Furever Mated (BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance)

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Furever Mated (BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance) Page 10

by Meredith Clarke

  Oddly enough it made me jealous thinking about Cole and Zoey together. Deep down I hoped that there hadn’t nor would there ever be anything between them. I connected so easily with Cole that the thought of him being with someone else, especially Zoey, caused me some pain. I couldn't explain why, because he certainly wasn't mine, but I knew that I would be heartbroken if I saw him with someone else. Cole's voice, every time he spoke pulled me in and turned me on. I couldn't even believe I was thinking it, but it was true. The man's voice turned me on so much that I longed to taste his body. I could easily say that no man had ever brought out such a reaction as that in me. Sure, I had attractions to men that often led to sex, but nothing like being in the presence of Cole. I wasn't sure if he was genuinely interested in me or whether he was just flirting with me for the sake of flirting with anyone in a club. I hoped his interest in me was genuine, but it was certainly too soon to tell.

  The one thing that kept pulling me out of my turned-on trance with Cole was the mounting tension that seemed to be brewing between Cole and Zoey. I didn't know what was going on between them, but I quickly understood the tension was only going to get worse and more uncomfortable for all of us.

  When Cole and Zoey started to stare each other down, I coughed uncomfortably.

  “I’m going to go use the restroom. Be back in a sec.”

  I quickly jumped up from my seat and hoped some privacy to work out whatever issues they had between them would help. A part of me didn’t really want to leave Cole’s side, but I knew giving them some space was a good idea. It would solve the awkwardness and allow for them to figure things out together. I just hoped the bickering would be over when I returned.

  They both turned to me and Zoey asked, “Do you want me to come with you?”

  I thought it a little odd for her to want to come with me to the bathroom instead of being with Cole. “Oh, no, you guys hang out and...talk. I'll be right back.”

  “Alright, no rush,” Zoey called out.

  Cole was looking at me intensely. He didn't look very happy about the fact that I was leaving, but I wasn't the one that brought the tension to the table. The two of them clearly needed to talk, and I didn't want to be around when they did it. Maybe he would get the hint and cool it for a while.

  As I moved around Cole I caught a whiff of his cologne and my eyes fluttered closed. God, he smelled good. I kept on moving until I was away from the table and the smell of his cologne. I made my way to the bathroom feeling the absence of his presence immediately and disliking it. I was saddened by the fact that I had to excuse myself to allow them to talk. They clearly had some kind of history together, and that probably cancelled me out of the equation. It was becoming pretty obvious that the two of them must have had some form of a fling in the past, it was the only explanation for their behavior. That kind of tension only meant one thing: one or both of them still had feelings for the other.



  Seeing Avery leave the table and head off to the bathroom left me feeling anxious. I had watched her departure until I could no longer see her. She had sensed the tension between Zoey and I, that much was obvious. I wondered how she had felt about the whole thing, and was worried. I really didn't want her to think that there was anything going on between Zoey and I, but I doubt we succeeded in giving her that impression. I also didn't like the fact that she was no longer in my presence; there was a void when she was away from me. How was that possible? There was just something about the girl that made me want to be around her. When she was gone, I felt almost...empty. The way I felt about her was unexplainable, such a thing just didn't happen to me. Attraction was a regular occurrence for me, almost like breathing. I could become attracted to a girl easily and want to fuck her in various locations, but that wasn't how I felt about Avery. Don't get me wrong, I was more than willing to have Avery underneath me while I pounded into her, but my attraction to her was more than a sexual one. There was something else there, something deeper. I needed to protect her, and the thought of anything bad happening to her bothered me more than I would like to admit. I had just met the girl and yet I felt hollow when she had walked away from me. How perplexing...the girl was a mystery to me and I liked it.

