at it.

  “Tell me the truth now. Do you want me to move it?”

  She didn’t answer him, so he took a firmer grip on her hair and, using his hips, rubbed his body along her sore ass, while pushing her into the table.

  Lindsey groaned and the air filled with the musk of aroused woman. Clearly, his girl liked a bite of pain, and he repeated that action in rhythmic bumps that pushed her mons into the table again, and again. Sure enough her breathing sped up and her legs trembled against his. Her hips followed his movements, and the rosy sheen of arousal broke out on her exposed skin.


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