The Taken

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The Taken Page 17

by Casey Kelleher

  ‘Lena?’ A voice behind her called.

  She heard footsteps.

  Glancing back, it was the nurse from earlier. The one that had comforted her.

  Now though, her face looked full of concern, staring at Lena, then down at Roza; a frown spreading across her face. ‘Lena, what are you doing? Where are you going?’ Her voice got louder now. Panic ensuing as she realised Lena was trying to make a run for it – Nurse Sayers’s words still inside her head. ‘Lena, stop! Please, don’t do this. Roza’s not well. She needs to be here, with us. Please, Lena, let us help you?’

  Lena shook her head.

  The nurse was lying. They didn’t want to help her. They wanted to take her baby. She’d heard them. All talking about her, judging her.

  The nurse was shouting now. Running the length of the corridor. Hoping to stop Lena before she managed to get away.

  The noise alerted the others; another nurse stepping out from a cubicle further down – the Ward Sister rushing out from the kitchen.

  Lena needed to move. To run. Spotting the fire exit door that led to the stairwell she didn’t bother wasting any time waiting for the lifts. Instead she ran as fast as she could down the narrow flight of stairs, clutching Roza tightly in her arms. Tripping in her haste, she stumbled down the last two runs. Dragging herself up, she was on the second floor.

  She had no idea which way she should be heading, All she knew was that she needed to get as far away from this part of the hospital as possible.

  She realised that some of the nurses might have taken the lifts and could be waiting for her at the bottom. She couldn’t chance it.

  Changing direction, she ran to the opposite end of the hospital. She’d find a different staircase. See if she could lose them that way.

  So far, there had been no one else around. It was almost one o’clock in the morning, and most other patients had long been tucked up inside their beds. The only sound now was her, as she ran. Her breathing heavy, erratic; her feet rhythmically hitting the tiled floor – the noise echoing off the hospital walls.

  Disorientated as she turned yet another corner, she lost her bearings, wishing that she’d paid more attention when Roza had been admitted earlier. The place was like a maze, everything looked the same; each sterile white corridor leading to an identical other like she was running in circles. There was another stairwell up ahead of her.

  Lena could feel Roza stirring now, crying gently, still sleepy.

  Taking the stairs once more, Lena made it to the ground floor in just seconds.

  The sign above her read ‘main entrance’. Following the arrows, just a few more minutes and she’d be out of here.

  She was almost there. Almost free.

  Turning the corner, her body slammed straight into something, into someone, stopping her in her tracks.

  It was a man. His frame huge, heavy. Making her bounce backwards.

  Clutching Roza tightly, something had to give. She dropped her bag to the floor.

  Winded, Lena scrambled to her feet. Her only thought was for her daughter, but Roza, unaffected, didn’t make a sound.

  The man bent down to pick up Lena’s bag, and Lena noticed the woman standing next to him.

  She was young, pretty. Her hair blonde and curly, her eyes an icy blue.

  She was speaking. Saying something. Lena could see her lips moving, her face etched with concern, but Lena wasn’t listening, she was too distracted.

  She could hear the voices behind her getting louder as they got closer.

  Turning, she could see a nurse striding towards her, two burly security men at her side. Just two hundred yards away.


  Korab wouldn’t be far behind either.

  ‘Here, you dropped this.’

  Turning back to the man, Lena gasped. Suddenly, it was if she’d had all the air knocked out of her.

  It was him.

  The man from the boat. In France.

  Holding out the bag, Vincent stared at her, a flicker of recognition flashing in his eyes the same moment it did in hers.

  ‘You?’ What the fuck was the girl doing here?

  ‘You know this girl?’ the woman asked, unsure of what was going on.

  ‘Please, I need to get out of here, please, they are going to take my baby… ’

  The security men were almost on her now.

  The nurses would take Roza. They’d send her back to Albania. Just like Ramiz had said.

  Lena tried to run past, tried to make it to the doors, but the man from the boat stood blocking her way.

  The walls began closing in on her. She felt trapped. ‘Please, help me. I need to get out of here.’

  To her surprise, the man grabbed at her arm, shouting to the woman to get her arse in gear as he dragged Lena out towards the main doors.

