Dead Island Ravenous

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Dead Island Ravenous Page 7

by Allen Gamboa

  The loud, sudden concussion of a handgun rocked the inside of the SUV. Ears ringing Hale turned to look back in the direction the sound had come from.

  “Damn, son!” Duley said grabbing his ears.

  “Fuck!” Vannelli, who was sitting next to Duley, had his hands flat over his ears and was shaking his head.

  “Asshole!” Speedy shouted from the back seat. “Fuck!”

  “What?” The new guy, Specialist Berry, held the Glock in his hands and pointed out the open window of the Yukon. “Deaders man, didn’t you see them?”

  “Duley!” Hale shouted over the ringing in his ears. “Grab fucking Berry’s gun!”

  “Shit!” Duley leaned back and yanked the handgun out of the specialist hands. “Look!” He pointed at the open window. “You didn’t even hit them! Dipshit!”

  “They’re deaders man!” Berry whined.

  “Asshole,” Speedy shook his head, ears ringing. “they weren’t a problem. You’re the fucking problem Ese.”

  “Wasting ammo there new guy!” Hale shouted back to him. “You are on weapons restriction until we get to the Nitrex plant. Maybe even until we get back! What the hell did you do before this?”

  “I was TSA.” Berry said glancing down at his feet.

  “Shit! Speedy grab all his weapons.”

  “Hand them over tough guy.” Speedy held out a gloved hand to the young contractor. Berry rolled his eyes then reluctantly handed him his machete, survival knife and tactical tomahawk. “That it Berry the Cherry?” The former TSA agent winced at the soldier calling him that. Berry wanted a cool nickname like Ace or Iceman, but Berry the Cherry… “Is that it?” Speedy asked again as he dropped the edged weapons onto the seat next to him. The younger man quietly nodded and stared back out the window.

  “Maybe, just maybe you’ll get these back at the Nitrex plant!” The sergeant glanced over at Cross who just smirked and shook her head. “TSA.”

  “What?” Cross pointed to her ear.

  “I said TS-.” Hale stopped when he saw Cross start to laugh and just shook his head. “It’s going to be a long trip.”

  “What?” Cross cupped her ear again.

  “Just keep your eyes on the road.”

  “Roger that.” Cross nodded then sang. “Ice, Ice, baby.” The stupid song was too damn subversive. “Yep, someone at camp was going to get hurt. Bad.”


  Black’s Compound

  “Explain that to me one more time Diego.” Black said as he poured himself two fingers of expensive scotch and gingerly sat down on the overstuffed leather couch. The Billionaire smoothed out his slacks with his free hand then glanced back up at the 65-inch TV screen in front of him. The image of the disheveled Hispanic mercenary became blurry as the contractor struggled to adjust the webcam. “Never mind.” Black took a sip of the aged Scotch. “I get the gist. You failed me again.”

  “Senor…” Diego became clear again on the screen and the worry and fear could visibly be seen on his face. Not good. Black frowned and swirled the ice around in his glass.

  “Listen.” He leaned forward and rested his right elbow on his knee. “You haven’t been with me a long, have you not?”

  “Yes sir.” The mercenary swallowed anxiously.

  “I do not easily suffer fools. I gave you direct orders to grab the package and, where is it?” Black turned over an empty palm. “Not here. Why is that?”

  “I… I fucked up Senor. It was my fault.” Diego swallowed again and sweat ran down the left side of his face.

  “Yes it was.” Black took another sip of his drink then leaned back on the couch. “I do admire that you took the blame. Excuses are no good to me.” He smirked. “But this is your last chance. I hate to not make good on my word unless of course, I’m lying. Understand?”

  “Yes.” Diego said, obviously relieved. “Yes. Thank you.”

  “Enough. How are you for men and transport?”

  “I need more of both. The Rangers put up a good fight.”

  “Too bad.” Black finished his drink. “I will have Baasch send you the coordinates of a nearby cache. A new crew of mercenaries will meet you there.”

  “Yes Senor.”

  “And Diego…don’t fail me. I can be an unforgiving God.” Black finished off his drink and turned off the screen. “Baasch!”

