Rogue: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 1

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Rogue: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 1 Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  He wanted to touch him but was afraid Derek might stop if he ran his fingers through that silky black hair that was perfect and called to be touched. He didn’t want Derek to stop, his ministrations were sensual lightening sparking every nerve ending and settling him into a state of bliss he never experienced before.

  “Touch me Leo,” Derek commanded as if reading his mind. That fast his fingers were everywhere tunneling through Derek’s hair and touching every part of him within reach. Leo began to thrust as Derek’s seduction became overwhelming.

  Derek was enjoying the excitement of his mate and his energy was heightening the pleasure between them. Leo’s soft noises of satisfaction pushed Derek to proceed as planned. He stripped off the thin briefs and without pause took Leo’s cock to the base in one swallow lifting the man nearly off the bed with a reaction that was stunning.

  His mate was so responsive. Derek swallowed him over and overtaking him to the root each time. He felt Leo’s fingers tighten in his hair and the pain was delicious. He knew Leo was barely holding on. Derek increased his speed and pressure and brought his sweet little human to the edge and then over.

  Leo held his breath as Derek shredded him. His struggle to hold on wasn’t working he couldn’t stop and with a full-body arch, his orgasm slammed into him. He came and Derek took it all milking him to the point of tenderness. A soft groan and Derek released him. He licked his lips and kissed the head of Leo’s cock before standing and disrobing. All the time wearing the look of a fierce predator stalking their prey. On anyone else, that look would have put Leo off, scared him actually. But with Derek it fit, it was him and Leo knew in his bones that he had nothing to fear.

  Leo was enthralled by the man as he stripped showing all that muscle he’d felt when being held and caressed. His build was a sculptor’s dream. Derek was just as excited about this union as Leo if the hard, dripping cock jutting straight out towards him was any indicator. He wanted a taste of that so badly. He reached out but Derek shifted slightly avoiding contact.

  “Next time, baby,” Derek promised with a low growl. “Right now, I need to be buried inside you. I want to feel your silky walls gripping me tight.” Leo’s arousal flared with Derek’s sexy talk and he moved back on the bed giving Derek room to slide up beside him. But instead, Derek moved to hover over him spreading Leo’s legs and settling between them while he took Leo’s lips in another intensely possessive kiss.

  Leo held onto his shoulders as Derek continued to kiss him while pressing his thumb against Leo’s moist entrance. The fact that he was slick alarmed Leo for a moment and then assumed Derek had lube on his fingers. The thumb pushed inside and was quickly followed by the index finger. Derek was stretching him at a relentless pace and his eagerness fueled Leo’s own need to the point he was ready to forego preparation just to feel Derek inside of him.

  “Shh, baby,” Derek spoke into his ear, calming him instantly and then rained kisses down the side of his face and throat. In the next instant, Derek flipped Leo over onto his stomach and pushed his left leg up towards his shoulder spreading him wide as Derek lined up the head of his throbbing cock and just touched the throbbing tip to Leo’s entrance.

  He couldn’t see Derek, but he could feel every little thing he was doing to tease him into hysteria. Leo couldn’t remember wanting anything this much in his life. If Derek didn’t take him soon, he would expire right here in this tiny non-descript little apartment. Before his next thought, Derek pushed completely inside thrusting so deep and so fast Leo caught his breath and held it as sensations a combination of pain and pleasure roared through him.

  Derek tried to slow his thrusts, but it was impossible once he felt the tight moist heat of his mate’s channel there was no calming or slowing down. This was turning into a pleasure packed lust-filled race to the finish.

  He kissed Leo’s shoulder and upper back while holding Leo’s left leg high and pounding out his need slamming home each time deeper than the last. His mate was amazing and the feelings he was experiencing were powerful and mind-numbing in their intensity. He never thought it possible for him to feel so much for one person. He loved his brother and he valued his pack, but nothing compared to the soul-deep obsession he felt for Leo. This was incredible.

