Tainted Black

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Tainted Black Page 19

by Shanora Williams

  Izzy: My dad is acting weird. He seems happier….

  I blinked at her message. No smiley face. No big, fat LOL. No second text message, harassing me about what I was doing or why I wasn’t replying (which was normally the case.)

  Was she onto us? Onto me? He seemed happier how? Since when? So many questions ran through my mind. I felt my heart racing, palms becoming clammy.

  I disregarded her message, plugging the thought in the back of my head to make sure I returned her text. I went to my call log and saw Mr. Black(2). Two missed calls.

  Walking towards my window, I saw that his driveway was empty, his home dark. Only the porch light illuminated. Picking my phone back up, I pressed the call button, and the phone rang twice before he responded. “Hello?” His voice was heavy, the way he sounded when he’d had a few drinks.

  “Theo? Are you back?”

  “Got back about two hours ago. What happened earlier? Called you twice. Wanted to see if you wanted to catch drinks with me somewhere?”

  “I was asleep,” I informed him. “I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I was clearly exhausted.” I looked towards my alarm clock. 10:18 P.M.

  “Where are you drinking at?”


  I frowned. “Ew. Rykes.”

  He laughed. “Come meet me.”

  “Rykes isn’t really my scene.” And it really wasn’t. The place was full of bikers, their “old ladies”, and random men that loved picking a fight. None of them had respect for outsiders. So imagine someone like me, walking right into a place like that, and then sitting with an older man that was clearly into me. The thought of it made my skin crawl.

  “Shit, you’re right. I’d hate to beat a motherfucker’s ass for touching or looking at you the wrong way.” He paused, and I don’t know what it was about his voice—perhaps it was the protectiveness, or maybe the possessiveness—but it made my insides swirl. Warmth hit me like a soft wave, drifting throughout each part of me, making me weak.

  “So where should we meet?” I asked. My voice faltered. It was feeble. He caught the flattery in my response, laughing.

  “Wanna check out my new place?”

  “You already have a key?”

  “I’m not supposed to officially go in and check things out until next week, but I know the landlord. He trusts me. Gave me a key as soon as I signed the lease.”

  A smile touched my lips. “Sure. I can meet you there.”

  “Okay, Little Knight. I’ll text you the address. See you in twenty?”

  “Twenty it is.”

  I arrived at a complex called Remy Place.

  Theo was already waiting for me at the front door, and as I pulled up and parked, he dangled a bottle of vodka in front of him, leaning against the wall. I shook my head and laughed, shutting my car off.

  “Saved you a drink… or ten,” he said, grinning. Oh, Lord. He was going to get a kick out of bringing alcohol around me now. I was sure he remembered me downing that cognac and then riding him like I had no care in the world.

  Stepping out the car, I walked towards him, and he opened his arms. I sauntered right into his welcoming embrace, and he sighed, groaning as he held me tight. “Missed you, Knight.”

  I smiled against his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck and curling my fingers into the edges of his hair. When he slanted his head back, I kissed him first, like the desperate girl I always became when it came to him. He wasn’t even gone a full day, but it felt like an eternity.

  “I see you missed me too,” he chuckled behind the kiss.

  “I did,” I mumbled. “So much.” His smile disappeared when he looked down at me, pressing those smooth lips on mine again. The kiss was fervent, heated, and delightful. I sank deeper into his hard, masculine body, absorbing the taste of scotch on his tongue, attaching myself to his entire front half.

  “Damn, baby,” he breathed when our kiss finally broke. “I feel it.”

  “Feel what?” I asked, my voice just as breathy as his.

  “How much you’ve missed me.” His hand snaked down my waist and landed on my ass, spanking and then squeezing. Cocking a smooth brow, he asked, “You feel it?”

  “Yeah,” I giggled. “I feel it.”

  With a boyish grin, Theo released me but reached for my hand, turning for the door. We walked inside, the cool draft of the AC brushing my bare shoulders. He led the way to the elevator and once we were inside, he pressed the quarter-sized button with the number four on it.

  We were in the elevator alone. I felt him looking at me. I turned his way, asking, “Why are you watching me?”

