Modern Fairy Tale: Twelve Books of Breathtaking Romance

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Modern Fairy Tale: Twelve Books of Breathtaking Romance Page 125

by Kristen Proby

  Amelia flashed a grin. “Right. I did think of that when I named it. I hoped it would mean people would remember who I was.”

  “Considering how busy Cade says you are, I’d say you have.”

  “Speaking of Cade, is he around or out on a call?”

  Beck’s team was officially on duty for local calls today, but that didn’t mean Cade hadn’t tagged along. I tapped the intercom button on my headset. “Cade, you around?” I asked at large, knowing my question would be heard throughout the station.

  “Headed your way, Maisie,” Cade returned.

  Within seconds, Cade pushed through the door. Amelia spun toward him, her face lighting up. He tugged her flush against him and kissed her. The moment was quick, but so hot, I had to look away. It was usually like this between them. Beck had dubbed Cade Amelia-blind because of the way he lost track of everything else when she was around. It blew me away if only because they’d known each other forever.

  I kept my focus on the tracking sheet I’d been working on and entered a few more numbers, glancing up only when I heard my name.


  Cade winked. “I hear you’re joining the girls’ card game. Be careful. Lucy kicks ass at cards.”

  Amelia nudged him with her knee as she rested her elbows on the counter again. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes bright. I experienced a pang of…something. I wouldn’t call it envy because it wasn’t that, more wistfulness. Watching Amelia and Cade together made me think about what it might be like to have something like they did. The intimacy between them was palpable. Underneath it was a feeling of shared joy and the sense they faced everything in life together. Amelia struck me as a very independent woman, while Cade was without a doubt a strong, independent man. They served to reinforce each other and clearly adored each other beyond reason.

  Amelia caught my eyes. “Lucy is good, but we don’t play for money, just fun.”

  “Just be prepared to lose,” Cade added.

  I had a streak of competitiveness when it came to cards, if only because I’d learned to play young. My father held weekly poker games no matter what else had been going on in our lives. Cards were the one area where he hewed to a sense of honor. He played clean and shared his sense of pride in winning with me. I had few fond memories with my dad and his haphazard parenting approach, but playing cards with him was one of them. He was quite good. As such, so was I.

  “Consider me warned,” I said with a grin.

  Amelia pushed away from the counter and hooked her arm with Cade’s. “Lunch with me?”

  “Of course,” he replied easily.

  I watched as they walked out, recalling how bitter Cade had been when he’d first moved back to Willow Brook. I’d been pretty new in my position then and hadn’t known much of anything about anyone. He’d been a bit of a dark cloud around the station until he worked things out with Amelia.

  Everything about him softened when she was around.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Dude, don’t make me go alone,” Cade said.

  I eyed him across the table. We’d stopped by Wildlands after work. Cade had been at loose ends because Amelia was with her friends.

  “You can handle it, man.”

  Cade shook his head, his gaze bordering on pleading. “Come on. It’s Amelia, Lucy, Maisie and a few others. What is it with you anyway? Last month or so, you haven’t even looked at a woman.”

  He idly twirled his empty beer bottle on the table, his perceptive gaze on me. I shifted my shoulders, slightly uncomfortable under his gaze. Cade knew me well. We’d grown up together. We’d grown apart when he moved away for seven years, but we’d quickly fallen back into a comfortable friendship when he returned. I respected the hell out of him and had complete trust in him out in the field. He knew his shit and had anyone’s back when we were in deep with fire all around.

  I hadn’t considered the fact my patterns had changed. Quite a lot. Until this thing with Maisie started, I was usually at the bars, having a little light fun with any woman who caught my fancy. Now, even the thought of being with someone other than Maisie almost made me shudder. I glanced around the bar, my eyes passing over plenty of attractive women. Summers in Willow Brook drew plenty of women looking for an adventure with any rugged, Alaskan guy. Easy come, easy go. Usually, I loved it. The last few weeks I’d found it rather annoying to swat aside the come ons.

  My gaze made its way back to Cade, and I shrugged. “So what?”