  I turned back to Zoey and she instantly grabbed a hold of my shirt and pulled me toward her. Our bodies were pressed up against one another. I could practically breathe her own air if I wanted to. Her lips pressed against mine, which took me by surprise. Zoey never behaved so forwardly with me. It became obvious what she wanted from me. I had to admit, however, she tasted good. Zoey pushed her body even closer to mine and pulled her face away from mine.

  “Now that I have you alone, lover, I thought I would ask the question on every girl's mind tonight. Have you thought about who you are going to mate with yet?” She practically purred into my ear, causing a stir to build up inside me. Zoey was seductive, there was no doubt about that. There was a part of me that could easily see myself pushing her up against a wall in the club and giving her exactly what she wanted. But that part of me had dimmed since meeting Avery; she seemed to possess all the thoughts in my head. As jumbled as they were, it was easy to focus on one thing, and that was Avery. She was the key, and until I figured out why she caused me so much confusion I wouldn't be letting her get away so easily. Though her just getting up and heading to the bathroom had been easy enough. She could very well decide to not return at all. I wasn't sure that I could bear such a thing. What if she decided to head home after the bathroom and I never saw her again? No, I could not allow that.

  “No, I haven't,” I muttered, distracted.

  “Why not?” she whispered into my ear. “I have a pretty good idea of who you should choose. In fact, I think the choice is obvious.”

  I tried to focus in on what Zoey was saying, but I had a hard time doing so. I almost didn't care about a thing coming out of her mouth. Not that I was trying to disrespect Zoey at all, it had nothing to do with her. I just couldn't seem to get Avery out of my head, and it was becoming very distracting for me. The fact that she had walked away from me made it that much worse. I wanted her badly, and the idea of her running loose around the club where anyone could get to her stirred my possessive nature and I had to fight to stay where I was. If someone else snatched her up I may just have to kill them. I needed to get Zoey off my back for the moment so that I could investigate things further with Avery. I certainly had no interest in discussing who my mate was going to be at that moment, so being with Zoey was pointless. I did, however, want to connect with Avery once again. She beckoned to me in ways that caused a stir in my pants. How could I choose a mate when a mystery like Avery was waiting in the wings? I would go crazy if I could never have her. I needed to discover her hold on me before I thought about Zoey. After all, Zoey didn't cloud my mind as Avery did, and that was very telling.

  I spotted my beta, who also happened to be my best friend, Michael, by the bar. I whistled and he turned to face me. Waving with a big smile on his face he called out to me. I motioned for him to come over and he came instantly.

  “Hey boss, how's it going?”

  “Great Michael, how are you?”

  “Oh, you know me. Trying to look for some new tail if you know what I mean. This place is packed with some nice ladies, though.”

  I laughed, “Yeah, no doubt. Michael, you know Zoey, right?”

  “Oh yes, of course.”

  She smiled at him in a way that suggested she would be okay with sinking her teeth into him that night; Zoey liked to play around as well. They started talking animatedly together and I saw an opportunity to bail on the two of them. Zoey knew that our mating conversation was dead as long as Michael was around, so I doubted she would be too upset that I left. While Zoey was distracted by Michael I slipped away and headed in the direction that Avery went.



  Confident that I looked decent enough in comparison to Zoey, I left the bathroom ready to head back to the table
. I wanted to be able to hold my own against Zoey if it came to getting Cole's attention, although I seemed to be doing just fine already. I hoped that the two of them had stopped their bickering so that the three of us could further enjoy our evening. I wasn't in the mood to sit and watch whatever was going on between Cole and Zoey all night. I couldn't tell how involved they were with each other, but what I did know was it made me a little jealous. All I wanted was to have a few drinks and relax after a hard day at work. Whether that was with Cole or not it didn't matter, I just didn't want to see their soap opera happening right before my eyes.

  Walking out of the bathroom I suddenly felt strong arms encircle my waist. The warm touch took my breath away. Alarmed that someone would just grab a hold of me without my permission, I considered cracking him in the face with my elbow. That always seemed to give men the right idea of proper boundaries when it came to what women wanted.

