by Ryder, H
“I’m going to fuck you so hard the second I get the chance.” and kisses my face. Hardly Mills & Boon I’d have to admit, but nice all the same.
Then we both hear it, a mechanical sound, like drilling or sawing.
Bugger, I’d like to have heard the rest of Daniels plan.
We hear a loud 'pop', and a hiss and pressurised water from the hydraulic door arms escapes into the room, it snakes and spins it’s free end as the pressurised vapour is released. I begin to wonder how long it’ll take whoever it is to get through that unbreakable door. “They're breaking through the unbreakable door!” I yell, deciding not long.
Stan is immediately at my side, “they won't get through that.” He sounds convinced but his eyes show another emotion entirely. He checks his firearm again and the rounds in it. He returns it to its holster and goes to check his bag, for the fortieth time today. Its obsessive compulsive.
Nigel is quiet, this kind of municipal sparkle clean, static free environment is very far from his natural environment. There's nothing here for him at all, so he sits silently, cleaning his glasses and reading the extensive notes he made in his notebook.
Liza is worried about Kurt clearly, she hasn't left his side since we arrived down here, she flips her hair at him and he seems happy with her attempt to lift his spirits. He seems fine actually.
Pete and James sit opposite each-other at the table, perfect manners the pair of them. Chatting politely with Graham and Barbara.
Stan, he is checking the batteries in his torch.
Like me but different, his need to be in control of himself completely, to be ready, to be standing by, learned during training in the military but predisposed by personality. It calms him to check and double check his equipment and it calms me a little to know that he’s here at our side. A need to feel calm, I’m the same with tea, and the mechanics for making it and drinking it, it soothes a complex mind at least for a little while, its routine and ritual for me.
Thump! Our heads spin to the door. We hear another bang, and more hisses from escaping vapour emanating from the frame holding the doors in place. Sparks appear down the seam where the doors meet, spiralling into the air like an indoor firework, white hot and orange particles of burning door land around us and fade to black as they cool.
“The elevator, quick!” Shouts Graham.
A fucking elevator? You've got to be kidding me!
“There's a lift?” Asks Pete in amusement, “doesn’t it go down as well as up?” I could kiss her, such a brilliant question. But she is the girl with all the clever questions.
We see where she's going with this thread but ignore her and follow.
“It comes out away from the house.” Barbara tells us packing a USB and a small plastic box, in her backpack. Without asking why we needed to climb into that not so fun-fair bucket lift into Devils Pit. Now we know. Pointing her remote all around the room and all the benches, equipment and doors disappear into the walls.
It’s a sizeable service lift, shiny polished stainless steel sides and only one destination button, Kurt punches a blank screen, once we're all inside, a small shiny unit on the side of the door with his fist and it jerks quickly to life and ascends smoothly and quickly. Silence falls on the group in our own heads we are all relieved to be heading top side, there's no department store piped music in here, but there should be. A map of the floors and where the restaurant is too.
Daniel makes the most of our close proximity and pulls me backward to him, soon I feel his cock in my back, is there anywhere this man doesn’t get turned on? I ask myself.
That's his mechanism.
“Can you feel what you do to me baby?” He whispers hot Daniel smelling air into my ear, sending ripples of pleasure right through me, stopping there. That’s all I need, in a lift full of people I’m horny for this quiet, complicated man. We are incorrigible. He presses his hard cock into me to possess my brain, letting me know I’m his. Involuntarily I grind into him slightly with my arse, and he stifles a long moan, I feel the vibration through me. He grinds back into me and his silent groans vibrate through my whole body.
His fingers are sliding up and down my arse, between my legs, forward and back, while he kisses my neck. I need to grab him, but of course I can't, it’s a lesson in control.
