Accepting His Name

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Accepting His Name Page 2

by Tressie Lockwood

  “He didn’t buy you shoes?”

  “You’re not funny.”

  Nay grinned. They both knew how Shakarri loved trying on shoes even if she didn’t buy them and even if she’d just purchased new ones last week. For a long time, she hadn’t been able to indulge, what with work and zero extra money. Ezio had showered her with as many pairs as she wanted just before the wedding, and after he left on business, she had spent half a day going through her closet trying them on.

  In the shoe store, Shakarri sat down to strap on some peep-toe stilettos. The five-inch heel elongated her legs. She always loved stilettos because of her height. They brought her five foot five inches up to ten, which in her book was perfect. She had selected a lot of spiky heels when Ezio took her shopping, and he didn’t seem to care one way or another that she nearly reached his height wearing them. His confidence radiated and made him larger than life.

  “I’m getting hungry.” Nay stretched and yawned. “How long have we been here?”

  Shakarri glanced up from admiring her feet. “I don’t know. Three hours maybe?”

  Nay checked her phone. “Crap, it’s almost five-thirty. I said I was going to cook for Andre tonight, and I haven’t even been to the store. Well, he can wait. I’ll make it up to him.”

  Shakarri gasped. “It’s that late? Dang, I better get moving too. Ezio will be home. Shoot, I can’t help it. I’m going to buy these.”

  Nay wrinkled her nose. “They’re forty bucks.”

  “So what? I think I get another fifteen percent off at the register.”

  “No, I mean they’re cheap. We were only in here because you like their shoes, Sha. You can afford far better.”

  Shakarri shook her head. “How did you get so spoiled when I got married? I like them better than some of the expensive ones Ezio bought, but you’re right. I said I don’t want to spend much of his money, so I’ll wait until next time.”

  “Get them.”


  Her friend snatched the shoes and walked them up to the register. When the sales girl announced the total, Nay turned to Shakarri with an expectant look on her face. Shakarri sighed and gave in. Maybe she was getting too soft lately.

  They left the store, and after a hug and kiss on the cheek went their separate ways. Nay had met Shakarri at the mall earlier because she had been coming from work. Shakarri drove home using her GPS because she sucked at directions and she hadn’t learned the exact route to the mansion yet. All the back roads and trees looked the same in that area. One giant Southern California house on acres of land wasn’t much different than another.

  At last, she drew up to the low brick wall that ran along her husband’s property. She pulled into the drive and headed along the three-quarter mile stretch to reach the house. One of her brother-in-law’s Porsches sat in front of the house, and another butter yellow convertible sat behind it. Shakarri didn’t recognize the car, so she figured they had guests.

  She wondered if she had time to run up and shower and decided she would greet her new family really quick and excuse herself. A servant opened the door, a middle-aged Italian man who didn’t speak much English.

  “Thanks, Goro. Is my husband in yet?”

  He smiled and nodded, but she was pretty sure he had zero idea what she said.

  “Signore Ezio?” she tried again.

  He nodded vigorously this time. “Si, signora, si.”

  He swept his hand out to the side to guide her into the house. Shakarri picked up laughing voices beyond and hesitated. She tiptoed forward a few steps and turned back to the butler.

  “Goro, can you tell him I’ll be down in a minute? Crap, you have no idea what I’m saying. Un minute.”

  She started toward the stairs, but Goro jogged ahead of her and blocked the passage. He smiled and swept his hand out again. “Signora, per favore.”

  She knew what that meant—please. He wanted her to go right in to Ezio. In fact, she wouldn’t have doubted it if her husband had told him not to let Shakarri go anywhere but in to him when she arrived. She gritted her teeth.

  “Look, just one minute, okay? I want to freshen up.” She kept her voice low so no one would hear her. “He can wait just five minutes.”

  Goro started to look green around the gills. She wondered if he would get into trouble if she dodged him and went upstairs anyway. Goro wanted to respect her but follow Ezio’s instructions no doubt.


