The Highlander and the Wallflower

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The Highlander and the Wallflower Page 14

by Michelle Willingham

  ‘Do you want me to come riding with you, Lady Regina?’ Nell asked.

  She did, but this wasn’t about clinging to the past. It was about overcoming the shadows that haunted her—and this was her first small step.

  ‘No, I’d rather go alone.’ She needed time to think about what she wanted to do next. The idea of riding alone seemed both terrifying and wonderful.

  ‘Are you certain? Not even a footman?’

  ‘I’m only going to ride around the grounds. I doubt if anyone would attack me, so long as I remain at Cairnross.’ Upon one of the smaller tables, she spied a dirk within its sheath. ‘But I will take this with me, in case anything happens.’ Perhaps it was meant to be decorative, but as a precaution, Regina slipped it beneath her belt. If anyone was foolish enough to attack her, she could defend herself.

  She tiptoed outside her bedroom door and down the stairs before she walked outside. When she reached the stables, she ordered the groom to saddle a horse for her.

  ‘Will ye be wanting an escort, my lady?’ he asked.

  ‘No, thank you. My husband will join me in a little while,’ she lied. The groom appeared uncertain, but once he’d helped Regina mount her mare, she urged the animal into a trot.

  The morning sun had just risen above the horizon when Regina rode past the cottages and towards the open field. The grass was so green, she marvelled at the intense colour. She nudged the mare into a canter, revelling in the vast freedom. Here, no one could give her orders about what to do or how to behave. She could be as unladylike as she wanted. No one would care.

  Regina followed the edge of a copse of trees. In the distance, a loch gleamed in the morning light, threading its way among the birches. The sun was warm on her face, and she smiled as the wind blew her hair back. For a few moments, she breathed in the crisp early summer air, feeling bold, for there was no one here to threaten her.

  In many ways, she wished she could have come to Scotland sooner. Instead of being the fearful, shy wallflower, she could embrace the true parts of herself. She decided that she liked being defiant and breaking the rules.

  * * *

  She explored the estate for nearly an hour before she heard hooves approaching. It was Dalton, and she guessed that Nell or one of the servants had alerted him. Regina waited for a moment, and then realised a true rebel wouldn’t remain in place, waiting. If he wanted to join her, he would have to catch her first.

  She urged the mare faster, into a hard gallop. The green grasses turned into a blur as she rode across the fields, alongside the loch. She didn’t know where she was going or what she intended to do when Dalton caught up to her. For now, it was enough to seize her freedom, and it filled her with joy.

  Regina relished the feeling of the wind tearing her braid free. When she glanced behind, he was gaining on her. She saw a low hedge coming close, and she leaned into the animal, preparing to jump. The mare obeyed, and for a moment, Regina felt as if she were flying. The horse was breathing hard with exertion, and she slowed the mare’s pace, guiding her towards the trees.

  Dalton’s stallion took the hedge, sailing across it. Regina drew her horse into a trot, and finally to a walk. She noticed that he was wearing a kilt and a length of tartan, along with a bonnet and a white shirt. His expression held a dark tension, and after he got off his horse, he strode forward as if he were a Scottish warrior in full pursuit. Would he pick her up and carry her off? The thought filled her with a sudden flare of interest.

  Regina dismounted and tethered her mare to a nearby tree, stretching from the ride. It had been wonderful to feel so bold and wild. Her hair had come loose from the braid, and she untied the ribbon, letting it fall free.

  ‘Why didn’t you wake me?’ Dalton demanded, drawing close to her. ‘You shouldn’t have gone riding alone.’ Worry creased his face, and it struck her to realise that he cared about her.

  ‘I wanted a few moments to myself,’ she responded. ‘And I knew your clan members would never attack their lady. It seemed safe enough.’

  ‘You should have taken an escort. It’s never safe for a lady to be alone.’

  She knew that well enough. But this was about having the courage to overcome her fears. For five years, she had cowered in the shadows, obeying her father blindly, and forgetting what it was like to make her own decisions. It was now time to break free of those chains and find her courage once more.

