Her Home Run Desires

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Her Home Run Desires Page 29

by Payne, Jenna

  “Such as what?” asked Tabor, urging his reluctant horse onward.

  “Adversaries,” replied Arken. “Water snakes, for example.”

  “Who knows what is lurking in the water,” replied Tabor. “Let’s just get to dry land and try not to think about it too much.”

  Arken increased the speed of his swimming, soon passing Tabor and Kirian and leading the way across the lake to the safety of the far bank, from where a trail would continue to take them on their westward journey.


  “Do you think we should light a fire to dry and warm up a bit?” shivered Kirian.

  “Let’s keep moving,” instructed Arken. “We may have killed some of the hunters, but not all of them. If we can swim that lake, then so can they. They won’t be far behind us.”

  “How much farther do you think we’ll have to travel?” asked Tabor.

  “I’ve no idea to be honest…” replied Arken, “I’d like to get us out of this forest so we can get a better sense of where we are, but we seem to be faced with danger at every turn.”

  “Shall I scout ahead?” suggested Tabor. “I could take my horse and see what our options are along this trail and try and see how far we are from the main road. I’ll be able to move faster travelling by myself than if we continue to travel as a party of three.”

  “That does make some sense,” acknowledged Arken. “But perhaps it is best if I go. You should stay here with Prince Kirian, that is your duty after all. Let’s ride a bit further until we can find a safe place to make a temporary camp, and then I will go exploring.”

  After a few more miles Arken found a clearing that he felt was secluded enough to give them some cover. He left Tabor and Kirian to start a fire while he urged his tired horse into a canter to explore what lay ahead of them.

  “Let’s get you out of those wet clothes…” Tabor instructed Kirian, “We’ll try and dry them as best we can beside the fire before we have to start riding again.”

  “You speak to me like I am a child!” laughed Kirian.

  “I’m sorry my Prince, I didn’t mean to offend you…” apologized Tabor, “but Arken is right–my duty is to care for you.”

  “You didn’t offend me Tabor,” smiled Kirian. “And I appreciate your loyalty.”

  Kirian held his arms up while Tabor helped to peel the wet tunic from his body. After draping the shirt over a nearby branch, Tabor helped him step out of his wet trousers.

  “Stand by the fire to stay warm,” instructed Tabor, intrigued to see the body of his prince, naked for the first time.

  “It’s not just me who needs to get his clothes dry,” suggested Kirian. “Do you need me to help you get your clothes off too?”

  Tabor happily allowed Kirian to help him to remove his shirt, and was soon also stepping out of his wet trousers. The two young men stood naked next to each other as they warmed their bodies close to the flames of the fire.

  “I heard you talking with Arken,” said Kirian, after a few moments of silence.

  “What about?” asked Tabor.

  “About your service to my grandfather,” he replied.

  “I thought you were asleep?” said Tabor.

  “I almost was, but when I heard you talking I didn’t want you to know that I was listening,” he admitted. “I wanted to hear what you were saying.”

  “Oh,” acknowledged Tabor. “Well, it’s probably for the best that there are no secrets between us.”

  “I would like you to teach me,” added Kirian.

  “Teach you?” said Tabor. “I’m not sure what you mean…”

  “I know that I’m not like other men,” he shrugged. “My tutor, Davidon, began to teach me some of the paths of pleasure, but there is still so much to learn. I can feel my powers growing, my body changing, I have needs and I think I need you to help me understand how to fulfil them.”

  “I see…” acknowledged Tabor.

  “You said that you had performed these services for my grandfather,” he continued. “I want you to show me… to teach me… to please me…”

  “Of course my Prince…” nodded Tabor. “It would be my honor. What form will you be taking? Your human form or your dragon form?”

  “How did my grandfather do it?” he asked.

  “Your grandfather has an insatiable appetite,” admitted Tabor, “I suggest that we start in your human form–especially as you haven’t quite mastered your powers yet.”

  Prince Kirian turned his body expectantly towards Tabor, eagerly anticipating what was to come.

  “Did Davidon teach you how to kiss?” asked Tabor.

