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The Encounter

Page 14

by Norman Fitts

  "Come on in", came Margaret's voice from inside the room. "It's open."

  He opened the door, stepped in and closed it. Margaret was in a large, wooden tub. Her knees and shoulders were above the water. There were two buckets of water heating on a wood stove behind her.

  He held out the bundle. "I hope you like it. It's blue and one of a kind."

  "Sounds perfect."

  He walked over and laid his package on the chair. "I got the things that go under it too." He glanced around. "Where are your other clothes?"

  "Erma insisted on washing them. Fortunately she gave me time to get in this tub before she walked in and took 'em," pointing to the package, "open it and let me see."

  Lawrence opened the bundle on the chair. He held up the dress. "What do you think?"

  "It's very nice. What's the stuff that goes under it?"

  He laid the dress across the chair. "You know, underwear, petticoat, corset, that sorta things."

  She rose up exposing her breast. He noticed. "I hope I can figure it all out."

  He'd slept all night with her naked and probably would again, but the thought of what was hidden by the water still excited him. "I'm sure anyone who can fly a spaceship across the universe can figure out what to do with a nineteenth century petticoat."

  He started to leave. She stopped him. "You don't have to go. Grab a bucket and pour it over me."

  He walked behind her to the stove. The water in the buckets was close to boiling. "Are you sure? This looks pretty hot."

  "I like it hot."

  He looked around and came up with a cloth to put under the bucket. He picked up a bucket by the wooden insert in the handle, and walked to the tub. He started to pour it and stopped. "Maggie, this looks awful hot."

  "Just pour it." She leaned forward. He hesitated for a moment, and then figured she knew what she was doing and poured the water over her.

  She sighed. "Ahhh, that feels so good." It barely made her back pink. "Get the other one, please."

  He set down the empty one and picked up the other one. He poured it over her. Steam rose from the tub. She settled back down and hung her knees over the edge.

  She looked up at him and smiled. "Oh, heat some more water. You're next."


  Henry Morton stood at the bar discussing the inventory with the bartender. Jake appeared at the entrance to the hotel. Henry looked his way, finished his conversation, and then joined him.

  "Well, what did you find out? Where is he?"

  "I followed 'em to the Doc's."

  Henry had to think about that one. "The doctor's... Did you see Martin or the girl?"

  "No, just the boy. He met some gent outside and they both went in."

  "Some gent? You never saw him before?"

  "Never seen him in town before. He was wearing a gun,” touching his lower right thigh, "way down here."

  Henry considered what was said. "Go back and keep an eye on 'em. I wanta know what's goin' on."

  "Yes sir..."

  Jake left the hotel. Henry walked up the stairs toward his office. Could Ben have done something already or had fate suddenly just smiled on him. What really concerned him was the other man.


  Lawrence and Margaret walked into the dining room. It was early evening. She was wearing her new dress. With her skin color and jet-black hair, she really did look like a porcelain doll. Lawrence had borrowed some of John's clothes while his were drying.

  They had discussed the town get-together. Margaret reminded him of the danger of mixing too freely with these people, but Lawrence wanted to go. It was just a social gathering. What could it hurt? The Cassidy’s had invited them.

  There was nothing more the doctor could do for Martin and it was felt that giving the kids a chance to be alone with their father was for the best.

  Margaret looked in on Sarah with her father. "We're gonna go with the Cassidy’s for a while. You gonna be okay?"

  When Margaret had mentioned the social, Sarah thought about Josh. "Come in a minute and close the door."

  Margaret stepped in and shut the door. "What is it?"

  "I don't want Joseph to hear. You're a woman. You'll understand. You see there's this boy. His name is Joshua Kramer. I don't know if he's gonna be there. My father and his father hate each other. I know I shouldn't be thinkin' about these things now, but I love him and I haven't seen him in a while... Please."

  "I understand. I'll see what I can do."

  "You have to be real careful. You can't let anyone hear you. If his father found out, he'd fix it so we could never see each other again and Joseph wouldn't understand either."

