The Public Option

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by Ganesh Sitaraman

  Great Recession (2008), 5, 74, 124, 126, 136. See also stock market crashes

  Greenlight, 225

  Hacker, Jacob, 14, 87, 210, 216–217

  Head Start program, 200–201

  Heald College, 150

  health care: ACA, 2–3, 57–58, 90, 202–203, 208–218; employee-sponsored benefits in, 12–15, 24–25, 132, 134, 203–205; financial system for, 51, 91, 208–209, 217, 219–220, 241n8; Medicaid, 13, 35, 41, 206–207, 213; Medicare, 13, 26, 51, 206, 207; proposed public options for, 2–3, 26, 34, 210–211, 215–222; VA scandal, 71, 73

  Health Care for America (HCFA), 210

  Heritage Foundation, 208, 218

  higher education: graduation rates in, 259n34; grants for, 19, 20, 152, 154; neoliberal model in, 19–20, 25, 150–151; paid by GI Bill, 149, 152, 156; predatory recruitment in, 149–150, 155–157; proposed public option in, 3, 79, 158–168; student loans, 25–26, 79, 150, 152, 154, 157–158; successes and failures of, 151–158; voucher programs in, 67–68, 86–87, 242n1. See also education, K–12

  Hope Scholarship, 152, 154

  hospital insurance program, 206. See also Medicare

  Host Hotels and Resorts, 15–16

  hotel management, 15–16

  housing: mortgage marketplace, 40, 120, 124; mortgage subsidies program, 88, 120, 123–124; public option in, 7, 119–122, 251n46; residential segregation, 111–112, 113–115, 122; rural vs. urban inequality, 41–42; voucher program for, 122–123, 125

  Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act (1978), 230

  Illinois, 110, 121

  individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 36, 59, 133. See also retirement savings

  inequality, arguments on public options and, 32, 40–42, 75–76, 90–92

  internet services, 32–33, 38–40, 54, 68–69, 223–227. See also utility services

  investment strategies, 134–137

  Iowa State University, 159

  Italy, 175

  Japan, 175

  Jefferson, Thomas, 30, 165

  job lock, 34–35

  jobs program, national, 229–231

  Johnson, Lyndon, 101, 120, 152, 206

  judicial system, 48–49

  King v. Burwell, 34, 214, 216

  labor market, 34–35, 229–231

  land control and ownership, 30, 108, 152, 159

  “last dollar” scholarship, 163

  Levin, Yuval, 33, 80–83

  Levitin, Adam, 123, 178

  libertarianism, 84

  libraries, 3, 26–27, 81, 90–91, 99–101

  Lieberman, Joe, 211

  Lifelong Learning tax credit, 152, 154

  lifetime employer model, 12–15, 16, 24

  Little Sisters of the Poor v. Burwell, 214, 216

  lobbying against public options, 63, 78–80, 89–90, 99, 202–203, 211, 226

  Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, 123

  lump-sum payouts, 138–139

  Madison, James, 165

  mail services. See postal services

  market economies, overview, 44–46

  market subsidies: about, 6, 25; for child care, 187–189; features and inadequacies of, 26, 55–65, 66, 154; for health care, 57–58, 209, 219; for higher education, 94, 151, 154; for housing and public education, 111, 112, 122, 123; for postal services, 56–57, 61. See also voucher programs

  Marriott, 15–16

  Maryland, 114–115

  Mason, J. W., 86, 87

  Massachusetts, 116, 187, 189, 191, 196–197, 218

  McCain, John, 202–203

  mediation system, 48–49

  Medicaid, 13, 35, 41, 206–207, 213. See also health care

  Medicare, 13, 26, 51, 206, 207. See also health care

  Medicare Modernization Act (2003), 207

  Michigan State University, 159

  military services, 42, 48, 84, 199, 206. See also GI Bill; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

  Mississippi, 189, 191

  money orders, 169, 171, 172

  monopolies: features of, 87, 216; in internet services, 224, 225–227; in market economy, 21–22, 38, 63–64, 83; in postal services, 244n1; of U.S. government, 48; in utility services, 39, 40, 62–63, 217. See also privatization

  Montgomery Ward, 203

  Morrill Land-Grant College Act (1862), 152, 159

  mortgage marketplace, 40, 120, 124

  mortgage subsidies, 88, 120, 123–124

  NASDAQ, 136

  national defense. See military services

  National Defense Education Act (1958), 152

  National Employment Savings Trust (UK), 145

  National Federation of Independent Businesses v. Sebelius, 212

  National Health Service (UK), 220

  national identity through public options, 42–43

  national job system, 229–231

  National Labor Relations Board, 204

  national parks, 2, 3, 5

  neoliberalism, 11, 17–22, 25, 65. See also privatization

  net neutrality, 68–69. See also internet services

  Nevins, Allan, 159

  New Jersey, 232

  New York, 121, 151–152, 232

  New Zealand, 175

  Nixon, Richard, 120

  No Child Left Behind Act (2001), 113

  non-price conditions of public options, 51–53

  nonprofit school model, 151–152

  North Carolina, 225–226

  Nozick, Robert, 84

  Obama, Barack, 69, 79, 137, 163–164, 219

  Obamacare. See Affordable Care Act (2010)