  The cool voice cut through her, and she stiffened. Turning slowly, she raised her chin but gripped the bag holding her new shoes in a tight grasp. All of a sudden the name on the side felt so obvious. She resisted the feeling of embarrassment because she refused to let money corrupt her good sense.

  Hasn’t it already? Look where you are.

  “Ezio, sorry I’m late.” She strolled over to him and leaned up to kiss his lips. “Nay and I got to talking, and you know how it is when two women shop. There’s no hope of keeping a schedule.”

  He didn’t so much as move his lips when she touched hers to his. When she drew back, his icy blue gaze swept her from head to foot. “I texted you the time I would return. I told you the dress I wanted you to wear.”

  “And I apologized. Now, excuse me. I’m going to shower. Then—”

  He took her arm, and before she could gather words to cut him down, he handed her shoes off to Goro and they entered the living room where his brothers, his mother, and two women and an older man she didn’t know were gathered.

  Ezio shot rapid fire Italian at the group, and his family and the older man laughed. The two women seemed to be as confused as she was about what he said. Shakarri had the feeling he joked at her expense, and she frowned at him.

  “Did you just say something rude about me?”

  He ignored her and presented her to the older man. “Signore Francesco, this is my wife, Shakarri. Shakarri, this is Signore Francesco. He is a family friend whom I’ve known since I was a child.”

  The man took Shakarri’s hand and leaned in to give her an air kiss on both cheeks. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you, Shakarri. Ezio has told me so much about you. He has said he forgives me for not being able to attend your wedding as I was attending to my ailing mother in Italy. Will you forgive me as well, my dear?”

  “Of course. Your mom comes first. I hope she is doing better.”

  “Not much better, I’m afraid. She is aged. I will be returning home soon. I came just to meet you.”

  “Me?” His admission startled her as did his genuine interest in her and overall friendliness. Especially as she sensed a cold breeze coming off her husband, who stood next to her.

  Shakarri whispered to Ezio that she could slip out and freshen up before dinner, but he continued to talk to the others as if she wasn’t there. The only reason she didn’t walk out was because she didn’t want to cause a scene. He never told her they were having company.

  She met the two women and promptly forgot their names as soon as she heard them because she was so distracted. Ezio’s brothers were one year older and one year younger than him. His mother had had stepladder kids. Ezio, the middle son, was thirty-two. Before him was Romy, and the youngest was named Cason. Shakarri found it interesting that Romy worked for his younger brother. Neither of the brothers were married at the moment.

  Both men clamored over the women, trying to charm them, but one of the women kept trying to get Ezio’s attention. Maybe she didn’t believe in marriage. Shakarri waited for jealousy to rise, but none stirred within her. The woman didn’t have that thing Shakarri couldn’t put her finger on, the seductive power that would cause her to get and keep Ezio’s interest. Shakarri didn’t know how she knew that, but it was probably true. Not like she knew him all that well herself.

  Being over Ezio’s attitude, Shakarri left his side to visit with Cason. “So, what have you been up to today?”

  He grinned and leaned toward her. Cason stood an inch or two taller than Ezio but wasn’t as solidly bu
ilt. “I’ve been pining the day away waiting for you to come home and entertain me. This house hasn’t been the same since you moved in. Tell me you’ll never leave me.”

  She laughed. “You said something similar to her.” She nodded to one of the women. “I bet you say that to every lady you meet.”

  “Only the lovely ones, and I mean it every time.”

  “Whatever. I’m your sister-in-law, or did you forget that?”

  He winked. “Some day you may come to your senses and realize I’m the better choice.”


  They teased each other a little more. Shakarri didn’t cross the lines, but she did like talking to Cason. She didn’t believe a word he said. He had no real interest in her. In fact, she would be surprised if Cason wanted to marry anyone. He was having too much fun as a bachelor from what she’d seen.

  Cason leaned against the windowsill and bumped her arm. “My brother is not very happy with me right now.”

