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Legal Artistry Page 18

by Andrew Grey

  "We?” Dieter asked.

  "Yes, Dieter. We're a team."

  "But I didn't do anything,” Dieter said.

  "Yes, you did. You were here, and I knew that and felt you here. In a way, it gave me strength and added that extra bit of conviction,” Gerald said, and Dieter looked toward the glass door and saw a couple heads peering into the room. Ignoring them, he turned his attention back to Gerald. “I meant what I said. I'll turn this case over to Brian and become just your boyfriend if that's what you want. You are more important to me than anything. I waited a long time to find someone as caring and wonderful as you, and I'm not going to let you go over something as marginal as a legal case.” Dieter felt Gerald smooth his hair away from his forehead, the touch soothingly kind and thoughtful.

  "You'd really do that? I know you think this is your chance to make a name for yourself.” Dieter didn't know what to think. “No,” he added, making up his mind. “I want you fighting for me in the courtroom and loving me in the bedroom. You were amazing today.” Dieter swallowed hard around the lump forming in his throat before putting his arms around Gerald's neck and tilting his head to kiss him.

  A small knock on the door sounded through the room, but Dieter ignored it. He was the client, after all, and if he wanted to kiss his attorney in the conference room, he was going to damn well do it. “I think we have an audience,” Gerald said, smiling against Dieter's lips.

  "Don't care. Do you have more work to do or can we go?” Dieter asked quietly as he met Gerald's eyes. “I want to be alone with you right now. You were so strong, so confident earlier, and it was really"—Dieter swallowed, wondering what Gerald would think of him—"kind of super-hot."

  Gerald smiled and then threw his head back in a deep rich laugh. “Sweetheart, you better believe I'm done for the day. And just for the record, you're always kind of super-hot.” Gerald got up from his chair and tugged Dieter to his feet. “Let's go before we completely scandalize the straight people.” Gerald walked toward the door, and Dieter followed him. Pulling it open, Gerald stepped out into the hallway, leading Dieter toward his office. Gerald seemed to be ignoring the looks he was getting from his coworkers, so Dieter did as well, until he saw Harold Prince standing in Gerald's doorway with his arms crossed. Gerald walked right up to him, staring him in the eyes.

  "What was that in the conference room?"

  "A meeting with my client,” Gerald replied in a level voice. “I'd appreciate it in the future if everyone in the office would remember that client conferences are confidential."

  Dieter suppressed a snicker as Harold stepped aside, looking slightly amused. “I heard that your meeting went very well. I'd like you to fill me in, but I think tomorrow morning is soon enough.” Harold turned, and Dieter watched as he walked back to his office. Gerald gathered his papers, placing them in his case before saying good night to people as they walked toward the lobby.

  A buzz of excitement thrummed through Dieter's body as he rode the elevator down with Gerald, standing close enough to feel the waves of energy rolling off Gerald from the confrontation with his brother. He seemed to glow with it, and Dieter felt himself drawn to him like a magnet.

  "I'll meet you at my house,” Gerald told him, holding his hand before letting go and hurrying to his car. Dieter watched Gerald go for a second before rushing to his car as well, and thankfully, traffic cooperated, and Dieter was parking in front of his lover's house as Gerald was getting out of his own car. Gerald waited for him, and they walked to the front door together.

  Inside, the door closed behind them, and Dieter lunged, clutching Gerald as he pummeled his mouth with kisses. He felt Gerald's arms around him, and Dieter pressed him into the room until Gerald reached the sofa and they toppled onto the cushions. “Can we go to the bedroom?” Gerald asked, his voice cutting through the haze of desire that had clouded Dieter's mind.

  Dieter nodded and got up from the sofa, breathing hard as he waited for Gerald to stand before taking his hand and pulling him toward the bedroom, unbuttoning his shirt as they moved. Within seconds of reaching the bedroom, Dieter had himself naked, cock standing tall and throbbing, and was already attacking Gerald's clothes. Once Gerald's pants hit the floor, Dieter flung himself at Gerald, and they fell onto the bed, bouncing slightly on the mattress as Dieter kissed Gerald hard, taking his lips and feasting on his mouth. He couldn't think straight. All he kept seeing was Gerald standing up to his menacing-looking brother, calm and collected, knowing he was doing that for him.

