Her Home Run Desires

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Her Home Run Desires Page 84

by Payne, Jenna

  “We are recovering. We have grieved as is proper and important. Now we are feeling ready to continue on the path we have chosen. In fact, we were going over the files we were given and both Cardel and I have a few questions,” Fonte said.

  “Fire away gentlemen,” Melissa said confidently.

  “Well, without judging, we were wondering why you are not the ambassador. Is it really the class system you have? You seem more suited to the position,” Cardel said curiously. She could tell he meant no disrespect and she reminded herself the whole point in having liaisons was to help them understand.

  “Well, yes. I specifically went for the job I have when I reached the coming of age. I wanted to see other places and things. I have always been a good organizer so the job was perfect for my needs. Where I come from, I would be too short and uh…built, I guess you could say,” she gestured at her body shape. “The ambassador was born to an aristocratic family and most certainly looks the part. I wouldn’t underestimate her either. She is incredibly smart, resourceful, as well as compassionate. She is a good ambassador for our people,” Melissa said loyally. She knew Ilona culture did not work the way hers did, so it would appear strange to them. As strange as their openness was to her sometimes.

  “It seems odd, but it is good to know. Our king is king merely because his family has done such an amazing job looking out for the rest of us. If that were to change I imagine so would our king,” Fonte smiled.

  “Not that I can foresee that happening,” Cardel added with a chuckle.

  “He is a very good king from all I have seen and heard about him. It was nice of him to visit me. He could have sent someone to visit a mere assistant,” she said with a soft laugh.

  “That is not how he sees things. With your ambassador down for a time that makes you the one to look towards in your embassy group. It is a respect thing with him. Us too really,” Cardel finished before reaching for more food. Melissa blushed lightly again and joined him. She was hungry and the food tasted great. Her hunger was quickly eased and she soon felt full, yet light and eager for what was next, whatever that might be. She could still feel a little tension, which wasn’t surprising all things considered.

  They moved over to a wide couch with their drinks and sat in the breeze. It had become hot outside once past midday, and she appreciated the air flowing across the lake. Fonte sat on her left and Cardel on her right.

  “So do you think you will be comfortable here Melissa?” Cardel asked. As he set his glass down on the little table his bare arm brushed hers and she felt a little thrill that surprised her. She swallowed a drink of juice quickly.

  “I do. It is a lovely place. It is a good place to work from or relax, when I have the time,” she said with a laugh. She knew she would soon be launched into full work mode and was enjoying the brief time off. She had a meeting with the captain later.

  “It is strange to us. When you say ‘have time to relax’. We believe relaxing is essential to good health as well as even better work. For instance, you look beautiful and refreshed, but I can still see some tension, here and here,” he said touching her shoulder and back briefly. She felt a little thrill, wondering where this lunch was leading and if she should allow it.

  “There is always some tension and worry in my line of work. We are a species that does not stop looking forward to what is next. This can cause some tension,” she told them. Fonte agreed.

  “I get that. After what happened you are, in all respects, the face of your people. Doesn’t this fact mean it is even more important that you can operate tension free, for better results?” he asked.

  She laughed. “I hope I am not the face of my people. I am a mid-level bureaucrat. My people would not be too happy about it if I were,” she shook her head in real amusement. She barely noticed the slight feeling of regret it brought.

  “You should think higher of yourself. Your file says you are smart, compassionate and as far as we can see, you have always made decent decisions, at least on paper,” Fonte remarked. He patted her shoulder and then left his hand resting there. She felt her knee squeezed and realized Cardel had turned towards her as well. She hesitated.

  “How long has it been, Assistant to the Ambassador Melissa Mac, since you have just had a good time. No worries or cares? Just cut loose?” Fonte asked. He began massaging her shoulders and it felt so heavenly she did not want to resist, turning sideways so he could reach better. She opened her eyes when Cardel took her hands.

  “It was at Paradise City,” she told him softly, suddenly flooded with memories of when she came of age.

  “What is that?” he asked as the massage began releasing the tightness in her shoulders.

  “When we are young, as we come of age, all of us are given the option of Paradise City. You spend a month exploring and experimenting with anything you want. It is expected to get any wildness out of your system before choosing a career,” she told them. Without releasing her eyes Cardel kept a hold of one hand and returned his other to her thigh. She could not bring herself to protest. It felt so good.

  “It is a shame your people do not allow for this after a one-time trip. Despite being of a different species we all have heart and soul. We may use different names for them, but it means the same thing. You cannot get desire out of your system, it is a part of you,” Fonte whispered in her ear.

  She could feel deep down he was right. Not to mention she was feeling something else deep within her that was rising quickly. She had not felt this way since Paradise City. Or rather she had pushed it aside; she was good at that like all of her people. Fonte knelt behind her on the wide couch and she leaned back against him while he continued to massage her shoulders and neck. Cardel was now massaging her thighs and legs with both hands, so she extended them. Smiling he winked and began touching the entire length of her legs.