  ‘I’m glad you followed me,’ she admitted. The words were a bit reckless, and she walked towards the edge of the loch to stare out at the tranquil waters.

  But Dalton wasn’t going to let this go. ‘What if a stranger had accosted you?’ he asked softly. ‘What would you have done?’

  She tapped the dirk at her waist. ‘I would have skewered him like a pig.’

  He drew closer. Before she could say a word, he had caught her around the waist and tossed the weapon away. ‘Now what would you do?’ His voice was fierce and demanding. For a moment, she lost her breath, for he appeared as if he intended to kiss her. The strength of his embrace made her aware of his muscled arms and the raw masculinity of this man.

  Though she knew he was trying to prove his point, she was entirely distracted by wanting to feel his mouth on hers. Her body was pressed so close to his, she could feel his desire. But he didn’t press her for more. If she wanted his kiss, she would have to claim it herself.

  Her heart pounded, and she stood on tiptoe. ‘I would do this,’ she murmured. With that, she touched her lips to his and kissed him.

  The kiss seemed to set her body on fire. She was aching as he feasted upon her, his mouth hot and demanding. Past and present collided as she tried not to let the old fears haunt her. But the longer he kissed her, the more unsteady she felt. She was starting to lose control of herself, and she needed to pull away.

  But when she twisted herself free, the sudden movement made her lose her balance. Her footing slipped, and she clung to Dalton. He tried to hold them, but it was too late. With an enormous splash, he fell into the loch—and he took her down with him. The icy water made her yelp, and she struggled to get out. Her riding habit was soaked, as was her hair and hat.

  ‘It’s freezing!’ she said, grasping at her heavy skirts to try and get out of the shallow water. ‘I’m so sorry.’

  ‘Aye, it’s verra cold.’ He caught her in his arms. ‘You could have picked a better day to swim.’

  She was trembling so hard, she could barely speak. ‘Not today.’ Her teeth chattered, and she struggled to wade out of the water. Dalton helped her out, but she felt foolish for making them both fall in. He tried to help her wring the water from her soaked riding habit, but there was nothing to be done about it.

  ‘I suppose that’s one way to defend yourself from a man,’ he teased. ‘That is, if you were wanting to get away. Though you do look rather fetching with your hair soaked.’

  ‘I’m really sorry,’ she repeated.

  ‘Sorry you threw me in the loch or sorry for kissing me?’ His voice had gone low, and the resonant tone reminded her of a caress.

  ‘I’m not sorry I kissed you,’ she answered.

  His face transformed, revealing a desire that mirrored hers. ‘Neither am I. I wouldn’t be sorry if it happened again.’ He reached out to take her hand in his. Though his palm was cold, she felt the invisible ties binding them together. He led her back to the horse, and she stopped a moment.

  ‘I think I should walk back to the house. It’s unfair to make the poor animal carry me when I’m so wet.’

  ‘You don’t have to go so far,’ he responded. ‘I know a place nearby where we can get dry.’ She glanced around but could see nothing. Dalton nodded towards the trees. ‘Come with me.’

  They continued walking alongside the loch for half a mile, and at last she saw a tiny thatched house in the distance. The wind was freezing against her wet clothes, and she was grateful for an
y shelter at all. Even so, she asked, ‘Are you certain about this? I don’t want to intrude upon anyone.’

  ‘The house is mine,’ he said. ‘I built it when I was younger.’

  ‘You built it?’ She had no idea he knew how to construct a dwelling. He was an earl’s son, not a commoner. ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘I spent a lot of time on my own after Brandon died,’ he admitted. ‘I wanted a place where I could retreat. Some of the crofters helped me to build it. It’s not much, but I can make a fire for us. You can dry your clothes before we go back.’

  She imagined a lonely young man, spending hours apart from his family. The cabin stood in a beautiful place, and the loch appeared green in the afternoon sunlight as the water played against the stones. It was peaceful here, but her heart ached for the boy no one had noticed.