  Dieter wasn't sure which was the bigger turn-on, Gerald being so forcefully strong or the fact that he was doing it for Dieter—maybe both. Not that it mattered or that he spent much time thinking about it, because as soon as he felt Gerald's skin against his and tasted his lips, his entire world narrowed to just him and Gerald.

  Breaking their kiss, Dieter needed to taste and touch. So, hands roaming over Gerald's skin, Dieter licked and sucked his way across Gerald's chest. Warm, slightly salty, slightly sweet skin passed under his tongue, and it seemed the more he tasted, the more he wanted. Lifting Gerald's arms, Dieter ran his tongue under them where the heavy, pungent taste of his love was concentrated into a heady rich banquet. Then Dieter kissed his way down Gerald's side, teasing the divot just above his hip as Gerald moaned softly, hips rocking as Dieter tasted.

  "Please...,” Gerald said softly between clenched teeth, and Dieter knew what he wanted because he'd made that same sound and asked for the same thing from Gerald. Shifting slightly, Dieter ran his tongue along Gerald's length, and the room filled with a high-pitched, almost whimpering moan. Dieter felt a zing slide up his spine as he realized Gerald was making that sound because of him.

  The intense taste of Gerald, his Gerald, burst onto Dieter's tongue as he sank his lips over the swollen head and down the silky hard shaft, his tongue teasing the underside of the head. Gerald whimpered again as Dieter took him as deep as he could before backing off and trying again. Gerald always blew his mind, and Dieter wanted to return the favor. Dieter ground his hips against the bedding as Gerald thrust lightly upward, groaning softly. Dieter sucked as hard and deep as he could, his hips thrusting his shaft against the soft cotton sheets. Then Gerald stopped moving, and Dieter peered into his eyes, clouded and half-lidded with unbridled, lustful desire.

  "Love you, sweetheart,” Gerald said, and Dieter let his lips slip away from Gerald as he was drawn up into a deep kiss. As they kissed, Dieter found himself rolled on the bed, Gerald pressing him deep into the mattress while Gerald's knees spread and Dieter lifted his legs. Dieter heard the snick of a bottle, and then a finger pressed into his opening, deep and rough. Dieter gasped and the finger slipped away. “Need you right now,” Gerald told him, eyes locking on his, and Dieter nodded, not trusting his voice or his breath to answer. Dieter felt Gerald fumble for a second, putting on a condom, and then he felt his lover's cock at his entrance. “Can't be gentle,” Gerald whimpered breathily before plunging deep into his body.

  Dieter gasped and the breath whooshed from his lungs as he held onto Gerald's shoulders, crying out in sheer, mind-clouding pleasure that threatened to overwhelm him. Before Dieter could catch his breath, Gerald withdrew and drove into him again like a man possessed. “Gerald, don't stop...,” Dieter managed to say through gasping breaths as he locked onto Gerald's blue eyes, and their bodies quickly came to a union of movement.

  Pulling Gerald down, Dieter kissed him hard, and he heard Gerald grunt something that sounded like, “Mine.” Dieter wasn't sure, and now was not the time to ask, but as Gerald's thrusts became more frantic, his voice became clearer, and Dieter did indeed hear a chanting of the word “mine."

  "Yes, yours,” Dieter cried, arching his back to meet each of Gerald's ragged thrusts.

  "You! Mine!” Gerald cried before kissing him hard, nearly bruising his lips.

  "Yours, all yours,” Dieter reiterated, his voice losing its force as the pressure built within his body. Still holding onto Gerald's shoulder, Di
eter brought his hand to his cock, only to have Gerald bat it away.

  "Come with just me. Nothing else. Feel how I love you, how I'm playing your body,” Gerald gasped to him as he drove deep inside him. “Show me how much you love me. Let me see it and let me feel it."

  Dieter threw his head back as Gerald pegged the spot inside him. Lights flashed and his ears rang as he came hard between their sweaty bodies, feeling Gerald throb deep inside him. Dieter stared up at Gerald, meeting his wide, blue eyes as his lover's pleasure wrote itself on his face. Then he pulled him down into a kiss, holding him as they basked in their love's afterglow.