  “Why?” She looked around to find Ezio’s gaze cutting into the two of them.

  Cason’s voice sounded close to her ear. “Shall we give him something to worry about?”

  “No, you nut.” She gave him a gentle shove. “I don’t play those games, and I don’t know how Ezio will react.”

  He grinned. “We won’t know until we try.”

  “I have the feeling you already know, and that’s why you’re encouraging it.”

  He tried to look innocent and failed.

  “Cason,” Ezio barked from across the room. Everyone jumped. “Perhaps it would be a good idea if you check with Clara about when dinner will be served.”

  Cason frowned. “She always announces it, or Goro does.”

  Ezio’s glare cut through Cason.

  Their mother said something in Italian, and Cason sprang to his feet. His smile never wavered.

  “For you, Mamma, of course.” He raised Shakarri’s hand and kissed it. “Don’t miss me too much before I come back.”

  She tried to pull away, but he held on a little longer than necessary. Then he strode off with full confidence toward the door. Ezio replaced his brother at her side, and the anger coming off him was palpable.

  “You will not encourage my brother. He’s immature for his age and will get stupid notions.”

  “I don’t remember encouraging him,” she snapped. “You’ve been ignoring me all evening, so I had a conversation with your brother.”

  “If your aim is to make me jealous—”

  “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  His countenance darkened. “Do not push me too far, Shakarri.”

  She stared at him for a minute and then spoke in a low tone only he would hear. “Look, I get that we’re from different cultures, and maybe you think you can snap your fingers and I should come running. I’m an American. Beyond that, I’m black. You’re not going to dictate to me when I come and go and what I wear. Feel free to sulk the rest of the night.”

  She started to walk away, but his words stopped her. “I believe your payment is due on the twenty-fifth.”

  Shakarri whirled around to face him. “We have an agreement.”

  The blue eyes narrowed. “Yes, we do, and a part of it is for you to please me.”

  “Not unreasonably or illegally.”

  “Is it either of those to ask you to wear one of the beautiful dresses I purchased for you? Or to have the courtesy to be home to greet your husband after he was called away right after our wedding?”

  She said nothing. What he said made sense, but she wasn’t wrong. Why did she have to feel guilty? Her shoulders slumped.

  “Fine, Ezio. What do you want me to do? Go change right now? I’ve been trying to do that, but you won’t let me leave the room.”

  He strode up to her and stopped when less than an inch remained between them. Shakarri could feel the heat coming off his body and the attraction she felt the first time she met him—amplified after they slept together. She didn’t love him, but she sure did miss his touch while he was away.

  Very dangerous, Sha. Keep him at a distance.

  Ezio stroked her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. She resisted turning her head so he wouldn’t see the reaction he invoked with such an enticing touch. “I want you to be at my beck and call.”

  The words were bald and unapologetic. She glared at him.

  “You do realize I’m a woman, not a thing?”

  His gaze swept her. “Very much so.”

  “I won’t move just because you snap your fingers.”

  He leaned in closer so his lips brushed her cheek, and he spoke in a deceptively gentle tone. “You will…or else.”

  Shakarri opened her mouth to curse him out no matter who heard, but Goro chose that moment to step into the room to announce dinner. Ezio offered her his arm, and Shakarri hesitated to take it.

  “Shall we go in?” He ignored the fact that he’d just threatened her.

  Knee him in the junk or go in to dinner. Choices!

  Ezio raised one eyebrow, and from her peripheral vision she saw that he adjusted how he stood as if to protect himself. Something told her if she went with her instincts, she would be the one that was sorry. She surrendered and followed him into the dining room. Later, she and he would have a talk.

  Chapter 3

  Shakarri lay face down in the bed. She tried opening her eyes, but she was so exhausted, she let sleep claim her. The bed shifted, and she felt Ezio roll away. One of his hands skimmed her lower back beneath the sheets, and then he strode into the bathroom. The shower came on, and soon the scent of his favorite gel permeated the air.

