Rogue: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 1

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Rogue: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 1 Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

  “Let me help,” Derek said and within seconds Leo was lying there naked, spread out on the lush comforter of the bed. It was like a large cloud so soft and comfortable beneath his bare body. Derek stood there all tanned and muscled and just stared at him. Usually, it would make Leo self-conscious and he’d be trying to cover himself but with Derek, he just ate up the attention.

  Rolling to one side Leo propped himself up on his elbow and stared right back at the gorgeous man. “You are so handsome.” He said not caring how it sounded because this was Derek. Although their time together had been limited every minute had been highly charged and Leo found himself desiring this man in a way, he hadn’t desired anyone else. He had secrets, massive secrets but right now Leo wanted to feel the bond that was growing between them. He wanted Derek.

  It wasn’t just that Derek treated him so sweetly or gave him the best sexual experience of his life. It went deeper than that and the connection between then just steadily got stronger like a solid bond of mind and emotion. It was something he would not have believed real between two people if he wasn’t experiencing it firsthand.

  “You’re the handsome one, baby and you’re all mine.” Derek rolled Leo onto his back and settled on top so perfectly their bodies molded to one another. They were so different yet fit together like pieces of a puzzle. “I claimed you last night, but I need to claim you again.” He began a flurry of light kisses to the scar on the base of Leo’s neck. It elicited instant reactions ranging from moans to shivers. The sensitivity had heightened with each caress.

  Without thinking about it he wrapped his legs around Derek’s waist and began thrusting against him. Derek’s hands began a gentle massage of Leo’s fleshy bottom holding firm and responding to his thrust. “I love your body, Leo,” Derek said softly but with a gravel base that titillated.

  Derek moved to grip Leo’s legs and move them higher lifting him slightly from the bed and revealing his still tender hole to Derek’s gaze. It took little prep to have him ready and for that Derek was pleased because he couldn’t hold back the driving need to be inside his mate immediately. His wolf was still on edge from the incident at the apartment and was demanding that they claim their mate again ensuring that the world knew that Leo belonged to them.

  “I need you.” He admitted before plunging inside stretching and plundering the depths of Leo’s pleasure. He faced him this time wanting to see the contentment the satisfaction and desire as they presented so deliciously in his mate’s expressions. “Being inside you is the experience of a lifetime.” He breathed the words against Leo’s lips before taking them once again in a ravenous kiss while hammering into his tight embrace.

  Leo held on as Derek pounded out a steady beat against his tender sensitized flesh. It was thrilling him to the bone and all he could do was pant and ask for more. “I don’t care what you are or who you are, I’m falling hard for you.” Leo’s words came out in broken utterances drenched in the delight Derek was bestowing. It was too much too soon but Leo was beyond caring about his words at this point.

  Derek kissed him again after his confession, but this kiss was hotter and more demanding than the others and was packed with a component of promise and anticipation. “I’m falling for you too, sweetheart.” His words had more gravel than usual and again the sound made Leo moan and reached down to pleasure himself while Derek continued his punishing thrusts.

  Derek nearly came as he watched Leo grab his cock and start to stroke it. The sight was wicked and salacious, and Derek couldn’t get enough. He moved a little to the side, so he had a perfect view as he thrust deep and held himself while watching Leo squirm with ecstasy and stroke himself harder and faster. Derek roared and came filling his mate with stream after stream of warm seed filling him fully.

  Leo was seeing stars with the overload of sensations and when Derek struck biting him again in the same place it was astonishing the level of sensitivity that he reached. Once Derek pierced his skin Leo lost it and came filling the space between then and his own hand with his essence. He came so hard that it hurt but in the best way possible.

  He felt Derek lick the wound as he had before and gently pulled out to lay beside him. “I’m not just falling for you, baby, I fucking love you,” Derek stated loud and clear and Leo was stunned first by the declaration but then the allure of his words set in causing a gentle pleasing sigh to bubble from his lips.