  ‘My car’s just outside. Get a move on,’ the man said.

  Lena stopped resisting and ran now, grateful that the man and woman were helping her. She just wanted to get out of here. Get Roza as far away from the place as possible. Make sure that she was safe.

  Reaching the black Range Rover in the car park, Lena watched as the man swung open the back door, the woman jumping inside.

  She felt confused, a second of doubt creeping in once more.

  ‘Why are you helping me?’ she asked simply.

  The footsteps behind them were still coming.

  ‘Why not?’ the man shrugged. ‘Call it my good deed for the day! Now, you getting in or what?’

  Lena wavered. Unsure.

  ‘Well?’ he asked, not in the mood for games.

  Lena jumped in.

  Slamming the door behind her, Vincent ran around to the driver’s seat.

  It looked like the night hadn’t been a complete disaster after all. What were the chances of bumping into the girl from the boat? His head was spinning. If the boat sunk, but the girl had somehow survived, chances were that Korab and Ramiz might have survived too.

  That meant that there were loose ends. Loose ends that could come back to him and Joshua.

  Vincent needed to get this little situation sorted out, and pronto.

  Jumping in his motor, Vincent shook his head in wonderment as he started the engine. If it hadn’t been for Aaron acting like a fucking prick tonight, Vincent would never have even been at the hospital in the first place.

  He’d never have seen the girl.

  Turns out his cousin wasn’t such a useless cunt after all.


  ‘Er, have I stepped into the friggin’ twilight zone or something? What the hell is that and where did it come from?’ Plonking her handbag down on the hallway floor as Boris sniffed around her feet and jumped up at her excitedly, Misty pointed to the baby in Saskia’s arms.

  ‘I know I’ve taken a clump to my head tonight, but the nurses at the hospital said the cut was only minor. Superficial, a bit like the no-mark that inflicted it on me. I only needed five stitches in the end but maybe the nurse had missed something? I think I might be hallucinating because that looks like a baby?’

  ‘You’re not hallucinating. This is a baby and her name is Roza.’ Saskia exaggerated her whisper hoping that her friend would follow suit and keep her voice down. She didn’t want to upset the poor child any more than it already was.

  ‘You’ve got a kid?’ Misty asked surprised now. She’d never even thought to ask Saskia if she had any kids; the girl was so young that it hadn’t even occurred to her.

  ‘God, no. She’s not mine. Vincent just left me to it. Dumped her on me. She won’t stop crying. The poor mite’s been screaming the place down for almost an hour. Seriously, Misty, I’m so glad you’re here, I can’t seem to settle her. Look, I ain’t happy about this little arrangement either, you know. She won’t stop crying. I don’t know what to do?’

  Saskia was pacing the room as the baby bawled loudly in her arms.

  ‘Where did Vincent get a baby? Why did he leave her with you?’ Misty shook her head, confused. Saskia loo
ked close to tears, and Misty had no idea what the hell was going on.

  ‘Well, I’m just going to throw a wild guess out there that his childcare skills are probably right up there next to his flower arranging and cookery expertise.’ Saskia shrugged. ‘He couldn’t get out the door quick enough; said he’ll be back to speak to her tomorrow.’

  ‘Vincent is coming back tomorrow so he can talk to the baby?’ Rubbing her head now, Misty groaned inwardly.

  She was definitely concussed. She must be, because none of this conversation was making any sense.

  ‘No, he wants to talk to the girl. The baby’s mother! He said to call as soon as she wakes up.’

  ‘The baby’s mother?’ Misty stared, open-mouthed now. ‘When she wakes up?’ Misty repeated.

  ‘Yeah she’s asleep.’ Saskia diverted her eyes away from Misty’s. ‘I don’t know who she is. She literally ran into us at the hospital as we were leaving. Vincent seemed to know her… ’

  Staring at the empty sofa, Misty frowned.

  ‘Oh no! Please tell me that you haven’t let this woman kip in my bed, Saskia?’

  ‘I can tell you that but… ’ Saskia said with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood.