  He rode it out a few seconds more and could not hold back as he slammed in hard and held the position as he came filling his mate with his warm essence. He nuzzled his neck and then bit down breaking the skin on Leo’s shoulder at the base of his neck and sucked hard. He drank in the lifeblood of his mate and bonded their lives and souls together as one. Leo Russo belonged to him, he belonged to the wolf, Derek Vaughn of the Bay Harbor Pack.

  Leo moaned as his channel walls tightened and pulsed around Derek’s huge cock. The moment he came Leo felt the warmth fill him and the satisfaction that followed caused pleasure to spike through him. What he wasn’t prepared for was the bite, but it was as erotic and sensuous as everything that Derek had done to him.

  Derek’s arms were wrapped around him tightly and he continued to piston inside Leo as he bit down and sent Leo’s mind reeling with a feeling of being outside himself for a moment. He felt as if he’d connected with Derek in some odd way, but he couldn’t put words to what he was experiencing. All feelings and perceptions were suddenly magnified.

  Derek licked the area he’d bitten and suddenly the throbbing stopped and only a sweet tingling sensation remained. Leo was feeling too exhausted, satisfied, and perfect to ask questions. Questions were for another day another time.

  He felt Derek slip out of him move to the side and get off the bed. For a brief moment, Leo was stung by the thought that he was leaving, and his breath caught in his throat at the thought of being used and abandoned after something so earth-shattering.

  But then Derek returned to the bed with a warm, wet washcloth in his hand and rolled Leo over onto his back before carefully cleaning the drying seed from his groin and abdomen. The act was so intimate that Leo just lay still and watched as this man so perfect and so out of his league cleaned him up.

  Again, Leo had no words as Derek tossed the washcloth in the general direction of the bathroom. He then returned to the bed gathered Leo into his arms like he was precious or something and covered them both with the thin comforter from the foot of the bed.

  “Rest.” He said and turned out the light. One word and Leo felt compelled to obey. He rested his head on the shoulder of the arm that held him close and draping his left arm over Derek’s middle, went directly to sleep.


  Henrik hated to do it, but he had to call his brother. He’d planned on giving Derek several weeks off to pursue his mate, but the current circumstances called for his expertise. No one knew the outliers like Derek. “Was anyone hurt?” He shouted to his enforcer Koa who was first on the scene.

  “No, it destroyed the East section of the back porch but wasn’t powerful enough to damage the stone walls of the mansion itself. A timed device was set to go off just after four probably assuming everyone would be inside and asleep.” Koa reported.

  “Whoever they are, they didn’t care who they hurt.” Henrik walked the area with Koa and observed the damage. Zayn was with Javier and Seamus at the hotel, so it was just Henrik and Koa on site.

  “They probably wanted considerable destruction and death if possible.” Koa suggested. “Although it was a poor attempt at both.”

  “Possible,” Henrik remarked and bent to breathe in the embers of the blast hoping to pick up a trace or hint of the perpetrators. “Spread the word that it was an accident. No need to upset the locals. Tighten security, I want soldiers in the streets looking casual but alert for anything out of the ordinary. I should have been aware and taken this discord more seriously before it had a chance to fester. I thought it would pass.”

  “No one took it too seriously,” Koa admitted. “Except Derek and honestly I thought he was overreacting.”

  “Contact Javier and find out if he has a lead on any of the associates of K
ent Wisner?” With that, he turned and headed back inside to call Derek and get some names.


  Derek lay awake watching his mate sleeping in his arms and it was the most relaxing and fulfilling rest he’d ever had even though he had yet to close his eyes. He was too amazed to be able to sleep. He claimed his mate, Leo was his to love, to provide for, and to protect and it wasn’t upsetting or uncomfortable as he’d feared.

  Not having a background in polite social interactions and definitely not in romantic social interactions he’d been concerned as to his ability to be a proper mate. Not that he would walk away or deny what was his, he just thought it would be harder to get used to having someone around for whose welfare he was responsible. He even questioned if he had the capacity to make Leo happy.

