Go Forward Slowly

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Go Forward Slowly Page 10

by Whitney Cannon

  Patton nodded and backtracked along the roads, making his way toward Tiffani’s salon. “I guess my mom would probably take me too, but we’re a little short on time. I hadn’t really figured my clothes wouldn’t fit. I guess it was poor timing to start eating right, huh? Though, I wasn’t really expecting to go to the dance either.”

  Patton could feel Wesley’s eyes on him and a quick glance confirmed that Wesley was indeed checking him out. He blushed and squirmed a little and Wesley chuckled, the sound a little raspy.

  “Not at all. I can already tell a difference. I thought you looked good before but I’m biased. I’d probably think you looked good wearing anything. Or nothing,” he finished on a whisper and Patton shot him a look as he fought not to drive the car off the road. Wesley grinned at him, completely unrepentant, his kohl-lined eyes sparkling with good humor.

  Patton didn’t respond verbally, but he pointed a stern finger at Wesley and ignored him as the soundtrack from Tangled played throughout his car.

  Once the girls had been delivered to Tiffani and they were finally on their way to the mall, Patton turned the music off and grabbed the steering wheel with both hands to keep from reaching for Wesley’s hand.

  They’d spent almost all of their free time together throughout the week as Patton had really started making progress on his boat. Wesley had come over and helped him sort pieces, stack wood, gather tools, and make the first few strides of stitching the floorboards together. It seemed the more time they spent together, the more time Patton wanted to spend together. It was a little bit infuriating, honestly.

  If Wesley didn’t make the first move tomorrow at the dance, Patton was totally going to. His poor hormones were going crazy with Wesley’s constant presence. It seemed now that he actually had someone to pine for, he was making up for lost time and with Wesley clearly displaying his interest, Patton’s confidence hadn’t needed much more prodding.

  Parking outside one of the main entrances to the mall, they walked up together, and Patton had visions of them walking hand-in-hand in the future. He wasn’t really sure where to go shopping for pants but figured they’d hit the department stores because that was likely where his mom would have taken him.

  It came as no surprise, though, that on the Friday before Homecoming, the mall was crawling with their peers all looking for their last-minute items as well. They waved to several people, and more than a few boys looked their way. Patton wanted to bristle and hold Wesley’s hand as they walked but settled for scowling at anyone who looked Wesley’s way instead.

  As they turned a corner heading toward Macy’s, Wesley suddenly pulled him to a stop just inside the hallway to the restrooms. He crowded into Patton’s space and wrapped his arms around him, surprising a grunt out of him.

  “What are you doing? What’s wrong with you?” Patton asked, flailing his arms.

  Wesley grumbled. “I swear to God, if one more person looks at you, I can’t be held responsible for my actions, and I will straight up lose it.”

  “What are you talking about? No one is looking at me,” Patton argued.

  “Seriously?” Wesley pulled back and looked at him. “We just passed half the damn kids our age, and they were all looking at you. I know I don’t have any claim on you, but I don’t like the thought of competition for something I’ve had my eyes on.”

  Patton’s mouth dropped open. He stared at Wesley for a beat and the guy looked totally riled. He snapped his mouth closed and said, “Wesley. No one was looking at me, I promise. No one ever looks at me. I was just biting my tongue because everyone we passed kept looking at you. I had to shove my hands in my pockets because I wanted to hold your hand so badly to keep everyone minding their own business.”

  Wesley snorted. “No one was looking at me, and if you want to hold my hand, then do it. I’ve been waiting for you to make a move since I told you we’d go slow. If you’re comfortable holding hands in public, then so am I. It would give me something to focus on besides going to beat the crap out of everyone who keeps looking at you.”

  Patton couldn’t help it and laughed. He stared back at Wesley, shifting his gaze between those dark eyes and his red lips.