  ‘Girl, are you fucking kidding me? I’m knackered. My head’s banging and now you’re telling me that, as well as having this sprog dumped on us, I’ve got some strange woman tucked up in my bed?’ Stomping across the flat now, Misty pushed open her bedroom door and peered in.

  ‘She’s not a strange woman, Misty, she’s practically a child. She can’t be more than sixteen… ’

  Peering through the darkness, Misty could barely make out the girl’s face as she slept. All she could see was her frame – long, slight – swamped underneath Misty’s duvet. The rise and fall of the cover as the girl slept contentedly.

  She was completely out of it. Sparko.

  ‘Who the fuck is she?’ Closing the door again.

  ‘All I know is her name is Lena.’ Saskia shrugged. ‘Vincent seemed riled though. He kept asking her the same questions over and over again. It sounded like he was interrogating the girl. She wasn’t making much sense, she was babbling. Talking in her own language. Poor girl looked a right state. I think he gave her something in the end to make her sleep… ’

  ‘Gave her something? Like what?’

  ‘I dunno. He was rummaging around in your en-suite for ages; when he came out he told her he had something that would calm her down, help her rest—’

  ‘My Xanax! No wonder she’s sleeping through this racket. Jesus! It doesn’t look like we’re getting much sleep tonight then does it?’ Misty sighed. ‘Lena? I wonder who she is? The name doesn’t ring any bells. Do you think it’s Vincent’s girlfriend?’

  Saskia shook her head. Lena definitely didn’t look like a girlfriend of Vincent’s.

  ‘I dunno, I don’t think so. She sounded foreign. It was all a bit odd. She was being chased. Some nurse came charging around the corner, together with an entourage of security guards, and the girl just went nuts. She was saying that they were going to take her kid away from her. She was begging us to help her.’

  ‘So what? Vincent Harper did his good deed for the day, did he?’ Misty was suspicious now. ‘Why would that man go out of his way to help her? He’s not exactly the charitable type is he? What was he asking her, do you remember?’

  ‘He kept saying the same name over and over… something like Conrad, or Korab… He said something about a boat sinking? That’s when the girl really lost the plot. She was crying, shaking. He couldn’t get any sense from her after that.’

  ‘So he knocked her out?’ Misty scowled. ‘Typical Vincent.’

  ‘He begrudgingly went out and got some supplies before he left. Some baby milk, and nappies and stuff. I think he just wanted to palm the kid off without us giving him any earache about it, but I haven’t got a clue what I’m doing. She just won’t stop crying… ’

  Misty could see that Saskia was on the brink of tears as well as she cradled the distressed baby in her arms and continued to pace up and down Misty’s lounge.

  ‘Here, give her to me.’

  Taking the baby, Misty held her awkwardly in her arms. ‘Hey little one,’ she sang, trying her hardest to settle the child. ‘Maybe something’s wrong with her? I mean, they were at the hospital. Maybe Roza’s sick?’

  Saskia looked worried now.

  ‘Well, I’m going to place my bet on the fact that this little thing has got a poorly tummy. Jesus, Saskia, how can you not smell that!’ Wrinkling her nose up in distaste as an unpleasant stench of Roza’s nappy wafted up her nose, Misty quickly passed Roza back to Saskia. ‘Bloody hell! The little thing doesn’t look capable of doing something that smells that vile does she?’

  ‘I’m useless with babies.’ Saskia winced. She didn’t have a clue what she was doing, and changing a heavily soiled nappy was the sort of thing she had been dreading.

  ‘Have you got anything to change her into? Did you say Vincent bought some bits for her?’ Misty breathed through her mouth as she spoke.

  ‘Yeah, there’s a bag over there. What do I do though? I’ve never changed a baby before. I don’t suppose you would give me a hand would you?’

  ‘Er, no chance! I’m hardly bloody Mary Poppins am I!’ Misty held her hands up as she trudged across the room and grabbed the carrier bag that Vincent had left, sliding it over to where Saskia was sitting.

  There was no way that she was getting roped into looking after some kid. She’d already been through enough shit tonight without adding pooey nappies to the list.

  ‘Vincent left you in charge so I’m afraid bum duty is down to you.’

