Tunnel W

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Tunnel W Page 2

by Michele M. Reynolds


  “You instilled the tracking device?” Sam asked.

  “No, we couldn't retrieve her identity, so we couldn't,” Sindi's voice shook.

  “Idiots!” Sam said. “We can't track her, and I'm not going in there. Are you?”

  Both the guard and Sindi shook their heads. Sam looked around with his hands on his hips.

  “We'll see about that,” Sam said.

  “What the hell happened, sir,” Vizio said as he approached them holding his head.

  “We lost her that is what happened,” Sam said. He looked at Vizio and he looked at Sindi. “But not for long.”

  “Sir?” Vizio asked.

  “You served an oath to never lose a transport,” Sam said. “Now is not time to falter in that. In you go.”

  “Sir!” Sindi said. Sam turned and looked at her. She lowered her tone, “Sir, I think we need to think this through.”

  “I think you need to think through how you are going to get Rebel back,” Sam said. By this time several guards who had been summoned by the alarm had gathered behind Vizio and Sindi. Vizio and Sindi looked behind them and then back at Sam. Sindi lowered her head and shuffled her feet. It was Vizio who spoke up first.

  “Can we bring some weapons in? A few guns?” Vizio asked.

  “No guns. A few knifes,” Sam said. “Anyone have some knives they can lend these two?” Several cadets stepped forward and handed some knives.

  “Anything else we can service you with?” Sam asked.

  “Can we at least get out of the uniform and have a chance to blend in?” Vizio asked.

  “I don't have any . . .” Sam started.

  “I do,” Vizio said. “I always have clothes in the vehicle. May I?” Sam nodded and Vizio ran back to the transport van and came running back with a duffel bag.

  “I have some for you too,” he said to Sindi.

  “Thank you,” Sindi said.

  They started to walk to the main building.

  “What are you doing?” Sam said as he continued his stare at the tunnel.

  “Going to change in the Center,” Vizio said.

  “Change here and quickly before I change my mind and throw you in wearing that uniform,” Sam said. Sam looked at Sindi and turned his back to face the other guards. He raised his eyebrows and the rest of the soldiers looked at the ground or turned around.

  “You would turn your back on your enemy?!” Sam yelled to them.

  They turned and faced the tunnel but averted their eyes from Sindi undressing. Sindi used her uniform to wipe the rest of the blood from her face.

  “You have 20 seconds,” Sam said. With that Sindi and Vizio dressed quickly and tied their laces tightly. They tucked knives in their boots, and pockets and held one in their hand. Sam waived a guard over who took a small gun from his pocket and held it up to their forearms.

  The guard held the gun up to Vizio's arm and shot,“3236785.”

  He held it up to Sindi's arm and shot, “3236786.” Sindi and Vizio stood there rubbing their arms and looking at the entry point.

  “In you go,” Sam ordered.

  Vizio and Sindi looked at each other, looked back at the guards, and then stepped toward the tunnel.

  “Wait,” a guard said. “I have to turn off the force field.”

  “You didn't have to for Rebel,” Vizio said.

  “She didn't have tracking,” Sindi answered.

  The guard punched a code into the wall next to the doorway. Sindi and Vizio stepped into the tunnel. Darkness engulfed them. The light from outside did not seem to penetrate passed the doorway's force field.

  “Let this be a lesson to all of you,” Sam yelled over the crowd of soldiers. “We do not lose transports ever.”

  As Vizio and Sindi walked into the tunnel it was eerily warm and wet. After a few feet of walking, it was eerily cold and wet. Vizio and Sindi walked back and forth feeling for the wall.

  "I count 22 feet wide," Vizio said.

  "About that 20-25 feet wide in parts," Sindi said.

  "How tall?" Vizio asked.

  "No telling, but it feels high. I would guess 50 feet or so," Sindi said. "I think that is about right if my memory of my tunnel training is correct." Vizio chuckled.

  “What is so funny?” Sindi asked.

  “Do you know that was the first time you said thank you to me?” Vizio asked. “In three years of working together. After buying you lunch, doing your paperwork, and backing you up, when I gave you the clothes, that was the first time.”

