Rogue: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 1

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Rogue: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 1 Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  He walked out the public entrance and slammed the door behind him. Fuck he hated people who didn’t know how to mind their own damned business. Derek was not a heartless monster, just an average guy who tended to love them and leave them. Not a crime and not a personality deficit, it’s just life. Little did Mike know that he and Derek were probably done before Mike opened his eyes that morning and his tirade in there had been completely unnecessary.

  But with that said it didn’t take away from the fact Mike was just one more bully thinking he could run Leo’s life for him. Not going to happen, never again would he be controlled through threats and intimidation. Mike could stick that job right up his ass. Leo had only been there two weeks so he didn’t need their reference he could lean on the reference he had from Max to find another position.

  The sun was beginning to set but it was still light out. He stopped and considered taking the alley again but Max’s words of ‘be careful’ came back to him and he turned towards the main street instead. He stayed aware of his surroundings and at one point thought he was being followed but chalked it up to his heightened anxiety.


  Derek pulled into the underground parking garage and entered the hotel through the lobby entrance. He’d stopped home and freshened up before coming to see his mate. It wasn’t something he thought about most of the time. But he wanted to look good for Leo and didn’t want to run the risk that some of the carnage that Hendrik waged today had gotten on his clothing. Nothing killed a mood quicker than a splash of blood and guts.

  His need to see Leo was growing more desperate with each passing moment and he quickened his steps. He made his way over to the Black Dog Lounge and his anticipation was spiking until he took a step inside the establishment. The heaviness in the air hit him and he felt the anger and frustration of his mate swamp his senses. Glancing at the bar he saw Sam and Toby tending bar. Toby was the kitchen help, not a bartender.

  Sam caught his attention and Derek walked up to the bar. “Leo left shortly after he arrived today,” Sam told him and then elaborated. “He quit.” After he said that, Sam looked over at Mike and then back at Derek. Nothing else needed to be said.

  Derek’s darkening mood began to circulate the room like a developing storm. Those who were keen as to the source paid their bills and left. Those who remained just looked confused and uncomfortable as they looked around wondering what was going on.

  “Everybody out, except you.” Derek pointed at Mike. His tone was deep and sharp. His eyes tracked Mike as he moved about the bar appearing visibly shaken and unsure of his next move. The place was empty within seconds both customers and staff vacated without question or comment. Derek locked the door and the click of the bolt echoed in the empty lounge. The room was deathly still as Derek moved one slow step at a time towards Mike who was now standing in the center of the room.

  “Leo quit of his own accord. I didn’t fire him.” Mike erupted, trying to explain. He knew where Derek’s anger originated.

  “Why would he quit? He told me last night how much he liked his job here.” Derek kept his tone low and threatening. He was livid but he wanted answers first and then he would deal with Mike. Mike didn’t answer right away and when he tried his words came out in a rush.

  “I was worried about him being with you,” Mike said and then reluctantly added. “I told him that if he didn’t stop seeing you, I would fire him and then he quit.” Mike was afraid and hyperventilating but all Derek was registering was that his mate would rather give up his job than give up him. It was quite touching. His mate was not unaffected, and the bond was growing nicely and that was a huge relief.

  Derek’s sudden elation at Mike’s admission was playing havoc with his previous plan to kill the man. He tamped down his joy regarding Leo and grabbed Mike by the throat. “You dare to make threats against my mate,” Derek stated and tightened his grip. Mike shook his head rapidly as the word mate sunk in and the ramifications became clear. He denied that threats were his intent.

  “I was worried about him.” He choked out while clutching at Derek’s hand.

  “I doubt that, Mike. Tell me the truth. I will not ask you again.” Derek let go of his throat and dropped him back onto his feet. Mike gasped for air and took a few moments to be able to speak. Lucky for him, he decided that truth was the way to go.

