All the President's Men 1: Derek's Darling Damsel (Siren Publishing Classic)

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All the President's Men 1: Derek's Darling Damsel (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Rose Nickol

  After she answered that she understood about the hand signal, he slowly fed the huge dildo into her mouth, then kneeling down in front of her, proceeded to lick and suck her sore and swollen breasts. After he had removed the rope, the blood returning to them made them feel huge, and they throbbed. Soon she was coming again, and again. That was five, surely he was done. But Derek hadn’t given up. He took the huge dildo from her mouth and teased her slit with it after removing both vibes. Slipping it inside her pussy, then just the tip into her rear hole. Dottie came three more times.

  After a total of eight orgasms, she was slumped against the cross and not responding to any stimuli.

  Derek unfastened her and carried her to a huge tub in the corner of the room. Setting her on a chaise beside the tub, he started it filling and went and got her juice and water.

  Holding her up, he helped her drink both bottles, praising her and telling her how good she had been and how proud of her he was, kissing her face gently while he talked.

  He left her lying while he quickly stripped, then lifting her, he sat in the tub with her lying between his legs. He soothed the warm water over her, continuing to praise her and placing soft kisses where he could reach. She was perfect.

  Dottie lay in his arms, enjoying the warm water and the feel of his hands gently skimming her body. Even though they were both naked, there was nothing sexual in his touch, just a calming feeling and it was very soothing.

  Dottie relaxed and let her mind drift, not that she could have concentrated on anything at that point. What Derek had done to her was amazing. She had never thought her body would respond the way it did. Forced orgasms, who knew?

  It wasn’t something she wanted to do every day, but she had a feeling if she stayed with Derek for very long, she would have more orgasms than she ever imagined. Where was all this going? Where did she want it to go? She had been enjoying being single with the occasional date, but even though it had only been two days, the time she had spent with Derek was perfect. He was kind, considerate, and they had talked and spent some quality time together. It wasn’t just all about sex. Most of the guys she had dated had been willing to take her out for a meal or on some activity for the evening, but if she didn’t put out, she never heard from them again.

  With Derek, he made it all about her. As she was thinking, she realized that Derek had made the afternoon all about her, he hadn’t even taken care of himself. She could feel him beneath her as she sat on his lap and even now, he was worried about her and not himself. Time to do something for him.

  “Derek, you didn’t…” she started hesitantly.

  “Baby, I got everything I needed. I don’t always need sex. Sometimes, just pleasing my woman is enough for me.” He answered her as he pulled her closer to him.

  Turning in his arms, she looked up into his deep, dark brown eyes and said, “Derek, I want to do something for you, will you let me take you in my mouth?”

  What man could answer no to that? Derek thought of himself as fairly intelligent and was never one to refuse a lady. “If you want to, baby.” He smiled at her.

  The fact that she was worried about him and his needs just made her more perfect in his eyes. He could see a future with Ms. Chapman, and wondered how she felt about children. That was an issue they needed to address if this went where he thought it would. But now was way too soon, it was only the first weekend, the first of many, he hoped.

  Dottie turned around on her knees, and flipping her hair over one shoulder, leaned down to take him in her mouth.

  Chapter Seven

  Dottie woke later alone in the big bed in Derek’s room. He must have carried her up there after they were done in the tub, she remembered taking him in her mouth and swallowing him to completion, and then he held her close to him in the water, warming it several times before she fell asleep.

  Looking around, she didn’t see Derek anywhere, so she grabbed one of his shirts and went to find him.

  He was sitting on the back porch with his laptop, typing furiously. He seemed very focused and she didn’t want to disturb him, so she just walked over to the glider and sat down to wait for him to finish.

  Derek nodded at Dottie and she smiled, still trying not to disturb him.

  He continued typing for several minutes before turning his attention to her.

  “Hey baby, how’d you sleep?” he asked in that deep, gravelly voice of his.

  “Good, but Derek, as much as I hate to end this, I need to go home so I can get things ready for work in the morning. As it is, I will probably hear about not calling in all weekend,” she told him with a sigh. She really didn’t want to end their time together. This weekend had been a fantasy and a dream come true.

  Dottie was afraid that when reality hit, she would be in for a letdown. Would she see Derek during the week? They both had busy careers and their hours were not conventional. Could they find time for each other? Would he want to see her? His words and actions indicated he did, but was reality something different? For the first time in a long time, Dottie wasn’t sure how to proceed and what to do next.

  She really wanted Derek to come home with her and stay but didn’t know how to ask.

  Derek looked at her with a hint of sadness in his eyes. “I guess you should go to work tomorrow. No chance I can talk you into running away with me?” he asked just a hint of seriousness in his voice.

  Dottie stood and walked over to him. Draping herself into his lap, she cupped his face with her hand and looked into his eyes. “That sounds like a wonderful idea, but we both know it won’t work. We are both too responsible to do something like that.”

  “I guess you’re right, it was a nice thought. Let’s get you dressed and I’ll grab my go bag and we’ll get something to eat before I take you home,” Derek said, lifting her and leading her into the house.