  “God,” Wesley groaned out. “You’re killing me with those looks, you know?” Patton shifted his eyes back up. “I want to kiss you so damn bad right now, but our first kiss isn’t going to be in the restroom hallway at the mall.” Wesley moved back, giving Patton plenty of space and ran his hands through his hair. It stood up a little on end, and Patton suppressed the urge to run his fingers through it to get it back into position. Wesley pointed at him. “Tomorrow. Screw the friends thing. I’m picking you up, we’re going to dinner, and if we even make it to the dance, it’ll be late and with bruised lips. Now let’s go find you some pants that I approve of because more than likely I’ll be staring at your ass all night, and I want to enjoy the show.” And with that, he took Patton’s hand and they left the hallway in search of the perfect Wesley-approved pants.

  Chapter 10

  God, he was nervous. Why was he so nervous? Just because he’d basically told Patton they’d be making out all night didn’t mean he had to be nervous, right?

  Truth was, he was really nervous.

  Not about Patton. No. Patton was amazing. Smart, funny, driven, just as big of a geek as he was but not afraid to own it, and sexy as hell. Wes never thought he’d find someone like Patton sexy. Hell, society had practically ingrained it into your mind that you were only supposed to find skinny, muscley people with zero body fat attractive. Patton was sexy without being any of those things just because of who he was. Wes actually loved his body, the way he had something to wrap his too-long arms around and hold onto when they hugged, just felt right to him. He was sure as hell proud of Patton for wanting to change and be healthier, but if he kept a bit of his bulk, Wes wouldn’t be complaining.

  No. He wasn’t nervous about Patton. He was nervous because he’d never kissed anyone before. Wes knew Patton hadn’t either, but he really didn’t want to suck at it and have some horrible memory of his first kiss.

  God, he was kind of freaking out a little bit but in a totally good way. His first kiss! And with a guy he hoped to be calling his boyfriend by the end of the night. And now he was thinking about having his first boyfriend!

  Thank you, Mr. Dunlap, for placing Patton Dean in his life. Wes never would have figured he’d have the chance to date in high school, and all the people he followed on social media said how much better things would get after high school if things were rough. Well, they certainly weren’t rough, and hopefully, Patton would be his first of many things to come.

  A shiver of nerves and anticipation ran through him.

  He’d only seen Patton that morning at his cross country meet, but they hadn’t been able to talk all that much. Picking Patton up and going to dinner was going to be amazing. Wes had already called ahead to make sure they would have a table and then he was taking Patton someplace quiet. He had a spot in mind but was open to a change if something prevented them from enjoying his first pick.

  Wes checked his reflection in the bathroom mirror. His dark hair was looking good and even though he hadn’t really needed to, he’d shaved. He didn’t want anything to keep Patton’s mouth from his, even a little stubble. His dark purple shirt went nicely with his dark hair and he hoped Patton liked the little dusting of shimmery powder he’d applied to his cheekbones. Even though none of their friends knew they were going to the dance as more than friends, Wes wanted to look his best for Patton.

  Grabbing up his darkest purple eyeliner, Wes set about doing his eyes and wondered, not for the first time, about getting his ears pierced. He thought he’d look even better tonight if he a little bling in each earlobe.

  When he was satisfied with his eyes, he brushed his teeth and used some mouthwash. But once he thought about it, all the kissing they would probably be doing would be better before their dinner while their mouths were clean and their breath didn’t smell lik
e steak. Hmm… Maybe he’d have to stop real quick for mints or gum or something. It’d be too weird to pack his toothbrush, wouldn’t it?

  Either way, one last glance, a spritz of cologne, and he was ready.

  Calvin was staying home and had been in his room most of the day and rather than see his annoying little brother, Wes called out a goodbye as he passed his room. Calvin didn’t respond.

  His mom was in the kitchen. “Oh, don’t you look nice,” she said when Wes walked in.

  “Thanks, Mom. I’m going to run. I don’t want to be late to pick up Patton.”

  “Mmm-hmm. One of these days I’d like to meet this young man who has captured your eye. You walk around this place now with little heart emojis hovering over your head.”

  Wes blushed, his cheeks heating to the temperature of the sun, but he grinned. His mom laughed and after a few last words and a hug, Wes was out the door.

  He’d gotten his car washed on his way home from his meet, not that Patton hadn’t seen it dirty, but still, he wanted it to be nice for him and the short drive to Patton’s didn’t take but ten minutes.