  “Is this stress talking? You find that funny?” Sindi asked. “We probably won't see the light of day again.”

  “Probably not,” Vizio said. “But I can die knowing you said thank you to me.”

  “Not so close!” Sindi yelled.

  “What do you think I'm going to make a pass at you?” Vizio said.

  “If we're within 10 feet of each other, we will get zapped,” Sindi said. “Relos cannot be within 10 feet. The trackers zap you.”

  “Oh, okay what else should I know to pass as a Relo,” he asked.

  “Umm, we shouldn't have weapons,” she said. “We need to keep these hidden, and we need a capture story.”

  “Well, mine is definitely including being tasered. Since I was,” Vizio said. “Thanks for that.”

  “Dumb luck,” Sindi said. “Can't you control a girl?”

  “Some girl, huh?” Vizio asked.

  “Yeah, some girl,” Sindi answered.

  “I can't see anything,” Vizio said.

  “I can see plain as day,” Sindi said. “Quit complaining.”

  Forty feet above Vizio and Sindi Rebel was walking on a stone ledge that was 3 feet wide. She held her left hand to the wall and placed on foot in front of the other as she walked. She could hear every word Vizio and Sindi said.

  Vizio asked, “Why do you think she ran into the tunnels?”

  “Where else was she going to go?” Sindi said. “Once Sam found out she was Rebel, she was probably better off in here.”

  “I cannot believe such a young, good-looking girl is Rebel,” Vizio said.

  “Young, but not that great looking,” Sindi said.

  “Ok let's not argue about the beauty worth of our Rebel Relo,” Vizio said. “What is the plan?”

  “I am not sure,” Sindi said.

  “Oh, the great Sindi doesn't know?” Vizio said.

  “Give me a break,” she answered. “I went from being the end of my shift to being dinner in Tunnel W.”

  “You get the feeling we're being watched?” Vizio whispered to Sindi.

  “I guess we need to watch what we say,” Sindi said. “You think someone will recognize us?”

  “Well, I am not from around here, and I have never transported anyone to anything lower than Tunnel N,” Vizio said. “So probably not.”

  “I've dropped off a few people to Tunnel W in the last six years,” Sindi whispered back. “I hope none of them have survived this long to recognize me.”

  “Well, it is dark enough here for nobody to recognize anyone,” Vizio said.

  “So what's our story?” Vizio asked.

  “Well, it has to be bad enough to be sent here,” Sindi said. “We could be Rebel Risers.”

  “You think they would go for that?” Vizio asked.

  “I would think so,” Sindi answered. “Let's hope that we can grab Rebel and get out of here before we have to create some far-fetched story.”

  “Sound like a plan to me,” Vizio answered.

  Rebel continued to move on the ledge above. She slowed just enough to keep Vizio and Sindi in front of her. At time the walls of the ledge became thicker forcing Rebel to traverse a ledge less than a foot wide. She was careful to keep three points of contact at all times. Two feet and a hand, two hands and a foot she made her way forward on the ledge. She was confident her captors had no idea she was traversing 40 feet above them.

  They walked at a slow pace for hours and heard nothing around the
m. Sindi and Vizio stopped a few times to catch their breath, relieve their bladders, or to whisper about their story of how they were allegedly captured. The tunnels seemed to slant inward and as they got deeper into them, they heard nothing.

  “I am tired,” Vizio said. “What are we going to eat?”

  “I have no idea,” Sindi said. “Maybe you should have packed some food in these clothes.”

  “I saved your ass having these clothes, so no complaining,” Vizio said.

  “Yes, well,” she answered. “A candy bar would be nice.”

  “Well, if we can't eat, should I mean how or when should we sleep?” Vizio asked.

  “In shifts,” Sindi said.

  Sindi and Vizio walked through darkness and their eyes drooped closed. At times they marched with one hand on the wall with their eyes shut minutes at a time. They opened their eyes to a sight not much brighter than when their eyes were shut.

  “Let's sleep,” Sindi said.

  Vizio and Sindi sat on the cold, rock floor of the tunnels.

  “If we sit back to back we can face both directions if anything comes toward us, and we'll be able to keep each other warm,” Vizio said.