  “’Go bag’?” she asked.

  “A bag I keep packed in case I have to go in a hurry. Every agent has one. You never know when an assignment will take you out of town and sometimes you have to be ready in a hurry. I keep one here and one at the office. It has enough clothes and other necessities to last me a week. If I need to be away longer than that I can always buy additional supplies.”

  Dottie was really confused now, but didn’t say anything, she just went along with him. Maybe he had an assignment out of town for the week and couldn’t give her any details.

  Derek took Dottie for dinner then drove her home. Her car had been moved from the hotel back to her condo sometime during the weekend, so she had no worries.

  Arriving at her condo, Derek grabbed his bag and followed her to the door. Looking at him curiously, she still didn’t say anything, just handed him the key to open the door and let him follow her in.

  Quickly turning lights on, she gave him a quick tour. When they reached her bedroom he set his bag down. Looking at it, she finally asked, “Why do you need that? Are you going away for an assignment?”

  Derek simply answered, “no,” and walked out to her living room. Sitting on the couch, he kicked off his shoes, put his big feet on her antique coffee table and grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels until he found a football game.

  Dottie looked at him incredulously and sat beside him. “Do you mind telling me what’s going on here?” she asked.

  Grinning and not turning his attention away from the game, he told her, “You’re my next assignment. I’m staying here. The couch doesn’t look big enough for me, so I’ll have to sleep in your bed. Whether you sleep there or somewhere else is up to you.”

  Grabbing the remote out of his hand, she clicked off the television and demanded, “Would you stop watching that and tell me what’s going on?”

  Still grinning like a fool, Derek explained, very proud of himself. “The powers that be have decided that you are in danger. I have been assigned to protect you. I could have used the entire team, but as a hardship to myself I decided to take the assignment solo and will stay with you until it is determined
that the threat is over.”

  “Wait a minute, I’ve been threatened. Round-the-clock protection, by who? How? What the hell is going on?” She was starting to get mad and a little scared.

  “The General didn’t say much, but what he did say threatened your safety. Also members of his staff confirmed that you were a target. Did you know that he requested the interview and specifically asked for you by name? Somehow you got on his radar and he has decided that he wants you. I am here to prevent that. If you don’t want me, I can assign other members of the team, but I would really, really like to be the one to protect you. Would it be a hardship to have me in your life for a few weeks?”

  Weeks, she thought, danger, the General had specifically targeted her. Her head was reeling, and she couldn’t think. Was she really in danger or was this something Derek was making up to be close to her? She didn’t think he would make something like this up and she vaguely remember the General saying something as Derek carried her out of the room, but it was all a blur.

  Leaning back on the couch, she closed her eyes to think and try to decide what to do. If Derek was going to be her bodyguard around the clock, she was going to have to make some major changes to her life. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to do that.

  As if he had read her mind, Derek turned her toward him and said, “I know this is upsetting, but I don’t want you to change your routine or your life. If it is too difficult for you having me this close this soon, I can assign other members of the team and we will watch you remotely. You won’t even know we are there. I don’t want to upset you or this to be any more of an upset to your life than it has to be. I will go to your office, but will observe from outside at all times. I would like to be in your home with you, but if that is too uncomfortable, I can watch from the street, I don’t have to be in your bed, although that’s where I’d like to be. Dottie, you tell me what you want.”

  Still reeling, Dottie stood and said, “I’m going to take a hot bath and think. Don’t come in there,” and she walked away.

  Turning the game back on, Derek relaxed back onto the couch. Well, at least she hasn’t thrown me out yet, he thought. Deciding he was thirsty, he went to the kitchen to look for a beer. Finding nothing but mineral water and juice, he called one of the guys and had him run for a case. If he was staying here, he needed provisions.

  What he hadn’t told Dottie was that along with himself, the team was also going to be observing her. The threat was bigger than he had told her. Whether she was aware of it or not, she was in possession of information the General wanted and wanted badly. Their sources had indicated that he would stop at nothing to get this information. Part of Derek’s assignment was to see if he could find out what she knew and determine what kind of threat it posed. There was more to Ms. Dorothy Chapman than what showed on the surface, and he was going to discover it if it took the rest of his life.

  Chapter Eight

  Dottie sat for a long time in the tub, thinking. This was what she wanted. She had wanted Derek to come home with her. Why was she so upset? She knew Derek would take care of her and she didn’t need to worry about the General or his men. Derek would keep her safe. He told her that he would interfere in her life as little as possible. Would she really be able to go about her normal routine knowing he was watching her every move? How could he not intrude? All she could do was try and go about her normal routine and see what happened. She really did like the idea of him being with her.

  Her mind made up, Dottie finished in the bathroom and found one of her sexier nightgowns to put on. Might as well take advantage of the situation while she could.

  Walking seductively, she hoped, she sauntered out to the living room to find Derek where she had left him, only with a can of beer in his hand.

  “Where did you get that? I know I don’t have any,” she asked as she walked up to him. Looks like he’s already making himself at home.

