Not Always

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Not Always Page 28

by Ancelli

“I’m sorry, Jewel, but I need my wallet,” Jazmine pleaded.

  “Then go get it!” Jewel blurted out, watching vehicles zoom past her. The clouds were getting dark, like it was going to rain. Her night couldn’t get any worse.

  “I would if I could. I can’t leave the restaurant without paying for the meals we ate.”

  “Put the manager on the phone.” She dropped the phone on the passenger seat, placing it on speaker. “I’ll give them my card number. They can charge me.” Jewel tried to concentrate on the road, and rummaged through her purse to pull out her wallet. Her car veered to the right, and someone honked.

  “Jew, stop being so damn difficult. Please go get it.”

  She threw her wallet back into her purse. “Fine.” Jewel swerved her car and took the next exit, turning back to her house. “You owe me.”

  “I said I’m sorry. José will understand.”

  “I hope he does. I’ll call you when I’m on my way.” Jewel shook her head. “Where are you, by the way?”

  “I’ll give you the address when you call me back…bye.” Jazmine rushed through the words before hanging up.

  The line went dead, making her glance down at her phone. Really? Did she just hang up? Jewel slowed down, picked up the phone, and dialed José’s number, placing it on speaker.

  “Are you here?” His voice sounded so sexy.

  “No.” Jewel pushed on the gas pedal, making her Mustang roar down the highway. “I’m running a few minutes late.”

  “I thought you were on your way?”

  “I was, but Jazmine left her wallet at my house when she helped me pack earlier.” She sighed. “I had to turn back to get it.”

  “I can’t wait to see you, muñeca,” José murmured.

  “Babe, I can’t wait to see you. I miss you.” She slowed down as she entered her neighborhood. Sadness flitted through her as she gazed at the houses lining the road, with the neighbors and their kids outside playing. That was what she’d wanted, that was the reason she’d bought the house in the first place, to raise her family, and now she had to start over. Jewel turned her face toward the lane. On the bright side, it also felt nice to start over with a man who loved her just the way she was.

  “We’ll never be apart again.” Jewel heard the conviction in his voice. “See you when you get here.”

  “Bye.” She made a kissing sound; he hung up.

  Jewel pulled up to her house, and there was a black Ford Explorer parked in her driveway.

  “Who the hell…?” she parked next to the vehicle and turned the ignition off. Jewel sat there for a few seconds, looking at the SUV. Maybe it was the new owners. There wasn’t anyone near the auto, and she had another week before she had to move. Jewel dug into her purse, and grabbed her Taser. Jewel peered inside the other vehicle. There was nothing in the car to identify whom it belonged to. It looked brand new. She squeezed past the black automobile, and ambled to the front door.

  Jewel placed he ear to the heavy wood, straining to see if she could hear anything on the other side. No sounds reached her ear, so she placed her hand on the knob, and turned. The door opened easily. She inspected the metal; it didn’t look tampered with. Jewel had given the realtor a key. Maybe it was him? She gently pushed the door wider.

  “Hello?” She waited, but there was no answer. Jewel stepped inside, hitting the light switch on the right side of the wall. She looked around the house, examining all the areas within view. She inched in, looking down the hallway. The lights to the bedrooms and bathrooms were off. “Hello!”

  Jewel took a deep breath. Had she locked the house up when she’d left? She still held the Taser tightly in her hand. She glanced around for Jazmine’s wallet, and didn’t see it. Then she noticed the flickering lights coming from the back yard. The sliding glass doors were wide open, and that she did remember. She’d closed them before leaving.

  She tiptoed over to the glass doors, and stopped dead in her tracks at the doorframe. “This Time” by John Legend was playing in the background.

  A portable white gazebo stood in the middle of her yard, surrounded by red, pink, and yellow roses, lilies, and carnations. A purple orchid, her favorite color, sat in the middle of a table set for two. There were candles on the plastic borders and on the intimate table, which was also set with two champagne flutes. She took the three steps up, pausing when she saw her puzzle pieces.

