Three Sisters

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Three Sisters Page 10

by Nikki Lewen

  Sadie, exhausted, turns to Markus. “I’ll stay with her again,” she says, watching her dad trying to console her friend.

  The Splitters arrival has changed everything, especially his wife, and Markus worries excessively about Sadie. Since Gabby’s return, he hasn’t gotten the chance to be alone with Sadie and he knows killing those two men has traumatized her. When she returned—covered in their blood—she could only stare blankly ahead, as he wiped the gore from her face while she sat on her hands, trying to keep them from trembling. He mentally chastises himself, knowing he should have gone with Robert, or at least stayed with Sadie. He shouldn’t have left her alone and he’ll make sure, it’ll never happen again. Moving to hold his wife, Markus knows she isn’t okay. Sadie’s being strong for the others and especially for Gabby, but she needs time to heal, too.

  He wraps an arm around Sadie and silently, they stand entwined, overwhelmed with fatigue. They haven’t slept much, death surrounds them, and more killing is inevitable. Eventually, Robert walks over with Gabby, who’s barely able to stand, and speaks directly to his daughter and son-in-law.

  “We’re leavin’…grab your stuff,” Robert commands.

  Sadie unwraps her arms from around Markus and looks at her father. Robert and Sadie never utter a word, but it seems an entire conversation takes place. They share a bond and connection that Markus doesn’t fully understand. He respects it, and loves them both, but at times, he feels completely left out. Not exactly sure what’s going on, Markus grabs his gear and follows, as Robert leads the way towards Ned’s. Nearing the area where her husband was murdered affects Gabby tremendously and she grows worse with each step as the smell of sooty remains permeates the air.

  Entering Ned’s property, Robert pauses and warns them to follow his every precise move. As they wander deeper into the parcel of land, he takes them to an old, dry-rotted outhouse. It’s overgrown with ivy and barely standing. At its back, Robert taps the handle of a knife several times on a small metal pipe. He pauses and then repeats the same series. After several attempts, they hear a faint rumble from within, then Robert slides open a loose board and crawls inside.

  “One at a time,” he instructs, while pushing aside another board to expand the opening.

  One-by-one, they climb down a ladder into what feels like a well. At the bottom, there’s just enough room for the four of them to stand in a tight circle. Gabby starts to panic and in the darkness, her terror peaks. Sadie does what she can to comfort her as Robert slides his hands along the wall, adjusts two metal pieces, and twists. A faint light appears in a small crevice and he continues manipulating the levers, until the opening is big enough for all of them to squeeze through. Entering a small chamber, Robert closes the door and removes an already lit lantern that sits waiting for them. They move down the short corridor and stop at another door. This time, it’s left open, but before going in, they stop.

  “Ned…I’m bringin’ company. We’re comin’ in,” Robert warns, then he nods to the others and enters first, as they follow.

  Inside, the structure is large enough to hold at least thirty people and three adjoining rooms are visible. Sadie looks around the bunker, noticing similarities, but before she can say anything, her eyes met Ned’s. He’s standing to the side, positioned to watch, but out of their initial sight. Without pause, she walks over, reaches out, and shakes his hand.

  “Thank you, sir,” she says, looking him straight in the eyes. “I’m…”

  “Sadie,” Ned says, completing her sentence. Then, he looks over her shoulder, nods at Robert, and continues. “I’ve been hearin’ ’bout you for years.”

  Ned greets Robert then looks past him to the others.

  “Markus, Gabby,” Ned says, abruptly nodding in their direction.

  “How…do you…?” Markus begins.

  “Ned’s an intelligence expert…recon is his specialty,” Robert says, cutting Markus’s question off. “We’re fortunate to have him and lucky to be here. We’ve got lots to discuss, but it’s late…everyone should rest first.”

  They enter one of the adjacent rooms that’s set up with cots. A small alcove is situated off to one side and it gets curtained off from the rest of the room so Gabby and Sadie, the only surviving woman, can settle into it. Markus sets his cot nearby, desperately wanting to curl up with his wife, but he knows Gabby needs Sadie more. Hours later, an unsettling dream wakes Sadie, and since Gabby finally found sleep, she makes sure not to disturb her as she goes to Markus. He’s snoring lightly and it’s the first time in days, he’s slept soundly. Sadie, understanding his need for rest, lets him be, and leaves to join her father and Ned who are deep in discussion. Before they even realize it, she’s at their side.