  Thankfully it didn’t require anything more than being open to the beauty and promise that is offered when Fate sends you your mate. Having Leo with him seemed normal and natural now after just a few hours in his presence. He tightened his hold and dropped a kiss to Leo’s forehead. He hadn’t explained anything to Leo about mates, wolves, or bonding. They had a lot to discuss. But for now, he was going to hold him and appreciate this time, so quiet and perfect, with his mate resting in his arms.

  It was just past five in the morning when Derek heard his phone vibrate on the small table beside the bed. He easily reached it without disturbing his mate who was still sleeping snuggled to his side. He didn’t hesitate to answer because few people had his number and even fewer would dare to call it at five in the morning.

  “Derek, I’m sorry to interrupt your time with your mate, but we have a situation here.” Henrik’s voice was clear and to the point. Derek could hear the repressed rage beneath the civil tone. He eased his arm from around Leo and without waking him and stood up and walked across the room.

  “What do you need?” Derek asked as he began getting dressed. Henrik gave him a rundown of the evening's events and asked for the names of Kent’s associates.

  “Don’t worry about it, they’ll be dead before dawn.” Derek grabbed his leather jacket and slipped it on.

  “Don’t kill them, bring them to me,” Henrik ordered.

  “They’re not worth your time, Henrik.” Derek countered but Henrik did not respond. He’d been given an order and he would abide by it. “Yes, sir.” He said and closed the call.

  He watched as Leo stirred and slowly went to sit up. “You’re leaving?” He asked and the accusatory tone was not lost on Derek. He moved to sit on the edge and eased Leo back down onto the bed and tucked the comforter in around him.

  “I have to go to work.” He said and paused to kiss Leo’s forehead loving the look of discontent on his face. His mate did not want him to leave. There were few people in this world who ever longed for Derek’s presence and he was finding the attraction quite enjoyable.

  “You have to troubleshoot?” Leo asked so soft and suggestive.

  “Yes, but I’ll be back.” He assured and kissed him properly this time hot, provocative and with a promise of so much more to come. “Sleep baby, it’s still early.” Derek smoothed the soft strands of Leo’s thick red hair back from his face and marveled at the gift that Fate had given him. “Sleep, baby.” He repeated and with one more kiss he rose and left the apartment.

  Derek jogged back through the deserted streets of Eastport to where he’d left his car parked near the hotel. He knew the wolves who had been following Kent and his ravings, and he knew where to find them.

  He hadn’t confronted them earlier in a belief that once Kent was eliminated, they would settle back into their lives as dutiful members of the pack. He gave them one chance not to end up like Kent and Jonah. He wouldn’t make a mistake like that in the future. If he’d taken them all out at the same time, they wouldn’t have been around to threaten the lives of those who reside at the Mansion.

  He’d told Kent that he was going to eradicate his followers and he should have followed through with that promise. Soft hearts get people killed, he told Henrik on numerous occasions and here he was falling into that same insidious trap of sympathy.

  He would bring them to Henrik alive, but he didn’t say that they had to be in one piece. The fact that their treachery had torn him away from his newly bonded mate just exacerbated the hatred he held for them. He came upon them quickly because they had not even bothered to run and hide.

  There they were, the two of them together gloating over the destruction they inflicted on the Pack and hoping for loss of life at the Mansion. They were scum and should never have been given quarter after their involvement with Kent Wisner was made apparent. It was a good lesson for the future.

  Frank and Jim sat side by side on the back deck of Jim’s pack-financed and pack-built home. Henrik took him in and gave him a job and a home when he showed up and claimed lone wolf status due to his family ostracizing him from his home pack in Indiana.

  Now that Derek had a clear understanding of the man’s character, there were probably good reasons for his family ostracizing him. He and Henrik had taken too much at face value. They were, as a rule, better at separating the good from the bad but this one had gotten by them with his pleas for support and an earnest vow of loyalty. Nothing but a crock of shit and now he would pay and pay dearly.