  Jewel’s heartbeat raced, as she examined the yard. She was nervous. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Who the hell is here? The person had put the pieces together, and placed the completed puzzle in the middle of the table. She held the Taser tighter in her fist. If it was Phil, she would call the police, and then she remembered leaving her phone in the car. “Is someone here?” she yelled.

  No answer.

  Whoever was doing this was playing with her. Jewel was about to step down when she noticed a black envelope to the side. She picked it up without letting go of her protection. She slid her finger along the edge, and pulled out two puzzle pieces and a note.

  I knew you were mine the moment...

  “This isn’t funny!” she yelled again. Curiosity got the best of her. She moved closer to the table, and placed the last two missing pieces to the puzzle.

  You Complete Me.

  Now she was freaked out. Was it Chris? No, it couldn’t be him; he knew how she felt. Who?

  Oh God, José…he’s waiting for me.

  Jewel was about to turn to get her cell phone when she felt someone behind her. She had her fingers wound around the weapon so hard her hand hurt. She needed to make her next move. José always said never let them see you coming. Like when he’d punched Phil, he’d never known what hit him until José’s fist connected to his jaw. She would let the person get closer, and tase his ass. The person took one more step, and stopped. Jewel needed him to come closer.

  “Put that thing down before you hurt someone” Jewel would know that tone anywhere; she hadn’t realized she was holding her breath until she heard the voice. No, it couldn’t be him. It wasn’t even possible.


  Jewel dropped the weapon on the ground, and rapidly turned to stare straight into the most amazing hazel eyes. “José!”

  He was dressed in the same suit he’d worn on the night of the gala, with his purple silk tie wrapped neatly around the neck of his white shirt. She covered her mouth with her hand, and tears rolled down her cheeks. Jewel twisted, looking at the complete puzzle, and then back at him. “It was you all along!”

  José gazed at her with a lopsided smile. “Yes.”

  Damn, she loved this man more than she ever thought possible. “Jazmine didn’t leave her purse, did she?” Jewel arched an eyebrow.

  He shook his head no.

  She wiped at her cheeks with the backs of her hands. “Why?” she whispered.

  “Babe…” José cleared his throat. Emotion filled his eyes as he stared at her. He hadn’t moved a muscle since she’d twisted around to face him. He stood there with a tablet in his hand. “I knew you were what I needed the moment you accepted me for who I am, my past and my present…” He swallowed. “You are my future, muñeca, you are all of me…” His nervousness made her smirk. Jewel had never seen him like this before, so vulnerable. “I tried to re-create the rose garden.”

  Tears continued rolling down her cheeks, landing on her black dress. José took a step forward, and clutched her hand in his. “After that night in the park, I knew you were mine. You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman, but I needed to get my shit together before I could offer you myself.”

  “José, I loved you with your shit all fucked up—”

  He chuckled deeply. “I know, but I needed to do this for me, remember? About a year ago you told me ‘For what it’s worth, I think you’re fine just the way you are. You have to change because you want to, not to please anyone else.’”

  Jewel smiled. “I remember.”

  “I wouldn’t have made it this past year, if
it wasn’t for you.” José wiped at her tears. “I love you more than I ever thought possible. I didn’t think I would find what my parents and Javier found, but I did, and damn if it didn’t hit me like a ton of bricks.” He rubbed her hand. “I never expected to feel this way.”

  Jewel closed her eyes, sobbing. Her eyes fluttered open and José was down on one knee. She placed her hand over her mouth. He held up the iPad with Carlitos on the video chat. His son had on a dress shirt with a purple bow tie, making her giggle.

  “Jewel,” José said, taking her left hand in his.

  “Mami Jewel.” Carlitos watched her.

  She couldn’t believe what was happening. She never thought she would want to go down that road again until she met José. He thought she’d saved him, but in actuality, he’d saved her. He made her love again, believe in happily ever after, even after the all the shit she’d gone through in her first marriage. With him, she felt safe like she’d never felt before.

  “Will you marry us?” José and Carlitos said in unison.