  He moved closer, a gentle kiss landing in my curly hair. “Just missed you, babe. That’s all.”

  “Yeah?” My arms went over his broad shoulders again, fingers connecting as I latched them around him. “How much?”

  His upper lip twitched. “Probably a little too much if we’re being honest.”

  “Hmm. That’s a good thing, right?” The question was rhetorical. I didn’t expect him to answer because in our case, no, it wasn’t a good thing.

  My mouth met his, drawing out another deep groan. His body juddered, chest tensing beneath mine. I loved the uncontrollable vibe I gave him, the satisfied feeling I developed when his body was near mine.

  Before I knew it, the elevator chimed, and the doors slid open. I pulled away, but my eyes were still connected with his. He held my gaze, clinging to my hand, his grip soft. Then, he led the way out, walking down the hallway and going past three doors before reaching door 404.

  Theo unlocked the door, and as soon as we were inside, he flipped a switch. A light flashed in the corner, lighting small parts of the vacant living room. I walked past Theo as he shut the door behind us, my gaze traveling from the living room to the kitchen. There was a fridge and stove already set up, the chrome matching well with the black marble on the counters.

  I studied his place in awe, moving ahead. I checked out each bedroom. There were two, both equally spacious, especially the master. The bathroom was amazing—full of chrome, black marble, and white accent pieces. I wanted to make use of the glass shower in the corner, steam it up with both sweat and hot water streaming between our greedy bodies.

  I stepped back out, meeting a quiet Theo in the living room. He studied me but didn’t say much. He stood near the wall, head in a slight tilt.

  I turned a fraction, stepping forward. There was an open, rectangular window straight across from me, and from this spot, I had full view of the ocean. I blinked slowly, completely mesmerized.

  “Like it?” Theo’s voice was deep and soft, a warm tremble, as he stepped behind me, arms going around my middle.

  “Theo, this place is incredible.”

  He hugged me against his body, warm breath drifting down my chest. Snuggling his nose into the crook of my neck, he murmured, “I thought I was going to have to spend this night without you.” A sliver of fire shot through me, burning the most sensitive parts of me.

  I turned in his arms. “Does that explain you being at Rykes?”

  He looked down, watching my eyes. My face. “I needed a cheap drink… and some entertainment. A fight breaks out at that place every night. There’s always some beef.”

  I wanted to roll my eyes. Men. “Why didn’t you go to Dane’s?”

  His lips pressed. “Trixie works on Friday nights.”

  My smile collapsed, my entire demeanor changing. “Oh.”

  I started to pull away, but he caught me, reeling me back in. “I avoided Dane’s for you, Chloe.”

  “I appreciate that, but…” I chewed on my bottom lip. I hated when he mentioned her. I hated it even more that she still ran through his mind every so often. “I don’t know.” I shrugged, waving a hand and realizing I was overreacting. I couldn’t overreact. I couldn’t send him running away. I made a promise not to get too serious. I had to keep it. “Never mind. It’s whatever.”

  He tipped my chin when I dropped my head, those warm brown eyes fixing
on mine. “You don’t like when I mention her.” This was a statement, not a question. He already knew the answer. Cradling my face in his hands, Theo pulled me close to him, so close I could feel his chest rising and sinking, the bulge in his pants that so badly wanted to be set free. “Tell me, baby,” he whispered, walking forward as I moved backwards. “What name is it that you want to hear from my mouth?”

  “Mine,” I whispered. Then my back hit the wall, the bump light.

  “Yours.” He dropped his head, planting sweet caresses on the crook of my neck. “Alright, Chloe.” His voice changed, his actions instantaneous. He lifted up my dress, sliding my panties aside. His fingers plunged, one and then two. It caught me completely off guard.

  My next breath was sharp, the back of my head landing on the wall as he picked up one of my legs and hooked it around his narrow waist. I kept still, and he picked me up, moving to the bar counter in front of the kitchen.

  “Chloe, baby,” he murmured in my ear. “Chloe. Fuck, Chloe.” He said my name like he wanted to marry it, running the syllables off his tongue, finger-fucking me until my back curved.

