Explosive Encounter (Task Force 779 Book 2)

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Explosive Encounter (Task Force 779 Book 2) Page 18

by KL Donn

  “Foster.” I groan deep in my throat. His plunging, licking, and sexy words are a catalyst for the most pleasurable moment of my life as I let go in his arms and trust him to catch me as I fall.

  My back tightens while my womb throbs. My head spins and stars light up my vision. The sounds of his grunting and our flesh slapping together before he releases his own pleasure have me delirious and sated.

  “You’re mine now, Evie. I’ll never let you go,” he promises as his lips capture mine, and our tongues duel before they touch and tease. Languishing in our moment of bliss.

  Six months ago, I had no idea what I was doing with my life.

  Six months ago, I didn’t know that my forever waited at the end of a very dark tunnel. One I hate but have come to accept as a hardship I needed to endure in order to reach the ultimate happiness.

  Foster Halsey holds the key to my heart, and I’ll never regret anything that brought him to me.



  Tampa Bay, Florida – Five months later.

  What the fuck was I thinking?

  “Ma, you gotta stop now.” For the love of all things embarrassing, please stop. My mother is currently knee-deep in every embarrassing photograph of me from when I was younger with Everett. The two are laughing like they’re best friends and didn’t meet for the first time yesterday.

  “Oh, stop it, sweetheart. She loves it.” The woman pipes up.

  “Pop.” I try to get his help. He looks at me like I’ve lost my damn mind.

  “Get used to it, Froster. She’s stuck now.” My older brother Miller offers up his opinion from the dining room as he chugs down a beer.

  “I told you not to call me that,” I snap at him. Two years older than me and the asshat has called me nothing but Froster since the day I was born.

  “I warned you, man.” West laughs as he hands me a brew. Anytime I return home, West follows. Like a lost puppy, this is where his home is. The problem is, he usually gets in on the teasing with fucking Miller. Assholes.

  “Oh!” Evie's body shimmies, and her eyes dart to me. She looks shell-shocked.

  I’m on her in seconds. “What? What’s wrong?” Ever since our scare early on in her pregnancy, I've hovered over and caved into every little action or desire my beautiful woman has had. I think I’m worse than a fucking mother hen. How she hasn’t tossed me to the curb yet is a minor miracle.

  Grabbing my hand, she leads it to her rounded belly, and I’m confused as hell. “Wh– Holy fuck!” He kicked. Or she. We don’t know yet. But son of a bitch. “I fucking love you.” I grin and meet her lips halfway for a kiss.

  “Get the hell out of the way.” West busts in. The two of them are as thick as thieves. He’s even taken her to a couple of OB appointments because I haven’t been able to. “Damn, girl. That kid's got grit.” He grins like the happy soon-to-be uncle he will be.

  “May I?” Ma asks Everett, and my girl doesn’t even hesitate. She grabs Mom's hand and places it next to mine just as little bit kicks again. “I always loved when the boys would do that. It was so wonderful feeling them move around.”

  “Still can’t believe you’re having a kid,” Miller says from the table, but his grin is enormous. We may tease and beat up on each other, but it’s out of love, and I’ve never doubted his.

  “When’s yours coming?” I shoot him a look like get on it.

  “One day, man. One day.” He looks a little lost in thought as I turn back to my soon to be wife.

  “I wonder if Codie can feel it yet?” Evie whispers to me. The girls barely speak about Codie’s pregnancy with excitement. Code is hella strong, but she’s so fucking delicate right now. I think Ryder might be even worse than I am with her.

  Even with reassurances from multiple doctors that she and the baby are fine, she’s afraid. Everett is fantastic about raising her spirits up, and they’ve both begun shopping for the kids, who will be born just a few short months apart.

  After our mission in Brazil a few months ago, just before Codie and Ryder got married, the two became as close as sisters, and nothing has stopped them from getting together as often as they can.

  “You have dinner next week, I’m sure she’ll tell you all about it then,” I remind her with a grin. I love this woman of mine. She’s forever worrying about everyone she loves. She’s going to be the perfect mother. “Your Mom is going to be thrilled.” Her smile transforms into something glorious. There is nothing Everett loves more than sharing all of these moments with her own mom, and they have a lot of them since Jessica is temporarily living with us.

  And by temporarily, I mean, I don’t think she’s ever leaving. Which is fine. She works a lot, and when she’s not doing that, she’s busy exploring the city and state. Jessica has a wanderlust soul. Traveling the world would suit her well.

  “So, the wedding after the baby?” Mom inquires.

  “Yeah, Ma.” I think I’ve said it a dozen times since I told her five months ago. We don’t want to stress Everett by planning for a wedding and a baby. Since one is arriving in about three months, it was obviously easier to put the wedding off until after he, or she, comes along.

  “I think that’s great. Plenty of time to plan and shop.” Her smile is genuine as she rubs Everett’s belly, almost putting my woman to sleep.

  “And that’s my cue to get you to bed.” Slipping my arms around Ev's frame, I gently pick her up and carry her to my old room as she lays her head on my shoulder.

  “I love you, Foster,” she whispers, nearly asleep already.

  “I love you too, Everett Halsey.” She may not carry my name yet, but she will soon.

  “Thank you for picking me.” The final word is barely out of her mouth as I lay her on our bed before she’s out cold.

  “No, baby, you picked me.” I kiss her forehead as I place the covers over her and go to open the window. She loves the cool breeze to help her sleep.

  I stand and watch her, and it’s then that I truly believe in soulmates. One person created for another. Two pieces to a puzzle. That’s precisely what she is.