  A short while later, he came out of the bathroom. Shakarri was fully awake, but she kept her eyes shut, pretending to be asleep. He moved to the closet, and it took her a minute to realize he had gone into hers and not his own. The clink of metal hangers being shifted about reached her. She strained to hear better, but she already knew what he was doing.

  Ezio reappeared to head into his own closet. She waited for what seemed like an eternity for him to dress and leave the room. He didn’t come back to the bed to kiss her good-bye or say a word. For some reason, that hurt her feelings a little. When she was sure he was gone, she sat up. Her phone dinged on the nightstand.

  “I’ve set aside several outfits. Choose which one you’d like to wear to lunch with me today. Lucca will pick you up at 12:30 to bring you to me.”

  “You’re so generous, giving me a choice like that,” she said sourly to the phone and threw it on the bed. “What if I had plans?”

  For a minute or two she considered making plans to thwart his, but she thought better of it. Ezio worked a lot, so it wasn’t like he’d make her dance to his tune that often. She could suck it up until he had another trip out of town.

  Shakarri showered and went to see what Ezio had laid out for her. All of the choices were dresses, and she gritted her teeth. She liked wearing sundresses in the summer, but seriously. Did he think a woman should only wear them and not pants? He hadn’t said so, and he did buy her shorts, jeans, and capris. She wouldn’t put it past him to have such antiquated tastes regardless.

  Shakarri ignored the dresses and grabbed a pair of denim lace-up shorts. The pink cami top with spaghetti straps left her arms bare. She checked herself over after she had applied some light makeup, popped dangling earrings into her ears, and pulled a brush through her hair. The professional styling her husband had arranged still looked good because she wrapped her hair every night. Ezio had complained, but she told him he’d better realize he married a black woman and not some blond chick who could wash, blow dry, and shake it out to perfection every day. He had seemed to think about that and didn’t argue. Ezio didn’t allow her to wrap her hair until after they were intimate of course.

  She ran a few errands that morning and considered whether she wanted to drive herself to Ezio’s office. At the last minute, she drove back to the house. Ezio probably wanted Lucca to drive them because he didn’t drive himself al
l that often. Every time she rode in the car with him, he was working, so Lucca chauffeured.

  At lunchtime, Shakarri strode into the corporate offices of Sartori Unlimited. The company was a parent corporation for several smaller companies. Shakarri didn’t know the details of each one, but Ezio had informed her he owned at least two national department stores. He rolled pretty deep.

  She walked over to the security desk. “Hi, I’m—”

  “Mrs. Sartori,” the guard interrupted. “Of course I know who you are, ma’am.”

  She thought she heard a little something in the woman’s voice and raised her eyebrows. The woman smiled bigger, but Shakarri knew jealousy and resentment when she saw it. Another guard finished with someone else and rushed to stand beside her coworker behind the huge chest level desk. “Mrs. Sartori, welcome. You don’t need a visitor’s badge. I have your permanent one right here. This will get you in anywhere you want to go in the building.”

  The man practically ran around the desk to hand the plastic badge on a chain to her. If Shakarri didn’t take it from his hand he might have reached it over her head like he was giving her some type of medal.

  “Thanks so much. I appreciate your help. Can you tell me what floor my husband works on?”

  The woman turned away with a muttered comment, but the man swept his arm out much like Goro had done. “Right this way. I’ll walk you up if you like.”

  “I’m sure I can find my way if you give me directions.” She smiled again, and he led her to the elevator, pressed the button, and wished her a good day.

  Shakarri stood waiting for the elevator and wondered how they knew who she was. Did Ezio show them a picture of her? She didn’t think she looked much different than any other black woman that might visit the building. Then again, it could be the rock on her finger. When she stepped on the elevator and started up, common sense hit her. Lucca had let her out of the car in front of the building and waited out there. The guards must have seen them arrive on the monitors. They must know Lucca since he brought Ezio to work every day.


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