  “Delivery.” He answered, patting the spot next to him.

  She sat and he pulled her closer, wrapping one arm around her. “I didn’t know they delivered here.”

  “I know a guy,” he answered, apparently engrossed in the game.

  Taking the beer, she took a deep drag, and shaking her head, said, “I’m going to bed. I go to the gym at five and need to sleep. Are you coming?” she said, hoping he would and she would, too.

  “I’m gonna watch the end of this, then I’ll be in.” He took his attention away from the game long enough to kiss her thoroughly, then smacked her on the ass as she walked away.

  A little disappointed, Dottie took herself to bed and crawled to the far side, leaving room for Derek. Her bed wasn’t as big as his, but she did have a king size and it was roomy.

  She must have fallen asleep. Next thing she knew, Derek was crawling in bed and pulled her to him. She thought he might try to make love to her, but he just slipped one hand over a breast and laid the other between her legs and snuggled up to her. Soon he was snoring and she lay awake.

  Dottie lay there for what seemed like hours before she fell asleep. Soon the alarm went off and it was time to start her day. Derek had told her not to change her routine and her routine was to work out in the building gym every day at five a.m. She got herself untangled from Derek and headed for her workout clothes. She really didn’t feel like working out, but knew that missing one day led to two and before you knew it, the routine was gone.

  Derek rolled over and watched her dress. It looked like she was putting on workout clothes so he asked, “Working out, baby?” as he sat up and grabbed his go bag which he had placed beside the bed.

  He had thought about waking her last night, but held himself back. Just sleeping next to her was torture, but he didn’t know how she would have responded and didn’t want to push the issue.

  “Yeah, I do every morning,” she answered, yawning.

  “Great, I’ll go with you.”

  Dottie didn’t answer him, just headed for the kitchen to make coffee. She really needed it this morning.

  Derek had told her he didn’t want to interrupt her routine, so she kept to it as much as possible. It was a little distracting having him follow her everywhere, but true to his word, he didn’t interfere.

  After the workout, she got ready for work and Derek followed her, letting her make the drive herself.

  Her day went normally and Derek observed from outside. After the awkwardness of the first day, the week fell into a routine and other than Derek being with her in the evening, nothing was out of place. Her week was quiet with no activities scheduled and she enjoyed spending her evenings and nights with Derek. By Friday, it felt normal for him to be with her.

  On Friday, Derek changed it up a little by offering to drive her to work instead of following her. They had decided to spend the weekend at his house and he wanted to go straight there from her work. Dottie agreed.

  On the drive out of the city, Derek asked her, “Dottie, would you come to the club with me tonight? I just want to show you around and introduce you to some of my friends. We won’t do anything you don’t want to. I haven’t been there for over two weeks and I really need to check in. I keep in touch with the manager via phone and e-mail, but I like to put in an appearance occasionally. Would you go with me?”

  Dottie couldn’t find a reason not to go and she was curious. “What will I wear?” she asked, not sure what people wore to this type of club.

  “We’ll find you something.” He grinned.

  When they reached Derek’s place, they greeted the horses first before going into the house. Derek fixed them a quick dinner while Dottie finished a few things on her laptop.

  After eating, Derek led her to the bedroom, and pulling a package out of the closet, handed it to her.

  Opening the package, Dottie found a dark purple brassiere and matching boy shorts. That was all that was in the package. “You want me to wear this?” she asked, continuing to look in the package, sure there was more in there.

  Derek took the small
bag out of her hands and grasped both her hands in his. “Please,” was all he said.

  Nodding, Dottie sat to change. Putting the outfit on didn’t take long, and when she was done, she walked into the bathroom to check her appearance. She actually looked good. This was something she would never have considered wearing outside the house, but it was a very flattering color and her legs looked long and sleek.

  Leaving her hair down, she arranged it over her shoulders, helping to cover her chest. When she came out of the bathroom, Derek was waiting, wearing black jeans and a black leather vest with military books. Very much the alpha male.

  Letting out a wolf whistle, he twirled her around, smacking her on the ass. “Looking hot, baby,” he told her. “I’m going to have to keep you close all night or someone will take you away from me and I can’t have that,” he said possessively.

  Pulling a ribbon that matched her outfit out of his pocket, he fastened it around her neck. “This will act as a temporary collar tonight. One day I hope you will wear my collar permanently, but for tonight this will have to do. It will tell people that you belong to me. I will have a matching ribbon around my wrist. No one should talk to you without my permission, and you will talk to no one without my permission. The rules in the club are very simple. As my sub, even if only for one night, you belong to me. You do nothing without my approval while in the club. I know this will be hard for you, but it’s for your safety. If you do something that offends another Dom or his sub, he will want you punished and by the club rules he has the right to punish you. No one touches you but me, and I won’t allow you to be punished by another Dom. If you follow the rules, this will not be an issue. I will stay with you and guide you tonight. Before we go in the club, there’s a contract for you to read and sign. I have one here so we can do this before we leave. Baby, you will do fine, don’t be nervous.” As he said the last, he pulled her into his arms and held her tight.


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