  “Naw we have to keep 10 feet apart,” Sindi answered.

  “Yeah, that's right,” Vizio said as he scooted away from Sindi. “I will take the first shift. Get some rest.”

  “Ok wake me when you get tired,” Sindi answered. “Good night.”

  “Good night,” Vizio answered.

  Forty feet above them Rebel on a ledge three feet wide. She was a light sleeper and knew she would wake when Sindi and Vizio started to stir.

  Vizio woke to a pain in his side and heard Sindi's high-pitched screaming next to him.

  “Get up ya' vagrant no sleeping here,” a gruff voice was heard above him. Vizio heard several grunts and laughs surrounding him. As a reflex, he started to grab toward his belt for a gun and stopped himself. The screaming at his side continued.

  “Okay, okay,” he answered. “Easy, please don't hurt her.”

  “Please don't hurt her,” the gruff voice teased above. “Get up.”

  Vizio stood and a light reflected from a flame held on a stick. The faint light blinded Vizio.

  “What puts a baby-face Relo in Tunnel W?” the gruff voice asked.

  “Well . . .” Vizio started as the light was shown on Sindi.

  “What the. . .?” a woman's voice came from his side. “She's a Swabby!”

  Vizio's chest tightened and with a sharp hit to his jaw he was knocked to the ground. His head was held there by a something hard and flat.

  “Stay there Swabby,” the gruff voice ordered.

  “I am not one of those Swabbies,” Sindi unconvincingly answered.

  “She sure is,” the woman continued. “I will never forget HER face.”

  “What in the world are they doing here?” the gruff voiced asked.

  “I am the one that gets to kill her for sure,” the woman said.

  “No!” Vizio yelled.

  “Oh, you want to be first?” the gruff voice asked.

  “Stop!” Rebel yelled from above. “Leave them alone.”

  “Who the . . .” the woman started.

  “You don't want any of this,” the gruff voice called out to above. “Don't make it three kills today or what am I saying. Come on down!”

  “Identify yourself,” the woman said. “Do you think it is someone from another tunnel?” she whispered.

  “Rebel,” Sindi whispered to Vizio.

  “Rebel?” the woman said. “The hell Rebel.”

  “The Swabby is right,” Rebel called from above. “I hate to say it but she is.”

  “Rebel . . . what the hell is Rebel doing in here?” the gruff voice said. “They wouldn't catch her.”

  “That is what I would say yesterday,” Rebel said. “But here I am.”

  “Who knows Rebel?” the gruff voice asked. Nobody answered. “Nobody has seen her or knows anything?”

  “I know she has an R tattoo on her arm or on her lower back,” a guy said.

  “Myth,” Rebel called down.

  “I know that she is six foot six,” the woman said.

  “Myth,” Rebel said. “Did anyone hear I can run faster than a speeding bullet?”

  “What do we know . . . facts. . . facts?” the gruff voice asked.

  “Wanted dead or alive,” Rebel sang to the people below.

  “It is her,” Vizio said. “That was why we were sent in to capture her.”

  “They aren't gonna believe a Swabby,” Rebel called down.

  “You have to do something,” Vizio said.

  “She can't do anything. She is not the real Rebel,” the gruff voice said. “Can you? You know how many people claim their Rebel when they come down here. We will hang your skull next to theirs. I bet your just a third Swabby right?”

  There was a long silence. All that could be heard was the shuffling Relo's feet on the ground, and Relo heavy breathing.

  “She ran away,” the woman said.

  Then there was a sound of air coming out of someone, a hard thump, and someone hitting the ground. There was some slaps, and someone else hitting the ground.

  “Get her!” the gruff voice ordered. Several wooden whacks filled the air, and another person fell to the ground. Every three seconds another hard thump hit the ground.

  The guy with a gruff voice raised a long board over his head and readied to hit someone. A hard blow hit both of his hands and the board was dislodged from his hands. Then a hard blow to his chest sent him backwards.

  “No Swabby,” Rebel said. “Rebel is here. Now do you believe me.”

  “Hell,” the gruff voice said. “Why didn't you tell us?” He laughed.

  “Told you,” Vizio said.

