by Paul Spicer
Mussolini, Benito
Muthaiga Club (Nairobi)
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
clubs in
railway to
Nairobi Club
New York City, William Silverthorne’s home in
New York Times
Ngong-Nairobi Road
Ngong Road
Nightingale, Florence
Noailles, Anna de
Norfolk Hotel (Nairobi)
Norman, H. R.
Northey, General Edward
O’Neill, Pat Cavendish, Lion in the Bedroom
Oserian (home of JH and Mary)
Outfit, The (Chicago gang)
Pakenham, Mrs. Dermot
Parfondeval, Château de, Normandy
AJ spends time at
AJ in
aristocratic milieu of
Parkhurst Prison
Patou, Jean
Paul, Dr.
Pearson, Noreen
daughter of, bequeathed Wanjohi Farm
Pembroke, Richard (“Dickie”)
AJ’s letters to
alibi for AJ
witness at HDB trial
penises, showing off
pets, AJ’s love of
Pitt, Peggy
Pius XI, Pope
Plunkett, Myrtle
ponies, AJ’s
Poppy, Arthur James
Portluca (AJ’s cottage in Nairobi)
Presbyterian faith
Preston, Gerry
Preston, Kiki
Proust, Marcel
pyrethrum (crop)
Radford, Michael
rail travel
Ramsay-Hill, Cyril
Ramsay-Hill, Mary (“Molly”) (later Erroll)
death of
poor health
Ramsden, Sir John Frecheville (“Chops”)
Rayetta (farm)
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Rice, Edward
Ritz Hotel (London)
road travel
Roderigo (monkey)
taken to France
Rodwell, Edward
Rougemont, Guillaume de
Ruta, Arap (driver)
Ryan, Genevieve. See Janzé, Genevieve de
Ryan, Thomas Jefferson
Sackville, Albert, eighth Earl de la Warr
Sackville, Idina (Lady Gordon)
(1926) daughter born to
(1928) separated from JH
(1930) weds Donald Haldeman
(1941) at HDB’s trial
(1941) search for Erroll family pearls
ancestry of
elopement and marriage to Josslyn Hay
pregnancy of
scandalous behavior of
social leadership in Wanjohi Valley
safaris, big-game
Saint-Lazare women’s prison (Paris)
Samson (lion)
Satima Farm (Buxton’s)
Scott, Sir Francis
Shannon, Father
Shapley, Schwarze and Barratt
Sharon, Conn., William Silverthorne’s home in
“sheet game,”
Sheridan, Sir Joseph
ship travel
Silverthorne, Albert David (William’s father)
Silverthorne, Alice. See Janzé, Countess Alice de
Silverthorne, Asa
Silverthorne, Bill (son of William)
Silverthorne, Juliabelle. See Chapin, Juliabelle
Silverthorne, Patricia (half sister)
Silverthorne, William (AJ’s father)
(1892) marriage to Juliabelle Chapin
(1908) second marriage to Louise Mattocks
(1940) death of
AJ’s weddings not attended by
declining years
estrangement from AJ in later years
not invited to AJ’s weddings
reputation as drinker, gambler, extravagant spender, and ladies’ man
Sim, Uncle. See Chapin, Simeon B.
Simpson, Wallis
Sitwell, Osbert
Slains (farm of Joss Hays)
Soames, Jack
witness at HDB trial
Soldiers Settlement Scheme
Soltau, Vincent
Somers, Elizabeth
Spanish Civil War
Spaulding family
Spicer, Bullen
Spicer, June
Spicer, Margaret
friendship with AJ
Spicer, Paul (author)
Spicer, Roy
Steinheil, Marguerite
“The Storm” (juvenile poem by AJ)
Suez Canal
Sunday Dispatch
Taporley Hunt Club
Tattie, Aunt. See May, Alice
Tchelitchew, Pavel Fedorovich
Thermia Palace spa (Piestany, Slovakia)
AJ’s house in
Trafford, Alice de. See Janzé, Countess Alice de
Trafford, Sir Dermot de (6th baronet)
Trafford, Sir Humphrey de (3rd baronet)
Trafford, Humphrey de (4th baronet)
Trafford, Raymund de
(1926) visits Kenya and purposes to buy land
(1926) goes on safari with FJ and AJ
(1927) announces to AJ that he will not marry her
(1927) shot and almost killed by AJ
(1927) at AJ’s court proceedings
(1928) AJ continues to see
(1931) agrees to marry AJ
(1932) marries AJ
(1932) AJ seeks legal separation from
(1933) shows up in Kenya
(1939) drunk driving homicide, and prison sentence
AJ’s café row with
AJ’s correspondence with
assault on an employee, and asked to leave Kenya
background of
character flaws
gambling habit
literary opinions of
meets FJ and AJ
sent to Australia
Trafford, Sir Rudolph de (5th baronet)
Trafford, Violet de
Trafford family, genealogy of
Trzebinski, Errol
The Life and Death of Lord Erroll
Valentino (baboon)
Vanderbilt, Alice
Vanderbilt, Gloria
Vanderbilt, Reginald
Vanderbilt family, safari with
Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart Henry (7th Marquis of Londonderry)
Vint, Dr.
Wallace, David
Wallace, David Euan
Wallace, Fabian
Wallace, Gee
Wanjohi Farm (AJ’s)
bequeathed to AJ’s daughters under impossible conditions
furnishings of
new house built on
now a school for girls
Wanjohi Valley, Kenya
decadent aristocrats in, news coverage of
health benefits of
Ward, Freda Dudley
Wardell, Hilda
Waterpark, Danièle
Waterpark, Lord
Watson, J. N. P.
Waugh, Evelyn
White Mischief (movie)
White’s (London club)
William IV, King
Williamson, Henry
women, single, not admitted to Kenya
women’s clothes
World War One
World War Two
run-up to
THE TEMPTRESS. Copyright © 2010 by Paul Spicer. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Spicer, Paul (Paul G. B.)
The temptress: the scandalous life of Alice de Janzé and the mysterious death of Lord Erroll / Paul Spicer.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Not all images included in the print edition of this title are available in this ebook edition.
ISBN: 978-1-4299-8472-0
1. Janzé, Alice de, 1899–1941. 2. Erroll, Josslyn Hay, Earl of, 1901–1941. 3. Murder—Kenya—Nairobi—Case studies. 4. British—Kenya—History—20th century. I. Title.
HV6535.K43N347 2010
First published in Great Britain by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd in 2010
Table of Contents
One: The Heiress
Two: The Countess
Three: Kenya
Four: Raymund and the Coup de Foudre
Five: The Shooting at the Gare du Nord
Six: Freedom and Exile
Seven: The Bride in Black and White
Eight: The Return to Happy Valley
Nine: The Gathering Storm
Ten: The New Elements
Eleven: The Murder of Lord Erroll
Twelve: The Trial of Jock Delves Broughton
Thirteen: The Case for Alice
Fourteen: A Green Bedroom Full of Flowers
Epilogue: The Missing Letter and the Great Beyond
Author’s Note
Cast of Characters
Family Trees