  They hugged each other and Margaret left the room. She knew exactly how Sarah felt. She was sleeping with the one she wanted and was afraid to do anything about it.


  These social gatherings were the high point of the month for most of the families living in, or around, the town, especially for the women. It was an opportunity to dress up and show off. For most of the high mountain cattle towns, times like these were few, or never. The Crossing had been around for several generations and time had created a social structure of sorts.

  The schoolhouse was set away from the middle of town. Margaret and Lawrence walked with the Cassidys. Erma filled Margaret in on some of the town's history while John wanted to talk politics to Lawrence. Lawrence just took John's point of view. After all, how things really turned out was already a matter of history.

  There were a number of wagons, buggies and carriages parked around outside. I guess you park a horse and buggy. Lawrence wasn't really sure. A few saddle horses were tied off here and there.

  People were milling around outside. As they approached the front, everyone they met greeted the Cassidys. Lawrence and Margaret were introduced as friends from Texas. The women took particular note of Margaret's dress. The men were taking note of other things. Lawrence drew his share of looks as well. At six-two, he was about the tallest man there and the blond hair and blue eyes didn't hurt.

  Having run the gauntlet of greetings and introductions they finally made it inside. It was a true one-room schoolhouse, with most of the back wall taken up by a chalkboard. Whatever the students used to sit on had been removed for the occasion. Tables were set up along one wall, with pies, cookies and cakes. The women and children were being served some kind of red punch from a large bowl. A bar was set up in front of the chalkboard for the men.

  Henry Morton and all the Kramers stood in front of the bar. Through the crowd, Henry spotted John Cassidy and his wife introducing Lawrence and Margaret to the people passing by.

  Henry pointed with his glass. "There, that must be the one Jake saw with the McKenly boy."

  Frank was well on his way to drinking himself under any convenient table. "Hey... the black-haired filly looks like someone I wanta meet." Frank started over.

  Henry stopped him. "Not yet. Let me go see what I can find out before you start trouble."

  Frank grinned. "Oh, ain’t no trouble", and pulled away. His mind was set on making Margaret's acquaintance.

  Ben took hold of him. "Stay here", and tightened his grip. "Maybe later you can talk the gent with her into letting you have a little poke."

  Frank stumbled back toward the bar. "Sure, why not." He waved his glass, "A little poke for all of us. We'll have a little talk with 'em later." His words trailed off as he turned toward the bar looking for a refill.

  Henry looked at Ben. "Keep him under control till I see what's goin' on."

  "Don't worry about Frank", Ben assured him. "He'll do what he's told, at least till this shindig's over."

  Henry started over. Josh stood by his father sipping a warm beer. He knew Sarah was probably at the doctor’s. If his luck held, his father and brother would get drunk enough not to care where he was. He needed to see her, to warn her about Frank. In his mind, it wasn't going against his own kin. He couldn't care less what happened to Martin or Joseph. He wanted to prot
ect someone he'd fallen in love with and cared very much about.

  The Cassidys and Margaret and Lawrence were standing with the Mayor and his wife when Henry joined them.

  "Good evening Mayor, John..." Henry interrupted, nodding to the ladies.

  "Henry", John said. "I don't believe you've met two friends from Texas, Larry and Maggie Casey", to Lawrence, "this is our most prominent businessman, Henry Morton."

  Lawrence extended his hand. Henry shook Lawrence's hand, but his eyes were on Margaret. Well, any friends of John and Erma are certainly friends of mine... What brings you all the way up to Wyoming Territory? That's a long and dangerous trip these days, what with all the Indian unrest."

  Lawrence took Margaret's hand. "Well, with Maggie along, the trip seemed to take just minutes."

  She squeezed his hand. A couple of knuckles popped. He turned a flinch into a quick smile.

  "We haven't been married very long", Lawrence continued. "This trip has sorta been our honeymoon. We were gonna try our hand at prospecting, but we lost our horses and equipment in the mountains a few days ago."