  “Please say yes, mami Jewel!” Carlitos held his hands up together.

  Jewel glanced between the gadget and José, bent on one knee. She beamed with joy. “Yes! Yes!” she shouted, and jumped into José’s arms, almost knocking him over. Jewel cupped his face and pressed feather-light kisses on his face. He managed to keep the device from falling and they both watched as Carlitos started doing his happy dance, and moved the lens to the back. José’s mother and father were in the room, cheering them on.

  “I couldn’t be happier.” Maria wiped at her tears.

  “Congratulations!” his dad said.

  “Daddy, you forgot the ring,” his son mentioned.

  José dug into his pants, and pulled out a ruby princess-cut ring with small diamonds. “I couldn’t afford a diamond solitaire.”

  “I don’t care about diamonds.” Jewel lovingly stared at her ring. Her birthstone was mounted in the middle with a row of diamonds. It was exactly what she wanted. “It’s beautiful.”

  “They need their privacy now. Talk to you guys later,” his dad said, and the screen went blank.

  “I love you!” She continued kissing him.

  José’s smile deepened. “Girl, you have made me the happiest man alive. Isn’t that what every man says when he proposes, and the woman says yes?”

  Jewel smacked his chest. “You’re not everybody else.”

  She reared up and clutched his hand, helping him rise. José wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her forward. “You believed in me.”

  “Always.” She gave him a peck on his cheek.

  “Even when I didn’t believe in myself.” José smirked. “Guess who is the executive chef of Exquisite Delight?”

  “The restaurant that’s opening in a month? It’s the talk of the town.” Jewel gazed up at him.


  “No!” Jewel gazed into his eyes. “Oh my God, baby… You?”

  “Yes. You’re looking at him.” He caressed her arm. “Tyron offered me the job and I said yes.”

  “I’m so proud of you.” She got on her tiptoes, circling her hands behind his neck. “You said he was training you to take over for him at Rio.”

  “He wanted to make sure I was ready, and babe, I’m ready.”

  “You are.”

  “All of Me” by John Legend began playing in the background.

  “Dance with me.” José kissed her neck as the started swaying to the music. “I want it all with you.” He gazed at her with love. “Cause all of me loves all of you…”

  Jewel laid her head on his chest, hearing the beating of his heart as he sang to her. This was perfect, being in his strong arms. “I missed you…”

  “I missed you more.” His hands pulled her closer to him. “I even missed your nagging.”

  Jewel snickered. “We have memories in this house.”

  “Unpack.” José whispered the word in her ear, giving her goose bumps.

  She stared up at him. “What?”

  “Unpack your boxes.” He kissed her nose.

  “I can’t, I already sold the house. I have to be out by next week,” she said softly.

  They stopped dancing, and he cupped her face. “This is your house.” She watched him, unsure of where he was going. “I couldn’t let such a great deal pass by on a house like this.”


  “Emma called me, informing me that you’d put the house up for sale.” José tilted her chin. “I had to get it back for you.”

  Jewel gasped. “How?” Her emotions were everywhere, she couldn’t control her tears.

  “I bought the house.” He wiped at her tears. “Don’t cry, baby. You’ve done so much for me. I needed to do something for you.”


  “My dad helped me.” He stepped back. “The house is in my name, but it’s yours.”

  Jewel jumped into his arms again. Other people saw him as a thug, but she saw the real man. He was loving, devoted, and loyal. José would do anything for the ones he loved. “Thank you!”

  “No, thank you.” He chuckled. “I guess we can put up a white picket fence in the front, and we already have Coco.”

  Jewel bit her bottom lip.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” José touched her face.

  “I thought you wanted the whole deal.”

  “I do.” He pressed his lips to hers. “The white fence, Coco, and the kids.”

  She smiled. “We can have them all.”

  “I know we will.” He laughed. “I was kidding about the picket fence.”

  “What about the kids?” She could barely hear herself.

  “One day.”

  “What if one day is here…now?” Jewel watched his reaction.

  “What do you mean?” José arched an eyebrow.