  Ohio, 116–117

  Ohio State University, 159

  oil industry, 86

  Oklahoma, 196, 198–199

  online systems, 166–167, 172

  parks, 2, 3, 5, 54, 64, 90

  pawnbroking, 169

  payday loan service, 169, 178–179

  payroll taxes, 79, 107, 241nn6–7. See also Social Security

  Pell Grants, 19, 20, 152, 154. See also grants, subsidized; higher education

  Penn State University, 159

  pensions. See retirement savings

  personal responsibility arguments, 83–85

  politics. See lobbying against public options

  pools, public swimming, 3, 41, 54, 101–102

  Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (2006), 99

  postal services: for banking, 4, 174–178, 179; as baseline public option, 1, 2, 3, 26–27, 28, 52; distortion argument on, 76; history of, 41, 97–99, 244n1; market subsidies argument on, 56–57, 61

  prepaid banking cards, 171, 172

  pricing and public options, 49–53

  private companies: for banking, 173–174; corporate consolidation, 20–22; hotel management by, 15–16; incompetence and malfeasance of, 5, 71–74; public options and benefits by, 13, 34–38

  privatization: on deregulation, 18; distortion argument on, 74–78; as feature of public options, 48–49; pro-market sentiment, 4–5, 125–126. See also market economies, overview; monopolies; neoliberalism

  productivity increases, 12, 14

  public banking. See banking

  public child care. See child care

  public defender services, 231–233

  public health care. See health care

  public housing. See housing

  public libraries, 3, 26–27, 81, 90–91, 99–101

  public option, defined, 2–3, 26–30, 44–49, 97. See also specific industries

  public schools. See education, K–12; higher education

  public transportation, 45–47, 55

  Purdue University, 159

  racial inequality, 40–42. See also segregation

  Reagan, Ronald, 17–18

  recessions, 5, 74, 124, 126, 136. See also stock market crashes

  regulations: on fiduciaries, 137; on health care, 217; on internet services, 69, 226; on market subsidies, 60–64; on public options, 88–90. See also deregulation

  residential segregation,
111–112, 113–115, 122

  retirement savings: annuity market, 104–105, 107, 139–141; effects of job fluctuation on, 254n14; employer-sponsored, 11, 12–15, 24–25, 107, 132, 134, 144, 146; government subsidies in, 131–132; investment strategies, 134–137; IRAs, 36, 59, 133; market option deficiencies in, 104–106; market subsidies argument on, 58–60; national shortage of, 109, 129–131; outliving your, 138–141; proposed public option for, 4, 36–37, 77–78, 141–148; withdrawal of, 255n20. See also 401(k) plans; Social Security

  Romney, Mitt, 208, 218

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 39, 101, 103, 230

  Rush, Benjamin, 165

  Sanders, Bernie, 164, 168

  schools. See education, K–12; higher education

  segregation, 91–92, 101–102, 111–115, 122. See also racial inequality

  separation of powers, 81–82

  Shkreli, Martin, 71

  single-payer system, 91, 208, 217, 219–220

  Smith, Adam, 45–46

  SNAP program, 67–68, 242n1

  socialism, 69–70, 220

  Social Security: as baseline public option, 27, 29, 30–31, 104, 106–107; conditions for, 52–53; exemptions from, 238n1; financial management and benefit structure of, 49–50, 107–109, 241nn6–7; history of, 13–14, 103–104. See also retirement savings

  Social Security Act (1935), 103

  Starbucks, 37

  State Children’s Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), 207

  stock market crashes, 11, 22, 25, 124, 130, 136. See also recessions

  student loans, 25–26, 79, 150, 152, 154, 157–158. See also higher education

  swimming pools, public, 3, 41, 54, 101–102

  Switzerland, 175

  tax subsidies, 6, 79, 85–88, 109, 144, 191–192, 205–206, 266n25. See also voucher programs

  Tennessee, 162–163, 225–226

  Texas A&M University, 159

  Thatcher, Margaret, 18

  1099 economy, 15–16

  Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), 131

  Time Warner, 225–226

  transportation, 45–47, 55

  TransUnion, 227

  Treaty of Detroit, 12–14, 24–25

  Truman, Harry, 204

  Trump, Donald: on child care deductions, 188; on fiduciary regulation, 137; on net neutrality, 69; on Obamacare, 202, 215, 218, 222; on voucher programs, 111

  Uber, 15

  unbanked and underbanked citizens, 169–172. See also banking

  United Auto Workers, 12

  United Kingdom, 18, 145, 175, 220

  UPS, 3, 56, 97

  U.S. Department of Defense, 199–200

  U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 121

  U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), 71, 73, 124

  U.S. Postal Service. See postal services

  U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, 20, 157, 211

  utility services, 39–40, 62–63, 217. See also internet services

  visibility of public options, 87–88

  voucher programs, 85–86; for child care, 190; for food, 67–68, 242n1; for higher education, 67–68, 86–87, 242n1; for housing, 122–123, 125; for K–12 education, 117–119. See also grants, subsidized

  Wachter, Susan, 123

  Washington, D.C., 114–115, 182, 251n46

  Washington, George, 165




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