A Bargain Bride (Brides of Liberty, Texas)

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A Bargain Bride (Brides of Liberty, Texas) Page 18

by Rebecca de Medeiros

  “Within every man, woman and child lay the champion that they seek in others”

  -An Irish saying


  As darkness cloaked the land leaving barely a trace of moonlight to travel by, a chill settled in the air. Michael slowly led his tired horse toward the fishing pond that he cherished so much. It was a place to think in solitude. That was what he needed so badly right now, to be alone. As he guided Orion almost blindly by foot, the boy shuddered. The dappled grey animal whinnied in protest of the path.

  “Come on boy.” Michael encouraged in whispered tones, soothing the steed.

  Michael had ridden alongside the search party as long as he could, before his gut told him that they would not find Lily on the road they were on. He could never explain to the men the connection he felt to the girl. He himself did not understand how he could almost feel her every thought. It was as if an invisible string ran from her heart into his. Trying to explain that crazy notion would have had him sounding insane. Not that the men would listen to him anyhow.

  They treated Michael as if he were a small child himself. Although he was already as tall, if not taller than some of the men in the group he rode in, the men had refused to listen to him. Michael could hear their whispered words as they talked amongst themselves. They believed Lily was dead. One man went as far as saying that if Lily hadn’t been killed she would have most definitely been violated by now.

  On and on the men had spoken of their fears until they had caught Michael watching them. After that, things had gotten really quiet as the group had traveled onward. Breaking away from the group, Michael had told them he was heading home to check for any news, much to the relief of the other men he had been assigned to ride with.

  In reality he just wanted time to be alone and reflect. Heck, maybe even cry without an audience. Tears burned against the backs of his eyes as he thought about his friend. Thought about what the men had whispered, pondering what she must have suffered. She was just a kid. Nobody deserved those atrocities, especially a little kid.

  The arc of lightning bursting into the stillness of the night, made him jump nearly a foot into the air. Michael cursed aloud. A summer storm was the last thing that they needed right now.

  A low moaning came from a nearby thicket residing closest to the water. The sound so faint, that Michael nearly missed it over the echo of Orion’s hoof beats as they traveled over the soft earth.

  “Who’s there?” He called out into the night. Unsure whether the sound was just in his imagination, Michael stilled. The whimper came again raising the hair on the back of his neck. There was a wounded animal within the thick brush, he was sure of it.

  Slowly he approached the scrubland, kneeling as closely as he could get. Michael was not a fool. He knew a wounded animal could be just as dangerous as any predator, but he could not just walk away from whatever it was that needed his help. He almost wished that Mathew was with him, he was always saving wounded animals. His brother had decided to ride with Doc Fisher’s group, since Mathew knew the land better than the three other men that made up the group.

  “I’m going to help you, whatever you are.” He promised. “Just don’t bite me alright?” Michael was not expecting an answer, but in his experience talking to animals usually calmed them.

  Pushing aside a portion of the weedy earth, he peered inside. Too dark to really see what was hidden before him, he was unprepared for the tiny human hand to reach out and grab his own.

  “What the?” Michael jumped back and dislodged the grip in his fright.

  The crying began once again. This time, it was louder and easily recognizable as human. The child crawled closer to him but not close enough to distinguish its features. Michael’s heart beat accelerated. Sweet Jesus, could it be possible?

  “Lily?” He rasped.

  Grabbing the tiny hand barely visible through the tears in his eyes, Michael gently pulled further until her face was almost discernible in the moonlight. He gasped for joy. It was her.

  “Hey Little Bit, come on out of there and I will take you home.” He suggested. Michael was confused by the way she kept trying to backpedal further into the bushes.

  “What’s the matter Lily? It’s me, Michael. You know I won’t hurt you.” He coaxed her in hushed tones. “Come on out of there Sunshine.”

  “I’m…wa..wet.” Stammering, Lily explained her hesitation, ducking her head timidly. She was ashamed of the sticky urine that had all but dried to her skin.