  ‘You’re seriously not going to help me?’

  Realising that Misty wasn’t going to give in, Saskia got on with the task in hand. Laying Roza down on the floor, recoiling as she undid the nappy, she gagged.

  Roza stopped crying.

  ‘Well it looks like at least someone’s happy to have that stinky nappy off,’ Saskia cooed, as Roza happily kicked her legs out now. Her face relaxed.

  ‘Ahh, look at her little face, Misty,’ Saskia said. ‘I think you were right. She must have had a poorly tummy? Is that why you were crying, little Roza? You poor little thing. You might be smelly, but you are gorgeous, aren’t you, little one. Ahh, come and look, Misty. She’s adorable.’

  Seeing her friend looking so besotted Misty gave in, walking over to see what all the fuss was about. Gurgling and wriggling as her eyes flickered around the room, her little mouth making funny noises, Misty couldn’t help but smile then too – Roza really was a little cutie.

  ‘Could you just hold her feet for me while I clean her up?’ Saskia asked now, seeing her friend soften. ‘Please, I’ll get it done so much quicker if you give me a hand.’

  ‘Okay, okay!’

  Reluctantly agreeing, Misty got down on her knees to help her friend. Taking Roza’s tiny feet in her hands she held them up gently, while Saskia faffed about inside the bag searching for some wipes and a fresh nappy.

  ‘Hello baby!’ Misty cooed, still holding her breath to avoid the rancid smell.

  Roza gurgled now, her eyes locked on Misty’s. She smiled – the biggest smile that Misty had ever seen.

  ‘Ah look, Sass, I think she likes me!’ Misty grinned, turning to her friend, amused; her hands losing grip of Roza’s bare feet as they slammed down into the soiled nappy. ‘Great,’ she groaned as she took in the sight of the yellow diarrhoea that had splashed all over her white dress. Roza was covered too. ‘Well, I guess this sums up a perfect ending to a thoroughly shitty night!’

  Saskia giggled.

  ‘Maybe we should just move on to plan B?’ she suggested.

  ‘And what’s that?’ Narrowing her eyes, Misty raised her eyebrows questioningly.

  ‘Let’s just dunk her in the bath! Going by the state of you I think that’s the safest option.’ Saskia shrugged, then pointing at her friend’s head she added, ‘you should pro
bably think about getting one too afterwards. You’ve got some, erm, baby poo in your hair!’


  Crouching on her knees in front of him the Russian girl was chunkier than Ramiz was used to. Her thighs and buttocks were heavy, her breasts full, curvaceous.

  Just the sight of the woman made him hard. Nothing like Lena’s flat, boyish chest. Unlike his wife, Anya was eager to please too. Obediently she took him in her mouth. Encased in total euphoria Ramiz allowed himself to relax. Tipping his head back, his eyes rolling as he gripped the girl’s doughy flesh in his hands, kneading it roughly as he willed her to suck him harder. Faster.

  He was enjoying himself. Sex with his prudish wife had been like fucking a corpse. Lena made no secret of the fact that she despised him. She only had to look at him and he could see the hatred pouring out of her. Her body physically recoiling when he touched her. The only sound that ever passed Lena’s lips when he fucked her were the moans of pain when he purposely hurt her so that she had no choice but to cry out.

  To beg him to stop.

  It was his little game. If the bitch refused to give him a reaction, he had forced her to. She’d taken the fun out of that too eventually. When she clocked on to the fact that the more she resisted her husband’s advances the rougher he would be with her, Lena had learned to comply. To lie there and let him do what he wanted with her.

  Well, his prudish wife had her wish now.

  Ramiz would never touch her again. Not now that she had lain with Korab.

  She was tainted, dirty. Still, she wasn’t without her uses. She’d be perfect for a place like this, he decided. The little set-up that Kush had running here was raking in the money. The man was smart.

  The pub downstairs was a shit hole, that was true, but it served its purpose. It was just a front. The real money to be made was up here with the girls, and now Ramiz was experiencing first hand why.

  Kush had a different girl in every room and punters coming and going all through the day and night. When Ramiz found out how much money was involved he’d made his interest in the place very clear. He wanted in.


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