The Path through the Heavens: A LitRPG Wuxia Series (The Heavenly Throne Book 6)

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The Path through the Heavens: A LitRPG Wuxia Series (The Heavenly Throne Book 6) Page 8

by Yuri Ajin

  Flashing another bloodthirsty grin, the Monkey King grabbed a ball of lava. Squeezing it tightly, turning it into stones, it swung and threw them at another elf.

  His barrier couldn’t bear the Monkey King’s physical strength. Hundreds of large stones easily went through the energy shield, breaking his bones and burying him under the debris.

  Another intruder was dead.

  Looking around, the beast realized that the last insect had disappeared.

  It should have pissed it off, but it just smiled wider.

  A game! The Monkey King grinned.


  Taking advantage of the beast being busy, Bane tried to get as far away as possible. And it seemed like he even succeeded.

  In an instant, he activated all his powers and even merged with two Spirits to hide from the monster.

  Come on, come on, come on! he thought anxiously, feeding his most valuable artifact with ki. I don’t give a damn anymore! To hell with Septus! And the damn flower! I need to survive! Come on, work!

  He was clutching an Imperial-rank artifact that could transfer its owner from any place, even pocket dimensions, to anywhere within a radius of ten thousand miles. He was given this treasure by the head of the Livarius family when he became an Exorcist at the age of twenty.

  The only drawback was that it was single-use. That was why he wanted to find Septus and get out of this pocket dimension with his help. It was too late for that now. After the horror he had just witnessed, Bane realized that he’d use it either now or never.

  At last! Just a little bit more!

  The Forces of the Path of Space were already beginning to cover his body when they were suddenly blown away by an incredibly powerful stream of dense energy.

  A moment later, everything around him shook. The Lava Monkey King landed in front of him, nearly knocking him over.

  He rushed to the side, trying to escape, but it was too late. The monster caught him. All Bane managed to do was drink the Heavenly Armor Elixir, a low-quality Imperial-rank drug. The potion was another prized possession of his, a very precious thing that even he, an heir of an aristocratic family, couldn’t buy.

  His flesh instantly turned gold, and a shroud of blackness engulfed him for a few seconds.

  The monster was surprised. It was about to have a snack, but the only thing it could do was rip off Bane’s clothes. It tried to bite him in half, but that didn’t work either.

  Clutching him tightly, the puzzled creature suddenly smiled.

  The smile quickly turned into a huge grin, as Monkey King was delighted with the new toy.

  The giant beast turned around, as it was about to leave. Bane almost relaxed when he saw this. However, in the next instant, he got smacked against the volcano rocks. Not a single crack appeared on his gold skin, and his internal organs were undamaged. But it was just the beginning.

  The monster kept throwing him around like a bouncy ball. With each swing, it smacked him around harder and harder, until the temporarily hardened flesh began to lose its power. Then, the beast threw its toy into a lava lake. Fortunately, the Heavenly Armor could withstand the high temperatures, but Bane gasped for air when the weight of the giant monster fell on him. It jumped on him with both feet, testing the strength of its new toy.

  Maintaining concentration on the power of the Elixir, Bane didn’t let the Heavenly Armor disappear. But its effect couldn’t last forever, and given the fact that he still received serious injuries, his invulnerability would end earlier than expected. And he had no more cards up his sleeve.

  Soon the Monkey King got bored of jumping and retrieved Bane from the bottom of the lava lake. After examining him and seeing that he no longer had a hand and that his face was covered with cracks, it threw him aside with all its might. The elf collided with a rock, piercing it like a bullet.

  The creature immediately ran after its toy when an explosion shook the ground. The Monkey King looked at the smoke emanating from the volcano’s mouth in horror — the being that slumbered deep underground had been awakened. However, the shaking subsided, the volcano calmed down, and the Monkey King was free to continue its game.

  Except its toy was no longer there.

  Bane had taken his chance and left the Aive Hidden Valley.


  It had been forty minutes since Kai and An’na got to the place he believed could be the exit.