  The fear that the monster man would find her, Lily had hidden so long that it became too hard to hold her bladder any longer. She ached terribly from crouching so long. Her body so bruised and so very tired. For hours, Lily had just wanted to crawl into a ball and sleep, but was too afraid to give into the temptation.

  Lily had run as long as she could before her legs had finally given out. She had stumbled upon the fishing hole quite by accident. Not having wondered far from the main house alone before, she hadn’t known the way back home. When she had first heard Michael approach, she had thought that the bad man had found her. Lily had been unable to stop from crying in fear. It was not until she had heard his voice that she finally felt safe once again.

  “Oh, Sunshine, don’t worry about that. I won’t tell a soul.” Crawling into the pint-sized area she had made for herself, Michael swore her. “It will be our secret ok?”

  Lifting her tiny shaking body into his arms, Michael sighed in relief. Those were the first words he had ever heard from the child’s mouth and nothing had ever sounded sweeter to his ears.

  “Let’s get you home. Melody is going to be so relieved to see you that she will probably make sure Gabriel gets you one of those dappled ponies you’ve been eyeing up.”

  “Sh..she’s a..a..alive?” Hopeful eyes shone up into his own, causing a lump in Michael’s throat. Poor baby probably had seen the attack on her sister, he thought to himself. Her little face was so battered that anger flowed hotly through his blood. He wanted to kick something but knew any show of temper would probably scare the girl further.

  “She is fine.” He promised her. “Just hold on to me tightly and I will get you there in two winks ok?”

  “I l..la.love y..ou Mm mm Michael . You’re m..my best fr.friend.”

  “Aw, Little Bit.”

  With a sigh, Lily rested her head upon his shoulder and let him carry her toward the only place that had ever really felt like home.


  “Gabriel!” Melody exclaimed.

  Against Doc’s wishes, Melody had left her bed. She was unable to rest while everyone else was out searching. She now watched from the porch as he dismounted and walked toward her. Something was wrong. She could tell by the set of his shoulders and the grim lines on his face as he neared her. Running down the steps, she met him uncaring that the thunder and lightning raged all round her. Fat droplets of rain began to fall like tears from Heaven. They fell faster and harder as reached him.

  “What is it?” She cried. “What’s happened?”

  “Baby, I’m so very sorry.” Gabriel grasped her upper arms before she could throw herself into his arms. His heart was breaking, but he needed to somehow finish telling her what he had learned this night. “Dobbins is dead. Before he died, he said that he killed Lily. We haven’t yet found her body.”

  “Nooooo!” With those words, Melody’s knees gave out.

  “The blood of thee brother, the heart of thee mother.”

  -An Irish saying-


  “So, do you want to borrow a pair of duds or not?”

  Hunter cast a look at the man standing with a blanket wrapped around his butt, currently giving him the evil eye.

  “Your bare ass isn’t getting cold? That horse blanket not getting too scratchy for your lady like posterior?”

  “Answer the question kid.” Tapping one bootless foot in the straw, Alec waited.

  The two men squared off as soon as they had
reached the Lucky M. The plan to get the Mayor some new clothing then head out to continue to search for any signs of Lily’s body had come to a halt when Hunter had one little slip up.

  “I’ don’t know what you are talking about.” Hunter turned away and rubbed a tired hand against his brow.

  Having arrived at the ranch and watched as the boss tried to comfort his inconsolable wife, Hunter was sick inside. God, the sound of her weeping shredded the control he’d had on his emotions. It was then that he’d opened his stupid mouth and made the mistake. He wasn’t planning on telling Alec this way.

  “Why don’t you tell me how you knew my mother’s name?”

  “Maybe I heard it from someone?” Not bothering to turn to face the angry man, Hunter walked toward the bunk house in search of dry, warm clothes.

  “Hey! I’m talking to you.” Latching a hand onto Hunter’s shoulder, Alec spun him.

