Modern Fairy Tale: Twelve Books of Breathtaking Romance

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Modern Fairy Tale: Twelve Books of Breathtaking Romance Page 229

by Kristen Proby

  “All you have to do is say the word, and I won’t do it again, except for tonight. See you this evening.” Without waiting for her answer, he turned, got into his car, and drove away. A quick glance into his rearview mirror let him know that she still stood there, staring after him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Explain to me again how you’re suddenly dating Sebastian Romanov,” Isabella said, tawny eyes narrowed. Oh yeah, her best friend’s you’re-so-full-of-it detector was on high alert.

  No telling what Haven would have said—if she’d been able to join them.

  Bella tapped the table. “I’m waiting.”

  “I’ll start at the beginning—when a guy likes a girl, he generally asks her out to get to know her better. Those events are called dates. And sometimes, when two people fall in love after all those dates, they lead to other things like…” Daisy paused, unable to get out the word ‘engagement.’

  Her phone vibrated and she grabbed it, thankful for the interruption.

  “Who’s that?”

  “Text from the earl,” Daisy said.

  Sorry, I’m running late –S

  Oh, I hadn’t noticed. ~D


  Good. He didn’t need to know that she’d checked the entrance to the restaurant at least a thousand times since she’d arrived, or that her heart had sped up each time she thought he was the one opening the door.

  Isabella tilted her head, her nose scrunching up on one side. “I go out of town for two days and suddenly you’re in love?”

  “Y-yes.” The blush that heated her cheeks most likely gave credence to her words. Daisy grabbed the nearest roll from the breadbasket, turning it over and over in her hands. “I, we … he—”

  “That’s the best news ever,” Isabella squealed, making Daisy drop the poor roll she’d been tearing apart.

  “It is?” Daisy asked, nonplussed by her friend’s reaction. She’d thought Isabella would call her out on it.

  “Gosh, yes.” Her best friend took a quick sip of water. “The only man you talk to is virtual, and who knows if he’s anything like you say he is.”

  “I haven’t talked to Jules since yesterday. He’s acting a little strange.”

  “Girl, who cares? You have a real live man who wants to be with you.”

  “Well, I care, for one. I don’t—”

  Isabella waved a hand in the air, effectively cutting Daisy off. “I’m going to be honest with you, okay? The whole Jules thing is a little sketchy. I mean, I’m sure he’s a really nice person and all, but you’ve never seen him, never talked to him in person … What if he’s really some teenager or a fifty-year-old perv who got a hold of a woman while she was vulnerable?”

  All of that and more had occurred to Daisy, but Jules was Jules. He didn’t talk like a teenager, and she hoped like hell he wasn’t a fifty-year-old perv. But wouldn’t a perv ask her about what she was wearing? He never did that. “I’m not stupid, Bella.”

  “No, but you’re like me, inclined to believe the good about people. Then when Glen broke up with you, you were vulnerable. Who says he didn’t take advantage of that?”

  Daisy shook her head. “You know, it would have been really nice for you to have told me all of that nine months ago.”

  Isabella grabbed her hand. “I’m sorry, honey, and you’re probably right, but I thought Jules was what you needed at the time. And now…”

  “Now I don’t need him because there’s a real live man who’s interested in me,” Daisy mumbled.

  “Exactly.” Isabella beamed, giving Daisy’s hand a little squeeze before she let go. “I’m freaking thrilled for you.”

  “As am I,” Sebastian said as he slipped in the booth to sit beside Daisy. He caught her hand and turned it to kiss her palm. “Missed you, darling.”

  Of course he took the opportunity to kiss her. She hadn’t told him no and, per their deal, she wasn’t supposed to tell him no, because they had to look like a couple in love. Gah! But he hadn’t said that she could do her darnedest to trip him up.

  Too bad Haven was out of town this week, having gone to a wedding in Alaska, of all places. The town she would be staying in still had dial-up internet and no cell phone towers, only satellite connection or something like that.

  “What did you miss about me the most, sweetheart?” She batted her lashes at him and raised her wine glass to her lips, taking a sip.