  "Indians", Henry asked?

  "Don't know", Lawrence answered. "Something spooked the horses and everything else went with 'em. It was just luck we happened onto the McKenlys. They gave us a ride."

  Henry turned his attention to John. "Somebody said they saw the McKenlys at your place, somebody sick?"

  Erma broke in. "There was an accident. Martin's been hurt."

  "Nothing serious, I hope", Henry said in a sympathetic tone.

  “Sarah and Joseph are with him... and since when did you, or anybody else down here, give a damn about what happens to anyone on that mountain."

  The Mayor took his wife by the arm. He didn't want to get caught up in this conversation. "Well, we need to keep mixin', another election comin' up." Looking at Lawrence, "it was nice meetin' you and your lovely wife. John, Erma..."

  "Same here", Lawrence replied.

  The Mayor's wife just smiled and walked away with her husband.

  Henry had been as congenial as he needed to be to find out what he wanted to know. "I'm here with Ben Kramer and his boys. I'd better get back." He looked at Margaret. "Why don't you and your husband come over? Ben's the largest rancher in the valley."

  "Which one is Josh", Margaret asked.

  Henry gave her a curious look, and then looked around to the bar, "the young one with the black hair".

  Before Henry could ask why she wanted to know, she said, "I heard his name mentioned a while ago."

  "Well, I gotta get back. John, Erma... Mr. and Miz Casey." With that, Henry started back to the bar.

  Margaret watched Josh. After Henry returned to the group Josh started for the tables. She looked at Lawrence. "I think I'm gonna see what's to eat." She looked at John and Erma, "if you'll excuse me." John nodded. She walked off toward the tables.

  Lawrence knew she'd no more eat what was on those tables than he'd ask for another taste of that stuff she carried around with her. What was she up to and who was Josh? A name he'd never heard until this moment. There was a sudden twinge in the pit of his stomach. If he didn't know better he'd think he was jealous, or something.

  Margaret made her way toward the tables. She and Josh arrived at the same time. He glanced at her, smiled, and then looked back at the table. He was thinking of something to say when she surprised him.

  "Sarah wants to see you. She's at the doctor's office." With that, she turned and walked off.

  He just stared at her back as she walked away from him. How could Sarah tell anybody, he thought, especially a stranger. He forgot about eating. He looked around at the bar. His father was caught up in conversation with Henry, and the others. Frank was drinking and laughing at everything. No would miss him, at least for a little while.

  Margaret rejoined the others, saying she didn't find anything she wanted. Lawrence wasn't surprised. He watched her, watch Josh, work his way around to the door and leave.


  Josh stepped outside. There were several people standing around, but no one took particular notice of him. He walked back towards Main Street.

  Sarah was still sitting with her father. Joseph was somewhere in the house. She dozed on and off. Her day usually started before the sun was up so her bedtime came early.

  A light tapping at the window brought her around. She opened her eyes and sat up straight in her chair. She immediately looked at her father. Nothing had changed. The tapping came again. She looked at the window.

  "Who's there", she asked?

  There was no answer, just the tapping again. She eased out of her chair, walked to the window and pulled back the curtain. Josh looked back through the glass. She smiled and raised the window.

  "Hi", he said. "Can I come in?"

  She glanced around at the door. "I don't think so. Joseph is around somewhere."

  "I'm not afraid of your brother."

  "It's not that. I just don't want any trouble here. I've been wanting to see you so much."

  "I heard 'em talking at the school. I know about your father. Listen, there's something you need to know. Mr. Morton and my father are real mad about your father not wanting to sell out to 'em."

  "What's happened doesn't change anything", she interrupted. "We're not giving up our home to anybody."

  "I know. All you McKenlys are stubborn, but my father's been talking about letting Frank do something."


  "I don't know. You know Frank. When he's been drinkin' he could do anything. I don't want you gettin' hurt."