  But someone had beat them to it and used this point to leave the pocket dimension an hour before their arrival.

  Kai’s assumption that the escapee was Septus was confirmed when he identified the aura residue. However, Septus’ escape didn’t affect his plan in any way, except that, perhaps, an ambush awaited them on the other side.

  “Hey, can I look for some treasures? There ought to be some goodies here!” An’na asked.

  “It’s too dangerous. We don’t know who else lives here other than those puppets.”

  “Do you think I’m that weak?” An’na put her hands on her hips, annoyed.

  “There might be someone stronger than you here. That’s all. Plus, if you activate the search, you’ll reveal our location to everyone else.”

  “But didn’t you say they were gone?”

  “Only Septus. I didn’t feel his teammates’ auras. So, they’re probably still here.”

  “Okay.” An’na sighed in disappointment. “How did you even find the remnants of his aura? I didn’t feel anything at all.”

  Kai shrugged. He couldn’t tell her that energy vision allowed him to see unique shades of auras. Those colors could linger much longer than the remnants of the aura itself. Apparently, Septus was trying to hide the fact that he was here.

  An hour later, Kai finally finished his preparations.

  During this time, he explored all the features of this place and was able to eventually figure out the best way to get out of here. He left two marks inside the pocket to open a portal from here to Darden. He really needed only one, but he decided to leave the second mark just in case. Right now, he was weak, but in the future, he’d be able to return to the Hidden Valley and explore it more thoroughly. An’na was right. This place was full of things they had never seen before.

  “We’re leaving,” Kai said, standing up.

  “Finally!” An’na smiled, walking up to him.

  In the next moment, the portal made by the spatial mark appeared in the air near them.

  Kai stretched out his free hand to the spatial crack, which was invisible without energy vision, and enveloped himself and An’na with Forces and energy. Taking a step, he activated the space-tearing technique. Kai and his whole team successfully left the Aive Hidden Valley a minute before a short earthquake began.

  Having returned to the mountains, where the blizzard was no longer raging, Kai, An’na, and the partially recovered Malvur, quickly discussed things and decided to use the remaining time before the end of the test to keep looking for treasures.

  When the third trial was over, all the surviving participants who were in the mountains were automatically teleported back to the plateau.

  Kai, An’na, Ailenx, Malvur, and even Shacks, who hadn’t yet woken up, had passed the third trial and ranked fifth.

  The Cloud Trial had come to an end and one hundred and eighty-three cultivators finally became students of the Cloud Abode.


  High in the skies of the Aive Hidden Valley, invisible to ordinary eyes, an island floated. There was only one tree on it, with a pink crown and a thick, tall trunk. Its powerful roots filled everything around.

  “So, they’re gone,” said a girl sitting on the edge of the floating island, swinging her bare feet over the chasm. “But don’t worry.” She turned and looked at the tree. “I know that soon a lot of new people will come here! Good and bad, strong and weak. They’ll be like ants!” she exclaimed, waving her arms, because of which she almost fell. She laughed when a long root suddenly wrapped around her waist. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you... Listen! Ver
y soon, someone will finally take us out of here! Someone worthy...” She looked at the tree again. “Although I’d feel sorry to part with you,” she said gloomily. “No! What are you saying? I’m not crying... It just started to rain. I’m sorry. I have to go. The old man will soon notice that I’m not in the Abode. Yes, and I need to play with Two... I’ll visit you soon! So don’t be afraid. Bye-bye!”

  Smiling brightly, the girl waved to the tree, and then, taking a step over the edge of the floating island, disappeared.



  In the middle of a vast wasteland several tens of miles away from the capital, the greatest construction project in Nikrim was taking place. At least, the greatest project of this era.

  People were building a massive portal, which was supposed to be as powerful as the Gates of Ecumene. This large-scale project began three hundred years ago but was abandoned at the final stage due to its creator’s death. And now, after so many years, the people of Niagala returned to it under the supervision of a new powerful cultivator who had great talent for the element of Space.