  “Listening to you hum whilst you bake.”

  Daisy almost spit the wine all over his fancy suit. Instead, she forced the liquid down and smiled. How in the heck did he know that about her?

  Isabella’s eyes widened, and she smacked the table. “Isn’t it crazy how she always does that? And if it’s something she really likes she breaks into—”

  “Song,” he finished.

  God, she was really going to have a talk with her cousin.

  Shaking her head, Isabella laughed. “But the words are so, so wrong.”

  “At least she’s in tune.”

  “Lucky you,” Isabella said with a wry smile, and then she turned to Daisy. “Have you shown him your Harry Potter collection?”

  Daisy shot Isabella a look. Was nothing sacred? “Not yet.” Slicing Sebastian a glance, she tipped up her chin, daring him to make fun of her.

  He rubbed his chin. “So that was Hedwig on your desk.”

  Daisy blinked. He knew who Hedwig was? “Um, yes.”

  “You’re totally outed, sweetie.” Isabella laughed. “One time she made me drive two hours just to get a limited edition—who was it again—Hagar?”

  “Hagrid.” Not that her best friend actually listened. Oh no.

  “Assertive and persuasive, eh?” Sebastian chuckled. “Tell me more about this trip.”

  Frowning at the two of them as they shared stories about her, Daisy pulled her hand from his grasp. Great.

  Sebastian’s smile turned from nice to positively sinful. Of course, Isabella noticed. Her cheeks got all red, and she did that little hair flippy thing that men liked.

  Jealousy, that evil bitch, tried to nudge Daisy into throwing the bread basket at her best friend. Wait, she didn’t give a rat’s tail about Sebastian’s flirting. He could flirt with everyone who caught his eyes and it didn’t matter to her. What mattered was finding out why Jules had blown her off.

  Giving herself a mental shake, she took several breaths, and then dug into her pasta. Let Sebastian convince Isabella he was in love, without her help, because it didn’t seem like he needed it. She’d just sit here and watch the—

  Sebastian turned to her, his eyes blue as the summer sky instead of their usual frosty lake. So blue, they were, and growing darker by the second. His gaze dipped lower, to her breasts. Her nipples responded, tightening to hard points.

  “Isn’t that right, love?”

  At that moment, she’d agree to anything he said. “Uh-huh.”

  He turned away, breaking the spell she’d been under. Oh God, she’d just said he was right. She was so going to have a talk with her libido.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have an important call to make.” He kissed her cheek and, despite everything, her body got all happy and tingly from it. “Although I don’t know how I’ll survive without you near me.” Sliding his gaze to Isabella, he grinned. “I’ve become quite used to having her at my side.”

  Isabella sighed dreamily while Daisy forced herself not to puke up what she had eaten. He made her sound like his favorite pet.

  As soon as Sebastian was out of earshot, her best friend grabbed her hand. “I totally approve of this relationship.”

  Of course she did. “You don’t think I’m being too impulsive?”

  Isabella snorted. “In less than twenty-four hours, I’m heading to the Bahamas to elope, without having told anyone but you and Haven. What do you think?”

  A little feeling of disloyalty snaked through Daisy. “My lips are sealed.”

  “Who knows—maybe I’ll come back from my honeymoon and you’ll be
engaged. Then we get to plan your wedding of the century.” Isabella lifted her glass in the air. “Here’s to true love.”

  Here’s to true lies, Daisy thought glumly. The only thing Sebastian loved was Romanov Industries, not that it mattered to her. Nothing he did mattered to her.

  Except, he’d saved her from embarrassment with Glen. He’d sat with her by her parents’ grave and held her. No one had been around to witness that. The street had been virtually deserted when Glen and Nina had shown up, and the cemetery wasn’t exactly a town hotspot.

  And Sebastian had sounded completely sincere when she’d asked him about why he’d done it.

  They clinked their glasses together, and Daisy fought the urge to spill her guts.

  Her phone vibrated. She fully expected another text from Sebastian, but it was a reminder to get her tail down to the library. “Cheese and crackers!”