Sending little kisses of pleasure all through me with his soft lips to my neck. Then 'Ping!' Lift has stopped. Luckily we’re first in so last out and nobody is looking our way as Daniel fidgets in his jeans because we arrive at the surface in a blaze of yellow sun. A deep sense of relief overwhelms me and I stop and take a deep breath of freedom, a little dramatic? Yes, but this part of the story demands a little drama. The lift has brought us out about quarter of a mile from the house in a ram shackled little shed, “it's great cover,” Graham tells us, “nobody thinks to look in here.” Looking at it I'd have to agree, I wouldn't keep my gardening tools in there, we all concur in a collective mumble. “We just walk from here.” We all start heading toward the house.
I hear Nigel ask Pete, “Do you think it's too soon for more tea?” An excellent question.
Pete laughs and pats him on the arm, “It's never too soon for more tea Nigel, let’s get the kettle on as soon as we get indoors.” An excellent answer.
“We won’t be a second, don’t wait for us,” Daniel fakes looking around him for something lost, patting his pockets, very unconvincing I decide, and we're going to miss the tea. “We'll be right behind you.” he says. They don’t seem to care or notice the devious expression on his face as I do, and my sex is throbbing and I am wet already, god this man can switch me on like a light. And I love it. Watching them walk off out of earshot, Daniel has grabbed me and my top is already over my head. He pops my breasts out of my bra and his teeth are chewing and sucking on my nipples, whilst undoing the fly of my jeans, celebrating survival, it’s only natural.
I have unbuckled his belt, and the button fly is open. I almost audibly gasp as I see the raw huge throb of Daniels cock for what has been too long. The purply bulb of its end points directly at me and falling to my knees I take the whole thing hungrily deep into my throat, Daniel fists my hair and groans deeply. I work my tongue like I have been starving for too long, I hollow my cheeks and suck hard. He grabs handfuls of my hair and it hurts but I don’t care. I consume him with deep plunges of my throat, then withdrawing and licking him like a popsicle and humming in pleasure at the taste.
He moves in and out of my mouth, controlling the pace, I shield my teeth with my lips and suck even harder, he groans loudly, I reach up and his balls are in my hand and he moves in and out from between my lips. Steady, maintaining a rhythm, any drummer will tell you is important. I pull gently at his sac and a spasm of pleasure rocks his whole body and never taking my eyes of him, or his with me, he ejaculates a hot spurt of seamen down my throat, salty and slick, I lick my lips that drives him even crazier.
He pulls me to my feet, and kisses my hard, trying to lick some of his cum from my throat, I love it, I devour him as he eats me, licking and sucking we are face fucking each other, we have missed this. My jeans are now down on the floor and his fingertips gently flicking and rubbing at my sex, driving me wild I hungrily lap up all his attention my body rotates with his hand, grinding into his fingers, desperate for a release.
So in agony with a sweet feeling of lust I reach down between my legs and help Daniel, guiding his fingers to where I need it the most. God yes, there, sliding over and over my sensitive clit my pulse rushes and climax is near, quicker and quicker, his fingers thrust deep inside me hard, then on the very edge of cum he withdraws, sending me sliding back down unsatisfied and yearning, needy and achy. He pushes me backward so I’m leaning on the outside wall of the shack, my back to an unsteady wooden structure, I need him to take me, my brain is going mental, my nerves ready to tip over, I tremble and tingle all over.
He kisses me hard and plunges his cock into my wet and waiting fanny, such a beautiful fe
eling. I can feel him right to the end of my cavity, pushing and thrusting. We move together, into each other, perfectly in tune, rocking, slapping, gasping until our bodies climb, I slide effortlessly along the entire length of that magnificent glistening wet cock, he has pierced me, rubbing and grinding again to climax and we finish together, sweaty and hot but very satisfied.
I laugh into his shoulder at the sight we must be, we can’t keep our hands off each other, every second we get, we are back to almost normal, next job, get home. “I want you Tharie” he gasps into my hair.
“You have me Daniel.” I whisper back.
“This isn’t over yet.” he warns, we’ve been without release for too long on this journey, and we need each other.