  He narrowed his eyes and appeared to be considering his words. “Right. None of my business, but anything up with you and Maisie?”

  Oh hell. Was I really going to have to dance around this?

  “Nah,” I lied. “Why do you ask?”

  “Mostly because you two are usually arguing, but lately you seem to be avoiding her a lot more.”

  I couldn’t exactly tell him that was the only way I could keep from trying to bend her over and fuck her anywhere I crossed her path. I knew she was sensitive to how it might be perceived if the guys knew we had anything going on, so I’d been steering mostly clear of her around the station.

  I met Cade’s gaze and shrugged. “No reason, just random I suppose. Anyway, let’s get going.”

  Though I sensed he knew I was distracting him, Cade readily acceded. We left cash on the table to cover our tab and headed out into the late evening.

  I knew it probably wasn’t wise to tromp over to Lucy’s gathering with him, knowing Maisie was there. But I couldn’t resist. Any chance to see her was impossible to resist.

  Spending the night with her the other night had only strengthened the foothold she had in my mind and body. I wasn’t quite ready to admit my heart was involved, but I was damn certain it was.

  * * *

  Maisie sat at the kitchen table in Lucy Caldwell’s apartment, laughing at something. Her ponytail was losing its battle to keep her curls restrained with many dark curls loose and dangling around her neck and face. One look, and I wanted to kiss her. She, however, hadn’t even noticed I’d walked in. Amelia, Lucy, and Susannah circled the rest of the table.

  Amelia was the first to notice we were there. She looked our way and grinned. “Lucy lost!” she announced.

  Cade chuckled and stepped to the table to drop a kiss on the side of Amelia’s neck.

  Lucy rolled her eyes. “I didn’t realize how excited you’d get over me losing.”

  Amelia giggled. She was quite obviously tipsy, which was why Cade was there. He’d become the designated driver once he got her text.

  “It’s just fun to have someone else win. That’s all.” She swung to look at Maisie. “You have an amazing poker face.”

  Maisie shrugged. “I guess so.”

  Her cheeks were flushed, and my cock was hard. Damn. I leaned my hips against the kitchen counter, hoping the slight angle would mask my blatant arousal. Coming here was a mistake.

  Lucy stood up from the table. “Well boys, are you both here to play taxi?”

  Cade leaned against the counter beside me and nodded. “Amelia texted me for a ride home. Who else needs a ride?”

  Maisie finally appeared to notice me, her eyes widening and the flush on her cheeks deepening. The effect of nothing more than a look from her wasn’t helping matters with my cock.

  “Well, since there’s two of you here, I say you take me and Susannah, and Beck can take Maisie. Susannah’s place is on our way home. Maisie lives in the opposite direction,” Amelia announced with a slight giggle.

  Cade glanced to me, his gaze bemused, before looking back to her. “What’s so funny, babe?”

  Amelia shrugged and giggled again.

  Cade shook his head. “Good thing you’ve got me to drive you.”

  Maisie swung to look at Amelia. “I don’t need a ride,” she said, her tone slightly belligerent.

  Susannah piped up. “Yes, you do. We’ve had two bottles of wine between the four of us.”

  Even Susannah’s words slurred

  I wasn’t about to argue with being offered up as Maisie’s ride, so I stayed quiet. Not to mention I wasn’t about to allow her to drive home in her current state. I wouldn’t let any friend drive home like this, but she drew my protectiveness to the fore so forcefully, it was startling.

  Maisie huffed. “I can drive just fine.”

  At that moment, she leaned back in her chair, a tad too forcefully, and promptly toppled sideways. I didn’t even think and was beside her, helping her back into her chair, before I knew it.

  “You just proved my point,” Susannah declared with a floppy wave of her hand.

  I glanced around the table. This was quite the sight. Lucy plunked back down in her chair with an elaborate sigh. Every single one of them had flushed cheeks and a slightly hazy gaze.

  “Amelia’s right. No one’s driving home,” I said, catching Cade’s eyes.

  Who knew their girls’ card night meant they’d all get sloshed?

