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by Stephen Budiansky

1. Pierce, “Journal,” 26, 30; Horsman, “Paradox of Dartmoor”; Palmer, Diary, 136, 141, 151–52.

  2. Palmer, Diary, 159–60, 165, 171, 176; Andrews, Prisoners’ Memoirs, 85–86.

  3. Palmer, Diary, 179; Browne, Yankee Privateer, 266.

  4. Waterhouse, Journal, 226, 231, 234; Palmer, Diary, 182; Adams, Dartmoor Prison, 16–17. The British and American authorities conducted a joint investigation of the massacre that ended up being mostly a whitewash, the American commissioner admitting that “considering it of much importance that the report … should go out under our joint signatures,” he had “forborne to press some of the points.” The American prisoners wrote their own eloquent if impassioned reply setting forth their version of events. All are reprinted in Waterhouse, Journal, 239–56.

  5. “Reminiscences of Dartmoor,” 24: 520.

  6. Palmer, Diary, 219–20; Browne, Yankee Privateer, 302; Andrews, Prisoners’ Memoirs, 120.

  7. “Reminiscences of Dartmoor,” 24: 522, 524.

  8. King quoted in Hickey, War of 1812, 308.

  9. Gore quoted in Adams, Second Administration of Madison, III: 59.

  10. Hickey, War of 1812, 307.

  11. James, Naval History, VI: 106.

  12. Naval Chronicle 33 (1815): 295–96.

  13. Papers Delivered from the Admiralty Relative to the War with America, p. 198, John W. Croker to R. Bickerton, May 31, 1813, CO 42/160, TNA.

  14. Reid, Consequences of Treaty of Paris, 11–12; Petrie, Prize Game, 141–42.

  15. Adams, Second Administration of Madison, I: 19–20.

  16. Hickey, War of 1812, 303–4.

  17. Humphreys, Journal, 19, 23–25.

  18. Charles Stewart to secretary of the navy, May 15, 1815, in Brodine, Crawford, and Hughes, Interpreting Old Ironsides, 106–8; Whipple, Letters, 21; Humphreys, Journal, 31.

  19. “The Frigate Constitution,” Salem Gazette, May 30, 1815.

  20. AC, 13th Cong., 3rd sess. (February 18, 1815), 255–56.

  21. “A Good One!” Yankee, August 4, 1815.

  22. AC, 13th Cong., 3rd sess. (November 15, 1814), 1834; (November 8, 1814), 542–48.

  23. Carter, “Mathew Carey,” 184–87; Bauer, “Naval Shipbuilding,” 34.

  24. Long, “Board of Commissioners,” 66, 76.

  25. Isaac Chauncey to Oliver H. Perry, July 30, 1813, NW1812, II: 530–31; Hickey, Don’t Give Up the Ship, 189–90.

  26. Long, Nothing Too Daring, 181–83.

  27. Long, “Barron–Decatur Duel,” 43–44.

  28. Hull quoted in Maloney, Captain from Connecticut, 274–75.

  29. Bainbridge quoted in ibid., 277, 279.

  30. Hull quoted in ibid., 280; Rodgers quoted in Long, Ready to Hazard, 210.

  31. Long, “Barron–Decatur Duel,” 46–47.

  32. James Barron to James Monroe, March 8, 1819, James Barron papers, WMSC; Morris, Autobiography, 102–3; Stephen Decatur to Barron, November 30, 1819, Barron Papers, WMSC.

  33. Long, “Barron–Decatur Duel,” 49.

  34. Adams quoted in Tucker, Stephen Decatur, 182–83.

  35. Eckert, “William Jones,” 182.



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