  They stop talking and look up, but Sadie ignores their stares. Instead, she absorbs the details from the table they stand around. On its surface sits a precisely drawn diagram of the town and the surrounding area. It depicts every structure, the places the Splitters occupy, and where the prisoners are being held. It contains notations about the enemy’s numbers, the type of equipment they brought, and what they’ve commandeered. Even Gabby’s burnt home is clearly labeled. After looking over the details, Sadie knows this isn’t something Ned and her father recently created. Obviously, Ned gets out—a lot.

  Sadie points at the map. “The wood pile’s much smaller now. There’s…twenty yards of space between it and the shed. But…it’ll still give plenty of cover for two…maybe three people.”

  Ned’s surprised by Sadie’s observation and her comprehension of the strategies depicted before them. For hours, the three of them discuss plans and talk through sequences of events. Throughout the process, Sadie’s impressed with Ned’s intellect and begins to see why her father trusts, and even enjoys the man’s company. Their conversation provides a much-needed distraction, and as it grows later, Sadie finally feels ready for bed.

  Back at her husband’s cot, Sadie watches as Markus rolls over, opens his eyes, and spreads both of his arms out wide. She accepts the invitation, curls up on his chest, and falls into a deep slumber, but at some time in the early morning, Sadie’s arm starts tingling, and the sensation wakes her. As she starts to move, a ghastly shriek scares them both. It’s Gabby and her night terrors have returned, so Sadie pulls the curtain back and joins her. Markus, now wide-awake, gets up and explores the bunker. He was impressed by its design when they first entered and wants to take a closer look at it. No one else is around and he wonders where Ned and Robert could be. As if reading Markus’s thoughts, Ned appears from a hidden passage.

  “Where’s Robert?” Markus asks.

  Ned takes so long to respond that Markus thinks he isn’t going to answer.

  “He’s out.” Ned says, turning to leave, before anything else can be asked.

  Not sure what to think, Markus decides to let it go. He spends time examining the details of the shelter, the items it holds, and the giant map lying on the table. Eventually, he grows bored and returns to check on Gabby and Sadie who are whispering together. Since his presence goes ignored, he lies back down and rests further. When Sadie finally emerges, he’s grateful for the company.

  “Hey baby,” she says, nestling up with him.

  “Your dad’s been gone all day. What’s goin’ on?” he asks, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Sorry. I’ve been distracted…with Gabby. He went back to get the others. He’ll return just before midnight…then we’ll meet.” She rests her head and closes her eyes.

  “Robert and Ned have a plan?” he asks, moving a strand of hair away from Sadie’s face.

  “Yep, I stayed up with ’em last night. Did you see the diagram?” Sadie moves, trying to get comfortable, but unable to, she gets up instead. “Come on, I’ll show ya.”

  Together, they head over to the table and Sadie gives him a quick overview. Markus is astonished with how relaxed his wife is while explaining the symbols and information. Talking about it has a calming effect on her, but with each detail
she shares, he grows more anxious. Markus knows the risks and he isn’t sure what part they’ll play, but he’s sure Sadie knows. At the moment, though, he really doesn’t care. For now, he’s had enough, and just wants Sadie. He grabs her with astonishing force and kisses her passionately.

  “Ahh…hum…” A throaty interruption stops them.

  Sadie and Markus look up to see Robert, and behind him, stand the others.

  “Dad, why are you back early?”

  “After you went to bed last night, Ned and I went out. We decided I’d come back sooner if…it was safe. And…it was.”

  Robert helps settle everyone in and requests the groups’ presence in an hour. When they gather, Ned’s standing next to Robert and the quiet outcast nods to each person as they join them around the table. Everyone is present except Sadie and Gabby and when they appear, a collective gasp escapes. The women altered their appearances, and Markus can only stare in disbelief.