  Cade chuckled. “Definitely not. You two ready?” he asked, glancing from Amelia to Susannah.

  When they both gave wobbly nods, I glanced down to Maisie. My hand was resting on her shoulder from when I’d helped her back into her chair. That single point of contact set my body to humming. Hell, I’d been hard since I’d laid eyes on her, but touching her just made things worse.

  “Sounds like I’m your taxi.”

  She lifted her gaze, her liquid brown eyes locking with mine. Something flickered in their depths, but I didn’t know what it was. “I think I can…”

  I shook my head. “You’re not driving anywhere. Either you let me take you home, or you stay here. Lucy, you want company?” I asked, looking to her.

  Lucy sent a pointed glare in Maisie’s direction. “Don’t be silly. I don’t mind if you crash on my couch, but lover boy’s right here to take you home.”

  Oh hell. I had no idea where that comment came from.

  I glanced back to Maisie to see her cheeks had gone cherry red. Amelia and Susannah were standing up from the table and appeared to have missed Lucy’s comment. Cade, on the other hand, caught my eyes and threw a knowing grin my way.

  I ignored him and looked back to Maisie. “Well, what’ll it be? A ride with me, or a night on Lucy’s couch?”

  Maisie didn’t reply, but she stood, wobbling slightly on her feet when she did. Without thinking, I slid my arm around her waist to steady her.

  “Good choice,” Lucy declared with an overenthusiastic nod.

  Within moments, we’d managed to say our goodbyes without further comment, and I was helping Maisie into my truck. She lost her balance when her foot slipped off of the running board. When I caught her weight against me—fuck, she felt good, all soft and warm—she muttered something.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  “I don’t need your help,” she said with a firm elbow in the direction of my ribs. Her aim was off, and she ended up slamming her elbow against the side of the truck.


  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, but that hurt,” she said, now attempting to rub her elbow with her other hand.

  I’d been trying to let her get herself in the truck and mostly standing by for back up. Now, I took over and lifted her against me, setting her on the passenger seat.

  “I told you…”

  I cut in. “I know. You don’t need my help. Clearly you do. If I hadn’t been here, you’d be on the ground at this point. It’s a damn good thing your friends weren’t about to let you drive yourself home.”

  She had nothing to say to that, so I buckled her seat belt and closed the door. She was quiet as I started driving toward her place, so I stayed quiet as well. My cock was still hard. Having an armful of Maisie was pretty much a guaranteed way for me to end up burning up with need for her. I mentally willed it away because I knew there’d be no relief tonight. I might want her so bad, I physically ached with it, but she was too drunk.

  We pulled into her driveway, and I made the quick choice not to ask her if she needed help getting inside. She was quiet and surprised me by not arguing a bit when I walked to her door with her. I followed her inside, closing the door behind me. I might be setting myself up for a hell of a tortuous night, but I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to fall asleep beside her again.

  She startled me by spinning around and catching the edge of my t-shirt and yanking me to her. Next thing I knew, her lips were blazing a hot, wet trail up my neck. It took just about every ounce of willpower I had to draw back and set her away from me.

  “Bed for you,” I said quickly, turning and catching her hand as I did.

  “You’re bossy,” she announced as we were halfway up the stairs.

  The toe of her shoe caught the edge of the top stair, and she stumbled slightly. I steadied her at the hips. She spun around, wobbling again. I tightened my hold to keep her from falling.

  I was one step below her, so we were about level. Her eyes locked to me. In a flash, the air felt weighted. She looped her arms around my neck and stepped closer, bumping against my rock hard cock.

  Much as I wanted her, and holy hell did I want her, this wasn’t happening. Not tonight. Not with her so tipsy she could hardly stand. I slid my hands down her sides, savoring the soft swell of her breasts as I passed by them and gripped her hips, setting her back.

  I turned her and quickly stepped past her, latching onto her hand and walking her into her bedroom.

  She plunked down on the end of the bed, bouncing slightly. She giggled. Maisie giggled. My heart clenched, and I felt funny inside. I gulped in air and stared down at her, willing my heart to stop pounding so hard it hurt.

