A Bargain Bride (Brides of Liberty, Texas)

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A Bargain Bride (Brides of Liberty, Texas) Page 4

by Rebecca de Medeiros

  Melody wished it was that simple between Gabriel and her. He barely spoke to her, without being prompted. He backed away when she’d try to approach him, and spent more time with his horses and cattle than he did with the woman he was to marry in less than a week! Not but two days ago, she had innocently stumbled upon him in the bathing closet he had built and you would have thought she had set his hair on fire!

  He reacted as if she had planned to invade his privacy. She had closed her eyes and apologized didn’t she? The only peek she had gotten was of him standing dripping, a towel slung low around his hips and an angry scowl crossing his face. It had taken all of her will power to prevent herself from reaching out and discovering if the light dusting of hair gracing his chest was as soft as it looked.

  “Melody did you hear me?” Winnie had finally stopped her pacing. Hands planted firmly on her ample hips, Winnie narrowed her eyes and focused her attention upon Melody.

  “Yes Winnie, you said all men are asses. I agree.”

  “No honey, about the wedding on Sunday!” As if Mel actually needed to be reminded that she and Gabriel would become man and wife, directly after church services.

  “I was remarking that we didn’t have enough time to have a proper dress made. I can’t believe the O’Malley men are this insensitive!” Winnie wailed the statement as if she herself were the slighted bride.

  “It will be fine Ms. Winnie. I’m sure I can make do somehow. We both know why the wedding will be rushed. Pop’s explained his reasons.” Melody tried to calm her new friend.

  Word of the new residents to town had somehow spread like wildfire and the ranch had quickly been besieged. For over a week now The Lucky M had been invaded by busybodies and gossips curious to see the woman who dared to claim Gabriel O’Malley for her own. Some of the unwanted visitors had been kind to Melody, where others were barely civil to her. Several of them even were going as far as to insinuate that the young pair was over stepping the bounds of propriety.

  With the matrons of Liberty trash talking their situation, Fergus had demanded his grandson protect Miss Melody’s good name. Arranging for a quick ceremony, Pops had come home and broken the news to the “happy” couple. Gabriel had hit the roof.

  Melody wasn’t sure why, but he seemed very perturbed that they’d had to rush the already planned event. To her way of thinking he was probably just upset with the talk surrounding his choice of bride. Melody hoped that the gossip would die down and that she would more accepted once they were wed. Many of the matrons of Liberty had been overly distressed to find one of their suitable bachelors off the market for their unmarried daughters. Pops had clued her in on the up and coming “bridal bidding.”

  “Humph... Old biddies! I’d like to give ‘em a bop in the nose!” Winnie was nothing if not out spoken. She apparently had no love for the women who ran the Ladies Charity League.

  “Miss Melody… Dragon lady?” Fergus called from somewhere in the vicinity of the house.

  “We are in the parlor you pea brain!” Mrs. Lawrence called out cheerfully. Within seconds Pops lumbered through the entry way.

  “Gabe’s going into Liberty this morning if you ladies need anything.” He quickly announced while eyeing up Winnie for signs of a weapon. Couldn’t trust the goldurn woman, she’d like to take yer’ head off if you weren’t watching.

  “I think I’d like to take a ride if that’d be alright.” Mel inquired.

  Melody hadn’t gotten a chance to see much of the town, and she was growing stir crazy sitting around. Except for cooking meals and light cleaning, she wasn’t given much to do around the ranch. Each day she would journey out to the barn and ask to assist in whatever chores Gabe was in the middle of, only to be sent back to the house by her future husband and told to rest. How could she prove that she would be an asset if he wouldn’t allow her to work?

  Much to the dismay of the boys, Gabriel had them both continue doing the nightly dishes. He had even made Mathew help her with the laundry, which he did after much grumbling and evading the job at hand. Mathew had even gone so far as to try to get Melody, to play poker for chores. When she’d informed him that she didn’t know how to play his smile only got wider. Upon Gabriel overhearing his younger brother’s devious plan to elude his chores, Mathew’s smile vanished. Seems he got another chore added on to his list; Cleaning out the horse stalls.