  “A little,” nodded Kirian, tilting his head towards Tabor, encouraging their lips to come together. Tabor gently began to kiss him, tenderly. Kirian closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of Tabor’s mouth, the connection between them. Tabor opened his mouth and began to use his tongue to deepen the kiss between them, exploring his mouth with his tongue. Tabor brought his hands up to touch him on the chest, feeling the boy shiver in anticipation. Tabor took hold of Kirian’s hands and placed them on his own body, encouraging him to use his touch to explore Tabor’s body. Kirian began to copy Tabor’s movements, their hands running across each other’s chests, down the sides of their bodies, pulling them closer together as they continued to kiss, mashing their mouths together as the heat between them steadily increased.

  Just as things between them were beginning to escalate, Tabor could hear the sound of a horse approaching.

  “I see that I have arrived back too soon!” smiled Arken, pulling his horse to a standstill by the fire. Tabor continued to hold the naked prince in his arms. “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting.”

  “No need to apologize,” smiled Tabor, continuing to hold Kirian in his arms. “The prince has asked me to help in his education. Of course I was more than happy to oblige…”

  “Well you seem to be making good progress, but I’m afraid that we need to get moving,” said Arken, winking. “You’d better put some clothes on for now, but you can continue your lessons when we get to safety.”


  Sarkan, Lord of Castle Drakon was pacing anxiously when his chief counsel, Xenon, entered the throne room.

  “What news, Xenon?” demanded Sarkan impatiently.

  “My Lord,” greeted Xenon, bending down on one knee on the stone floor and bowing deeply in a formal greeting.

  “Enough with the bowing Xenon!” dismissed Sarkan impatiently. “What news have our messengers brought from the Garnet Valley?”

  “It is not good news I’m afraid my Lord,” began Xenon. “Our agents have confirmed that Prince Silas has seized control.”

  “But what of King Ludus and my daughter? What of Prince Kirian? What has become of them?” demanded Sarkan urgently.

  “Their fate remains unclear…” advised Xenon. “We believe that they were taken prisoner but that is all of the information that we have available at the moment.”

  “Has Prince Silas claimed the throne? Has he declared himself king?” asked Sarkan.

  “No, it does not appear so,” replied Xenon.

  “That means that they are still alive!” growled Sarkan, thumping the armrest of his wooden throne. “He can’t claim the throne while the rightful king is still alive.”

  “There are also rumors that Prince Kirian has escaped the castle, my Lord,” added Xenon.

  “I wonder,” mused Sarkan thoughtfully, looking into the distance. “It’s strange that we’ve had no word from Kirian’s tutor Davidon… I wonder if they have perhaps managed to escape, if somehow Davidon managed to get Kirian out of the castle before Prince Silas could seize him… I have been having dreams about Kirian recently, vivid dreams. He is calling me, searching for me, needing my assistance. If only we knew where he was!”

  Sarkan thought about Davidon. He had been one of Sarkan’s most trusted advisors. Sarkan had sent him to tutor his grandson Kirian so that he would know his history, that he would understand his family, understan
d their secrets, and understand their powers. Sarkan had been pleased with the match of his daughter to the future king of Garnet Valley. He had never thought that Ludus was particularly bright or inspiring, but he was solid and dependable, and he was the heir to the throne. Sarkan didn’t know much about the brother, Prince Silas. He had met him only once or twice. It was in Davidon’s last report that he had mentioned his concerns that Prince Silas appeared to have designs on the throne of Garnet Valley. Sarkan was angry with himself for not taking that warning more seriously, for not having taken action sooner to ensure the protection of his family.

  “My Lord…” said Xenon tentatively, cautious about interrupting Sarkan’s train of thought.

  “Yes, Xenon, what is it?” demanded Sarkan impatiently.

  “Would you like me to take a small detachment of men and go into the Garnet Valley to search for Prince Kirian?”

  “That is tempting,” said Sarkan, “but where would you look? My dreams aren’t particularly clear–I can’t give you a map reference or anything exact. Besides, I’m cautious about antagonizing Prince Silas too much. If I sent an armed party across the border he could easily claim it as an act of aggression, giving him an excuse to crush us with his vastly superior army.”