  Butterflies the size of bats took flight as soon as he pulled into the driveway of Patton’s home and he wondered if he should have asked if Patton had told his parents they were going together. Would it be weird for Wes to show up at his door looking like he did and wearing a grin the size of Texas? Maybe he should just text Patton that he was there. But that didn’t feel right either. If Patton hadn’t told his family they were going as more than friends, did they even know he liked boys? Could Wes try to play it cool and just act like a buddy there to pick up his bro? Not likely…

  A text interrupted his thoughts. Patton. Are you going to sit out there all night?

  Wes grinned and responded. Just wondering if your parents know we’re going together. Do they know you’re gay?

  Patton responded a moment later. They know we’re going together, but no, they don’t know yet.

  Wes’s smile dimmed. Okay, he’d have to play it cool. He could do that. Maybe… Taking a deep breath, he finally got out of the car and walked up the walkway. Before he even made it to the door, it opened and Patton stood there, eyes tracking Wes’s every move. He looked like a panther ready to pounce and Wes patted himself on the back for the little lip gloss he’d applied in the car.

  “Hi,” Wes said casually, shoving his hands into his pockets.

  Patton came fully outside, pulling the door closed behind him. Wes stepped up to the top step with Patton, and they stared at each other in silence for a moment.

  Patton leaned forward and surprised Wes with a kiss on his cheek as he ran his fingers down Wes’s forearm and drew his hand out of his pocket. He laced their fingers together and squeezed. “Hi,” he whispered near Wes’s ear. Wes shivered. “You look incredible.”

  When he pulled back, Wes looked him up and down. “So do you.” The black pants and black shirt they’d purchased yesterday looked even more amazing on him tonight with his hair styled and shiny shoes on. Patton didn't even need to try to look good, he just did, and Wes hoped he looked good enough to stand by his side.

  “Come inside with me a minute?” Patton asked and Wes nodded. Patton took a deep breath and Wes noticed the way his back straightened and shoulders tightened. He tugged on Wes’s hand and opened the door.

  Wes went to pull his hand free but Patton looked back at him and shook his head. He followed Patton over the threshold and whispered, “What are you doing?” Trying again to get his hand back.

  “I’m telling them,” Patton whispered and in the light of the entryway, he looked determined. “They’re not going to care, but they deserve to know about us and we deserve to be able to be open. I’ve never had a reason to tell them before you, but after tonight, I want to be able to kiss you anytime I want, and I don’t want to have to hide. I won’t hide. The only person who might have a problem with us would be Gary, but my mom will shut that down immediately.” His determined looked softened, and he gazed back at Wes with a sweet smile on his face. “I’m ready, and if we’re doing this”—he gestured between them—“then I’m doing it the right way. There’s no reason they shouldn’t know, and there’s really no reason I haven’t told them before now. I want to do this, and I want you by my side holding my hand.”

  Wes stared at him totally gobsmacked. Never had he thought he’d be a part of someone’s coming out to their parents. That was such a personal and emotional journey that Wes felt it should be private and only for those closest to the person coming out. He felt a weird swirl of emotions hit him but swallowed them down and nodded mutely and Patton smiled then tugged his hand and led him toward the kitchen. If Patton had the courage to do this at all and wanted Wes there with him, he would put aside his own inclinations and be there for his almost-boyfriend.

  The rest of the family were chattering away and his and Patton’s footsteps must have alerted them to their approach since all eyes turned their way as they entered the room from the hall. Tim and Tiffani both immediately noticed their hands and the girls squealed and jumped up to come say hi to Wes. He’d painted their nails earlier in the week and they had formed an easy friendship based on princesses and nail polish.

  “So,” Patton hedged and cleared his throat as he squeezed Wes’s hand. His face had turned red and Wes knew his wasn’t faring much better. “Wesley and I are going to the dance together, which you knew, but we’re going as a bit more than friends. We’re not dating or anything. Or at least not yet, but, I uh, wanted you to know that I like him and um, boys, in general. So, yeah. I never really told you because I never really had a reason to before, but now I do, so… I’m gay.”

  Tim had a smile on his face the size of the Grand Canyon and Tiffani had a few tears gathered in her eyes.