  “I’d better accompany you both then. We can get some material, and start on a dress for you.” Mrs. Lawrence said “If we sew all night, we may just get one finished before Sunday.”

  With that, Winnie Lawrence after giving Pops one last vengeful look, hurried upstairs for a bonnet and gloves.

  “Pops, I think I’d better head off to the barn and look for Lily, Will you let Mrs. Lawrence know? Nicely please, If at all possible.” Hearing the old man chuckle at her request, Melody shaking her head walked out of the house and into the bright sunlit morning.

  Lily had been spending a lot of time with the new horses. She now followed Gabriel, Pops or the boys around like a lost puppy. All of the O’Malley men seemed to adore the girl. Melody couldn’t help but feel a little left out. She just couldn’t figure out why Gabriel was avoiding her, it was starting to make her overly nervous around him. Just last night for instance when he’d actually praised the meal she’d prepared. Melody had been so shocked; she’d dropped his dessert in his lap.

  It was all Gabriel’s fault really, because he’d given her that devilish smile of his which was rare. For Gabe seemed to have very little to smile about whenever Melody was around. How was a girl supposed to concentrate around Mr. Gabriel Blue -Eyes O’Malley? Melody thought in her defense, as she made her way out to find her baby sister.

  “Least said, soonest mended”

  An Irish proverb


  “I tell you Shorty stop laughing! I’m starting to really fear for my safety.”

  Melody stopped short near the entrance of the old red wooden barn, upon hearing the deep velvety smooth voice of her intended.

  “She damn near scaled my “personals” with that cherry pie.” The rude snickering that continued caused Gabriel even more frustration. With his broad back to the entrance, Gabriel couldn’t have known he was the source of Melody’s mortification.

  “First she aimed at ‘em with her suitcase, throws her shoe at my damn head, and you saw the way she puked all over me. Shorty damn it, stop laughing!”

  When the ranch hand immediately complied, Gabriel was proud of himself. He’d finally gotten the little bastard to take him seriously. What he didn’t know was Mr. Shorty Brown had just now spotted the very subject of conversation standing directly behind his boss and she didn’t look none too happy. Much to Shorty’s discomfort he saw the tracks of tears running down her pretty red face. His mama would’a had his head for being the cause of a lady’s tears.

  “Uh... Boss...” Gesturing wildly behind his boss, Shorty was unable to gain Gabe’s attention.

  “Let me finish Shorty. Now I ask you, how’s a man supposed to survive a wedding night with the woman?”

  Gabriel knew how, but he wasn’t going to admit to himself or Shorty how the need to have her was driving him insane. Just watching Melody walk up the stairs to her room each night was pure torture. He couldn’t understand it. She wasn’t a raving beauty, but the need to kiss her pretty pink mouth was tearing him apart.

  He had begun to fantasize about stripping the woman bare and nibbling her entire body until she screamed in pleasure…too many times to count. Even when he was hard at work mucking stalls or riding fences he would become distracted by carnal thoughts about her. When she had walked in on him that night after his bath, a new fantasy had come to mind. Bathing with her. Gabriel could envision soaping her entire body. Washing those lovely breasts would be a delightful chore. His hands would gently cup her between her legs and discover what pleased her most. Gabriel’s cock twitched at the thought.

  Gabriel just couldn’t figure out w
hy his body reacted like a thirteen year old boy around her. He’d seen prettier women, but there was something about Melody Williams that made him want to study her unique face. She was by no means plain, just different than any of the women Gabriel had ever been with. Hell the woman was barely chest high on him, but boy was she trouble! Just look at what bodily injury she’d caused him thus far.

  “Just grin and bear it I’d say.” At the sound of the feminine voice behind him, He stiffened.

  Gabe knew he was in trouble plenty deep. Nothing was worse than an irate woman, why when his mama Lydia had been upset with his Pa, lord knows she’d get to hollerin’ like an escapee from a crazy farm.