  Evie is my other half.

  My heart.

  My soul.

  My life.

  I’d be nothing without her, and because of her, I have everything.


  Family has been such a foreign concept to me for so long. I had my mother, and someone I believed was my father, and that was all.

  Because of Foster, I not only have his military team as family, but his biological one. His brother who likes to tease him, but you can feel their love. A father who agrees with everything his wife says. He certainly lives by the code: Happy wife, happy life. And a mother who doesn’t only love her children but supports them, even when their choices scare the living daylights out of her. Yes, I'm referring to Foster.

  She may joke around and tease them, even embarrass them, like today with all of Foster’s baby pictures, but the love is palpable.

  I never seriously doubted my mother’s love. Even when things were uncertain, I knew in my soul that I was her whole heart. But now, I have so much more. In-laws who not only accepted me before they met me but actually seem to care about me.

  I was afraid his parents were going to think I was trapping him with a baby before we were even in an established relationship.

  When we pulled into the driveway, Foster cradled me into his arms and whispered words of love and encouragement in my ear because he knew I was nervous. Then, as we entered the house, his mom had to drag me free of his arms.

  She whispered to me while we were making lemonade that she’d never seen Foster so happy and that was all she wanted for either of her children. Not once did I sense any resentment, and I couldn’t be happier about that.

  They’ve all been so accepting of us that I’m overwhelmed and exhausted. Feeling the baby move for the first time today threw me into complete bliss. I had no idea I could love someone as much as I do this little life growing inside of me, but my
heart is so full for him.

  “You’re restless,” Foster remarks behind me. It’s barely evening, and I feel refreshed after my short nap. “Feeling okay?” His concern is borderline obsessive after everything we've gone through.

  “I am. I’m overwhelmed.” I turn to face him, and my belly bumps into him. His grin is pure delight. “Sorry.”

  “No, baby, never be sorry.” He moves closer so that I rest against him. Brushing the hair back from my face because it always seems to be in this weird Einstein mess nowadays, he says to me, “You bump me any time, any place.” The words are barely free of his lips, and our peanut gives a great big kick, siding with his daddy.

  “I guess someone agrees.” I still can’t believe this is my life. That I have so much when I used to feel so empty. Emotion clogs my throat as I place my hand on his stubbled jaw. “Thank you, Foster.”

  “For what?”

  “For loving me. Never giving up, even when I pushed so hard.” I swallow around the lump in my throat. “I don’t know if I would have survived without you, and I just need you to know how grateful I am that after everything, you still love me. Love us.”

  A tear rolls down my cheek and, he leans forward to kiss it away. “Before I met you, the team was all I ever wanted. Without you, Everett, I’d still be living in the shadows. It’s you and me little bit, and that will never change.”

  As much as I hate the scenario with which he exploded into my life, I find myself oddly grateful, as well. Because if I hadn’t been in need of rescuing, we never would have met. We wouldn’t be getting married or having a baby. I’d be stuck in some weird bubble where I wasn’t content.

  Now, I have it all.

  My life.

  My heart.

  My soul.

  One explosive night brought us everything we could ever want, and there’s nothing I would give in trade for any of it.

  The End!

  Thank you for reading Explosive Encounter. The next book in the series is Dangerous Affair, available for pre-order now and coming on April 21, 2020. You can find a complete list of my books, along with series lists and reading orders on my website.

  Please consider signing up for KL’s Confessions for a free story as well as first chance at cover reveals, releases, contests and more.

  About the Author

  Hey, I'm Krystal. I write as International Bestselling Author KL Donn. I'm stoked you've grabbed one of my books and I really hope you enjoyed the story!

  A little about me:

  Perpetual romantic.

  Coffee addict.

  I speak sarcasm more often than not.

  Gimme an action flick over a romance. But a romance book over action. I'm weird like that.

  Did I mention coffee addict?

  Closet shopaholic.

  Beach lover.

  Coffee addict, it bears repeating. Again.

  Husband obsessed. Mine that is, you can keep yours.

  Mom of 6, well 7 if you count the husband. Oh and 2 of those are a cat & dog.

  I love to connect with my readers so feel free to find me on any and all social media platforms you use! I can’t promise to be sane, or not swear a lot, but I’ll be extra happy to hear from you!

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  Also by KL Donn

  Leave Me Breathless: Ivy Collection featuring

  Command: Vashchenko Family Book 1 – An Adair Empire spin-off series.

  Imprisoned: A Sinister Fairytale is coming March 3rd, 2020

  The Protectors Series

  Keeley’s Fight | Emily’s Protectors | Kennedy’s Redemption

  The Possessed Series

  Owned by Dominic | One Dance For Case | Lost & Found | Lucky Christmas

  The Hogan Brother’s

  One Chance | One Choice | Unchained

  Love Letters

  Dear Killian | Dear Gage | Dear Maverick | Dear Desmond | Dear Lena

  Adair Empire

  King | Luther | Castiel | Atticus | Carver | Grasping For Air

  Timeless Love

  Once Upon A Time | Happily Ever After

  Daniels Family

  Until Arsen | With Kol

  Those Malcolm Boys

  Obsessive Addiction | Accidental Obsession

  In His Arms Series

  Safe, In His Arms | Bullied, In His Arms

  Naughty Tales

  Dirty | Treat Me

  Task Force 779

  Missing in Action | Explosive Encounter | Dangerous Affair

  Uncontrolled Heroes

  A Girl Worth Fighting For

  Stand Alone Books

  Brantley’s Way | Mr. & Mrs.




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