  “He . . . he saw me with Toby. I mean I think he saw me with Toby. I didn’t want him to tell you. I could be fired, and my girlfriend and my family would find out that I’m gay. I panicked and decided I needed to keep him away from you until I figured a way around this.” Mike had slumped down onto one of the benches and he dropped his head into his hands.

  “Leo is probably the only person around here who doesn’t know about you and Toby,” Derek told him and turned his back to gather his thoughts and decide his next action. “I’d be surprised if your girlfriend and your family don’t already know. It hasn’t been a secret for a long time, Mike.”

  “But how, I’ve been so careful?” Mike was back on his feet.

  “You might have been careful, Toby not so much.” Derek turned back to regard him.

  “I’m ending it.” He stated. “It’s not worth the stress and Toby’s appeal is rapidly wearing off.” Mike pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his brow.

  Derek walked up to him abruptly and stood but a few inches from his face as he spoke. “You will call Leo and apologize for inserting yourself into his business and offer him his job back with a raise. You will get down on your knees and kiss his feet if that is what it takes to get him back here. Do you understand me?” Derek had enough of Mike’s drama and needed to clarify his position in this matter. Mike nodded.

  “If you ever bother him again, if you so much as say a cross word in his direction, I will kill you.” He stared into Mike’s repentant gaze making sure he grasped the severity of the situation. “You know me Mike, and you know that I don’t make empty threats.”

  “I’m sorry.” Mike expressed regret. Derek satisfied for the moment, turned towards the public entrance and began to walk away. “Congratulations on finding your mate,” Mike spoke softly. Derek did not respond and continued out the door deciding he could reach Leo’s apartment quicker on foot than going back for his car.


  Leo had just sat down to watch a little TV when his phone rang. When he picked it up, he nearly didn’t answer when he saw that it was Mike from the bar. Thinking it probably was regarding his last check he decided to answer.

  “What do you want?” Leo was not in the mood for banter or niceties.

  “I’m sorry for the way that I treated you tonight and yesterday. You have every right to be upset but I’m asking for you to reconsider your resignation. I promise never to tread on your private life again and I will keep our relationship, such as it is, strictly business. Please, Leo, I need you here and I’m sincerely sorry.” To say that Leo was blown away would be an understatement.

  “I think that it is better that we part ways and I find a job elsewhere,” Leo responded still in disbelief. Mangers never apologize, and they would never lower themselves and grovel to retain a lowly member of staff like himself. But this was Mike and he was begging.

  “No, please Leo I need you here. Take the rest of the night off with pay and be here tomorrow at five. There’s a dollar an hour raise if you accept.” Mike sweetened his offer and Leo was eating it up. It must have taken him too long to respond because Mike immediately raised his offer. “Two dollars an hour.” He said anxiously.

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Leo agreed, two dollars was a significant raise and he couldn’t just walk away from an offer like that.

  “Thank you,” Mike said sounding relieved and they closed the call. Leo sat there staring at his phone wondering how that had just happened. It was inconceivable but here he was with his job back and a two-dollar raise.

  All things became clear when before he set his phone down, he received a message from Sam. Hi
s brief text explained it all. Derek had come to the bar to see him and found out he’d quit. He then met with Mike privately and according to Sam, Derek was pissed and had cleared the bar for their private talk. It was childish and immature, but Leo was swooning with the way Derek had defended him and forced Mike to backtrack.

  He wasn’t sure about keeping the job though since it was offered along with the raise under duress. He accepted that the atmosphere might be a little toxic at this point. He thanked Sam for the information and assured him he would be returning to work tomorrow. He’d agreed so he would give it a try but if it felt wrong, he wasn’t staying.

  Leo got up and walked over to the window and wondered if Derek would stop by tonight. He’d searched him out at the bar so he’d probably head over here, at least Leo hoped he would. His apprehensions and concerns regarding Derek’s sincerity were still there but he wanted to see him again. Leo stepped back from the window when he saw Derek coming towards his building. Anticipation was riding him hard, but he fought to look calm and unaffected as he straightened his clothes, checked his hair and took a seat on the corner of his bed.