  “What? Damn you. What the hell do you want from me?” Hunter refused to meet the taller man’s eyes.

  “I want to know how you knew her name. I’ve never told anyone her name before. Not even Mathias and I rode with him in the rangers for years.” He never spoke her name aloud; it was something he had learned not to do under the abuse of his grandfather.

  The blanket was forgotten, it lay crumpled at Alec’s feet soaking up rainwater. Digging a hand into his trouser pocket, Alec pulled out the only thread that tied him to the woman who had birthed him. The gold pocket watch slightly, dented and tarnished clutched in his hand. The weight of it felt like it would burn through his skin.

  “I said to you,” One finger stabbed in Hunter’s chest. “How can any woman face what she is facing?”


  “And you said Bethany is a strong woman.”


  “So what?” Hunter pushed at the offending digit.

  “You know something kid, so why don’t you just spill it ok? I knew there was something off about you.”

  “I think you know.” Hunter shrugged.

  Hell, the truth was pretty plain to see. They had the same eyes, almost the same height and build. They even had the same dimples and nose. Alec’s own friends had remarked how similar they were in appearance.

  “Well I don’t. So go ahead and fill me in on what I’m missing.” Grabbing a fistful of the kid’s jacket, Alec shook him a bit. “You better talk fast before my fist shuts you up for good.”

  “She’s my mother alright? Bethany is my mother too.” Hunter pulled his jacket away, stepping back and warily eyed Alec. A minute passed silently as Alec just stared unblinkingly at Hunter, trying to comprehend his words.

  “What the hell are you talking about? My mother is dead.” Denial rang out as Alec took a few steps backward himself, shaking his head. “She died before you were probably even born.”

  “She is. You can try to deny it, that’s fine. You may not want me as a brother.” Palm extended in a peace seeking gesture, Hunter dropped the final truth onto Alec. “But Bethany is alive. Our mother is alive.”

  “Son of a bitch.”

  The pocket watch fell as heavy a stone at Hunter’s feet. The clink as it hit his boot sounded loud to his ears, even as the thunder rolled loudly in the distance. He watched as the Mayor spun on his one boot heel, mounted up and rode from the Lucky M without so much a as looking back. Alec was trying as hard as hell to outrun the truth.

  “Well, hell. So much for brotherly affection” Hunter mumbled irritably.

  A crowd had somehow gathered during their argument. As some of the men from the posse had come in to change mounts and seek out information, they had been treated with an earful. Most of them stood gawking trying to figure how a “savage” like himself could be related to the mighty all powerful Mayor. Well screw them, Hunter thought. Let them wonder.

  A pain in Hunter’s mid-section had him frowning angrily at the crowd. Dizziness hit fast and hard. To Hunter’s chagrin it was a good thing the crowd had gathered. A moment later he needed them to help him to bed as he doubled over and fell to the ground.


  It wasn’t until the Lucky M property line came into view, before Michael breathed a sigh of sweet relief. He hadn’t wanted to try to ride Orion home; for fear that any misstep would cause the horse to buck. He didn’t trust his precarious hold on the child, thus forcing him to walk the two miles by foot through the rain that was now pouring freely.

  He was cold and tired but could not imagine just how uncomfortable Lily felt. Her little blue dress torn and filthy was so thin that it was little protection against the storm. He tried to shelter her body against his chest as best as he could, but without a jacket of his own he himself was sopping wet.

  “We’re almost there Little Bit. We’re almost home.” Michael assured her. Lily had become so chilled that she shook violently in his arms. “I can see the corral from here. In a few minutes we will be warm and dry.” Michael continued onward.

  Orion nickered sensing the bucket of oats that surely awaited him. His large frame was practically dancing behind him, in anticipation at the thought of getting out of the elements. Michael completely understood how the horse felt. He himself was more than ready for warm clothing and bed.

  The closer he came to the main house, the more exhausted he became. The whole house was alight with candles and oil lanterns blazing. Michael could see people standing in the distance. In the middle of the yard.