  Dieter felt Gerald slip from his body and still he held him, listening to Gerald's deep breathing and letting his eyes drift closed. Dieter loved that happy, floating feeling he got after making love. “I love you,” Dieter whispered before kissing Gerald's cheek as he held him close.

  "I love you too,” Gerald said as he lifted and turned his head for a kiss, and Dieter happily obliged. Dieter let his eyes slide closed, listening to the sound of Gerald's breathing, feeling his warmth as he stroked his hand along Dieter's back. “We should get something to eat,” Gerald said, and Dieter made a sound of recognition, but had no intention of moving. He was too comfortable and way too happy to move a muscle.

  "Eventually,” Dieter replied, this time coherently, keeping his eyes closed as his mind wandered and he started to drift off to sleep. Movement jerked him awake, and he felt Gerald slipping out of his arms. With a small groan, Dieter followed him out of the bed and into the bathroom, his eyes still only half open. Gerald started the shower, and Dieter waited for the water to warm and Gerald to get in before allowing himself to be tugged in as well.

  The hot water woke him fully, as did the slippery hands that worked their way over his skin. Sighing loudly, Dieter rested against Gerald and soaked up the attention like a cat soaks up the sunshine through a window. He couldn't remember being this contented and happy with most everything in his life. He felt like a kid again, with almost no worries and cares.

  "Are you humming?” Gerald whispered in his ear, and Dieter nodded.

  "I'm happy,” he responded, and he heard Gerald chuckle as the slippery fingers washed his delicate bits.

  "I am too,” Gerald told him, and as the hands slid away from his skin, Dieter opened his eyes, reaching for the soap. It was now his turn. Lathering his hands, Dieter caressed and washed Gerald's chest and stomach, making him chuckle as he tickled lightly. Resoaping his hands, Dieter slipped them under Gerald's balls and then along his shaft, beginning to tease him back to life before pulling his hands away and motioning for Gerald to turn around. Getting more soap, he thoroughly washed Gerald's back and butt, slipping his fingers between his legs to tease the back of his balls before he'd finished the job. After squirting some shampoo into his palm, he washed Gerald's hair, listening to his small, contented moans.

  Once they were done, Gerald turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, handing Dieter a big fluffy towel. “What happens next? With the case, I mean,” Dieter asked.

  Gerald motioned for him to turn around and gently dried his back, and Dieter laughed when Gerald teased his butt cheeks. “We wait,” Gerald answered. “Angus has filed his motions, and there will be a hearing on them at some point."

  "Do you really think they'll send me those seven other paintings?” Dieter asked as he turned around to face Gerald, his eyes traveling up and down his body as he feasted his eyes on his lover.

  "If they were ready with an offer that quickly, they realize they don't have a leg to stand on, so I suspect getting them back isn't going to be much of a problem. But we'll have to see. I'm sure I'll hear from Angus fairly soon with his next salvo. I beat him up pretty good, so he's going to come back with his guns blazing. But whatever it is, we'll be ready for him."

  "I know,” Dieter answered as he hung his towel on one of the bars. “I was impressed with the way you handled him. I saw some of that when you were dealing with the guard in Vienna, but you had Angus wondering where the next shot was coming from.” Dieter smiled and stepped close to his lover. “It was amazing."

  "It was?” Gerald asked, and Dieter stepped closer, tugging away Gerald's towel.

  "Uh-huh,” Dieter responded, putting his arms around Gerald's neck.

  "We just got cleaned up,” Gerald told him, but he didn't back away.

  "So we'll get messy and take another shower,” Dieter cooed just before they kissed. Gerald's hands slid down Dieter's back and rested on his butt, squeezing his cheeks as he led him out of the bathroom and back toward the bed. Food could definitely wait.

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  Chapter Nine

  Gerald stepped into his car and started the engine before driving to the office. Checking his watch, he pressed the speed dial on his car's Bluetooth control and dialed Dieter's cell. “Hi,” Dieter answered, in a soft but happy voice.

  "Hi, yourself. I wanted you to know that I got a call from the court. There's a hearing on Angus's motions this afternoon at three. I'll be there early because I can't take the chance that the judge will be ready for us before that. It's just a hearing, so you don't need to rush over, but I wanted you to know."