  As for Frank, he was a useless pain in the ass since the day he was born so it was no surprise when he joined up with the grumbling, self-aggrandizing faction lead by Kent. Always after easy power and money with little investment. Unfortunately, this time he will learn that he made the greatest investment of all, his life.

  “Good morning, boys.” He said as he stepped from the tree cover at the edge of the back yard and proceeded forward. “I understand you’ve had a busy night.” He added and relished the shock and fear that consumed them at his presence. Now that was the reaction he lived for.

  They made to run but Derek was on them in a flash moving swifter than any wolf they’d encountered in their lives. Derek and Henrik were black wolves from a lineage known only in myth and legend. They’re speed, agility and size were unmatched, yet some were slow, as in the case of Frank and Jim, to see them as a deadly threat until said death was upon them.

  Derek held them both by their necks and began dragging them off the deck and across the lawn. They fought but their efforts were useless. “I should have killed you when I killed Kent and Jonah,” Derek commented and felt them both tense as they tried to gain their footing. But Derek was not being gentle or accommodating as he dug his fingers deep into the soft flesh of their throats and continued to drag them towards the Mansion.

  “What do I get for showing you two a kindness? You try to kill my brother and any other innocent who may have been on the porch when you detonated your explosive. You’re wolves, cowardly but still wolves. Where is your honor? Like Kent and Jonah, you kill randomly and from the bushes and you deserve nothing but death.” Derek berated them with a flat emotionless tone that unnerved.

  Frank tried to speak but Derek choked off any words he may have to say. He had no time to listen to their drivel. Their words at this point meant nothing. They sought to overthrow Henrik without ever having to face him. They were the worst kind of cowards.

  By the time they reached the steps of the Mansion, both Frank and Jim were quite worse for the wear. Derek had made sure they felt every step on their way to the site of their treachery. He dragged them through the destruction they inflicted upon the porch. “Everything you own will be sold to pay for the repairs.” He stated as he opened the front door and threw them inside where they landed at Alpha Henrik’s feet.

  They were smart enough not to speak but not smart enough not to try and run. Derek grabbed Frank and held him aloft and Zayn grabbed Jim as he tried to escape upstairs. “Bring them out back,” Henrik stated and they followed as he stepped outside and headed for the huge sprawling back yard.


  Leo lay in bed for a few hours after Derek had left wondering why he had to leave an
d hoping that he returned soon. He really didn’t have a good grasp on what it was that Derek did for the Vaughn Corporation. How long does troubleshooting take and what does the job entail? Does he deal with the employees, computer systems, business associates? Leo had no clue.

  As a matter of fact, he really didn’t know much about the man who made love to him last night. He was Derek Vaughn, brother of Henrik Vaughn the CEO and President of the Vaughn Corporation. The truth of Derek’s connections, authority, and influence brought with it a tightness to Leo’s gut and anxiety to his mind. A man like Derek Vaughn would not be satisfied with someone like him for very long.

  He probably considered the bartenders, waiters, service staff as sexual snacks along the way as he waited to find the appropriate mover and shaker to form a proper and public relationship. Or worse still, the man could be married already. Damn, Leo’s thoughts became more and more ominous the longer he lay there staring at the ceiling. It might be only seven but it was time to get up.

  Following a shower and breakfast, he moved to the one clear window located in the corner of his living room that looked out over the main street below. The only other window was in the bath and was covered in a thin whitewash that looked like shit but provided privacy. He drank his coffee and people watched not admitting to himself that he hoped to see Derek coming across the street. But no, he sat there until eleven and all he saw were strangers.

  He was about to grab his coat and head to the café a few doors down when his cell phone began to ring. Hurriedly he snatched it off the table and answered wondering if it could be Derek, but it wasn’t. It was his brother Max back in Chicago.

  “Hey, Max.” He answered and sat back down to continue watching the street.

  “How’s it going?” Max asked but his voice had a tightness to it that indicated he had more on his mind than idle chit chat.


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