  Dalton opened the door and held it out for her to enter. The interior was dark, except for one window which was covered by an oil cloth. It smelled musty, as if no one had been here in years. There were hardly any furnishings at all, except for a bed and a single chair. When Regina approached the hearth, she saw a mantel above it. There were polished stones, a few seashells, and a silver necklace that had once belonged to her. She had lost it years ago, never knowing what had happened to it. It was a simple silver chain with an amethyst pendant, hardly worth anything. But why did Dalton have it? ‘Where did you get this?’

  ‘I found it the day you came to see me—the day my brother was buried. You lost it, and I kept it for you. I had always intended to give it back, but I forgot to bring it from Scotland.’

  He reached for the necklace now, and unfastened it, hanging it around her neck. The silver chain warmed against her skin, and the pendant nestled above her breasts. His hands lingered a moment upon her shoulders, but he said nothing. Then he turned away to build a fire. He stacked peat bricks in the hearth, tucking tinder around it. Regina watched him strike the tinder, and when the flames caught, she moved closer to warm herself.

  Dalton studied her a moment. ‘I’m going to remove some of my wet clothes to dry them,’ he said. ‘I won’t harm you.’ He unbuckled his belt and set it on the floor. Then he removed the length of tartan and turned his back on her. His kilt was next to go, and she realised that his shirt was long enough to hang down to his thighs. Then he returned to the hearth. She didn’t know what to think right now, and her mouth had gone dry. Despite the warmth of the fire, her skin rose up with goose bumps.

  ‘Your turn,’ he said. ‘If you’ll allow me.’

  He won’t make demands, she reminded herself.

  Even so, she was afraid to let down her guard. For so long, she had guarded herself, keeping a tight control over every aspect of her life. But now, Dalton was offering her the choice.

  Silently, she unfastened the belt and set it on the table. Then she turned her back and murmured, ‘Will you help me with this gown?’

  Regina felt his hands upon the laces, and it took him a moment to untie them. Slowly, he helped her lift the gown away. Now she stood before him, wearing only her undergarments. She felt exposed, completely vulnerable to him. His green eyes fixed upon her, and he asked, ‘What else would you like me to remove?’

  The old Regina would have said nothing. She would have returned to the house, shutting herself in her room and drying her clothes by the fire alone. Not any more.

  Her hands were shaking, but Regina turned her back to him once more. ‘Will you help me loosen my corset?’

  Again, she felt his hands upon her. Slowly, he untied the laces. He took his time, removing one lace, then another. It was almost seductive, the way he loosened her stays. And yet, she was terrified to expose herself to him. But she lifted her arms, allowing him to remove the corset until she stood only in her chemise and petticoats.

  The fine linen was soaked against her skin, and she saw the dark look of desire in his eyes. She knew that the wet clothing hid nothing from his gaze, and she covered herself with one arm.

  ‘Don’t be afraid of me, Regina,’ he said huskily. ‘You are in complete command.’

  She didn’t know whether to believe that. At the moment, her husband looked as if he wanted to remove every last inch of fabric covering her body. Clad only in his shirt, he turned to the fire with his hands outstretched.

  ‘Do you want to be more daring,’ he asked, ‘or should I leave you alone?’

  * * *

  Regina remained silent, which was the answer he’d expected. And he understood that. But he had glimpsed her naked body beneath the thin wet fabric, and the hunger it had aroused was beyond anything he’d ever felt before. He wanted to pleasure this woman, to watch her come apart in his arms. He wanted her to arch her back, digging her fingers into the coverlet while her release made her tremble.

  But he already knew it would not be today.

  He suspected Regina had been raped or attacked in some way. Her father had helped her cover it up, and that was why they were being blackmailed. If the wealthiest heiress in London had been ruined, no one would want her any more.

  But after the scandal he and Regina had caused with their false marriage, it hardly mattered now. Even if the past was revealed, he could protect her with his family name—that is, if he could convince her to wed him legally.

  Dalton walked to a small trunk on the other side of the room and withdrew a wool blanket. He brought it to Regina and laid it across her shoulders. ‘Here,’ he offered. ‘This should help you.’