  “The hors d’oeuvres are already there and ready to go. The library wanted something simple since only twenty-five guests RSVP’d.” Grabbing her purse and slipping on her jacket, she slid out of the booth. She reached into her wallet and pulled out enough money to cover her tab, placing it on the table. “But I promised to help hand out the listing of items as people arrived.”

  “I’m in charge of the money.” Isabella followed her to the door. “One of the volunteers had to cancel, so I’ll get to be with you.”

  “Yay!” Flashing a genuine smile, Daisy texted Sebastian as she waited for Isabella to put on a coat.

  Headed to library ~D

  Which one? –S

  Only one ~D

  Figures –S

  The cold March afternoon air went straight thru the gap in Daisy’s coat. She quickly buttoned it, and then turned to her best friend. “Wanna walk with me?”

  “Not in these shoes,” Isabella said, sticking out her leg. She wore leather booties with heels at least three inches tall. “It’s a ten-minute walk to the library, and that’s nine too many. Besides, I have to run over to my parents’ house to get my cell phone. I can drop you off.”

  “Nah, it’s in the opposite direction.”

  “See you in a bit,” Isabella called out, before sliding in her car.

  After waving goodbye, Daisy set off in the direction of the library. Streetlights flickered on and the wind blew. Wishing she’d driven her Honda, she shoved her hands in her pockets and quickened her pace.

  Her phone vibrated just as she entered the library. She checked the screen as she hung up her coat.


  A strange feeling passed over her. Why did he care if she were safe? She hadn’t had anyone worry about her safety, or lack thereof, for over a year, besides Jules. Glen had always assumed she’d get where she was going to in one piece.

  The only other person who’d ever worried about her was her momma. Which was why she was here tonight to help raise money for the library to buy more bookmobiles to service the rural parts of the county.

  Those bookmobiles had been her mom’s only way to escape from the pain while she convalesced at home. Every Wednesday, just like clockwork, the bookmobile would show up at their house.

  She glanced at her phone again.

  Yes ~D

  See you soon –S

  The new head librarian rushed to her, and Daisy smiled. “Hi, I’m Daisy Barnes. Sorry, I haven’t had a chance to introduce myse—”

  The woman shoved a stack of pamphlets into Daisy’s hands and dragged her by the arm to the entrance. “We can do introductions later. Right now, I need for you to stand here, look pretty, and … well, if you don’t mind, get that earl of yours to bid on something.”

  “My what?”

  The woman gave her a look. “Please, everyone is talking about y’all.”

  “Everyone?” Daisy repeated, her voice weak. Apparently, the new librarian wasn’t that new. “But—”

  “And don’t get me started about him leaving your place the other day, after an extended period of time. Or the bouquet of flowers he had delivered. Looks like romance runs in the family with those Romanov boys.”

  Daisy blinked. “Ah, well, menus and stuff.”

  “Showtime.” The woman smiled, talking through her teeth as the group of patrons walked inside. “Don’t forget to ask him to bid.”

  Well, wasn’t that special. Everyone already thought they were a couple. It was too perfect. It was too much of a lie. Closing her eyes, she let her head fall back against the glass wall behind her.

  “Daisy,” the librarian hissed.

  Her eyes snapped open, and she took a deep breath. Time to focus on something that she could make a positive impact on.

  Her earl showed up right before the presentation started.

  Automatically smiling, she handed him the last pamphlet just as he leaned in to kiss her. She turned her head so it would land on her cheek, but somehow he ended up brushing his lips over hers. Her knees went as wobbly as a Jell-O mold.

  Dang it.

  “Are you feeling quite well?” he asked, brushing back a stray piece of hair. “You look a bit flushed, love.”

  It seemed as though every person in the building stared at the two of them. This might actually work in her favor. There was no way he’d ever cause a scene in front of anyone, especially since the town’s only newspaper reporter was here with his camera.

  Swallowing, she looked into his eyes. “You won the bet,” she whispered. “But I can’t go through with it.”