  “Shut-up, Swabby,” Rebel and gruff voice said in unison.

  Rebel took the candlelight and pointed it on herself. She had brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. She was of medium build and was about 5'9" She wore a jacket, t-shirt and jeans.

  “Here I am in the flesh,” Rebel said. “Without the tattoos.”

  “Welcome to Tunnel W,” the gruff voice said. With that he lit a huge torch and held it over his head. “I am Stash, and these are my buddies. Get your asses up.” The other Relos stood up. Sindi and Vizio stood and moved toward each other. “Not so fast Swabbies.” Sindi and Vizio stopped moving.

  “Go easy on them,” Rebel said. “They had a rough 24 hours. They were the unlucky Swabbies who picked up Rebel.”

  “Why you going to go easy on them?” Stash asked. “They are the reason we are in here.”

  “They are a ticket,” Rebel said. “We can use them.”

  “Yeah as hostages to get out,” one of Stash's crew called out.

  “Pipe-down Hops,” Stash stated. “Could we do that?”

  “No, these Swabbies are worth nothing to them out there,” Rebel said.

  “So what do we need them for?” Stash asked.

  “I am not sure yet, but I think they can come in handy,” Rebel said.

  “Don't do us any favors,” Sindi said.

  “Just let me cut her,” a woman said.

  “Betty, what Rebel wants she gets,” Stash stated. “We shall respect her as our own.”

  “Thank you,” Rebel said. She stepped forward and offered him her hand to help him up. He flinched and clutched his heart.

  “What? Why didn't we get zapped?” Stash asked.

  “Zapped?” Rebel asked.

  “When we are closer than 10 feet, we get zapped,” Betty said.

  “I have no idea,” Rebel said. “How does that happen?”

  “We never implanted you with a tracker,” Vizio said. “You ran in before we could do it.”

  “You are untrackable?” Stash said. “Interesting.”

  “Let's go to our humble abode,” Betty said.

  “You lead,” Rebel said.

  “Tie up the Swabbies?” Bet
ty asked.

  “Swabbies do you think you two can behave?” Rebel asked.

  “You have some nerve,” Sindi started. “We are officers of the . . .”

  “Hold your tongue,” Vizio said. “We are the underdogs here.”

  “Underdogs? I think we are all underdogs in the tunnel,” Stash said. “Is it your will not to have them tied?”

  “They would be fools to try anything,” Rebel said. “I am fine with them having their hands free. But someone should take their weapons.” A Relo patted them down and pulled out several knives.

  “You guys tagged?” Rebel asked.

  “Tracked,” Sindi corrected. “What does that matter to you?”

  Betty used a long board and pushed Vizio toward Sindi. They both screamed and fell to the ground, and curled the fetal position.

  “Yup both tracked,” Betty chuckled. “That'll teach her to hold her tongue. Consider that a shot across your bow.”

  After a few minutes Vizio and Betty got to their feet and walked among the Relos.

  Rebel walked up to Vizio and whispered, “You might want to start keeping your partner in line or I see much pain in your future.”

  “What are you a fortune teller now?” Vizio answered.

  “Perhaps . . . perhaps,” Rebel said. “It is Vizio right?”

  “Yes,” Vizio answered. “Rebel right? Why did you save us Swabbies anyway?”

  “Many reasons,” Rebel answered. “For starters, we could probably use you.”

  “Use us how?” Vizio asked.

  “You ever watch movies?” Rebel asked.

  “Movies, sure when I was a kid not much anymore. It's illegal,” Vizio said. “What does that have to do with it?”

  “Despite it being illegal, I watch them. I watched a lot of movies from the 1980's and 1990's. You know in the movies when the bad guy catches the good guy and before he kills the good guy he tells him his whole evil plan?” Rebel asked.

  “Yeah, so?” Vizio asked.

  “Well, that is plain idiotic, and I am no idiot,” Rebel said.

  “So, you saying you're the bad guy?” Vizio asked.

  “That's how you see it. Isn't it?” Rebel asked. Vizio was silent. For a bit you could just hear the movement of 26 feet. Rebel looked around at the 10 Relos. They all walked hunched over, and many of them had limps.


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