  As Derek approached Leo’s apartment, he noticed two men standing out in front of the furniture store as if waiting for something or someone. The store was closed on Sundays, so they weren’t there for furniture. He looked directly at them and both turned and walked away down the street giving him their backs. He stood and stared after them until they disappeared into a parking lot about three blocks ahead. He then went over to where they’d been standing and took in their scent. They were human and if they came around again, he would know them.

  The incident gave him pause. They were suspicious but they hadn’t done anything. His wolf didn’t like it and wanted to pursue the men, but Derek had been away from his mate too long. He opened the door to the stairway and hurried up to Leo’s apartment.

  To his absolute delight, the door opened before he had time to knock and Leo stood there with a sultry smile. He looked just as delicious and alluring as he had that morning.

  “Come in,” Leo said and stepped back to allow him past and then closed the door behind him. “Your troubleshooting all taken care of?” He asked and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed and patted the space next to him with his hand. It was an invitation Derek would not ignore and eagerly sat down and placed his arm loosely around Leo’s waist.

  Derek dropped several kisses to Leo’s shoulder and then turned Leo’s face towards him to capture his lips in the kiss he’d been waiting all day to enjoy. The sensations exploded through his mind and body as he explored once again the beauty of Leo Russo. He wanted to lay him out on the bed and experience his gorgeous body so fresh in his memory were the enticing curves and eagerness of his mate.

  He felt Leo’s hands slip beneath his coat and mold to the muscles of his body. Skimming and massaging the surface and tantalizing him to go further. His mate was perfect for him. Most men would have been angry after being ignored for so long after such a night together, but Leo had confidence in himself and Derek. The bond had a lot to do with his attitude, but it only assisted what was already there, it didn’t make a person into someone they weren’t.

  Derek eased Leo onto his back and moved to nuzzle the claiming scar on Leo’s neck and received a luscious moan for his effort. The scar was the most sensitive of locations after a claiming. If only Leo knew he was the mate of a shifter, a black wolf and one of the largest of his kind apart from Henrik, who was indeed the largest. Derek continued to stimulate the scar and held Leo as he squirmed and whined so sweetly into Derek’s shoulder.

  “I missed you,” Derek spoke breathlessly against Leo’s ear.

  “I missed you too. I hardly know you but I . . .” Leo’s words fell off, but Derek needed to know what he was going to say.

  “You what?” He raised up on his elbows to stare down at Leo looking so sexy and disheveled beneath him.

  “I don’t want to sound simpering or stupid and have you run away.” He admitted and Derek barked a laugh, it was a sound he didn’t make often but Leo was just that precious. He cuddled him close and rolled to his side so that Leo lay half on top. It was such a pleasure to hold him so close and be able to just relax together with no expectations, just being there was enough.

  He never trusted or truly loved anyone but his brother for the entirety of his life. But now his heart was wide open for this little human and for no reason whatsoever he trusted him with his life.

  “I heard you quit your job.” Derek threw out as a tease.

  “Yeah, management was putting rules of conduct in place that I didn’t agree with,” Leo answered joining the game that Derek started.

  “I have it on good authority that Mike’s going to ask you back and there will be no new rules of conduct.” Derek leaned over and kissed Leo’s forehead.

  “He already did and with a raise. I accepted but I’m not making any promises. I will not be dictated to or controlled; I left that life back in Chicago.” Leo told him not realizing he was opening a whole new line of discussion.

  “Tell me about your life in Chicago.” Derek immediately prompted.

  Fuck, fuck, Leo repeated over and over in his mind. He didn’t want to go there now not when Derek was holding and kissing him and making him feel like a prince. His life in Chicago could wait for another less sexually charged moment.