  “I know…it’ll grow back,” Sadie responds, running a hand over the stubble that remains on her head. Then, she turns to address everyone else, “For however long this takes…and whenever Splitters are around, call me…Zaid.”

  Gabby takes a small step forward, clears her throat, and for the first time, lifts her eyes from the ground. “And me...Gabe.”

  The men hate seeing the women this way, but they understand their choices. Every time they see Gabby, they’re unsure of what to do, or say. Now, she looks like a badly beaten-up adolescent boy.

  Robert speaks, looking at Gabby. “We thought…you’d be…more comfortable stayin’ here.”

  “No. You need more people. Sadie and I talked…I can help. Please…I need…to do this.” Gabby may look horrible, but for the first time since her return, it’s not fear in her eyes.

  No one argues, and Robert begins by outlining the plan. The next two days are a flurry of action, and preparations fill the hours. It’s during this time that Ned shares some of his secrets. They learn he’s nocturnal, as his nightly outings continue, and besides the bunker’s obvious areas, there are hidden rooms, stockpiles, and tunnels, but it’s his weapons arsenal that shocks them the most.

  He outfits the entire group, complete with assault rifles, ammunition, and grenades. Each item comes with instruction and drilling, until Ned feels confident in their abilities. They hold one final meeting, with plans to strike later in the night, and people walk away fighting their fears and uncertainties. Before they exit, Ned calls to both Sadie and Gabby.

  “Here,” he says, handing them camo flak jackets. “Your hair and clothes help with…your disguises…but…” he pauses, looks down at their chests, back to their faces, and then continues, “You’re still shaped like women. Besides stopping bullets,” he wraps his knuckles on the surface of one of the jackets, “these will…flatten…yur...curves.”

  The women take them, nod in gratitude, and leave for bed, but—before getting to the curtain—Gabby stops.

  “Sadie, I’ll sleep out here. You and Markus should be together. I…” she starts to cry and does her best to fight it. “I don’t know how…things will work out, but…you two deserve time together. I know what you’ve sacrificed for me, and…I’ll never be able to thank you…for…everything…for…what you did.” Gabby wraps her arms around Sadie and then quickly lets go of her.

  Dragging the cots away from the curtained area, Gabby makes sure to give the couple a little more privacy. Markus takes his wife’s hand, thanks Gabby, and crawls into bed with Sadie. At first, they talk. They share all the details lost between them during the past few days. Sadie tells him everything and he listens intently. The horrors she’s faced scare him and he pulls Sadie tight, feeling unable to get her close enough.

  They don’t have to say it, but both know this could be their last night together. Even the best of plans can go wrong. Markus kisses Sadie’s forehead and then her eyelids. He moves to her ear, nuzzles down her neck and back up the other side. When he gets to her mouth, Sadie’s breathing heavily and arching her body to his. She pulls at his clothes, helps remove them, and they make love in near silence. The intensity of it brings tears to Sadie’s eyes, and afterwards, they fall asleep entwined in each other’s limbs.


  The two awaken, hearing their names called from behind the curtain.


  “It’s almost time,” he says, respecting their privacy.

  “Okay,” Sadie responds. Hearing her father leave, she rolls onto Markus. “I guess we’ve got to get up.”

  Sadie feels doubt creeping in, and begins thinking they could just stay here, or go into hiding back on their property. The desire to spend her days with Markus is tempting, and looking at him, she senses the same. As long as they have each other, things will be all right, but neither says anything out loud. They both know that abandoning the others isn’t an option. The community must be reclaimed and the Splitters eliminated, or their cruelty will only spread to the next set of victims. Mischievously, she looks down at her husband, kisses him, and using her lips, lightly tugs on Markus’s bottom lip.

  “Quickie?” She asks, begging with both her eyes and body.

  He responds without words, instantly switching positions, and is more than happy to oblige. His reaction is so immediate that it catches Sadie off-guard and her desires explode. They don’t have much time, but they make the most of their last few moments alone. Finished, they lie still just a moment longer, allowing their heart rates to slow. Neither wants to leave, but they dress quickly, and do so anyways.