  “What’s gay?” Tallie asked in her sweetly childish voice causing everyone to laugh.

  Patton’s parents came over and Wes was forced to drop his hand as he was embraced from both sides, and as Wes stepped back to let them have a few private family moments together, he crouched down to speak to Tallie on her level.

  “Gay means that you like a person who’s the same gender as you. Like a boy who likes other boys or a girl who likes other girls,” Wes explained.

  Tallie was nodding seriously. “I must be gay too because I like all the girls in my preschool.”

  Taylor laughed and said, “It means you want to kiss other girls if you’re a girl, or if you’re a boy, you want to kiss other boys.”

  “Ew,” Tallie squealed. “I don’t want to kiss anyone except Mommy and Daddy.”

  Wes laughed and when he looked up everyone else was smiling down at them.

  Tiffani bent down and picked Tallie up. “Good thing, little lady. I think you’re a little too young to be going around kissing anyone yet. Maybe when you’re Patton’s age you might feel differently.”

  Tallie wrinkled her nose in obvious disagreement. “Boys are gross,” she declared. “There’s this boy in my school named Jason and he picks his nose. No one is ever going to kiss him.”

  They all laughed as Patton came over and wrapped his arm behind Wes’s back. Wes looked at him and he winked. The change in Patton’s confidence from just a few weeks ago was astounding. He’d never met anyone like Patton in his life, and he knew he would be hard-pressed to find someone like him again.

  After more handshakes and hugs, a brief rundown of their plans, and of course, pictures, Patton led him outside and they walked down to his car. Wes opened the door for Patton and he paused a moment, placing his hand on Wes’s cheek.

  “Thank you,” Patton said and kissed Wes on the cheek again, then ducked inside the car and Wes closed the door. He took a few calming breaths as he rounded the hood and climbed in to join Patton. The evening had certainly not gone as he’d planned so far, but he wasn’t complaining. Patton coming out to his family for him had been a huge step. Wes would have been fine to just keep going the way they had been, but Patton knew what he wa
nted and wasn’t afraid to just go and do it. It was one of the qualities Wes loved most about him.

  He looked over at the boy in his passenger seat. Patton returned his gaze, and Wes said the only thing that came to mind, “You’re amazing.”

  Patton smiled softly and replied, “So are you.”

  Wes didn’t think he was anything special compared to the boy beside him, but he didn’t comment as he started the car. His nerves were coming back a little as he drove away from Patton’s house. While he certainly hadn’t planned on Patton’s little coming out party, he had planned the dinner and after dinner portion of their evening, and he hoped like heck everything went smoothly.

  He’d never planned a date before and even though they weren’t calling this a date or saying that they were dating yet, it was totally a date.

  “Where are we headed?” Patton asked, bringing Wesley back to the present.

  “Banks Inn,” Wes replied.

  “Oh. That place is kind of nice, isn't it? I think my parents go there sometimes.”

  “Is that okay? I just wanted someplace nice that didn’t serve burgers.”

  Patton was smiling when Wes glanced over. “Yeah. Of course it’s fine. I was just expecting Applebees or something.”

  Wes shot him a look. “Really? For our first date? And yes, I’m considering this our first date. You can call it what you want, but to me, this is our first date. So, no. I wouldn’t be taking you to Applebees. Besides, at least at Banks, I know we can order chicken or steak or something.” Wes paused for a moment, thinking about what else he’d planned at Banks.

  “I’m not arguing that this is our first date. Not anymore. You made a pretty good impression on me yesterday, and last night, and this morning.” Patton chuckled softly. “I’ve been looking forward to tonight all week, and it only feels right to call it a date. Thank you for going the extra mile and thinking of someplace nice.”

  Wes glanced over again and realized that Patton had fixed his eyes on him. He had that look again that made Wes squirm in his seat, and he pressed the accelerator a little harder to get them there faster. They wouldn’t have quite as much time before their reservation as Wes had hoped due to Patton’s impromptu family time, but they’d still have a little while if he could get them there a bit faster. Plus, he’d get to all the good parts of their evening that much sooner too.


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