  "Don't worry about us. Joseph and me can take care of ourselves."

  "I'm not worried about your brother. Why don't you at least think about lettin' 'em cross your place to the high range? They'd be willin' to pay. I heard Mr. Morton say so."

  Before she could answer the horses shifted behind him. He glanced around and was shoved away. Sarah gasped and Joseph stepped in front of the window.

  "My father already told you and your friends, no", Joseph said angrily, pointing his finger at Josh, "why you botherin' my sister?"

  Sarah left the room and headed outside. She didn't want either one of them hurt.

  Josh was right back in Joseph's face. "That stubborn streak's gonna get her hurt."

  "Stay away from my sister", Joseph came back, shoving Josh with both hands, "or you're the one's gonna get hurt.”

  Josh threw a straight right. It caught Joseph off guard and landed on the point of his nose sending blood in all directions. The punch stunned him. Josh went for his legs and they both went down.

  Sarah made the corner of the building. Joseph and Josh were tangled up in the legs of their team. Joseph got his boot against Josh's chest and shoved him back. They both scrambled to their feet. The next thing they knew, Sarah was trying to push them apart. The adrenaline was running so high in both boys; she was almost crushed between them. She kicked out at both of them and they backed off.

  "What are you two doin'", she yelled, out of breath.

  "He started it", Josh yelled back.

  Joseph looked at Sarah and demanded, "What's he doin' here? Why you talkin' to him?"

  She was mad because all this was goin' on under her father's window. Her voice was strong and direct. "Daddy's lyin' in there barely alive and you two are out here tryin' to kill each other", looking directly at Joseph, "and who or why I talk to anybody, is my business. Now, go inside and do something with your nose." She couldn't believe she took that kind of stand with her brother. He couldn't either. It was confusing to him. She'd never sounded like that before.

  He rubbed his nose with his hand and glared at Josh. "Just stay away from us. You and yours, been nothing but trouble. Next time, my sister won't be here to stop it."

  Josh took a step toward him, but Sarah put a stop to it once and for all. "Joseph, go..." She looked at Josh. "You too..."

  Joseph walked a few steps away, but he wasn't losing sight of his sister until Josh was gone. Sarah wa
lked over to Josh and touched his arm. He looked at her, then at Joseph still standing close by. He leaned over and kissed Sarah on the forehead. Joseph took a step in their direction and Josh turned and walked off.

  The kiss was unexpected. With all the walking and talking they'd done he'd never touched her like that before. She turned and faced Joseph.

  He was mad at her, mostly because she stopped the fight while he was losing. He knew the kiss was meant to make him mad. What actually got to him was she seemed to like it. He turned and left the alley feeling a little betrayed.

  Sarah felt confused, and she knew talking to Joseph about it would be impossible. That is, if he ever spoke to her again. She started out of the alley. She needed to talk to another woman. She needed Maggie.

  Joseph wouldn't talk to her and wouldn't let her take care of his nose. He went to bed and she went back to her father's room.


  The town social finally began to break up. Josh had rejoined his family. No one, but Margaret noticed his clothes were messed up and he was favoring his right hand. Frank, and some others, had left earlier. Henry, with Ben and Josh, left a little while after Josh got back.

  It had been an interesting get-together. Lawrence had met a real life Town Marshal (who looked more like Grandpa McCoy), the Mayor, the School Teacher, the Minister and several other town's people.

  The Cassidys were hanging back. Margaret and Lawrence decided to go back on their own. As they walked along the wooden sidewalk he wanted to ask about Josh. Everything she did seemed to be for a reason. He concluded that when she was ready to let him in on it, she would.

  They passed several horses tied to a hitching post. One of them had his tail up depositing the by-product of his dinner on the ground behind him.

  Lawrence grabbed his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "Whew... They have their own forms of air pollution."

  Margaret glanced at the freshly deposited pile. "You should smell this place with my nose."

  "Earlier, I was wondering how you knew it was me. You can tell us apart?"


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