  “I think I love you too,” Leo told him with a teasing smile. “But now that we have our carnal needs satiated for the moment. I think you have some explaining to do. I’ll keep an open mind and I will try very hard to understand.”

  Derek dropped a hungry kiss to Leo’s lips and then sat up. “Let me clean you up first and then we’ll talk.” He smiled and headed for the bathroom.

  Once they were freshened up and snug in bed Derek pulled Leo to him and had him rest his head on Derek’s chest. “I want to hold you while I try and explain who I am and how your life is about to change.”

  “The things you said.” Leo broke in softly, his breath fanning against Derek’s heated skin. “Were you speaking figuratively or literally? Let’s start with that.”

  “Everything I’ve said to you has been the truth. I’m as literal as they get.” Derek responded and then continued with his explanation. Leo held onto him and listened as each statement and description provided a bazaar clarification for all the questions and concerns Leo was having. It was all punctuated when Derek carefully while holding Leo secure began to shift showing him the beast he’d seen in the alley. He held the half shift for a few minutes and then shifted back.

  “In the alley that first night you saw my face transform.” Derek prompted and Leo nodded. “My wolf recognized you as his mate and was coming forward to present himself and to get a look at you.” Derek paused to drop a kiss to Leo’s forehead. Leo needed the touching and affection if he were going to be able to process everything Derek was laying on him right now.

  The stories were fantastic and unbelievable, yet Leo believed every word Derek was telling him. He wasn’t making this up for sport and he wasn’t crazy, so the only other choice was truth. Leo had lived in Napierville his entire life which was just outside Chicago and worked in the hotel industry for years. He’d witnessed many strange occurrences and heard things he could not explain. With this new revelation of the world around him many of those things fell into place. Derek opened this door and now the world around him was making a little more sense.

  To seal the deal, Derek knew that Leo needed to see every part of him, not just a half shift. Derek got out of bed and moved to stand a little ways away. Leo sat up and moved towards the edge of the bed, the sheet draped over his nakedness and questions filling his eyes.

  It happened so fast Leo could hardly believe what he was seeing, where his handsome and dangerous Derek had been standing, now stood an enormous and equally dangerous wolf. It was the largest beast Leo had ever seen, covered in the thickest and blackest fur. Leo knew he should be terrified, but he felt nothing but peace as he looked at the wolf before him. He stared into the crisp blue eyes and saw Derek looking back at him. It was all true. This was Derek’s truth.

  The wolf moved towards him carefully, whimpering a bit making sure he didn’t scare his mate. Leo reached out and the wolf let out a sigh and nuzzled the offered hand. Leo couldn’t believe how soft the fur was and how strong the muscles beneath were. He knew, down to his soul that this wolf was his destiny. This beast would move heaven and earth for him.

  “I believe Derek,” Leo said with misty eyes.

  Derek shifted back and climbed in next to Leo, tucking him up close under his arm and pushing a calming sensation over him. He knew it was coming from Derek because at this point in the conversation Leo knew he wouldn’t be able to produce it on his own. “The calm I’m feeling, is it coming from you?” He decided to ask.

  “Yes, we bonded last night in your bed. I spilled inside you and when I bit you it sealed our bond and now, our souls a
re connected so I can send you calm, and peace and I can feel you just as you feel me. I was planning on waiting and having this conversation first but neither I nor my wolf could resist the claim when you were lying in my arms so open and eager. I’m not a strong man where you are concerned, Leo.” Derek dropped another kiss.

  “You are the strongest of men, Derek.” Leo shot back. “I won’t lie and say I completely understand or that this isn’t blowing my mind because it is. But what I can say is that I believe you. Perhaps it’s the bond but I am aware of you on a level that feels as if we are of one mind. I know without a doubt that everything you’ve told me is a fact.”

  Derek rolled him onto his back and hovered over him with a satisfaction that was tangible. “I knew you were perfect the minute I saw you.” He smiled and kissed him thoroughly this time not a peck on the cheek or an assuring kiss to the forehead this was passion, raw and wild.