  “Sir?” Black’s security chief quickly appeared from the shadows.

  “Send Diego the location of the nearest cache and deploy ten of the best contractors we have at the compound to meet him.”


  “And also, get me our Army contact on the satphone. Also, any word on the team at the other site?”

  “No sir. I'll try and contact them right away.” Baasch said disappearing back into the shadows. Black stood up and straightened out his dress slacks. Now days it was hard to find a good place to clean and press your clothes. Black walked over to the bar and stared at himself in the 18th century Italian Venetian mirrors. His movie star looks had always served him well in hiding the true nature of the beast that lurked behind them. Smiling, Black reached into the ice hamper, removed some fresh cubes and dropped them into his glass. He poured himself another two fingers of Scotch and toasted himself in the mirrors.

  “To victory.” He chuckled. “Hell, to utter controlled chaos.”

  “Sir,” Baasch interrupted his reverie. “It’s Captain Kubicek.”

  “Ah,” Black set his glass down on the bar and took the satphone from his attendant.

  “Thank you Baasch.”

  “Anything else sir?”

  “Yes, see if you can find out anything on the other labs.” Black turned his back on the man and brought the phone up to his ear. “John, how are you?”

  The voice on the other end said tersely. “What do you want?”

  “Hmm.” Black picked up his glass and swirled it around. “Just because you’re up in a safe zone doesn't mean I can’t reach you John.”

  “Sorry.” Kubicek said quietly. “It’s been a rough day. I am well. How are you Ian?”

  “Oh great. Thank you for asking.” He raised the glass to his lips. “Kids and wife?”

  “Good, safe.” Kubicek said trying to mask his impatience and dread.

  “See.” Black turned back to the mirror and smiled. “It’s just polite to exchange pleasantries before we do business.”

  “Of course, it’s just a little…hectic here.”

  “I understand. I was calling about the package.”

  “Yes, of course. That’s the issue.” Kubicek whispered.

  “Don’t worry my friend. Our lines are secure. Your voice will just be a hissing sound. Besides, if someone was listening in, whispering won’t help.” Black took a drink. “You’re safe. John, you are too big of an asset for me to risk. Besides I have great plans for you down the road. Anyway, the package. Location?”

  “In the air.” Kubicek whispered.

  “I know.” Black let out an irritated breath. “Destination?”

  “Groom Lake, Nevada.” The Captain continued to speak in hushed tones.

  “Okay. Are you alone?”

  “Of course.” He whispered.

  “Hmm.” Black was starting to rethink his choices in political futures. “Stop whispering and speak like a man. If you’re line is tapped they are going to hear you anyway. It’s not, so don’t worry about it.”

  “Groom Lake, Nevada.” Kubicek cleared his throat and spoke up.

  “I heard you the first time. Can we intercept in the air?”

  “You won’t have to. The plane is low on fuel. Command is redirecting them to a civilian airfield. We’re sending some A-10’s as an escort.”

  “Can you redirect the escort?”

  “Yes.” Black could picture Kubicek sneering on the other end of the phone. “Not a problem. Controller is a friend of mine. He directs all the sorties from here, I can fix it.”

  “Very good.” Black walked back over to his couch.
“Send me the location of the package and I’ll have my friends pick it up.”

  “Also, the package will be delivered by a driver and two loaders.”

  “Good. Any word on any of the other trials?”

  “This seems to be the most viable of all of them.” Kubicek told him. “Government seems to be sold on that one over the others.”

  “Very good. Thank you, John. Pass on my best to the family.”

  “Yo-” Black clicked off the satphone and tossed it onto the cushion next to him. The saying really was true, ‘good help was hard to find’, especially during a damned undead outbreak. Black slowly savored his drink as he stared at the blank screen in front of him. If by chance this all fell apart he would still be the man on top. He had his own private army and more wealth than most nations. Black laughed to himself and stood up once again smoothing his pants. In all of his plotting he’d almost forgot the man strapped to the table in his workroom. Black glanced at his watch, ‘damn’, the sedative was probably almost worn off by now. Well, it might be a little more interesting without sedation. Controlled Chaos, Black smirked, Controlled Chaos.