  “What if we disguised ourselves?” suggested Xenon. “If we weren’t wearing the colors of Drakon, we could pass for mercenaries or traders just riding through.”

  “But would you even recognize Kirian?” asked Sarkan. “How would you know who you were looking for?”

  “I have served your family all my life…” replied Xenon, “I will recognize him. My men are skilled hunters–if he is still alive we will find him.”

  “The prince will be scared and unsure who he can trust,” replied Sarkan, clearly warming to the idea. “He wears the ring of Drakon–the matching one to mine.” Sarkan held up his left hand to display the glowing ring. “Take my dagger with you–it carries the same stones. Kirian will recognize it as being of this place. The stones glow brighter when they are brought together.” Xenon held out both hands and carefully received the small precious dagger from Sarkan. “How many men will you take with you?” asked the ruler of Castle Drakon.

  “Just four, plus myself…” replied Xenon. “The main road is heavily guarded by the soldiers of Garnet Valley. We will need to find an alternate path in order to try and avoid their attention.”

  “Then you will have to enter the forest? Do you know the Amber Forest?” asked Sarkan.

  “Does anyone know the Amber Forest?” replied Xenon with a smile.

  “You’re right…” nodded Sarkan. “That vast, ancient forest has never been mapped. However, I agree–if the main road is heavily guarded, then there is no other way to travel between here and the Garnet Valley than the forest. That means that if Kirian is trying to reach me then he must also be trying to travel through the forest. When can you leave?”

  “We can leave within the hour,” replied Xenon.

  “Excellent. Go!” commanded Sarkan. “Bring my grandson to me!”

  Sarkan stood from his throne and walked across to one of the windows that looked out from Castle Drakon, wrapping his robe tightly around him. The valley that this castle protected boasted rich farmlands, and had been the home of Sarkan’s family for generations. This castle had remained strong and powerful while the lands beyond its borders had frequently torn themselves apart as various factions vied for power and control. Sarkan wondered whether he still had the strength to once again withstand the storm that was brewing beyond the borders of his kingdom, beyond the walls of this castle, beyond the mountains that protected this valley–a storm that had already engulfed his daughter and possibly also his treasured grandson Kirian.


  “I found an empty forest cabin just a few miles from here,” said Arken, leading the way down the forest trail. “We should be able to spend the night there at least–it’s set back a bit into the forest so it should be secluded enough to keep us out of harm’s way for the night.”

  The three men galloped along the trail, putting as much distance as possible between themselves and the hunters, whom they knew were not far behind.

  “This looks perfect!” confirmed Kirian, as Arken finally pulled his horse to a stop and led them to the secluded forest cabin that he’d found.

  “I’ll get a fire going,” said Arken. “You two make yourselves comfortable.”

  “Could we finish what we started?” Kirian asked Tabor.

  “Of course my Prince…” nodded Tabor. “Unless Arken has any objections?”

  “Don’t mind me!” grinned the mercenary, “I’ll keep myself busy out here with the fire while you two have your fun.”

  Tabor led Kirian inside the hut and laid their cloaks on the ground to create a bed for them. Kirian closed the door behind them so that they wouldn’t be disturbed.

  “I guess I’d better get you naked again,” grinned Tabor, helping him to pull his shirt off and step out of his trousers. Tabor quickly followed suit so that they were soon once again standing face to face, their bodies exposed and naked, and their heartbeats quickening with desire.

  “Kiss me again,” whispered Kirian. Tabor immediately brought their mouths together. Their lips connected, and their tongues sought out each other.

  Tabor ran his hands down the prince’s body, feeling the smoothness of his skin. Taking hold of Kirian’s nipples, Tabor gently tweaked them, causing him to moan.

  “Did Davidon teach you that?” asked Tabor. Kirian nodded. Tabor tweaked his nipples again, twisting them harder this time, enjoying the feeling of Kirian shivering with pleasure at his touch. Lowering his mouth, Tabor began to lick and kiss his nipples, gently chewing on them as Kirian’s moaning indicated that he was enjoying Tabor’s skills.