  Fonte’s hands went from her sides around her front, cupping her breasts and she gasped. Cardel reached to the arm rest on the couch and pressed a button. The seat section began moving out and the back began lowering down. It was turning into a bed. By this point Melissa was so wound up she could only be pleased at the opportunity. She was essentially sitting in Fonte’s lap while he caressed her body with loving strokes. Cardel began sliding her shorts down. Soon he was caressing her bare skin, reaching higher and she felt anticipation build.

  When Fonte began undoing her buttons and caressing her flat belly, she arched her back into him and it lifted her hips. Cardel took advantage of that and he teased her now very wet opening with deft fingers. She moaned from deep within, gasping as her breasts were squeezed and lifted by Fonte. She quickly removed her top, and the two Ilona removed their clothing. Melissa got on her knees facing Cardel and he did the same. Her urges were throbbing through her and she leaned into him, pushing him back down so that she was on top. Her legs went straight back and she could feel Fonte slide his hands over her calves and to her thighs. Gasping she tangled her fingers in Cardel’s flaming hair and he wrapped his arms around her. She could feel his maleness pressing against her thighs as they writhed together and could not help lifting her hips.

  “Ah take me; oh Cardel I need you now!”

  His moan followed, and then her hips were lifted and she could no longer feel Fonte’s hands when she was lowered onto Cardel’s more than ready member. He sank deep into her and she cried out in explosive pleasure, as did he. She felt it again as the rhythm of their hips continued and his shaft remained stiff and hard for her. When he did explode his desire into her, she twitched and howled her pleasure. She felt a huge joy she had never felt from intercourse, but wanted to feel again. Their movements slowed down but as she rolled off of Cardel she found herself up against Fonte and could feel his unspent desire pressing against her leg. She smiled.

  “Oh baby, are you ready now?” she asked in an amazingly sultry voice. He growled agreement and before she could move rolled over on top of her. She reached up and put her arms around his neck and they kissed. His stiff member
slid over her thighs as they moved against each other until she was more than just ready again. He seemed to sense it.

  “Oh yes Fonte, oh…oh… yeeees!” she cried out as he entered her, and like Cardel, he filled her completely as no one but they ever had. His pulsing desire sent her own body pulsing faster until she stiffened with a cry of pleasure. Then another and another before the final explosion that was again body shaking and left them both gasping for air.

  “Damn guys, that was…was…” she had no words.

  “Fun?” Fonte said.

  “Needed?” Cardel asked.

  “Yes,” she answered them both.


  Melissa watched as the captain drove up late in the afternoon. She had changed clothes and was feeling ready for anything. Her new friends had been right; she had needed that time with them. As the captain got out of the silent sled she noticed he was no longer limping and he looked healthy and focused. He smiled up at her and she returned it. She guessed Ilona agreed with him too.

  “Hello Captain. It is good to see you. Any news?” she could not help asking. He nodded as he came up the steps.

  “You’re looking good Mac. The healers here are amazing. Our doctors could learn a thing or two. I have no worries about the ambassador.”

  She grinned and agreed.

  “Your people are healing up as well I hope.”

  He smiled and nodded.

  “Yeah, almost back to normal. Is there a place we can go to talk?” he asked. She led him into the house. He had been gone all day.

  “Sure, I have some food on the veranda. It is about dinner time I think. I am hungry anyway, you?” she asked. He was.

  They loaded plates with a meat and rice dish the cook, Daria, had made for them and went to a little table on the far side of the veranda. He launched right into it.

  “I understand that your bosses don’t fill you in on things, but for me to work with you I need to keep you informed. If something comes up I don’t want to have to explain. Are you alright with that?” he asked.

  A year earlier she might have had an issue with the breach in protocol. Now though, it was a difficult situation and she needed the information. So she agreed.

  “Good. First off, they have tracked the separatists to some underground tunnels. There are parts of this planet that are riddled with them. It looks like they are closing in and I have several of my people leading the team that is searching,” he said and she nodded.

  “Ok, how come you are not leading them Captain? I am sure your soldiers are good, it is not that, only I would have thought you took command privilege,” she told him.

  “Priorities Mac. Ultimately my responsibility is security for you and the ambassador. There is no telling if there is something we are missing about these guys. I don’t want to find out too late, so I will collect my data here. Closer to you and the boss. This village is safe and the inhabitants have all checked out with the Ilona government. The ambassador is doing better than we thought. They say now she will be up tomorrow,” he said. Melissa gave a little cheer and he grinned. Then his grin faded.

  “Yeah it is good news. I have been hearing some things I don’t like though, rumblings from above. Scuttlebutt has it that your home office is thinking of scrapping the whole idea of keeping an embassy on Ilona,” he told her and Melissa was shocked.

  “That isn’t what they told me earlier. They were pretty determined that no terrorism was going to cause us to change course. There is too much at stake with the trade deals and all,” she said with a frown. He shrugged.

  “It could just be rumor, but I know my superiors have been asked to come up with an extraction plan for everyone in case this thing goes further south. The ship we came in was damaged beyond repair during the attack. I think it is stupid. Trade aside we need to have our healers study with theirs. I am serious about that too. Half of my people that were injured would not have made it with our own doctors and the ambassador herself would have been D.O.A.” he said with conviction.