  Checkpoint 101

  Cross still hadn’t gotten that damned song out of her head and they’d already been driving for over an hour. Dum dum dum duh duh duh duh dum… was running through her head. Why the hell couldn’t she replace it with one of the Motley Crue songs she knew by heart. Damn Vanilla Ice! Cursing, she reached over to the CD player and tried to wedge her fingers inside. The SUV swerved a little, knocking the other passengers around a bit. Hale, who’d been asleep, gave the sergeant a dirty look.

  “Keep your eyes on the road sergeant!”

  “Just trying to keep from going insane.” She returned her attention to driving.

  “Well, I was in the middle of a great dream.” Hale wiped the sleep from his eyes. “Slow dancing with my wife.” He smiled sadly. “Always a good dream.”

  “Sorry Rollie.” Cross said using his first name. “You ever get a song stuck in your head and can’t get it out?”

  “All the time. Here.” He gave the CD player a powerful slam with his closed fist. The machine whirred then the disc flew out and over the seat striking Vannelli in the side of the head.

  Hey!” Vannelli rubbed his cheek where the CD had struck him. He reached down and picked up the disc and quickly read the title. “To the Extreme. I love Vanilla Ice!” He turned to Duley. “Ice, Ice, Baby!”

  “You still a shit magnet Vannelli.” Duley said shaking his head.

  “Great.” Cross glanced over at Hale. “Thanks.”

  “Anytime.” The senior sergeant sat up and pointed ahead. “We should be approaching Checkpoint 101. The National Guard should still be holding it. At least they were last week.”

  “I haven’t heard anything different.” Cross said as they quickly approached an overpass that had been turned into an entranceway check point. A wall of cars had blocked off both on and off ramps forcing the only access way to be under the overpass. An almost perfect fatal funnel.

  “Checkpoint 101 ahead.” Lieutenant Uribe’s voice crackled over the radio.

  “Roger that Alpha One.” Hale said into the mic.

  As both vehicles started to slow down, Hale watched the areas around them. Two big Stryker vehicles blocked each direction in and out of the overpass. Two Humvees and three desert colored MRAP vehicles were stationed along the top of the bridge. Soldiers and snipers were also in firing positions near the vehicles. The black and gold eagle flag of the Guard unit flapped in the wind from a pole embedded in the center of the bridge. Hale noticed several cars and motorcycles piled to the right of the overpass. Most of them had big caliber holes in them from the Stryker and MRAP weapons. Bad guy rides, the sergeant nodded as he scanned the carnage. Uribe’s Humvee came to a halt a safe distance from one of the Stryker vehicles as Cross brought the SUV to a stop behind them. Hale turned to the others on his team.

  “This is for the new guys.” He looked over at Berry. “Keep your weapons down. Sometimes these guys can be a bit jumpy. Oh, shit, wait. Berry, just keep your hands in your pockets.”

  “Damn Cherry Berry.” Duley chuckled as he opened his door. “Getting the Sarge’s attention right off the bat. Good job bro.”


  “Sh…” Speedy raised a gloved hand. “Hands in pockets Cherry Berry.”

  As the contractors unassed their vehicles, Hale kept a watchful eye on the advancing checkpoint soldiers. He held his rifle down close to his side, safety off and a round already to go. There had been a few times when military units had been overrun and replaced with opportunist who were looking to kill you and take your shit or even worse. Hale noticed Cross, Duley and Vannelli were also at the ready. The big sergeant caught a glimpse of Speedy following behind Duley and parroting his movements. ‘Good for the new guy’ Hale thought. Berry on the other hand had his hands in his pockets and appeared to be looking for a rock to kick. ‘Maybe ‘Meat’ would be a good nickname for him.’ The big sergeant chuckled to himself.