  His eyes flashed, hot and bright like a flame. His fingers tightened, then loosened, but he didn’t let go. “We had an agreement.”

  She lowered her gaze, staring at her flats and wishing she were anywhere but here. “I know, but I can’t … I can’t lie to the people I love.” Like Jules. She was betraying Jules with her lusty thoughts for a man she hardly knew. A man she had to pretend to like and love. A man she really wanted to hold and kiss her. Kiss her hand, her lips … every part of her.

  “Let’s go to your place and talk,” Sebastian said softly.

  “No,” she said with a shake of her head. “I promised I’d be here to help raise money for the bookmobiles.”

  “Afterwards then.”


  “Look at me before everyone gets the wrong impression.” Slowly, she met his furious gaze and swallowed. He smiled, a baring of teeth that made her stomach drop. She’d really made him mad, and it was all her fault. “Are you allowed to sit?

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  He walked away, tugging her along. She almost ran to keep up with his long strides, sitting beside him in the second row. He let go of her fingers, only to place a possessive hand on her thigh.

  * * *

  Sebastian kept a neutral, if not bored, expression on his face, but inside he seethed. Promises. She had a bloody promise to keep to the damn library? What about to him? He’d taken up her challenge and convinced her best friend that he was a man in love, that he thought her to be adorable and fun to be around.

  Things he thought constantly about her. Until now.

  “Sebastian, let go of my leg,” Daisy said in his ear, lips brushing against the lobe and sending waves of torturous pleasure down his neck. “I need to give a speech.”

  He allowed his hand to fall away, but he could still feel the firm shape of her thigh under his palm. Daisy scooted by, the scent of honey and vanilla hitting him.

  How pretty she looked, all soft and feminine, in her usual cardigan and swingy skirt. She wore her long hair in a loose bun, but the chopsticks holding it in place were a vibrant blue instead of this morning’s black.

  She walked to the front of the room and began to speak, telling the audience why she valued the bookmobiles’ services so much. She spoke of her mother’s battle with cancer and how books had helped them both get through the not-so-good days. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room (except for his) by the time she finished.

  His anger flowed out of him, like a ship sailing on the tide
. Of course, this actually meant something to her. It served a greater purpose than his position on the board or even her insurance bills. She was truly one of those people who cared about others and tried to make the smallest of differences.

  With a smile, she gestured to her table. “So tonight, I hope you’ll be generous when you bid on a year’s supply of cupcakes, personally baked and delivered by me once a month.”

  “Two million,” he called out.

  “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to—”


  “Like you got three million dollars sitting in the bank, Noah,” someone called out and the crowd laughed.

  Craning his neck, Sebastian found the arse who dared to bid against him. Some dark-haired bloke wearing a navy shirt who’d crossed his arms over his chest and smirked.

  In that moment, Sebastian didn’t care if the man had any money or not. “Four,” he said as faced the front once more. He wasn’t about to let some other man eat her cupcakes.

  “All yours, Romanov,” the man said with a low laugh. “Must be some damn good cupcakes.”

  A murmur rippled through the crowd.

  Daisy’s hazel eyes narrowed, her hands fisting on her hips. “It’s supposed to be silent, you two.”

  “Quite so, darling.” Pulling out his phone, Sebastian texted Daisy his offer and winked when he was done.

  She glanced down, and then held her phone out for the other woman to read. The tall redhead didn’t waste any time as she yelled, “Sold.”

  The town’s online reporter took Sebastian’s picture, and then gave him a thumbs-up. Brilliant. The board would be pleased once they got wind of it, and he knew without a doubt they were keeping tabs on him.

  “Let’s have a round of applause for the Earl of Spenserfield’s generous donation.”

  “What can I say, except, I adore her cupcakes.” Rising to his feet, he collected a stunned Daisy and headed out the door. “Darling, a word.”

  “I can’t leave. I have things to do. Hors d’oeuvres to replenish.” Once outside and away from nosy stares, she tried to pull out of his embrace, but he wouldn’t let her. “My purse and coat—”

  He kissed her protesting mouth, his hands cupping her shoulders.


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