  Tabor reached down and took a firm hold on Kirian’s cock–already growing and thickening to hardness. The pleasure that Kirian was feeling clearly evident.

  “You are certainly well-endowed,” said Tabor admiringly, “but then I guess that runs in the family.”

  “My grandfather…he is also a big man?” asked Kirian.

  “He is,” nodded Tabor. “The biggest I have ever seen. But I’m pretty sure that you’re going to get bigger too–especially when you begin to really unleash your power.” Tabor slowly tugged Kirian’s cock, sliding the foreskin backwards and forwards, feeling it harden and thicken at his touch.

  “What next?” asked Kirian, dreamily. Without answering, Tabor dropped to his knees so that Kirian’s cock was at his eye level. Tabor admired the thick cock, respecting it as though it were a precious work of art, a jewel to be treasured. Extending his tongue, Tabor began to lick and kiss the head of Kirian’s cock, getting it wet, lubricating it to help the juicy foreskin slide smoothly back and forth. Working his way up and down the shaft of the cock, Tabor soon had every inch of it spit-slick and rock-hard.

  “That feels so good…” sighed Kirian.

  “Davidon didn’t teach you that?” asked Tabor. Kirian shook his head with a smile. Tabor resumed his attentions on Kirian’s cock, opening his mouth and taking the head of the cock across his tongue, breathing through his nose so that he could push it down towards the back of his throat. Kirian placed his hands on Tabor’s head and guided him back and forth as Tabor expertly deep-throated his cock.

  “Don’t stop!” protested Kirian, as Tabor slowly released his cock from his mouth.

  “Don’t worry…” smiled Tabor, “…we’re just getting started…”

  “What’s next?”

  “Now you need to do some work…” said Tabor, winking. Tabor lay down on his back and pulled his knees back towards his chest. “It’s time to fuck me…” instructed Tabor.

  Following Tabor’s guidance, Kirian positioned himself next to Tabor, taking hold of Tabor’s legs and supporting them with his shoulders as he spread Tabor’s legs, exposing his hole. “Spit on it…” instructed Tabor.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.
  “Spit on it…” repeated Tabor. “You need to get it wet, get it loose, get it ready for your cock.”

  Kirian followed Tabor’s instructions and spat a mouthful of saliva into his hand, smearing it over Tabor’s hole, which was twitching in anticipation. Tabor helped him line his cock up against his hole. “Now push it in…”

  Kirian closed his eyes with pleasure as he pushed his hips forward and felt his cock penetrating Tabor’s ass.

  “Oh fuck yeah…” moaned Tabor, feeling inch after inch after inch of hard cock pushing inside him. “Fuck me…” As Kirian began to grow in confidence he began to build the momentum of his fucking–driving his cock in and out of Tabor’s ass, harder, faster, and deeper as Tabor urged him on.

  “I can’t hold it back much longer,” warned Kirian, feeling the pleasure building up inside him, reaching the boiling point as he lost himself in the sensation of being able to fuck the young warrior who was soon to serve him.

  “More!” urged Tabor, feeling as if every fiber of his body was on fire.

  “Ungh! Ungh! Fuck! Oh god, here it comes!” roared Kirian. “Aaaaaggghhhhh!”

  Tabor was momentarily blinded by an intense light that filled the cabin. When he was able to open his eyes Kirian had transformed into the most beautiful dragon, his scales shimmering with jeweled light, his chest heaving from the force of his orgasm. Prince Kirian stared at Tabor’s naked body, fire flaring in his eyes as he extended his wings and felt his powers growing in every part of his new body.

  “Behold… the Dragon Prince…” gasped Tabor. “Behold the Dragon Prince.”


  As they were packing up in preparation to continue their journey the next morning, a familiar figure appeared. It was the monk Albertus.

  “I’ve got someone here who has been searching for you…” smiled Albertus mysteriously. “Well, searching for Prince Kirian.”

  “What do you mean?” demanded Arken, “How did you find us? How do you know who we are?”

  “There are no secrets from the trees…” shrugged Albertus, “at least, not in this forest anyway. Come, follow me–I left them waiting just a bit further along the forest path.”


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