  This man was Jiang Dao who had pledged his allegiance to the emperor of this new world and got the title of the Seventh Son of Niagala. He stood near his tent, observing the construction from a high cliff. Thousands of workers scurried around, working tirelessly day and night. Among them were mortals as well as Exorcists and even Elementalists. The Empire spared no resources for this project.

  Not far from the construction site were two of Niagala’s strongest legions. The empire’s troops, which consisted of outstanding Exorcists, moved here as soon as it became widely known that the construction of the Gates was resumed. The emperor personally signed the decree, since this giant portal was the decisive factor in the upcoming war that would bring his people victory. So, the protection of the construction site was a priority.

  “How’s it going, little brother?”

  Jiang Dao looked to the right. Akio Zedol, the Sixth Son of Niagala, a slender man with ash-colored hair, approached him. With his aura hidden, he looked inconspicuous. His narrowed eyes, a barely noticeable grin, as well as snake-like facial features didn’t let Jiang Dao be deceived.

  “Elder brother.” Jiang Dao bowed. “Construction is going well. I’m glad that His Majesty paid attention to this, ordering as many Space masters as possible to gather here.”

  “And how long will it take for the portal to finally be functional?” Akio asked. “As far as I know, before the project was abandoned, it had been reported that almost everything was ready. Is that true?”

  “That’s right, elder brother,” Jiang Dao replied. “But I’m not Master Ragnos, who had been creating artifacts all his life, and who had also been the greatest genius when the Forces of the Path of Space are in question. He finished most of the work before he died, but even the small part that is unfinished is quite complicated. I can say one thing for sure, we’ll be able to use the Gates no earlier than in five years.”

  “I see.” Akio nodded. “That’s not that long... I’m glad that we have you now.” Putting his hand on Jiang Dao’s shoulder, Akio pretended to smile. “Keep trying for Niagala and all of humanity.”

  Turning around, he walked away.

  “Yes, elder brother.” Jiang Dao bowed in parting.

  For a few more minutes, he kept looking at the figure that became smaller and smaller, until it finally disappeared from sight.

  Jiang Dao didn’t really like this new world, even though it didn’t take him long to reach a high status. The local aristocrats were quick to acknowledge his skills not only because of his talent and strength, but also because he was the only person on the continent who had visited the Gates of Ecumene and also owned the Sphere of Space. He was able to understand the Gates’ principles, thanks to which he was able to become the new head of the portal construction. His knowledge of ultra-long-distance travel allowed him to complete this project.

  However, things weren’t going as smoothly as he hoped.

  He had intermediate-level knowledge of the Sword Sphere and initial-level of the Space one. That is, he reached the Walker Stage on both Paths. But it was not for nothing that Space was considered one of the most complicated elements. It was extremely rare for masters to even reach the Walker Stage, not to mention going further on it. Actually, in Niagala, only Jiang Dao and Emperor Kyros were able to create the Sphere of Space.

  Although it was very complex, it bestowed upon its users much more power than the other elements could. That was why Jiang Dao managed to become the Seventh Son of Niagala, even though some of his rivals there exceeded him by one, two, and even three levels of development.

  That wasn’t the only secret of his victory. He also possessed a young Sacred Sword Spirit, which he created from seven peak Elementals stolen from the Seven Blades Clan.

  Previously, there were only six Sacred Spirits in the empire. Two belonged to the emperor, and four more were divided between the first Four Sons, who were the strongest and the most talented masters.

  The First Son had reached the middle level of the Divine Stage. He was the second-best cultivator in Niagala, right after emperor Kyros. The Second and the Third Sons had also reached this stage, but they were at the initial level. As for the Fourth Son, he was a Holy Lord, who had enough power and a chance to break through to the next stage.

  The rest of the elite cultivators were peak Holy Lords. There were about two dozen of them in the empire, but many of them were already old, so they couldn’t get the title of Son of Niagala.