  In the pouring rain.? When they could be inside a dry, toasty house?

  “Boy, some people are crazy Little Bit.” He mumbled aloud.

  “Hello? Hey! Can I get a little help here please?” He cried out trying to project his voice above the storm.

  Stumbling into the dim lamp light that bathed the ranch, Michael spied Melody wrapped in his oldest brother’s embrace. Michael could tell she was weeping from where he stood.

  Well forget that, he was ready to weep himself damned it all.

  “Hey! I don’t yell very often, but when I do, it would be nice for someone to pay attention to me.”

  At the sound of his shout, Mel and Gabriel turned to him noticing Michael standing there for the first time.

  “Lily!” They both exclaimed excitedly, running to his side. Melody struggled to grab Lily from his arms which were now numb.

  “Babe let me; you don’t want to see her like this.” Gabe still believing, Lily to be dead ordered his wife.

  “Mm.Mel.” Lily whispered. Turning her head slightly to meet their gaze, she weakly closed her eyes once again and fell back to sleep satisfied that she was home.

  “She’s alive!” Both Mel and Gabe gasped. Hugging and kissing, all of the mushy stuff that Michael usually avoided immediately began. Melody was once again crying and Gabriel was pounding him on his back and ruffling his hair.

  “Is there any way at all to take this inside? If you hadn’t noticed it is raining out here.” Michael complained. For a boy who usually kept his opinion to himself, Michael was surely adamant about having his way.

  “The sun shines brightest on the happiest of homes.”

  An Irish saying


  “Are you sure you still want to go to the bridal bidding, Mel?” Gabriel spoke quietly from behind watching as Melody flitted from oven to tabletop arranging baked goods. The blue gingham dress she wore pulled snuggly against her full breasts as she moved gracefully about the kitchen. Sliding one muscled arm around his wife’s middle, Gabriel pulled her gently against his chest and nibbled at the base of her neck. Shivers ran down her spine. They never failed to do so whenever her husband kissed her in that spot.

  “We should stay home so you can rest.” Gabriel supposed.

  Inhaling the delicious scent of his woman and fresh baked pie, Gabriel decided there was no better smell on the face of the Earth. Melody’s hair was wound into a bun at her nape; wisps of curls escaped the confines. She battled uselessly against them, trying in vain to right her appearance.

course I’m sure. A little fire and a bout of kidnapping, wouldn’t keep me away from watching as the Mayor is auctioned off tonight.”

  Turning slightly into Gabriel’s arms, Melody wrapped his waist into a tight embrace. Trying to make light of the harrowing situation, Melody let the solid feel of her husband comfort her as she laid her head upon his chest. There was nothing that would erase the horrific events from her mind, but his presence helped to reassure her.

  When Gabriel had arrived two nights ago empty handed in the darkness, Melody had nearly collapsed from anguish. The stricken look on his face defeated the hope that Melody had held in her breast of ever seeing her baby sister again. Mel’s heart was torn to pieces as she realized that her husband would not have returned home without the girl. Not unless he had felt that Lily was beyond help. It was a pain that she could have never described if asked to put words to the emotions she had felt.

  As Gabriel had held her weeping against his chest in the rain, apologizing repeatedly for his failure to protect them, a miracle had happened. From the shadows carried like a princess in the arms of a white knight, little Lily came home to them. With the rain, even her slight weight was much of a burden for her savior to carry.

  Half asleep, the little one quietly cuddled to the young man whom sheltered her. In that moment, if Melody didn’t already love Gabriel’s little brother, Michael would have earned a place in her heart.

  The ranch became a flurry of activity as the rush of orders went out. The women immediately set about cleaning and dressing the pale, badly bruised child. Mathias Sinclair rode out in search of the Doc to examine the small girl. A few of the other men were sent out to bring the rest of the search party in. Every man and woman available was instantly set to work, except for two.


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