  She placed her hand over her stomach, and rubbed. “I’m pregnant.”

  José’s eyes dropped to her midsection, then back up to her face. “You’re pregnant?”

  “Yes.” she gazed at him. “I just found out two weeks ago. I was dying to tell you at the restaurant, but I wanted us to be alone.”

  José’s eyes watered. “Are you okay?” He moved closer, touching her belly. “Is the baby okay?”

  “Yes, the baby is safely in my uterus where it’s supposed to be.” She placed her hands over his. “I’m three months pregnant.”

  “Three months?” His face lit up. “You passed your first trimester.”

  “Yes.” He grabbed the hem of her dress, and lifted the material up, exposing her tummy. “Are you happy? I know you weren’t re—”

  Jewel didn’t get to finish her sentence. José went down on his knees, placing his face on her belly to kiss her stretching skin where their baby was growing. One tear rolled down his cheek. “Te amo mi angel…” he whispered. “I will always be there for you.”

  Jewel combed her fingers through his hair.

  “Jewel.” he looked up. “I’m ready to be the husband you need, and to be the best father I can be to my kids. We deserve this.”

  “I’m so proud of you and your accomplishments.” She grinned from ear to ear. “I love you!”

  José smoothed her dress back down, and stood. “Muñeca, you have made me want what I never thought I needed. I am me because of you. I love you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  One month later

  José stood in the middle of the new, modern restaurant with a glass flute in his hand, lifting it in the air. He glanced around at everyone attending his pre-opening celebration. Finally, he’d made his family proud. He’d waited for years to have the acceptance of all of them, especially his mother. His mother sat in the table in front of him, next to his dad and sister. He smiled at Papo. Where would he be without that man? When everyone had turned their backs on him, even his own mother, his dad had been the only person who’d never given up on him. It was Papo who’d taught him about God, and the true meaning of what a man should be, and how to trea
t a woman. He fell a lot, growing up, but he’d finally gotten it. He owed his dad for everything he now had.

  José twisted to the right to watch Jewel’s mother and siblings. “Mrs. O’Neal, you were right. It wasn’t too late. Dreams do come true.”

  Mrs. O’Neal beamed with unshed tears, also raising her glass.

  “Dad…” He returned his gaze to the most important man in his life. “I would probably be in jail or dead if it wasn’t for you.” José’s voice cracked. “I owe you so much.”

  “Son.” His dad stood. “You owe me nothing. Being here and seeing you in the spotlight is all the payback I need.” His dad lifted his glass. “Here’s to you… I love you.” Everyone took a sip of their champagne.

  “Ma.” José’s mother was one of the most beautiful to him; with age came elegance. He could see the difference in the way she stared at him. Finally, there was love not contempt and disappointment. He cleared his throat. “Ma…” His voice cracked, all he ever wanted was her to say I forgive you. “I hope you’re finally proud of me.” A tear ran down his cheek.

  His mom stood and rushed to his table, crying and then wrapping her arms around him. He squeezed his mother tightly. This was what he’d always wanted, the love and acceptance of his mother.

  She stepped back and cupped his face. “Te amo…y estoy tan orgullosa de it.” She wiped at his tears. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Forgive me.” He pulled her again into an embrace. He could hear Jewel sniffling beside him as she lovingly touched his arm. She was his support.

  “I’m the one that needs forgiveness. A mother should never give up on her children. You’ve been through so much, and I contributed to it,” she whispered. “You are not your father. I’m sorry for all the times I said that. I love you, mijo.” She moved. “Te amo.” His mom ambled back to her seat with tears running down her beautiful face.

  “Lucy.” His baby sister wore a strapless white dress. She’d turned into amazing young lady. She’d graduated with honors, and was awarded a scholarship to the state university. José was a proud big brother. “I’m proud of you.”

  He started chuckling staring at his baby brother and sister-in-law. “Dude, you’re—” He shook his head. Javier was everything to him. “I love you, bro. You gave me a second chance. You let me into your home so I could start over, and for that I will forever be thankful to you and Jazmine.”


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