  “Don’t worry love, it’s just Cole.”

  My breath caught as chills went up my spine and goosebumps popped up all over my skin. Cole, now that man I would allow to grab me around the waist. With the sound of his voice against my ear I melted into his frame. There was just something about Cole that made me want to nestle into his chest and never leave his side. He was just that good. God, he felt good pressed up against me.

  I couldn't help it, my body just seemed to take over and suffocate all my inhibitions when Cole was near me. I felt myself push my ass up against his waist and instinctively he pulled me closer to him. I could feel him grow hard against me and I bit my lip, enjoying that I was able to make him feel that way. I wasn't sure what the hell I was thinking, but it felt natural with Cole. I wanted Cole more than anything or anyone. I normally didn't behave in such a manner; my love life could be described as vanilla, but when Cole came near me a whole new woman emerged. I liked that woman, she was the kind that had confidence to snap up a man like Cole. He felt addicting and that thought was dangerous to me. I could get lost in a man like Cole and be totally okay with it.

  “Do you want to get out of here?”

  I considered his question for a moment as my eyes fluttered closed. My mind flickered to Zoey and I wondered how she would feel about me leaving her at the bar. Would she mind that I went off with Cole? Would she be angry? She was the one that had invited me to the bar after all, and I didn't want to be rude. I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye, and I also wondered if there was something between them that I should respect. But if there were, would Cole be holding me as tightly as he was? That didn't make any sense. So I was probably safe to be with him, to be near him. I really wanted to leave with him.

  My eyes opened and I scanned the crowd for her. The club was so busy that it was hard to find her at first. Once I spotted her I saw that she was happily in the arms of another man, one I didn't recognize. The girl sure got around. He was really cute, though, and she really seemed into him. Maybe I had read the signals wrong, she had no interest in Cole and she had just wanted us to have a girls’ night. Still, would she really be okay with me leaving the bar without her? I didn't want to make a new friend angry, especially since I had to sit right beside her at work. I actually really liked spending time with Zoey and I hoped that we were working towards a new friendship. I didn't want to do anything to ruin that. Guys always seemed to be a great way to ruin friendships with girls. You couldn't have it both ways. If two girls liked the same guy it was trouble.

  “Don't worry about Zoey.” That voice again whispering into my ear was intoxicating. He grabbed my hand and led me away from Zoey and her new man.

  “Wait, where are we going? Why aren't we leaving from the front?”

  “I have VIP parking here, love, we are heading in the direction of my car.” We headed outside and the night was still warm and inviting. I wondered briefly what time it was while Cole led me to his car. When we walked up to an Aston Martin, I had to hold in a gasp. God, it was a beautiful car. Who was this guy? Was he rich?

  I managed to squeak out, “This is your car?”

  He smirked and said, “Yes, why, do you like it?” He winked.

  I just smiled as I slid into the passenger seat. The leather interior added that much more to the class of the car. He revved the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. We drove through the city for about ten minutes making our way downtown. I couldn't believe that I was going home with Cole; it seemed like an awfully brazen thing for me to do. He looked over at me and smiled.

  “There’s no need to be nervous, Avery. I won’t bite.”

  I chuckled and leaned my head back on the seat. Seattle at night was always beautiful, and I wasn't surprised when we pulled up to a luxurious penthouse apartment. We ventured out of the car where a valet took over parking it. We rode the elevator all the way to the top. The top floor would overlook the entire city of Seattle. That alone was enough to make anyone jealous. What kind of life did this man lead? He seemed so mysterious.

  When we walked into his apartment it was clear that the man was quite wealthy. God, what had I gotten myself into? I took in the entire apartment and made my way to the balcony to see the view. When I stepped outside I allowed myself to gasp—it truly was a sight to be seen. At night the city was entirely lit up and it made you think that you were in a dream. The city lights were breathtaking and I admired how lucky Cole was to be able to see this every day. I imagined waking up and having coffee first thing in the morning looking at a view like that. It was paradise and he lived it every day.