  As Hale slowly moved forward, he watched Uribe, Fin and Banjo dismount the Humvee. Uribe looked like he didn’t have a care in the world as he strolled towards the soldiers. Good way to get killed or eaten, the sergeant thought as his grip tightened on his weapon. Hale saw that Doc was up in the gun turret of the Humvee, trying to play as non-threatening as one could be behind a lethal M240 machine gun. Doc had both hands in the air waving to the soldiers manning a previously unseen and camouflaged sniper nest. The combat medic was a little loose but Hale knew that the former soldier had the Humvee machine gun ready to open fire if need be.

  “Hale, you son of a bitch!” One of the checkpoint soldiers, who wore a green tactical helmet, yelled at him from where the group had stopped Uribe. “You still dragging ass?”

  “Well, fuck me.” Hale glanced at the others and raised up a gloved hand. “It’s okay. I know this dipshit.”

  “Good.” Cross relaxed. “I felt we were a little outgunned here.”

  “No shit.” Vannelli nodded. “I Probably would have been the first one hit.”

  “Hale ya dick!” The big, bearded soldier pushed past the dumbfounded Lieutenant Uribe and strode over to where the other sergeant stood. “Been a long fucking time. Last time I saw you I was sneaking out of your Momma’s bedroom.”

  “She always said you were the best two seconds of her life.” Hale grinned as he stuck out a gloved hand, the soldier, who was taller and bigger than Hale, ignored his gesture and drug him into an exaggerated bear hug. Trying to gasp for air, Hale finally pulled himself away from the mountain sized man. Cross and the others just stood around smirking at the two.

  “You two guys gonna kiss or what?” She chuckled.

  “Not before this dick buys me a drink.” The other soldier smiled. “You owe me Hale. I was the one that held your hand on the deck of that Blackhawk in Serbia. You looked like week old fuck.”

  “Gotta love Serbia.” Hale said adjusting his tac vest. “That’s where I got this damn scar.” He ran a gloved hand down the trench that ran from his right temple to his jaw.

  “Cut that bad guy's head off to.” The checkpoint soldier ran a finger across his throat.

  “What?” Duley frowned at the big sergeant.

  “Later.” Hale said dismissively. “Enough war stories Deke.”

  “Yeah, don’t wanna give the kiddies nightmares.” Hansen chuckled. “Where you headed?”

  “South of here, sergeant?” Lieutenant Uribe was dwarfed by the mountain sized soldier as he stepped forward to try and assert some authority.

  “Sergeant Deke Hansen.” The soldier stuck out a giant hand for Uribe to shake. “Hell L.T, your sergeant and I used to be in the 110th Heavy Weather group. Long time ago.”

  “Another lifetime.” Hale nodded. “What are you doing out here?”

  “You know Rollie, the services are all meshed together now. Soldiers go whe
re they need ‘em. I’ve pissed off enough folks over the years so this is my just reward.”

  “No good deed Hansen. You in command of this checkpoint?”

  “I am for now.” Hansen looked over at the four other soldiers that stood by. “We lost Captain Berman a few days ago.” He pointed at the pile of bullet damaged vehicles that lay strewn on the roadside. “Bunch of gang bangers tried to get through. We stopped ‘em but the Captain caught one in the head. I guess sometimes you can get lucky aiming your gun sideways or maybe it was just his fucking time.” Hansen shrugged his big shoulders.

  “Anyway, Lieutenant I guess that makes you the Strategic Security guys.”

  “Yes sergeant.” Uribe nodded. “We…”

  “We got a call on the radio about your team.” Hansen continued, cutting Uribe off. “We’re to let you pass and give you any assistance.” The giant soldier leaned in close to the Lieutenant.”You need any?”

  “No sergeant. I..”

  “Good.” Hansen dismissed him.

  “How about one of those Stryker vehicles. It would make our mission a whole lot easier.” Hale asked.

  “Uh that’s a big negative.” Hansen smirked.

  “A Stryker would make our lives a whole heck of lot easier.” Uribe again nodded towards the big armored vehicles.

  “Life ain’t easy nowadays Loo-tenant, besides, Command would have my ass if I let one go.”

  “How about an escort South?”

  “I don’t have fuel to spare.” Hansen wiped some sweat off his forehead with his black gloved hand.


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