  “Well, I am not in a position to advance anything, but I will mention it to Rosanna when she is up and around. I am sure she will be into that. It is right up her alley and I would guess the Ilona would have no problem with it either,” she told him. He nodded and they fell silent for a time. Then a thought struck Melissa.

  “Hey Captain? Is it just me or does it seem like any separatists from earth would need someone familiar with Ilona territory to pull this off?”

  His eyebrows raised slightly and he gave a grim smile.

  “Yeah I have wondered about that. Everyone thinks it is impossible but it seems likely. I mean, no humans have been on Ilona for twenty-five years and that was the first contact team. They would not have been able to advise separatists about where to hide or how to disappear so fast. That really gets me too. We should have had them at the landing field, but no, they disappeared so fast it was like they weren’t there. It is difficult to believe that both separatist groups are communicating with each other but I don’t know what else to think,” he paused then smiled.

  “You are good at this. I hope you don’t mind if I hit you up for a chat now and then. It helps me think things through.”

  Melissa smiled and said ok. She was flattered he would want her opinion. She remembered her friends Fonte and Cardel telling her to think better of herself.

  “If you have the time Captain, could you use a drink?”

  He agreed and they went into a larger gathering room that had a bar.

  Melissa’s liaisons joined them, as did the captain’s Ilona military liaison. A tough looking Ilona woman named Mistally. She managed to keep her comments on that to herself. It would be a bit hypocritical. A few off duty soldiers came in and were offered a drink and it was a nice relaxing time. Sergeant Jones had seemed a bit morose, but perked up after a drink and something to eat. The other two soldiers were in good spirits. Melissa broke the little party up early because she wanted to get some work done the next day. Especially if Rosanna was back in the saddle again.


  “Miss Mac? Miss Mac?” Melissa heard as she was waking up. It sounded like Lenah outside her bedroom door.

  “Yes Lenah, what’s up?” she asked stretching and bumping a sleeping Cardel next to her.

  “Your ambassador, she is asking for you,” she heard her say and immediately sat up straight.

  “I will be right out, and thank you,” she told her sliding off the end of the bed and going to the closet.

  Melissa quickly chose some clothes and got dressed. Her choice was more formal than the previous day so as not to freak out Rosanna. The guys got up as she was pulling her bodysuit on.

  “My boss is up; I have to go. Sorry to sleep and run,” she told them smiling. They laughed.

  “It’s your home. We will join you there Melissa. I hope it goes well,” Fonte said as he got out of bed and headed for the facilities.

  She had not planned on sleeping with her liaisons again but after the get together the night before, they had been so sweet and kind. So attentive to her every need that one thing had led to another. It was odd having two boyfriends when she had not actually had one boyfriend since she got her job.

  Melissa pulled on blue silk trousers and a silk blouse that she tucked in. She did keep it unbuttoned to between her breasts since she was decently covered by her bodysuit. A quick brush of her hair and a head band completed her preparations for work. She kissed the guys and left quickly. She was amazed that the captain was waiting on the steps.

  “That was fast. Great, let’s go,” he said and she jumped into the vehicle and they were off. It was just getting light and there were few people on the road so they made good time.

  “When did she wake up?” Melissa asked.

  “Not long ago. The healer was giving her the once over when I got the call. I came right here. She did ask for us specifically,” he said with a glance. Both of them, she thought to herself. That was odd. Melissa was usually the go between wi
th her boss and the guards. They pulled up to the medical center and her liaisons were waiting. She wasn’t even going to ask how they beat her there.

  “Before we go in Mac I wanted to ask you to keep your eyes and ears open. Something doesn’t feel right about this. I am glad your friends came. They will be extra eyes on your behalf,” he said with a slight smile before leading her up the steps. Cardel and Fonte fell in behind her.

  So the captain guessed she was spending time with them. She was beginning to get nervous about what her boss might think. She wasn’t specifically breaking any regulations beyond, maybe, her appearance the day before. Technically they could have sex with who they wanted. For some reason Melissa did not think that would be the woman’s reaction to her assistant playing with the aliens.

  They turned a corner going down the hall and saw the king, with a few of his people waiting by a door as well as a human guard, Sergeant Jones. The captain nodded to the woman and she returned it.

  “Greetings Your Majesty, you honor us with your presence,” Melissa said as they got close and bowed. Captain Lancer followed suit.

  “You are welcome. I came as soon as I heard she was well. I have a request if I may. She said she spoke to your home office and the plans for an alliance have been set aside. I would very much appreciate it if you would talk to her about that. I do not understand. Despite the horrific events, this alliance is good for both of our people. Please remind her of that. She will not discuss it with me and I am disturbed,” he said. Having a king of a whole planetary system ask for her help was a little alarming to Melissa. Fortunately, she did agree with the king’s point. She was disturbed by it too.

  “I will speak for you Your Majesty, I promise,” she told him.

  Entering the room, her boss was in a chair by the window signing off a communications system. She looked flawless, as always, except she was looking worried and scared.


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