  "Will we hear something about those other paintings?” Dieter asked. They hadn't heard anything from Angus in the past few weeks, but Gerald suspected he was going to hear something today. He just had a feeling.

  "I'm not sure, but I'll call you after the hearing to let you know how it goes.” Gerald stopped at a light.

  "Will I see you tonight?” Dieter asked.

  "I was hoping you'd ask. After court, I'll need to clear up a few things at the office, but I can meet you at your house if that's all right."

  "Okay. I hope you have your pajamas packed,” Dieter teased. “I'll try to be at the hearing, but if I can't make it, I'll see you at the house. Love you."

  "Love you too,” Gerald said before disconnecting the call as the light turned green, continuing to work with a smile on his face.

  Gerald worked busily all day. Early in the afternoon, he walked to Brian's office, and together they drove to the federal courthouse. “Are you nervous?” Brian asked as he drove his deep-blue BMW sedan.

  "No. Well, maybe,” Gerald admitted as he looked at Brian.

  "This is only a motion hearing, and you know most of what is going to be argued,” Brian told him. “But you know that there will be one motion that he'll spring on you."

  Gerald turned to Brian, suddenly very nervous. While he'd done plenty of negotiations, he hadn't spent a great deal of time in court, and that inexperience made him wonder if he could really do this. “What kind of motion?"

  "I really don't know. But he will have one. Just keep your head and think how you'll respond. You have great instincts. You showed that during the meeting with your brother last month. So whatever you do, don't let him throw you, and always remember, if you need me, I'll be in the chair next to you."

  Gerald knew that Brian was trying to be reassuring, but all he felt now were butterflies in his stomach. “There isn't a person alive who knows more about this case than you do,” Brian reassured him. “Not the opposing attorney and not the judge. You've studied everything to do with this case backward and forward. You know where the case is a little weak and you know its strengths, so play to the strengths and let them carry you through."

  "I know. I just want to feel confident when I go in there."

  "You should. But know that the case will not be won today, but it can be lost. So make good, logical arguments, and you'll be just fine.” Brian looked over and smiled at him before turning into the parking garage and finding a spot. Gerald grabbed his case and followed Brian through the garage and into the courthouse. The judge was running behind, so Gerald and Brian found a place to sit. Brian made phone calls while Gerald worked on the outline for a brief until the judge's clerk informed them that they would be ready for them in ten minutes. Gerald thanked her and put away his
papers, closing his case as he saw Angus approaching, his usual smug look on his face. As he approached the courtroom, Angus refused to acknowledge him in any way, and when the doors to the courtroom opened, Angus strode inside, the door closing after him. Gerald felt Brian's hand on his shoulder. Gerald smiled at him before pulling open the door and walking into the courtroom.

  Brian walked to the front of the room and Gerald followed, taking the chair next to Brian at the plaintiff's table. Gerald opened his case and pulled out his notes, setting them in front of him before sitting down to wait. A door at the back of the room opened, and Gerald stood as Judge Ellis entered. “Be seated, please,” he said and took his chair behind the bench. “This is simply a hearing on the various motions in this case.” Judge Ellis looked toward the defendant's table. “Mr. Young, you've brought a number of motions, so we'll start with your motion on jurisdiction.” Judge Ellis turned to Gerald, and he felt the man's gaze. “His motion has merit. The defendant is a sovereign nation."

  "True,” Gerald started, “but it's a sovereign nation that made money in this country on the assets in question. Therefore they are subject to US law, particularly on assets they've used as the basis to make the money here in this country.” Gerald realized his nerves faded as soon as he began speaking, and he saw Judge Ellis turn his attention back to Angus.

  "I believe I agree with you. Mr. Young, your motion for dismissal is denied. You also have a motion to suppress the documentation gathered by the plaintiffs at the Belvedere. I see no basis for suppression. The copies are officially sealed."

  "They were obtained under false pretenses,” Angus explained.

  "How so?” The judge leaned forward.

  "They did not properly identify themselves, Your Honor."

  "Did they not use their real names?” The judge prompted.

  "They did. But they falsely represented the reason they were there. On their research application, they said they were doing artistic research."


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