  I meant to say something, but then Maisie simply curled up on her side and was out inside of two seconds. I watched her for a moment. Without thinking, I reached down and brushed a few loose curls off of her cheek. My heart gave another swift kick, this one hard enough to maybe crack a rib.

  I straightened, considering whether I should stay or go. The answer came easy. I had to stay. I couldn’t force myself to leave. With another glance to confirm she was sound asleep—snoring and all—I walked quietly out of her room and went downstairs to make sure everything was locked up.

  After returning to her bedroom, I carefully got her jeans off and even managed to unhook her bra and maneuver it out of her t-shirt. Her panties had gotten tangled in her jeans, sending a jolt of need through me. Getting them back on was more work, so I left them off and gave myself a stern lecture about letting her sleep. She was so sound asleep, she didn’t even awaken when I lifted her from the bottom of the bed and tucked her in under the covers. Once I was sure she was comfortable, I took an icy cold shower.

  A few minutes later, I managed to slide under the sheets without waking her. As soon as I settled onto my back, she rolled over, hooked her leg over mine and tucked her head against my shoulder, her palm landing smack in the middle of my chest. I’d never thought much about the sleeping together part when it came to women. One night with Maisie had made me crave more of it with her. I stared up through the skylight above her bed, feeling the day’s tension inside unwind and savoring the soft warmth of her curled up against me.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I burrowed closer to the warm, strong body beside me. Oh God. It felt sooo good to…

  My sleepy thoughts faded slightly, and for a moment I was confused. The haze cleared, and I realized the body beside me belonged to Beck. I was practically on top of him. The moment my brain was fully online, I realized I was slick with desire, and his cock was plenty hard, pressed against my hip.


  Well then.

  My recollections of last night were fuzzy. I’d definitely had a bit too much wine. The last memory I had was walking up the stairs with Beck and thinking I wanted to have him buried deep inside of me. Everything was blank after that. I conducted a quick inventory. I was wearing no panties and a t-shirt. Hmm.

  I rose up on one elbow and
looked at him. Damn. He was even drool-worthy when he was asleep. His black curls were mussed. In sleep, his face was more relaxed. I let myself soak him in for a minute. For so long, I’d had to truncate my desire to stare at him. His features were what I thought would be called chiseled. His jaw was strong and defined, and damn if he didn’t have actual sculpted cheekbones, the kind most women would die for. His nose was a clean straight line. His dark, thick lashes curled against his cheeks. His mouth was made for sin—full lips with a slight dimple in the center of the bottom one.

  Before I realized what I was doing, I’d leaned over and kissed Beck. Because his lips were that tempting. His lips came alive under mine. We tumbled into a slow, lazy kiss—a sensual tangle of tongues. He was an insanely good kisser—dangerously good. It was ridiculous how easily he could melt me. Once his tongue swept into my mouth, it felt as if molten lava flowed through me. His palm slid around to cup my bottom and shift me on top of him.

  My knees landed alongside his hips with my wet pussy sliding over his cock. I moaned into his mouth, so on fire inside I could barely breathe. I broke free from our kiss to gulp in air. I felt his hand slide into my hair, his thumb tracing my lips. Opening my eyes, I found his waiting—deep green and flashing with desire.

  “Morning,” he murmured, his voice gravelly with sleep.

  All it took was the sound of his voice to send a shiver up my spine. Looking into his eyes, my heart twisted in my chest and my breath caught. All this time, I’d chalked him up to a shallow playboy. Perhaps he was, but it didn’t feel that way when I was with him.

  Desire and intimacy curled around us like smoke. I couldn’t have looked away if I wanted to. I didn’t.

  “Good morning,” I whispered.

  It was early, or so the wispy light filtering in through my curtains and the skylight above told me. It felt as if we were the only people in the entire world awake just now.

  He traced my lips with his thumb. I caught it in my teeth and drew it in my mouth, feeling a surge of desire when his eyes darkened and he rocked his hips against me. His cock slid against my slick folds and clit, sending a sharp spike of pleasure through me. I leaned back, the need to feel him inside of me overriding everything.


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