  Turning to face Melody, he had expected her anger. The tears making tracks down her face, scared him shit-less. He could deal with anger... But a woman crying... that was just fighting dirty!

  “Damn!” He muttered.

  Shorty took the opportunity to flee the barn like a bat out of hell, leaving Gabriel alone to deal with the crying female. So much for being his right hand man! Oh lord he prayed, please just let her chuck another boot at him. He deserved it. Gabriel felt like an ass. He never meant to embarrass her.

  “Miss Williams...” He began not sure what to say.

  “I really vomited on you?” Mel asked through her tears. How could she not have known?

  “Well... Just a little.” He lied. He had to make her feel better somehow. She’d upchucked like one of those roman fountains he’d read about once, but ladies didn’t like to hear about stuff like that.

  “Oh god, I really threw a shoe at you?”

  “You thought an owl had landed on my head...” It would’ve actually been funny if she wouldn’t have had such good aim but Gabriel wisely kept that thought to his self. No sense in upsetting her further.

  “The night we arrived, I hadn’t eaten since the previous evening and I’d never had any wine before. I swear. I’m not normally so unladylike.” Melody began to cry harder, shaking with fear as she tried to explain herself.

  What if Gabriel wouldn’t marry her? What would happen to Lily? Where would they go? She couldn’t believe she had been so ignorant as to drink that wine on an empty stomach!

  She had seen the way her parents had behaved while intoxicated and the embarrassment that it had caused her and her baby sister had been almost too much to bear. She could now understand why the man seemed so reluctant to take her as his wife. Who wanted a drunkard for a bride?

  Gabriel not knowing what to do wrapped Melody tightly into his embrace. Patting her on the back awkwardly as he’d seen his father do with his mama, Gabriel let her cry all over the front of his jacket. The very jacket that because of her, he’d had to recently scrub the living daylights out of.

  “Shh. Shh. It’s ok.” He reassured her.

  Somewhere between her hiccups and sobs, his embrace turned from comforting to something close to need. She’d felt so good in his arms, all sweet and womanly. Her breasts pressed firmly against the front of his shirt. Dropping his head to rest against the top of Melody’s, he inhaled the fragile scent of her. Roses, she always smelled of roses. When Melody tilted her tear streaked face upwards Gabriel couldn’t resist the temptation to see what her mouth tasted like.

  Melody had barely enough time to gasp as his hard mouth came down upon hers. His lips softening to hers were drawing her closer to his body. Not knowing what to do, she let Gabriel take the lead. As shocked as she was when his tongue darted out to trace her bottom lip, she didn’t retreat. She let him show her how to respond.

  A fire was spreading wildly through her belly. Melody wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and clung to him with a need so great. One she couldn’t put a name to, and she didn’t yet understand. Melody pressed herself even closer to his body.

  Gabriel wasn’t content with just kissing. He needed more of this passionate woman. His large masculine hand came to rest upon the soft mound of her breast. Filling his palm with the weight of her flesh through her too thin dress, he squeezed gently. The tender, swollen nipple jutted out begging to be played with. Giving the taut berry a flick of his thumb Gabriel complied with its demand. The sweet sensation of the action was so great; it nearly caused her knees to buckle.

  He wanted so badly to lay her down on the piled hay and bury himself as deep as he could go into her warmth. Never in his life had he felt so much with just a few touches.

  Melody’s hands were busy roaming his chest causing his groin to tighten even harder. She moaned with pleasure as he ran his free hand down her backside. Squeezing her bottom and lifting her. Pulling her hips up hard against his straining erection, Gabriel rubbed against her sweetly in the right places.

  Melody became aware of the dampness gathering between her thighs. She ached for more of the delicious pressure. All the while that he rocked against her, Gabriel explored her mouth thoroughly with his lips and tongue. She tasted like sweet, ripened strawberries and Gabriel was suddenly a very hungry man.

  “Uh hum... Hate to interrupt you two, but Pops and Ms. Lawrence are both on their way out here.” Mathew’s voice broke the spell that had enthralled them.