  “It’s a long, complicated and boring story. How about we shelve it for another time?” Leo made his best attempt at diverting the topic, but Derek’s silence told him it hadn’t been enough.

  “I have plenty of time.” Derek returned not the least put off by the prospect of a long story. Leo was about to begin somewhere in the middle of the difficulties around the time his Uncle began to operate the family hotels as criminal enterprises, but he was suddenly and rudely cut off.


  An explosion of glass erupted into the room and rained down on them. Derek had him flipped onto his stomach with his face towards the bed and Derek on top of him in a blink of an eye. He had him completely blanketed and protected from the fallout of whatever happened. Together Derek slid them off the side of the bed and onto the floor with Derek still shielding him.

  “Stay down.” He said and moved to the side of the window and looked out scanning the area, but no one was there. He reached over and flicked off the overhead light plunging the room in complete darkness. Derek scooted over to the door and opened it. Looking back at Leo he gave him the same order over again.

  Leo stayed down and just nodded so Derek knew he heard him. Derek knew what he was doing and Leo began to understand what his job of troubleshooting might entail at the Vaughn Corporation.

  He listened as Derek went down the stairs and out the front door. He stayed on the floor and waited. Several minutes passed before he heard someone coming up the stairs and, in his gut, he knew it was Derek. Leo didn’t know how he knew but he knew and was not afraid.

  “They’re gone, there’s nobody out there,” Derek said as he helped Leo to his feet and tucked him under his arm effectively protecting him from anything that might happen.

  “What broke the window?” Leo asked and Derek picked up a chunk of brick from the floor. He turned it over several times in his hand.

  “Simple, but effective.” He brought it to his nose and sniffed it. Then he tossed it back onto the floor. He reached over and took Leo’s jacket and helped him put it on. “Pack whatever you can’t live without.” He said. “You’re staying with me tonight.” It was not a suggestion and the dominance of this man should be chaffing but it wasn’t, it was reassuring. Leo wasn’t sure why he was all over the board with his feelings right now but staying the night with Derek was a good idea and he wasn’t going to fight it.

  “Do you have enemies?” Derek asked as he kept watch out the window and also observed Leo stuffing a few things into a duffle bag. The question caught him up short and Leo wasn’t sure how to answer. He either involv
ed Derek in his family drama or not.

  The brick through the window was a classic Raymond move it was to make you aware that he knew how to get to you. He did not doubt that his uncle was behind the broken window and as he thought about it, he was probably behind Leo’s beat down the other night.

  Derek watched his mate and saw the uncertainty shadowing his features. He had a story but wasn’t sure whether he could share it. Derek needed to convince him that he could. “I’m not going anywhere.” He began firm and to the point. “No matter what you tell me it will not scare me away. I have plenty to tell you that is probably as bad or worse than anything you have to share.”

  Derek walked up to him and held him gently by the upper arms. Leo looked up at. “Talk to me, baby, I want to help you.” He was so beautiful and so conflicted Derek didn’t know what else to say to get him to open up.

  “As I told you before the window was smashed, it’s a long story. It involves my father’s will, my uncle taking control of everything and forcing my brother and me out and a smattering of criminal activity.” Leo summarized it but Derek got the gist and it sounded like trouble had followed his mate. He dropped a kiss to those plump lips because he just couldn’t resist and turned Leo towards the door.

  “Let’s go, you can tell me more during the ride.” Derek grabbed the duffle and slung it over his shoulder and put his other arm around Leo. He was feeling damned protective right now and wished that he’d brought his car. “I left my car at the hotel.” He said as they stepped out on the sidewalk. “Move fast and stay alert.”

  “Okay,” Leo responded and they took off. Derek kept Leo tucked up next to him so if anything happened, he was in control of his mate. He recognized the scent on the brick as belonging to the two men who had been standing outside Leo’s apartment. He hadn’t shared that information yet not wanting to upset his mate. He needed to get Leo home and in a safe protected environment and then he would tell him everything.


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