  Jiang Dao became the Seventh. He had no chance to beat the first four as he was below their league, but it was the Sixth Son who had put a stop to his series of victories and kept him from moving further. Akio was a Holy Lord with two Spheres — the Sphere of Lightning and a Sphere of Poison. In addition, he was a master spearman and came close to creating the Sphere of this weapon too. His foundation was in no way worse in quality than Jiang Dao’s, with a score of nine. Therefore, Akio was able to deal with the power of the young Sacred Sword Spirit, and in the end, he won the battle for the title of the Sixth Son.


  After teleporting to the capital the next day, Jiang Dao returned to the huge luxurious residence given to him as the Seventh Son.

  Dozens of servants were lined up inside, waiting for their master. However, Jiang Dao went to his office. A blue-haired man — the one who was the last to get into this world — was waiting for him by the door.

  “Master Jiang Dao.” He bowed deeply.

  “Jiang Suin, you’re early.”

  “I decided not to keep you waiting.”

  “Come in.”

  Jiang Dao sat down at the table, while the young Exorcist, whom he began to teach recently, stayed at the door.

  “Let’s wait for the girl. In the meantime, tell me, have you been practicing the technique that I gave you?”

  “Yes, teacher. Every day. I feel that I’m getting better and better. I think I’m already close to creating a Spirit Seed. I can’t believe that I managed to master the Forces of the Path of Soul so quickly. I never thought I had a predisposition for this element. You’re incredible, master. You spotted something that the other masters in the clan failed to notice, and with such ease.” Jiang Suin bowed, and then frowned slightly. “But, teacher... I still haven’t been able to understand what this technique really is.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s extremely difficult to unravel its true essence at the initial stages, and even I, who have been practicing it for a very long time, haven’t yet managed to comprehend it fully. But I think you’ve already noticed that your spirit fortitude has increased?”

  “Yes, teacher.” Jiang Suin’s eyes lit up. “So, this is a technique for strengthening the soul?”

  “Not quite, but it’s along those lines,” Jiang Dao replied.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Come in.”

  The door opened and a tall gi
rl with long black hair entered the office. Her pretty face, as always, was set in an angry squint and pursed lips. She seemed to be constantly looking at everything with contempt, but it was just how she looked.

  “Lord Jiang Dao.” She bowed.

  “Great, you’re on time, Elize.” Jiang Dao nodded at the former princess. “Now, about the task for which I summoned you both here. In six months, we’ll finally finish setting up the first teleportation array, connecting our continent with the next one. You’ll be among the first to be sent there to explore. The teleportation point has already been chosen. It’ll be the center of the Ishar Desert, where, according to reports, there are free cities filled with various criminals, runaway slaves, masters of the forbidden arts, and, of course, the few humans left on that continent. Your task will be to help in the subordination of all the human communities there. You’ll be accompanied by Elementalists and one Holy Lord. You’ll get more details closer to the beginning of the operation, and for now, I have one order — train. In these six months, you ought to become as strong as possible, given how much of the empire’s resources I’m giving you. If you can break through to the next stage in that time, that’ll be great. You’re free to go.”

  “Yes, master.”

  “Yes, teacher.”


  Returning to her room, Elize slowly closed the door and locked it with a padlock, which immediately activated a protective array around the room. Only after that was she able to relax again. Leaning her back against the door, she started breathing quickly. Rage that had been gathering in her until now burst out of her soul.

  It had been three months since she arrived here. As it turned out, except for her, Jiang Dao, and Jiang Suin none of the others were on this continent. Neither Kai, nor Lily, nor Ivsim, nor Shacks, nor any of his people. Jiang Dao had already checked this, using all the power that came with the title of the Seventh Son of Niagala.

  Elize’s starting days here were simple. She appeared near a town where she went straight away. Problems immediately arose due to her lack of documents, but for a small fee, the guards agreed to help her. After that, she began to gather information. What kind of world did she get to, where it was, who ruled it, what was the local level of power, the history...


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