  She drew the blanket around her. ‘Dalton, I haven’t been very kind to you. You’ve done so much for me. But I am grateful. I want you to know that.’

  He was startled when she touched her hand to his chest. For a moment, her palm rested upon his heartbeat, and he savoured the simple touch.

  ‘I suppose I should have asked you to help me climb a tree,’ she said ruefully. ‘At least we wouldn’t have been soaked.’ She thought a moment and then added, ‘Or perhaps I shouldn’t have stopped kissing you.’

  Her words washed over him with a silent promise. The edges of the blanket did nothing to hide the delicate lines of her body, the dip of her slender waist, and the full breasts revealed by the wet chemise. He wanted to tear away the fabric and kiss every inch of her skin, tormenting her as she tormented him now.

  ‘As I said before, you are in command.’ Dalton faced her, and he wanted her to know that he would remain patient, even if it killed him. She reminded him of a wild animal, too frightened to come close. Seeing her fear sobered him, and Dalton took a step away, hoping she would be soothed by it. ‘I would never ask for more than you can give.’

  Her tension did seem to ease, and she pulled the edges of the blanket closed. For a short time, neither said anything. He knew she was trying to decide what to do now.

  ‘I enjoyed meeting your grandfather yesterday,’ she said, changing the subject. ‘He is a dear man.’

  His grandfather had been the one family member he’d been close to, after all these years. ‘Thank you for indulging him in his fantasies,’ he said to Regina. ‘He has lost most of his recent memories. I’ve asked his housekeeper to let him be, and we have found that he is happier. I come to see him when I can.’

  ‘Sometimes dreams are more pleasant than the truth,’ she answered. ‘I liked his dream.’

  ‘He liked you, as well,’ Dalton said. ‘But he’ll have no memory of it in the morning.’

  ‘He might not,’ she agreed, ‘but he will remember the kindness. Feelings last longer than words.’

  He recognised the truth of that. His feelings for her had lasted for years. But both of them had grown up and changed. He had put her on a pedestal, an ideal woman he’d adored. And yet, there were so many secrets she held. He wanted to know her better, but she was unwilling to talk about what had happened before.

  If they were ever to have a true marriage, he needed to break down the barrier be
tween them and gain her trust. And perhaps that meant indulging her desire to be rebellious.

  ‘What other daring things were you wanting to do?’ he asked. ‘Climb a tree? Learn to swim? Or was there something else even more daring?’

  ‘I think I’ve had enough swimming for today,’ she remarked, lifting her sodden petticoat.

  Her clothing was so wet, it clung to her skin. At this rate, they would be here for hours—which didn’t bother him at all. Still, he would rather be with a half-naked woman when he was warm and not wearing wet clothing.

  ‘It will take some time for our clothes to dry,’ he remarked. He eyed her for a moment, and then decided to dry off more thoroughly. If she wanted to engage in daring behaviour, so be it.

  He turned towards the fire and stripped off the remainder of his clothing, save his drawers.

  ‘Dalton what are you doing?’ she asked. He could hear the uncertainty in her tone.

  ‘Getting dry,’ he answered. ‘It won’t take so very long now. You ought to consider doing the same.’

  ‘You would like that, wouldn’t you?’

  He laughed wickedly. ‘You do have a blanket. There’s no reason you couldn’t lay your corset and chemise out to dry before the fire.’

  ‘Or we could walk back to the house and put on dry clothes,’ she reminded him. ‘It would be much faster.’

  ‘What would the servants say when they see us in such a state?’

  ‘They wouldn’t care,’ she answered. ‘After all, they believe we are married.’

  ‘But we’re not, are we?’ His voice grew lower, more seductive. ‘It’s terrible scandal, what we’re doing now.’

  ‘You’re the one being scandalous,’ she accused.

  ‘Am I? I thought you were the one who wanted to be bolder, not so afraid.’ He stared at her, and her gaze drifted over his bare chest, lingering below his waist. His body grew erect at her stare, and he imagined peeling back the fabric, kissing her cold flesh until her nipples rose up in arousal. ‘Are you afraid of me?’


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