  Leo still had questions although it was hard to keep his mind on them when Derek was pleasuring him so sweetly. He cupped Derek’s face and looked deeply into those cold blue eyes that at present appeared to be on fire.

  “I understand your background, where you came from, that you claimed me as your mate and that your brother Henrik is the Alpha and leader of this wolf pack. What’s not clear is what this means for me. Who am I and how will I fit into your life?”

  Derek thought he hit the jackpot with getting his thoughts across to his mate. Leo was understanding the supernatural and accepting his wolf. He was acknowledging Derek’s world as true, but through it all, he failed to understand his own place in it. Leo was everything to him and he thought he’d made that clear.

  “A wolf has one predestined mate given to them by Fate. They recognize them by sight, smell and taste. I knew you the moment I saw you clearly and once I got your scent, I was lost in you.” Derek watched as Leo struggled to hold onto and process each word. “I’ve been around a long time. Wolves have a life span that is far beyond that of a human. We live three hundred years at the very least, barring catastrophe, and there have been some who have made it to five. I’m a hundred and thirty-four years old. My brother is a hundred and forty-one.”

  Derek paused when he saw Leo’s eyes grow wide, but he did not comment. “I’ve lived all those years alone, more alone than most because I tend to shun society. Until I saw you, I thought my life was okay and satisfying. But when you appeared everything changed for me. I never want another, I will never look at another and no one but you will ever satisfy me for the rest of my existence. Mates are sacred and adored within my world because they complete the promise of Fate.” Derek punctuated that declaration with another hard kiss making his words and claim clear.

  “Your life will extend to match mine and your general health will improve as will your ability to heal. Wolves are power and now you process some of that power through our bond. We will be together forever. This isn’t a union that can be ignored or discarded, it is endless. You have become the center of my world and I cannot exist if you are not near. Am I making myself clear?” Derek ended it there, exhausted by the amount of emotion that bled from him in the last few minutes.

  Leo traced the corner of Derek’s lips and stared into his beseeching expression. “Together forever.” He repeated Derek’s words. “I’d like that. I’ve never had anyone every care about me except for my brother. From an early age, it was just the two of us. Our mother died when I was seven and Max was nine. She fell and hit her head and just never woke up. Father provided for us physically but that was the extent to which he would give himself. Only Max, all I ever had was Max.”

  Derek was intrigued by the similarities in their lives although they lived starkly different existences, they had several meaningful connections. Fate gave him what he needed, a man whose emotional losses vaguely mirrored his own but who had leaned into the light instead of the darkness in order to cope. “I can be a very jealous bastard, baby. What’s mine is mine.” Derek informed just so Leo knew the score.

  “So can I, baby. What’s mine is mine.” Leo countered and reached up to pull him down for another kiss. Derek experienced, at that moment, the taste of utter peace for the first time in his life.


  The following morning, they were up early and having breakfast with Henrik, Zayn and three men that were introduced as pack enforcers which was explained to Leo as a sort of the security force. Everyone was considerably more open and warmer than they were last night.

  “I’m glad Derek explained everything to you. It’s hard to have a real conversation when you have to be so careful of your words. Now you know and that knowledge is a sacred trust. Our existence is secret as is every paranormal society. You can’t tell anyone not even your brother.” Henrik explained further this rite of passage he was going through and made sure to mark his words with a glare that was as solid as concrete.

  Leo suddenly had a thought and blurted it out. “Every paranormal society?” He parroted the statement. “There are more than wolves and jackals?” Henrik looked at Derek indicating it was his place to enlighten his mate. Leo turned to his Derek while random possibilities raced through his mind.

  “There are bear shifters, they tend to gather more in the north country and don’t run in packs. They stay in familial groups.” Leo listened as Derek casually filled in all the blanks in a very clear and academic manner. “Vampires, we have a local coven here in Eastport located on the Old Mission Peninsula. The Master of that coven is Sam Cabot’s Uncle.”