  Flying apart they quickly began righting their clothing and tried to appear as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. Melody couldn’t meet Mathew O’Malley’s face, so sure it was smiling smugly. She then noticed Lily standing by his side, with a confused look marring her features. Good lord just what she needed. Michael O’Malley stood behind Lily. He looked as uncomfortable as Melody felt.

  “Lily honey...”She began only to be cut off by Gabriel’s younger brother.

  “Lily needs a new rag doll, Mr. Crinkles tore hers apart.”

  That yard dog seemed to always be tearing something up. Mr. Crinkles was Mathew’s pet. He was monstrously huge and dark brown. Melody wasn’t sure if it was because that was his color, or because he spent most of his days wallowing in the dirt. The amount of drool that dog could produce was astounding and he chewed through anything he could get to. Just yesterday he’d torn two sheets off of the clothesline dragging one with his teeth through the mud while wearing the other; in a cape like fashion on his back. Melody had given chase with the only weapon she could find. A broom, which hadn’t scared the pest off at all, in fact he’d tried to tug the broom from her hands to add to his collection of slobbery toys. Melody and Mr. Crinkles had become sworn enemies from that moment on.

  “Well darlin’ we’ll get you a new doll in town today. Maybe a few new ready-made dresses as well.” Gabe promised the child.

  He knew Melody would need a few as well. Her pale yellow calico dress had seen better days. It was as threadbare as the only two others he’d ever seen her wear. Not wanting to further embarrass her, he hadn’t commented on it. Her florid face was so red it was a shade from bursting.

  Melody was ready to protest Gabriel’s plan to purchase clothing for her sister. Without having any money to purchase the things her sister dearly needed, it brought more shame to her soul. They were practically beggars, and her pride demanded she refuse his kind offer.

  “Lily has enough clothing to make do for now.”

  “I want to buy her clothing Melody... She’ll need extra when school begins.” He pointed out his logic.

  Sensing the little girl’s distress at the word “school” Mathew acted fast and changed the subject to the reason he’d sought them out in the first place.

  “Michael and I were wondering if we could take Lily fishing with us tomorrow morning. She could wear a pair of Michael’s old overalls and we could find her a hat.” Mathew inquired of Melody. Lily, she noticed stared adoringly at the young man whose clothing had been offered up for use.

  Mel knew Mathew O’Malley was one rascal that would break a lot of hearts someday soon. He was a good tempered young man with a prankster soul. He always had a practical joke handy to play on his family. When Mathew had put manure into Gabriel’s boots the other night, she’d expected Gabe to take a switch to him. Surprisingly he just
promised severe “Payback.” Since then, Mathew had been on his guard. Mostly having his younger brother taste his food or enter a room before him.

  Sweet and bashful Michael preferred to stay out of the middle. Which she thought was a wise choice. Fergus had told her all about Gabriel’s past retributions against his mischievous brother.

  “Is Pop’s going?” Gabe asked his brother.

  “I’m not sure; he doesn’t like to leave Mrs. Lawrence alone for long. He says she’ll pine too long for his company.” Mel gave a nervous giggle at that statement. Mrs. Lawrence probably would pine for Fergus... She’d miss throwing anything that was handy at the dear old man. Her insults would probably build up as well.

  “Well whoever is going to town, you got five minutes. I‘ve got a lot to get done this week.”

  After giving that short announcement; Gabriel began hitching up his wagon. Trying to block out the feelings that holding Melody in his arms had stirred up. He focused on the list of supplies he’d compiled in his head, starting with a simple gold band. He could barely believe that he had been railroaded by the wily old man into this.

  Marriage…Gabe was sure he had lost his mind when he’d first agreed to it. Now he was not so sure. One good thing did come out of weddings. The wedding night. The sharp ache that shot to his groin caused him to groan aloud.

  It was going to be a Long five days to Sunday…..

  “Marriages are all happy. It’s having breakfast

  together that causes the problem.”

  An Irish saying


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