  Pausing at the height of an inhalation, Sadie continues controlling her breathing using the simple technique to control her nerves. Slowing each exhale, she stretches it to last three times as long as the inhalations. With each gradual release of air, she relaxes her muscles while scanning the area from left to right and then back again.

  Markus breaks the silence, “Ready?”

  Looking one more time, Sadie nods and in a crouch leaves first, as Markus watches while providing cover. Safely arriving at the wood stack, she disappears into the darkness of its shadow. The cover of night works in their favor and Markus quickly joins her. The moonlight does brighten some areas, but in their position, they’re undetectable. Keeping their backs against the wood, they wait and listen to the approaching footsteps. When the steps once again fade away, Sadie takes a better position.

  She detects the distinct rhythm of the returning man’s strides long before his shadowy view appears. As the guard nears, Sadie aims, exhales, and shoots. Her target falls instantly and Markus responds with haste. He drags the dead Splitter into the darkness, hiding the evidence, as Sadie sights another arrow on the second guard. Every night, two militants get assigned to the prisoners, but tonight, Sadie and Markus got lucky, as one fell asleep. He’s leaning back in a chair against the shed, oblivious to his surroundings and missed everything that just happened.

  Their movements and faint sounds weren’t enough to wake the man, and Sadie makes sure he doesn’t. She fires and the body slumps over and slowly slides off the chair as Markus hustles to catch it and drag it away. Returning first to the wood stack, then to the cover of the trees, the husband-wife duo takes their next position with their weapons drawn.

  It’s their turn to supply cover, as Ned and Robert move to the woodpile. Safely there, Ned goes to the shed and uses a pair of bolt cutters to open the door so Robert can step into the building. He emerges, helping direct the captives to freedom and as he leads them away, Markus and Ned drag the two dead guards into the shed. Ned re-chains the latch and places a new lock on it, while Markus brushes away the drag marks they left behind.

  So far, everything is going as planned and there’s still hours of darkness left. It’s the next phase of the operation, though, that holds uncertainties. Its success depends largely on the roles of their recently freed friends. The rescued townspeople must be updated, armed, quickly instructed, and most importantly, be able to
function after what they’ve endured. They reconvene at the fallback position and all of the rescued captives are eager to help, giving the entire operation a boost. They work efficiently, and within an hour the group—split into two—is on the move, creeping to their designated places with synchronized movements.

  In different locations, men cautiously saturate the perimeters of two homes with gas siphoned from the Splitters vehicles. All the doors get chained, locked, or barred and, with the completion of these tasks, final stations are manned. A small window of time—allocated for any discrepancies in their plan—passes, and even though their targets are almost a half-mile apart, the timing is crucial. The gas-soaked homes house the invading forces and the mission’s success hinges on hitting them simultaneously. With each fire lit, flames quickly engulf the buildings, as the groups sight weapons along each door and window. The anticipation climaxes and at first, it seems the fire might do all the work.

  Sadie sits alert in a position providing the largest sector of coverage. She’s designated as first-response. Her accuracy with the crossbow and its deadly stealth capabilities, has already laid the foundation for their mission. Now, her skills may be able to extend their advantage. She watches the front and one side of the house, responsible for any targets trying to leave. Fire engulfs the sides of the home and as it reaches the second story, yells can be heard over the flames. As bodies approach the window, Sadie fires and reloads. The yelling from inside intensifies, and then, gunshots are heard in the distance. Since the silence of Sadie’s bow is no longer needed, she picks up her recently‐issued assault rifle.

  An upstairs window opens in Sadie’s target range and at the same time, a chair is thrown out of a bottom window. The heads of two Splitter men appear, but they’re instantly bombarded with shells. Anytime one of the invaders comes remotely close to a window or door, they’re met with a hailstorm of bullets. The Splitters can’t escape the punishment the town has elected to enforce. The Nation’s representatives can either burn for their crimes or be executed by gunfire. One militant comes close to escaping, but he’s shot as he stumbles along the ground, injured from diving out of a window. As the fires rage through the homes, the Splitters grow desperate. Several try to avoid a fiery death by leaping from windows, but their burning bodies fall to the ground in futile attempts.


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