Unplugged: A Blue Phoenix Book

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Unplugged: A Blue Phoenix Book Page 26

by Swallow, Lisa

  The memory catches up with Liam too and he kisses my cheeks, nose, eyebrows, everywhere the snow lands. “I love you, Cerys Oliver.”

  “And I love you.”

  With the snow flurrying around us, we stand with cool hands on each other’s faces. The silent communication in this moment is that of two souls made for each other and with that connection, I trust Liam with my heart, my life, my everything. Some soul mates never meet, or their paths cross at the wrong time, and those people will always have an emptiness they’ll never understand. Liam came into my life years ago and left again. On the day he kissed me at Christmas, my life fused with his. With that kiss, our souls surrendered and our hearts aligned leading us to this moment and to our forever.

  Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed Unplugged. Please consider leaving a review at the site where you bought the book. If you’d like to contact me, my author links are on the page with my author bio. I love hearing what readers think about my books.

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  Links to the Blue Phoenix Series

  Summer Sky

  Falling Sky

  Jem and Ruby’s story releases late December 2014



  My biggest thanks again go to Lou of Seraphim Book Reviews for her continued support and love of the Blue Phoenix boys. Thank you for being there as a friend and listening on my bad days. I promise I’ll make Bryn’s story awesome!

  Thank you to some lovely ladies who continue to support me with beta reading, getting the word out about my books and for generally being wonderful people: Leeann, Mikayla, Victoria, Dawn and Nicola.

  Thanks go to my fabulous editors Peggy and Becky at Hot Tree Editing and Najla at Najla Qamber Designs for shaping the finished product into a well-edited, beautifully covered book.

  Thank you to the bloggers who have supported my indie publishing journey - so many of you to mention so I won’t in case I leave someone out and offend! Without bloggers, the life of an indie author would be twice as hard. The amount of work you put into supporting and promoting authors is amazing. A special thank you to Rose for all your help through the last year.

  An acknowledgement is due to Tonya Ridener who won the competition to name the new band in this book. Her suggestion, Ruby Riot, received the most votes from my Facebook page fans. You will see a lot more of Ruby Riot in the next book, Rising.

  Thanks to my family for allowing me to spend so much time at my laptop in my Blue Phoenix t-shirt as I lose myself in their world (although I feel closer to the characters wearing the t-shirt, a trip to LA would help more, just saying). Apologies to Miranda for being spotted picking her up from school in what suspiciously looked like pyjamas under my hoodie. They weren’t. Honestly.

  And thanks to everybody who has done any of the following: read my books, left a review, signed up to my mailing list, spoken to me on Facebook or emailed me. You make my dreams a reality. I’m overwhelmed by the support for the Blue Phoenix series and can’t wait to share more with you! I love chatting about my imaginary friends so please contact me if you want to, I always reply.

  About The Author

  Lisa is an author of new adult romance and writes both paranormal and contemporary.

  In between running a business, looking after her family and writing, Lisa sometimes finds spare time to do other things. This often involves swapping her book worlds for gaming worlds. She even leaves the house occasionally.

  Lisa is originally from the UK but moved to Australia in 2001 and now lives in Perth in Western Australia with her husband, three children and dog.









  She can be contacted by email at:

  [email protected]




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