Sliding down onto his knees in front of me now his lips are in my lower lips, caressing the folds and cleft of my sex, sucking at my clit with his mouth blowing cool air gently over my sex, sending me over again, and again. I grip his hair as he had done mine, his fist thumps hard against me as his fingers plunge greedily deep inside me, wave after wave of intense pleasure my eyes tight shut. I have never had sex like this before, finished and exhausted. With that sobering thought, happy and sated we dress and head back to the house.
Note to self: wet-wipes, remember to pack some next time.
“Tea?” I manage. He just nods.
PF: “Nice work T” busted.
TC: “I don’t know what you mean” coy.
PF: “Did Daniel find the thing he’d lost?” Oh yes.
TC: “He got what he wanted, yes” oh yeah.
PF: “I bet he did Px” nice.
PF: “Kettle is on”. Good girl.
Chapter thirty-nine, Wednesday:6thnovember2013 the Chachapoyas house
We decide to drive to the Chachapoyas house the next morning, and split into teams, it's like Pony Club camp all over again, but with a lot less ponies.
The fog sits on the land in the early morning, it's chilly and visibility almost zero. As the sun rises the heat burns off the vapour, it's quite beautiful actually, the sky starts in an orange dawn water coloured across the aqua blue, softening by the minute to a pale peachy white.
My team (team Tharie), in the camel trophy Landrover since I’ve been dying to drive it, and Kurt’s team (team Liza), in the Wolf. I'd like to take that home with me if I could, maybe I’ll speak to Daniel? We pack as much bottled water and food as we can, because we can’t remember how much is left at the other house, though I’m certain there’s at least a packet of Cadbury's chocolate fingers, so that's OK
TC: “Back in a couple of days honey” can't wait.
JG: “Your boys will be happy about that, apparently I don't give them enough treats” they communicate their needs quite readily.
TC: “Don't let them boss you around” like she'll have a choice, they are very persuasive.
JG: “They are very sweet about their requests” true story, they're very nice well-behaved lads.
TC: “Boys!” Indeed.
Our plan is to head for Kurt’s borrowed plane so he can fly that there too, I’m not certain why, but the very fact that we don't leave it abandoned out there is tidier isn't it? Liza offers to go with him, magnanimous of her I think, and wink at her, she blushes and smiles. I know that look, she's smitten with that larger than life hunk of a man. He'd never win a tack and turnout I think to myself, he's more of a Ladies Heavy Hunter type, but she doesn't mind, she's not Pete after all.
Who would blame her? He's into her too, always fawning after her and asking if she's OK, he's her tall male protector like a young, fit and model-gorgeous, Indiana Jones. And in all the years I’ve known her she's never tossed her ponytail at any man so readily. That's a clear sign in my view. If she lets him drive her lorry once we're home, it's as good as a done deal.
James and Pete hold hands, she sneaks the odd look at Liza but only I notice it, they don’t actually know each other that well. She loves her new toy, obviously proud of how great they look together. James is stunning to look at, I have to agree, all the boys in that family are very pleasing to the eye. James is clean and sharp dressed, well mannered, will look great at events and be great in photos too, attached to her designer sleeve. He'll know the right cutlery to use and the best champagne to order. What red goes with what food, and have priority tickets to all the classiest events, and that's just the ticket for 'life on the front row' Pete Fraser. Plus, those kids will be gorgeous.
Its early afternoon by the time the ‘who goes with whom’ conversation is resolved. We begin packing freshly refilled flasks of tea into the vehicles, and some spare clothes too. I'm still wearing the jeans, strange, but I always knew denim would be the key to all the great mysteries of life. Locking the house behind us I wonder whether anyone will ever come back here, likely not.
In my car I have Daniel in the front with me, James and Pete and Stan in the back. In the Wolf driving is Kurt driving with Liza in the front, Nigel and Graham and Barbara in the back, they have lots to chat about, we all sense it. It appears the grown-ups aren’t at all happy that the one person they trusted to take care of Daniel allowed him to come here, but that’s just the feeling I get. Unlike most people, I listen to mine.