  I turned around and saw Cole in the kitchen pouring us a couple of drinks. I ran my eyes over his muscular frame, and felt myself flush as I thought about what he would look like out of his suit. I went back to looking at the grand view. I bent over the balcony railing, leaning over the edge to get a better view. The drop down below was enough to make your stomach drop out. The people and cars looked so small from his balcony.

  “The more you bend over, Avery, the more I want you.” Startled, I hadn't realized that Cole had walked up behind me on the balcony. He was holding both of our drinks and he had a mischievous smile on his face.

  “Oh, is that right? I'm not even sure you could handle me.” I said it with a wink and wondered what had come over me.

  He set the drinks down on a table and came to me quickly, his mouth searing on top of mine. I gasped as I tasted his lips and then his tongue. He was so much more aggressive than I had expected him to be. He tongue explored my mouth and I moaned with every touch. I was quickly losing my head being in Cole's arms, and as our kisses grew more passionate, I knew that I would allow Cole anything that he wanted.

  I began to drift into what seemed to be a dream as Cole pulled my body towards his large chest. He seemed to know exactly where to touch to get my body to play like a symphony. A symphony full of rises and falls. I continued to kiss him passionately, grabbing as much of his athletic build as possible. Suddenly, he stopped and slightly pushed me away, still gripping my shoulders gently.

  “Avery…if I don’t stop now, I won’t be able to stop myself from…” Cole looked at me intently with eyes full of lust.

  “Who asked you to stop?” I found myself saying it with almost a commanding voice. I felt like there was another person inside of me waiting to break out and ride Cole right on the balcony. As I began to daydream this, he takes my dress straps by his two hands close to my neck and completely ripped it down the front side, baring my perky breasts and hard nipples. I gasped sharply and backed up, catching myself against the balcony railing. Cole promptly tore off his shirt in a similar manner. His face was filled with determination and raw desire.

  I noticed that I was trembling. Not because I was scared or shocked, but because I had become so aroused. I put my arms down and let my ripped dress fall through the cracks of the railing down into the streets. Looking down, I saw the dress flutter quickly down. When I looked back up, Cole once again locked his lips with mine while pressing his body against my breasts. The support from my own legs fluttered
away much like the blouse in the dark night. Cole was in total control of me, and I was completely okay with it.

  He picked me up and tucked my legs around his cut core. Turning me around, Cole pushed me up against the exterior walls of his balcony. He moved his lips down to my neck and consumed it with firm kisses. Cole moaned in delight, which made me feel my panties soaked through. Using his right hand, he grabbed my left breast hard, and pinched my nipples. It was exactly what I wanted. Heat rippled through my body as I became more turned on.

  Cole laid me down from the wall effortlessly like a play doll over onto the balcony recliner. He kissed down to my breasts; he caressed and served to my eager nipples. I let out a lengthy moan to let the pleasure traverse through my body, from my mouth, past his sucking mouth, down my stomach and terminating in my pussy lips. He noticed my trembles and yanked the rest of my dress off. He pushed my legs apart and moved his head downward. With a snarl, Cole stuck his tongue out and began to tend to my dripping wet pussy.

  He knew what he was doing. I got goosebumps as he slowly moved his tongue upwards towards my clit. When he reached it, he closed his mouth and sucked generously, letting out slight growls. The animalistic noises vibrated through me and up my body.

  “Cole!” I shrieked. I stared down at him and he looked up with a devilish smile before he continued to devour me. With every lick, I became wetter. With ever suckle, I became weaker. Then he slipped his finger into me. One finger. Two fingers. I was tight but so wet that it was very easy. I melted into the recliner and moaned. He curved his fingers up and pressed on the interior of my walls. I arched my back upwards and breathed sharply to get him closer to my g-spot.


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