  My ass landed on the cool countertop, and in only seconds, his fingers were gone. My panties were next to go missing, dropping to the floor, and without hesitation, his tongue replaced those magical fingers.

  It dipped inside, and I moaned loudly, clutching handfuls of his T-shirt. “Chloe,” he groaned, his growl deep. “My sexy Little Knight. You know you’re all I want.”

  I panted, listening to his voice vibrate between my quaking thighs, bringing me straight to the edge. I willingly thrust around his tongue until he brought it up, sealing those beautiful pink lips around my swelling clit. He sucked, tugging light enough for me to feel, and then released, sliding a finger into my damp, eager pussy.

  “Don’t cum yet, baby,” he said, just as I was about to reach the stars. He pulled away, running thick fingers from my entrance to my clit and pressing down. He watched me writhe, smirking as if he were pleased with how well I responded to his touch. Picking me up off the counter, Theo slid his jeans down to his ankles, his entire cock exposed. The tip glistened, the taste of him still familiar to me.

  His scent was strong. Musky and manly. Every bit of a real man. Every inch of what I craved. Theo still had me in his arms, my legs bound around him, and I eased around his cock, sliding down until he was all in.

  He stilled, letting out a heavy sigh, one that blew past my ear and down my spine. “The sweetest pussy.” His words came out in a rumble as he lifted me up and down. Our foreheads met, and soon, my back hit the wall. I wrapped my arms over his shoulders, lifting up and down with him as much as possible, soaking up every inch of him.



  All with light spanks to my ass and quiet yelps filling the air.

  Lips touched, tongues colliding. He accepted my moans through parted lips, telling me to be louder. Begging me to call his name.

  “Oh, Theo,” I breathed, feeling his solid body going stiff. “Yes. Fuck yes.”

  He grunted, mouth falling on my skin, moving from the crook of my neck to my cheek and then to my lips. He devoured them like he owned them, like he’d kissed them plenty of times and knew exactly what they longed for. “The only name I wanna hear you say when you’re like this is mine.” He trapped my face in his hands. “You hear me?”

  “Yes.” The response came out rapid and shrill as he pressed his palms on either side of my head, creating a bumping noise against the wall with his knees.

  “No one will be able to make you feel like how I make you feel, Chloe. I know your body—everything you like. I know this pussy, and exactly what makes her tick. I know because you always get so fucking wet for me, wringing me out ‘til I’m fucking dry.” His nose skimmed my cheek. “Sweet pussy… always so fucking tight for me. And always. So. Fucking. Good.”

  Theo’s voice strained with the last set of words. His brown irises shimmered, face harder than stone. He sank deeper and deeper, like he couldn’t get deep enough and I clenched around his long, thick member, clamping and shuddering, sighing loudly just as he did.

  His lips divided, and I took the opportunity to kiss his partially open mouth, his body quaking until he was empty. He groaned, and his head rolled once before his forehead hit my shoulder, his body sagging as it pinned me to the wall.

  “Never get enough,” I heard him say beneath his breath right before he lifted his head and kissed me whole, cradling the frame of my face in his hands. His thumbs stroked the edges of my hair, cock still pulsing deep inside. His beard lightly grazed the outside of my mouth, and a soft whimper escaped me when his head fell again and he straightened. I felt so good—always so good with him.

  Finally, he pulled out, placing me on my feet but giving me a swift kiss on my forehead before pulling his pants up and going for the bottle of vodka on the counter. “I’m thinking maybe I should save this for move-in day.” He gripped the bottle.

  I smiled, adjusting my dress. “Yeah, I think that might be better.”

  I caught the satisfaction on his face before he could turn. I started his way when I was fully situated, but when I was at his side, my stomach growled, and he heard it. My eyes went wide, embarrassment flaming my cheeks as he asked, “Damn, babe? You hungry?”

  I nodded, realizing I hadn’t eaten since waking up. I came straight to Theo, not even bothering to at least grab a snack to satisfy the hunger pang I knew I’d feel later. “Just a tad.”