The sky is a pale aqua now, almost white at the horizon and white tailed eagles are souring in the thermals above our heads, it’s really quite a beautiful place. I appreciate the scenery now all fear of death or injury has passed, was that dramatic again, yes, and I’m not apologising for it. The air smells warm and dusty, yesterday's light breeze is increasing in strength to a strong wind that whips the stringy trees and my hair about in its wake.
Tumbling the dead brush and sticks around on the ground, swirling around in the whirlwinds. In the distance the sky grows darker and greyer, and the air spits with static. My window is open and my hair whips around my face, maybe my Mum has a point. I try not to think about it, she can't be right, no, no, no. It’s a welcome relief to the muggy warm air temperature. The sky clears of birds except a few carrion buzzards, their feathers tatty from a hard life out here in this harsh environment. It's dusty and hard, soft sun baked colours but a struggle to survive for these animals.
We follow the same track we took getting here and we're soon at the aircraft. Unmolested this light aircraft sits where it was parked, surreal, waiting. Kurt takes his Mum and Dad, Stan and Nigel in the plane and we all watch as it takes off, happy that we won't have to be party to that conversation. The aircraft is followed by a whirled trail of dust and loose vegetation. He is flying directly into the storm but Kurt hopes to beat it to the house.
We collect the left bag at the entrance to the cave, because we're tidy, and follow him across the plain of scrubby bushed arid silty ground toward the forest. As we enter the dense vegetation the temperature drops sharply, some fog still hangs in here, and we are driving in dim light. I of course have all the lights switched on, including a row of nine across the front of the roof rack, and the extra six on the bumper, I think I’m so cool don't I? I have my iPhone playing Green Day in the car, and were singing along happily, making up the words of course because most are indiscernible, well you're of course familiar with the band?
Great drumming though.
But if we're speaking of great drumming, you can't beat Joey from Slipknot. True bloody story.
Our old trail is easy to follow and we find the steep hill quickly. “Do they know how to drive that thing Daniel?" He gives me an 'are you kidding' look. I shrug and carry on in great British spirit. We stop briefly, and I instruct them on the correct gear and we decide since it started to rain the terrain will be slippery and difficult to drive, especially where vehicles have made ruts previously, diff-lock engage and low box, and the car pulls through easily as I expect. Slowly and steadily the Landrovers pull up the steep hill without any effort at all, and at the top I change from second to first gear, still in low box and let it take us downhill. Through the filthy path the back end slides to a safe place along a trench and we continue down.r />
My phone rings:
TC: “Hello” the car answers via Bluetooth, very crackly, but this is an old Landrover, but surely a new Bluetooth? Anyway.
PF: “This is fun Tharie” I can hear laughing from the other vehicle.
TC: “Even without a Martini in your hand?” I ask her.
PF: “Babes, not Martini, but I do have your hip-flask in my hand” cheeky bugger, but then she did buy it for me in the first place.
TC: “You're drinking?” I ask astonished by her lack of safety.
PF: “Yes, but I’m not driving” thank goodness.
TC: “Good” I mean it.
PF: “I’m holding on tight, wow that was a steep hill” her car would have stayed at home with a sick note from its Mum. True turbo-charged story.
TC: “Will you be swapping your car after all then?” She'll give it a five second consideration.
PF: “Blimey no!! I love my Porsche” true story, when she first took delivery, she spent the night in it.
TC: “You're so performance driven” she does everything quickly.
PF: “It’s all about the speed Tharie” I like to take my time.
Daniel giggles beside me.
The other car follows me and it does the job it was designed to do. By the time we pass the standing stone it's raining warm rain quite steadily, and the forest comes to life and appears greener than before. The smell of the fresh rain on the vegetation is sweet and clean and I have memories of being in Hawaii, which was a great holiday. We follow the track, glad for differential locking because the cars jolt and tilt in the deep, hard and slippery ruts, knocking us all about, it's pouring rain now, clean and sweet. I slide too with the momentum, but at least I have the steering wheel to grip onto. Daniel has his hand lightly rested on my thigh, not interfering with me in any way, just a gentle reminder that he's there, and he can take me any time he wants too, people around or not, the thought excites me.