  “Sam, the guy I work with?” Leo burst.

  “Yeah, he’s a vampire and so is a good share of the staff at the front desk. The Coven and this Pack have an understanding and to a certain extent a shared territory agreement. Master Emmanuel Cabot and Henrik are allies of sorts.” Derek looked too reasonable and at ease as he shared the most fantastical things Leo had ever heard.

  “Okay, just stop there for now. I can only process so much. I’ll let you know when I’m ready for more.” Leo dropped his head and shook it as he tried to take it in. The table erupted in laughter at the way Leo raised his hand and Derek had immediately stopped talking.

  “You’re an amazing young man, Leo.” Zayn teased. “Derek is going to have his hands full.” They continued to snicker at Derek’s expense. But Derek lifted his cold gaze at them and then contrasted that look with a wicked smile.

  “You have no idea.” Derek winked and turned his loving attention to Leo. With a collective groan, the three enforcers excused themselves and left the room.

  “Well, the good news is if you can find your mate, perhaps the rest of us have a shot as well.” Zayn finished with a congratulations and went to the other room to answer his phone. He wasn’t gone more than a few moments when he came back and announced there was an attempted breach on the East boundary.

  “I’m going with you Zayn,” Derek stated and with a quick kiss to Leo’s lips got up from the table. “If it’s the guys from last night I’ll know.” He explained his impatience. “Stay here and I’ll be back.” He told Leo before following Zayn out of the room. Leo sat there not sure what to do.

  “Derek can seem reactionary, but he is very rarely wrong. Whoever is attempting to gain entry is most likely looking for you so please do as he asks and stay close to the Mansion. He’ll be back directly.” Henrik advised. “Have you contacted your brother this morning?”

  “I tried but it went to voice mail. I sent a text and he texted back that he would call me later.” Leo felt compelled to tell the man the entire conversation which struck him as super odd, but he couldn’t help himself. “I’ll try again.” Leo got up and walked to the front porch needing the air and wanting privacy with his call.

  Max’s situation was weighing heavy on him and waiting was driving him crazy. When Max didn’t answer his call, he sent a text demanding that Max contact him. Within about fifteen minutes he received a text and Leo was shocked but also relieved. “I left last night and, on my way, driving to you in Eastport. I�
��ll be at your apartment by noon, meet me there.”

  Leo responded trying to get more information, but Max just sent a short message saying he was driving and couldn’t text. Leo looked around wondering as to his best approach to getting out of this compound and back to his apartment by noon. It was after nine and he doubted Derek would be back before noon considering he was investigating a breach in security. It didn’t sound like a problem that would be solved quickly. If he called him, Derek would tell him to wait.

  He went back inside and looked around, but Henrik was nowhere around, and this place was too huge to go looking, besides he’d say the same thing. He’d tell him to wait for Derek. But he couldn’t wait he had to be home when Max arrived. It was something he had to do because he couldn’t let Max down again.

  He went up to the bedroom he and Derek had occupied and got his jacket and left a short note on the side table for Derek. Derek would look for him when he returned, and he didn’t want to just disappear. He then headed back downstairs and out the door.

  The area was guarded by wolf guards so getting out the front gate or off the property in a conventional manner was probably out of the question. He would be stopped, and Derek would be called. He needed to get out of there now and get back home. He had no time to try and explain that he had no time. He wouldn’t leave Max hanging.

  His mind was spinning with the many terrible reasons why Max would take off in the night. If Raymond’s men were after him then Leo needed to be at the apartment when he arrived. It was confusing and upsetting and Leo just hoped he was making the right decisions. He was panicking for his brother’s safety and for the fact he couldn’t seem to find a way out of this place.

  Then it hit him, this was Bay Harbor. The community was on the bay. The bay had a beach and beaches were not fenced off. It could be his way out. When he started walking East towards town, he saw a guard walking towards him. He knew it was a guard because he was built like the other wolves large and muscular with eyes that bore right through you.


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