  He pulled me in. “Well, I’m gonna have to take care of that too, huh?”

  I looked up at him. “How so, Mr. Black?”

  He twisted me around in his arms, pressing his chest to mine. With his fingers holding my chin, making sure my eyes were focused only on his, he said, “You forget I cook now. Come on. Gotta take care of my knight in shining armor, right?”

  “Um… isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?” I tease as he started a slow waltz with me on the open floor, our hands clasped together, eyes lax and glued.

  “Maybe so, but I consider you mine.”

  A bolt of electricity struck me as he stopped dancing and lifted my right arm in the air to make my body go into a little twirl. He caught me in his arms after the spin, and I grinned like a fat kid with cake.

  “Still have those moves, I see.”

  “They’ll never die.” He smirked, and when he released me I picked up my keys and followed him out the door, leaving his condo in Remy Place for his home in Primrose.


  She wasn’t a picky girl—another thing I loved about her. Janet was the pickiest woman I’d ever known. But Chloe, she vowed to eat whatever I cooked, telling me to surprise her.

  Odd, they were complete opposites. Janet could be so uptight I felt it whenever I slapped her ass, but Chloe was so laid back and relaxed. It seemed nearly impossible to make her angry.

  I decided to go with what I had planned for myself the next evening—grilled pork chops smothered in mushrooms and creamy mushroom sauce sided with broccoli and brown rice. A lot of protein. She’d be full all night.

  I watched as she took her first bite, how her lips slipped off the edges of the fork once the food had consumed her mouth. And she hummed, like it was the tastiest thing she’d ever eaten. She moaned like I was fucking her again. I’m sure my cock would have twitched, but I was way too concerned with her opinion.

  “So? Good?” I asked as she cut another slice of pork chop and stuffed it into her mouth.

  “Good. Theo—” her head shook a this-is-a-damn-shame kind of headshake—“this is freaking amazing.” She moaned again, but this time, her eyes shut as she absorbed each flavor, most likely the garlic I put in to accompany the onion.

  Pleased, I sat next to her, grinning. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Here,” she said, handing me the extra fork beside her. “Eat some, please. I won’t be able to finish it all.”

  I shook my head. “It’s all for yo
u. Eat. Enjoy it.”

  Her lips twisted, and she put the fork down. After cutting a slice of the pork and smothering it in the sauce, she brought the utensil up to my mouth. “Fine. Then I’ll feed you.”

  My upper lip curled up. “Chloe—”

  “Nah-uh.” She shook her head. “Here.” Her little devious smile was cute, possibly on the borderline of sexy.

  I shook with laughter, playing along. “Alright.” Then, I dropped my chin, allowing her to feed me. She grinned like Isabelle used to when I would finally join her in her tea parties with stuffed pink animals, dry crackers, and of course, no tea.

  I chewed the food, pleased with the flavors. “Damn. I did good.”

  She laughed, withdrawing the fork. “You seriously did. This is amazing. Really. You’ll have to make it again sometime.”

  “Just for you, I will.”

  I allowed her to finish eating while I cleaned up, and once she was done, I walked her way, just as she sipped from her glass of water. “I’m pretty sure if I still lived in Primrose, I’d be as fat as a pig.”

  I busted out laughing, helping her come to a stand.

  “Fat or small, baby, you’d still be beautiful.”

  “Yeah right.” She bashfully lowered her gaze.

  “No, seriously. You would. And don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. You’re a gorgeous girl with a big heart, Chloe. It… pains me to even think about someone else sweeping you off your feet.”

  Her head lifted without my aid, and her eyes bore into mine, on the borderline of tears. I swept my thumb across her nimble chin, half-smiling. “Don’t talk like that.” Her voice was faint. “I…” Her voice broke.

  “Chloe,” I murmured. “We can’t deny the truth. It’ll fuck us up if we do. I can’t be the one to ruin your life. I want you happy, whether that’s with or without me.”

  I watched her swallow hard, a habit she did when she was upset, nervous, or bothered by something. “You’re right,” she finally said. Then she met my eyes, switching the subject. “Do you think I can stay here tonight?”


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